F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: mid 30s

Man makers

Cherry pickers
Everyone gets a cmu and take it to the backbone.  Get battle buddies.

Backbone is base.  Everytime you are at base do

25 curls, 25 oh press, 10 pull ups or hangs

Escaletor.  5 stations around base of hill.  Run to first station, do the exercise, run back to base.

next time,  run to cone 1 and complete exercise,  then run to 2 and complete the exercise then back to base.

proceed as escalator for all 5 cones.

Cone 1 close to sign at bottomofmatterhorn- 20 squats

Cone 2 at the boats- 20 merkins

cone 3 at corner- 20 BBD

cone 4 at  bottom of stairs- 20 Burpees

cone 5 at Dwayne the rock – 20 derkins

Ran out of time

Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Intent matters

THE SCENE: 34 and cool

Everyone needs a coupon

A Burpee

A Blocky

Some of these some of those

cherry pickers

Insert information about the workout.

  • 4 stations with a partner AMRAP one partner does the exercise while the other runs up and back to the next station.
  • first station
    • Curls
    • OHP
    • Murder bunnies
  • Second station
    • lunges
    • Wojo Squats
    • Mountain Climbers
  • Third station
    • Burpee’s
    • man makers
    • Hand release merkins
  • Fouth station
    • Freddie mercury’s
    • V-ups
    • Pickle Pounders

Live with Intention in our lives. A friend of mine is struggling with stage 4 cancer and now is paralyzed. He wants to live with intent for the remainder of his life. even if it’s short. Because this life it work laying aside for the glories that Christ. Live with Intent this week.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

Don’t stop truckin

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

Insert information about the warmup.

Mosey to Field 2 for some Krakken
cone in center of field. Cones at 4 corners and 2 on each sideline. Do exercise and qty listed at cone then run to center cone and more to next cone. Keep going till you do two laps or Q says stop. Exercises are:
Imperial walkers 3 ct  x25, merkins x40, SSHx50, , dry docks x40, low squats x20, dips on bench x20, wide Merkins x25,  toe touch planks x20
After completing 1st round run around the perimeter of field and then start second round.

Mosey back to the AO to play some memory. Make a match just do the exercise once and run down to the other end of the parking lot. Don’t make a match, do both exercises and run down to the end of the parking lot.

Stuff on  the ground

6 pax quidditch not tagged

Make a list of how you serve others. Are you happy with it? Is your obituary going to be a few sentences or a few paragraphs?

this week I was asked why we do back blasts. And my answer was so people can see what we did and pretend like they’re going to do it at home if they missed. Or people want to see who was at the work out, or they would like to use it another time, or for no reason at all. I told him I’d like to do backblast because I like to write all kinds of weird stuff like the fact I saw a cat that was the largest cat I’ve ever seen this morning. It was white with black spots. it looked like a friendly cat. If I was a cat I think we would be friends. I often wonder about being a cat myself. What would I look like. Would I have a personality like a cat or would I have a personality like a dog. I think I would like to be a cat with a dogs personality. I think that would be funny. Do you like funny things? I like to laugh. Laughing is good. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Do you like soup? Soup is delicious. I’m just kidding I don’t like soup. I like sandwiches. F3 is fun except for when it’s really hard. Then it’s not so much fun. Sometimes I feel like I’m a bird and I can fly way. Again I am kidding, birds creep me out, I’d much rather be a dragon. I hope you have enjoyed reading this. Adios amigos.

Meal train- Butters, Maryville launch

Touching Dwayne and doin laps


We did some side straddle Hops because it is mandatory at every F3 work out, we did some push-ups we did some Rockettes, and we did some cherry pickers for the old men including me.
X marks the spot (for not necessarily pain stations but slightly uncomfortable stations that some people may not find that uncomfortable, but some people might so we’re going to call them not necessarily pain stations.)

at every exit along the loop you do the following exercises adding one quantity at each X. Start with Merkins and do one on first X 2 on second X etc. Total of 10 Xs. at X 5 run up hill to touch Dwayne (The Rock) and back down to continue loop. Change exercise each lap. They are:

  • Merkins
  • Squat jumps
  • Shoulder tap Merkins
  • Lunges per leg
  • Arm raise Merkins

We circled up for some plank ring around the Rosie. Doing push-ups each time someone completes a lap. Then we did some leg raises and V ups.
10 pax
I didn’t have anything formally prepared but I wanted to speak to the packs about service. We have a God given gift as men to help others. Often times we don’t look for ways to serve but wait until they’re given to us. I challenge them in to look at Waze this week and try and find opportunities to serve someone else. Whether it be talking to someone that needs help, bringing food to someone, whatever. Just look for opportunities. Then butters shared about a woman he met through his work that needs help With food while she is down with a hip injury.
It has been several weeks since I have been out to the dog pound or any F3 work out for that matter, and before that I was very sporadic. I’ve been dealing with several injuries as well as straight up laziness. I miss the camaraderie and they work out very much. My day was so much better after working out although I am pretty darn sore today. It was also great to see @underhand out there again after a two-year hiatus.
Maryville launch announcement,

Zero Burpees

THE SCENE: Mid 30s, balmy compared to yesterday.

As promised on Slack, we started out with Zero burpees. Then:
25x SSH IC
2 Burpees OYO
5x Cherry Pickers IC
4 Cobra Burpees OYO
15x Tennessee Rocking Chairs IC
6 Burpees OYO
10 Hindurkins IC
8 Burpees OYO
15x LBAC each way plus OHC IC
10 Burpees OYO

Head to the pee rocks to pick up a coupon.
Mosey to the speed bump.
Dung Beetle from the speed bump to the light pole.
Continue mosey to the parking lot entrance by the base of Matterhorn.
8 cones w/ exercise, about 10yd apart, are laid out down the parking lot, starting about 50yd from the entrance.
Place all coupons at the first cone. Everyone returns to the entrance.
Partner up, one does exercise while the other runs to the coupons, advancing his coupon by 2 Burpee Broad Jumps. Return and switch.
Once your coupon reaches the next cone, change exercise to the one at that cone.
Monkey Humpers
Ice Skaters
Mountain Climbers
Predator Jacks
8-Count Body Builders

Mosey back with coupons.

25x Freddie Mercury IC (thanks, Mayberry)
15x Gas Pumpers IC
10x Side Crunch each side IC
Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
18 strong including one FNG! Welcome Sharkbite (Dave Nichols)
Zechariah 8:16 – These are the things that you shall do: Speak the truth to one another; render in your gates judgments that are true and make for peace;

Glad someone could finally get Nichols out here… Also, thanks to I-Beam for handling the Name-O-Rama, pic, and FNG duties as I left my phone back at the sign…