F3 Knoxville

Hurt Lap

THE SCENE: Perfect

  • SSH IC x 20
  • Windmill IC x 10
  • BA Circ IC x 5
  • Twist the Trunk OYO
  • Stretch it out

First Nation Run to the track. This fell apart quickly… Run 1 lap (Hot Lap) – perform exercises – Run 2 laps perform exercises. Repeat until Recover is called. Exercises are below:

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Merkins
  • 15 Squats
  • 20 Crabbettes
  • 25 American Hammers

10 Merkins, 10 BBS – Descending to 0 (9,9,8,8 etc.)
A Hand full of dudes +1
Junk delivered this:

Don’t be religious
When people in our society use the word “religious“ they think it means for someone to have faith in something or to be involved in one religion or another. That’s not what it means.
Humans by their very nature are constantly measuring themselves, most frequently against other humans. We can’t help it. It’s built into how we see the world and it’s part of why we have such a hard time relating to God, because we can never measure ourselves against him.
Instead we constantly measure ourselves against each other, choosing to see the things that make us look the best and ignore the things that make us look the worst. We make excuses for our shortcomings and pat ourselves on the back for our perceived areas of success or excellence.
This is religion. Religion requires rules and a constant measuring of oneself against a standard. The biggest challenge with that is that very quickly we begin measuring other people against the standard of us.
This happens in every religion. They’re not in an offer in escape from this, save one.
Jesus came to abolish religiosity in favor of rebirth, transformation of how we think. God doesn’t want more religious people, he wants converts. People who’s understanding and outlook on the world is fundamentally changed to one that seeks to glorify God instead of oneself. Men and women who recognize we can never earn salvation and therefore he’s not breeding us based on how many rules we have followed and how well we “toe the line.” Jesus said this clear as day. Man looks on the outward appearance (the rules, the way we look, posturing, judging)… but God looks on the heart. He cares about who you are not what you look like or the facade you put out there. He wants your heart, a renewing of your mind and a filling with His spirit – the behaviors follow naturally.

5 exercises and Run laps to avoid a mile long burpee broad jump Mayberry penalty Q. Deal.

Lots of talk about getting Woke this morning. Felt the most woke about Junk’s word on acting religiously.

The Hot Lap turned into the Hurt Lap courtesy of Excite.


Work Day coming up & Off the Chain!

Welcome to TabaTa!

THE SCENE: Rainy – Meet at the Pav-A-Lon

I forgot my Weinke in the car so Tweet-E & Ribbed helped out. Then finished with some Tempo Merkins & of course – Cherry Pickers.
Welcome to TabaTa! Tabata = 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Each Tabata is 4 minutes or 8 total rounds. We did two exercises per Tabata. Each Tabata had a 1 minute Interlude in between.

  • Tabata 1
    • Imperial Walkers & Shoulder Taps
  • Tabata 2
    • Single Leg Burpee (no merkin) & Dips
  • Tabata 3
    • Pull-ups (assisted or hangs) & HRR Merkins
  • Tabata 4
    • Squat Hops & Crabbettes (I want to call it the Crab & Grab)
  • Tabata 5
    • Plank Reach Throughs & Side Raises (surprisingly difficult)
  • Tabata 6
    • American Hammers & Mountain Climbers
  • I’m out of Tabatas so let’s run up to the gate and back. Also gives us street cred for working out in the rain.
  • Tabata 7 (from the hip)
    • DOMO Squats & BBS

Broga – Stretch those hips & glutes out
Four Horsemen
From As a Man Thinketh – “A change of Diet will not help a person who will not change his thoughts. When a person makes his thoughts pure, he no longer desires impure food.” – James Allen

Stress eating, grazing, overeating, overindulging – call it what you will. This is something that I have struggled with for my entire life. Judge’s comments in the weekly newsletter motivated me to talk about it in the COT. A devotional or article that I came across in the last couple of months told me that when we surrender to Christ that we are FREE from all SIN in our life. Whatever we are holding onto is something that we haven’t yet surrendered. This is my stress eating habit. I was praying into it and felt like I was given permission to eat “all that is Holy”. What is all that is Holy? I ask God in a jokingly manner – “everything you pray over” is what came to mind next.

