F3 Knoxville

To Pav or not to PAV, that is the question

THE SCENE: It wasn’t raining, it rained, it wasn’t raining

SSH, Merkins, cherry-picking and shoulder burners
Mosey to the steps. At the steps there is a deck of cards, each suit is a different exercise. They are

  • Clubs = Merkins
  • Diamonds= squats
  • Hearts= dry docks
  • Spades= lunges

if you get a face card you have to do the following before you do 10 of the exercise.

King, run up and around the rock and back. Queen, run around the island. Jack run down to the intersection and back. Ace, Do 10 of every exercise.
Draw a card and do the exercise and quantity. Everyone works together at the beginning and then as we start separating, draw your own personal card. Come together and start doing exercises as a group again.

mosey back to the Ayo in an Indian run. Stop for 30 incline Merkins on the rail

40 flutter kicks, 20 V ups, yes 20 fire hydrants
18 pax
The word for today was about leaning on each other. Trusting each other and helping each other through difficult times. Not being timid about reaching out to someone when you are struggling. F3 is made for that. The work out this morning was based on a group and then separating out to yourself and coming back together as a group. Everyone worked a little bit harder when they were with the group than on their own. #isi
It was great being back out at the dog pound. Great mumble chatter and we were able to avoid the rain for most of the work out.


THE SCENE: Foggy but nice.

Cherry Pickers, Windmills, TN Rock’n Chair, Tempo Merkins, Temp Squats, Dancing Bear
The warm-up came to an end quickly.

  • AO-Flag Parking Lot Circuit – 25 Burpees, Run a Lap, 50 Merkins, Run a Lap, 75 Squats, Run a Lap, 100 SSH, Run a Lap.
  • Soccer Field DORA: Battle-Buddy Up – 200 Merkins, 150 Seal Squats – Recovery Run to Mid-Field and back.
  • Concrete Bleachers: Stairway to Calve Heaven – 25 Calf Raises every step (4 total), Box Jumping to next step every time. 3 Rounds for a total of 300 calf raises.
  • Mosey to Playground – Same Battle-Buddies – One runs length of parking lot and performs 3 Double Burpees before returning to start.  Other partner performs 10 Pull-ups, 15 Merkins, 20 Dips. 2 Rounds each.
  • Soccer Field: Bear Crawl entire length of field.
  • Long mosey back to AO Flag

15 Strong + 2 FNGs
It’s an age old question and one of the biggest reasons why people reject God – the problem of suffering.  If God were so loving, why would He allow us to suffer? You hear a lot: “Well, I just don’t know why this is happening to me” or “God just doesn’t answer the question of why we suffer” or “I don’t deserve this.” There are times (I believe few) when we just don’t know why we are suffering but to say God does not answer this question is just plain false. Don’t trust me – my words have little weight.  Trust the God of the Universe – His do:

1) Because of SINRomans 3:12, Mark 10:18.  There are no good people, not even one He says.  There is a song out by Luke Bryan that states “I believe most people are good.”  Luke Bryan doesn’t know Scripture.  God says not only the opposite but that NO ONE is good. All have turned away.  Sometimes I’ll hear “I just don’t deserve this.”  That’s right, you deserve worse. In my own life, I’m not shocked by the suffering when it comes.  What I’m shocked by is His overwhelming grace.  We deserve His wrath.  We do not deserve His grace.  King David’s life was filled with sin and the awful consequences of it – loss of an infant, wars with his children, never got to see the temple built.  Sometimes we suffer because of our sin.

2)  To Warn Others1 Kings 2.  As David did on his deathbed to his son, Solomon. “Be strong, act like a man, and observe what the Lord your God requires: walk in obedience to Him, and keep His decrees and commands, his laws and regulations…..”

3) To Affirm Our Commitment to Christ – 2 Timothy 3:12, 1 Peter 1:6-7.  If you are trying to live a Godly life, you WILL face persecution.  When it comes, you shouldn’t pray for the suffering to go away but that God will give you the boldness to do what He has called you to do.