Man, what a realization!!?! I never pray over the handfuls of candy, or scoop(s) of peanut butter that I find myself eating. I never pray over my 3rd or 4th cup of coffee and never I have asked God to bless a 2nd helping of Ice Cream.

What if instead of just impulsively eating whatever carbohydrate or sugar laced item I can find… I said a prayer and asked God to bless it? Can it really be this simple? I tell you, like most rewarding things in my life. It is that simple, at least it seems to be, but it’s not easy. I wish I could tell you that I have absolutely mastered it and have given this sin away to be free once & for all from it’s grasps. Instead I tell you, that I’m in the middle of the fight. I’m in the battle. I’m still getting beat up. But… I’m glad to be in the fight!

According to James Allen, it starts with making my thoughts pure.

Tabata is great way to push yourself. It’s only 20 seconds of work… how hard could that be? Apparently there are some good Tabata Timers out there and I don’t have to use the prerecorded, covers that these dudes were jazzed about.
Wesley House workday coming up, Off the Chain – keep your brothers in your Prayers!

Blame it on the Rain…that never came

THE SCENE: Perfect

  • Take a lap around the island
  • SSH IC x 20
  • Squats (4ct) IC x 10
  • Merkins (4ct) IC x10
  • BA Circ FWD/BWD IC x 5
  • Cherry Picker IC x 5
  • Free Stretch – Whatever serves you best

Mosey to the Far Soccer Field

  • Cones are set up 10 yards N/S 30 yards E/W – Perform exercise and run the remaining length of the field to finish. The movement from cone to cone resembles a switchback or a level in Donkey Kong.
    • Round 1
      • Run N/S – Gorilla Shuffle E/W
    • Round 2
      • Bear Crawl N/S – Karaoke E/W
    • Round 3
      • Burpee Broad Jump N/S – Smurf Jack E/W (looked more like a squatting bird)
  • Unbroken – All PAX starts at the corner of the soccer field. Perform Exercise to failure and then take a lap around the field. Perform each exercise x3 before moving to the next. AMRAP 20 Minutes
    • Shoulder Taps to failure x3
    • Squat Hops x3
    • Heel Tap Mountain Climbers x3
    • Exercise cadence looks like this:
      • Shoulder taps to failure
      • Run a lap
      • Shoulder taps to failure
      • Run a lap…
      • You get it!!
  • Mosey back to the AO
    • Perform the Following exercises & reps OYO
      • 50 Squat Hops
      • 100 Walking Lunges
      • 150 SSH
      • 100 BBS
      • 50 Squat Hops

The BBS checked this box.

A Dirty Dozen – One PAX downrange from Denver…North Carolina – Welcome Mater!
Picked up the Q Source for some inspiration. The last section in the QS is all about growing an effective Lizard Organization. A couple of key notes are: Effective Organizations are built through Relationships – Not Rules. A Man who is Freed to Lead only needs Purpose to drive him forward. Too many rules are like shackles. Q Source gave the example of how Jesus was the original model of a Lizard Organization. In Matthew you can read about Jesus’ 2 Commandments that he gave. (Paraphrasing) Love the Lord God with all of your Heart, your Soul & Mind. 2nd – Love your neighbor as yourself. Matt 22:34-40

Driving to Coffeeteria I realized that I missed the opportunity to talk about reflection in our organization. AKA our family unit. Are we building our family unit through relationship or through rules? Is our family purpose so big and clear that our M’s & 2.0’s are “Freed to Lead”? Or do we just have rules? The next circle would be our job or place of employment. Although we may not be able to affect change from the top down in our work organizations, we can vow to maximize relationships where we’re at. We can create and grow healthy relationships with our co-workers and team.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

We had a solid showing of PAX this morning. Including our Unicorns Doubtfire & Tank. The PAX were completely ready to be Merkining ourselves silly, while having buckets of rain poured on us. However, it was beautiful, sunny and amazing morning to be outside with some sweaty dudes.

Wesley House Workout, Work day & Off the Chain CSAUP – Check slack for details.

A WaxJob CMUesday

THE SCENE: Like Blind Melon says…No Rain. But…it was very Hummm Id.

Warm up stuff
Partner up. Each Grab a CMU. One partner does a Farmers walk with both CMUs while other does 10 burpees and catches up to swap. Stop at the bottom of the steps leading to Dwayne Johnson. Do curls, tris, and presses x10 each. Then run and touch Dwayne and back. Repeat 3 rounds.

Farmers walk again around the island w/ partner doing 5 burpees this time. At bottom steps stop and do: 10 cross over CMU planks, 10 CMU swings, 10 squat to press then do a 1/2 lap around island coming down the steps. Repeat 3 times.
Farmers Walk with partners again w/5 burpees to just past “the boat”. Carry your own CMU back to the AO doing different carry styles on the way.

I-beam took over with some flutters, BBS, Hello Dollys, and more BBS all while suspending a CMU above your noggin.
16 pax including 2 FNGs that Driftwood brought with him from work while they were in town. “Forgetta Bout It” and “Schnitzel”
Sacrifice. I-beam spoke about our friend WaxJob’s relentless service and sacrifices that he makes for others by putting himself behind everyone else. A true HIM that we should look at for inspiration. Prayed for his mother-in-law and family. Prayers for Biscuits dad and the tragedy that happed on the lake with the teenager and older man.
So the Q was very much winded during the work out. I haven’t been out too much lately and the humidity was quite a shock to my system. I was encouraged to keep going harder by several of the PAX, specifically the freak of nature Tweet-e! One of the things that F3 is so attractive to others is the fact that we push each other to do better. Working out or trying to get fit on our own is very difficult. If I was by myself today I definitely would have stopped and probably not have finished the full workout. Probably would’ve gone and got a biscuit too! So for this PAX member, I’m truly grateful for the rest of the PAX pushing me to keep going.

Dog Pound Tree Biscuit

  • Welcome: 43 degrees –
  • Warmup:  10 SSH, 10 Windmills, 10 Cherry Pickers
  • Workout:  The Tree Biscuit
    • As a group, Run to an un-slapped tree, slap it, everyone call out the running burpee total,  do A single burpee, repeat.
    • Rules:
      1. One Tag: A tree only gets tagged once
      2. Scale = Skip: Skip a burpee if you need to but stay with the pack always.
      3. Tag Turns: Be sure to take turns tagging/slapping a tree
      4. Cadence Call Out: The group also calls out the running total, not just the tagger. The tagger calls it out first though. the louder the better.
      5. No Shrubs: Don’t waste time & energy on shrubs – skip the shrubs – tag the trees
      6. No Poison Ivy: Pass trees that are surrounded by shrubs, ivy, waist high grass.
      7. Terrain Caution:  Be careful when running not to twist and ankle – trees have lots of bumpy roots around them.  And don’t hit your face on a rock or root when doing a burpee in the dirt.
      8. Milestones Celebrations: At 50, 100, 150, 200 make sure the group catches up and circles around the tree, wait a few seconds. Do the burpee.  Celebrating these milestones adds to the encouragement factor.
    • Previous Tree Biscuits:
  • Wrap – up:
    • The Spirit and the Flesh struggle:
      • Romans: 7:19 For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want. 20 But if I am doing the very thing I do not want, I am no longer the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me.
      • Galations 5:17 For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please.
      • Numbers: 15:39It shall be a tassel for you to look at and remember all the commandments of the Lord, so as to do them and not follow after your own heart and your own eyes, after which you played the harlot,