4) To Produce Steadfastness, Endurance and Character – James 1:2-3. Have you ever considered that suffering may be for your own good?  “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything.” Want to get a good workout in spiritually, try suffering.

5) To Recalibrate Our Focus on Heaven – Romans 8:18-19.  Suffering can make us yearn for our real home – Heaven, with Jesus as King. “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.  For creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.”

6) To Humble Us – 2 Corinthians 12:7.  The Apostle Paul was shipwrecked, beaten, imprisoned, mocked, rebuked by his kinsmen, and ultimately beheaded for Jesus.  “Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me. I pleaded with the Lord three times to take it away from me.  But, He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

When suffering comes we have two options: 1) We can reject God or 2) We can run to Him, embrace Him, and allow Him to transform us.  I REALLY like option 2.


Truck stop

THE SCENE: 58, low humidity, BEAUTIFUL morning

Grady corns

Cherry pickers

Nickel,  dime, quarter

At each light do merkins, BBS, squats.  Reps are 5, 10, 25.  Pax can switch up the reps and exercise as long as they do 5, 10 and 25 reps.

1st light, 5 merkins,  10 BBS, 25 squats.

2nd light could be 5 squats, 10 merkins,  25 squats.

Watt Rd field, reverse sea biscuit

Start with 5 burpees, 10 merkins,  15 squats, then run a lap.   Increase the reps by 5 for the 2nd round, then run 1 lap.   Increase the reps each round up to 20 burpees, 25 merkins and 30 squats then start reducing the reps by 5 until you are back to 5 burpees,  etc.

Bottom of the hill for 7s.

Derkins & CDD

Mosey to the AO

La-Z-Boy – American hammers

I-beam – ab cycle

Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Rain activates the urine on pee rocks

THE SCENE: Light rain, the faint smell of skunk and dog urine hovering in the misty morning air

SSH, Shoulder burners, Merkins, cherry pickers
List of stuff you have to do In qty of 20-15-10-5. First round 20 second round 15 etc. After completing all exercises, run a lap around the big parking lot at AO and back to the outhouse For round 2. Exercises are:

  • Merkins
  • Squats w/CMU
  • Imperial Walkers 4ct
  • Dry Docks
  • Rockettes
  • shoulder tap merks
  • CMU overhead presses

Mosey to the line of cones in lot. Spaced 30 yds apart. Do 7’s. Over and back CMU merks and squat jumps.

then lunge 10 steps with CMU, drop it and run to end line, back to start and back to CMU to go forward 10 more lunges. Repeat until you reach the fence.
One leg bridges x20
13 (12 with an FNG who had to leave early so we didn’t name him)
Be the person you say you are. Let your actions be what people see not your words.
Driftwood loves the smell of dog urine in the morning……it reminds him of Victory!
HHOCR. Build day get teams together already!!!

Around the World

THE SCENE: Nice and cool

SSH x20 (4ct IC)
-hip flexors
-tempo squat x5 (8ct IC)
-some of these/some of those
-a little of this/a little of that

Mosey around baseball fields

Partner suicides x1
-one partner burpees
-one partner does parking lot suicides

Go while people on Kenya are running

America – Navy seal burpees/merkins
Turkey – Turkish get ups/pistol squats
Romania – Romanian deadlifts/up-downs
Bulgaria – Bulgarian split squats/walking lunges
Eqypt -shpynx push ups/tricep push ups
India -hindu push ups/CCD
Kenya -run around the field/jump rope
Russia – full KB swings/ Russian KB swings
Canada – bear crawl across field/hold low bear position
Ireland -“bar”bell snatches/cleans/highpulls

Australia – Handstand holds 3x30seconds/elevated pike

Enter to worship, leave to serve

The happiest of people don’t have the best of everything, they make the best of everything