F3 Knoxville

Rain = pavalon work

THE SCENE: low 50’s, rain, wind.  Pretty gloomish.



  • Mosey to 2 Rivers church
  • squats
  • merkins
  • this/that stretches


  • 11’s:   Decline merkins & thruster merkins
  • 11’s:  squat jumps & increasing timed wall sit
  • dips & crunches in increasing reps of 10

N/a, lots of abs in the last exercise we did

5:  Cosmo, Cornhole, Sparky, Mayberry, Bartman
“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.”   Millions of people around the country are in the first week of their “get healthier” new year resolution…most of them will fizzle out over the next two weeks largely because they try to do it alone.  I am thankful for the brotherhood and accountability of F3 and it’s ability to keep me from being a flash in the pan when it comes to fitness.

Kind of an impromptu Q because of the rain.  Thanks to the good folks at 2 Rivers Church for letting us use their covered areas so we could stay dry.


Episode I was definitely the worst

THE SCENE: 50 degrees and clear

Mosey around the island, SSH, Merkins, squats, plank jacks, tho and that’s and rockettes

mosey to the soccer field for a Star Wars episode workout. 9 episodes. Each episode has an exercise with a qty of 10.  Do exercise and run to other sideline on the field. Repeat 3 times  each episode. Episodes are… (i may be off some)

  • I – burpees (because it was the worst one of all 9 episodes, mainly because of Jar Jar Binks
  • II – Merkins
  • III – inch worms
  • IV – squat jumps
  • IIV – star jacks
  • V – BBS
  • VI – Burpees (because of the Ewoks)
  • VII- Merkins
  • VIII – shoulder tap Merkins
  • IX – ?

we stopped half way and came back to it later as it was getting boring.

Mosey to other side lot and did 7s  with pull-up rows and shoulder tap Merkins.

mosey to bottom field. Jumped over the wooden barrier fence at each post all the way to the end. Balance beam after that for a 1/4 of it.

Mosey to circle on field. Ring of fire. Hold plank as one member of the pax runs around jumping over each other member. Do one Merkin and add one every time you get jumped. Total of 8 rounds.

mosey back and try to finish the episodes till time ends.

Sparky led the group in some Ab exercises and some Peter Parkers
8 pax in attendance

“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:3-4‬ ‭

The Q has had a good run without an injury but alas, all good things must come to an end. This Q is writing this backblast with 600mg of ibuprofen and a muscle relaxer in him. I figured out that I would rather do 100 burpees with the pax than watch them work hard sidelined with a back injury. Coffeteria was great with everyone attending. ANNOUNCEMENTS:
New Years Party this Friday.

12 DOC


  • Mosey around the can x2
  • SSH IC * 15
  • BA Cir IC * 10
  • Imperial Walkers IC * 15
  • Cherry Pickers (DP Style) IC * 5

Grab a CMU – Handed out the exercises one at a time to the PAX like presents. Did the exercise on the card and the previous rounds like the Song. On the 1st day of Christmas my Q gave to me…

  • 1 – World’s Greatest Merkin
  • 2 – Captain Thor’s
  • 3 – Iron Mike’s
  • 4 – Plank Jack’s
  • 5 – Burpee Tuck Jumps
  • 6 – Bobby Hurley’s
  • 7 – Thrusters Thrusting
  • 8 – Caterpillars Crawling
  • 9 – Supermen-a-swimming
  • 10 – Legs a lunging
  • 11 – Curls and Presses
  • 12 – Body Builders



A friend told me that 2019 had a lot of hard times with a lot of precious moments in between. I couldn’t agree more. It was on some of those hardest days for me that I would happen to find a bracelet that my daughter made. It’s stored on the same hook as my keys and seemed to slip off when I grabbed them on the hardest of days. It says, “Pray”. Those beads stopped me and reminded me where my strength is found.

You should have seen the boys’ face light up with each present. Who knew we could harmonize so well?



THE SCENE: Mid 40s and damp

Cherry Pickers, LBACF, LBACB, CDD, TN Rockin Chair, Squats.
Mosey toward MRSA Field, stopping for a short bear crawl. At MRSA Field, perform the Double Quarter-Pounder (Run 25yd do 25 Merkins – Bernie back, Run 50 yds do 50 squats – Bernie back, Run 75yds do 75 Mountain Climbers – Bernie back, Run 100yds do 100 SSH – Bernie back, Repeat all for a total of two rounds.

Mosey to Field 2, continue running the 4 corners, stopping at corner 1 and 3 for 10 Jump Squats and Increasing 8ct BBs at comers 2 and 4.

Mosey to Rail Bars at water station: 11s – Pullups at station, Donkey Kicks at bottom.

Slowsy to playground for AMRAP: 5 Pullups, 10 Merkins, 15 dips

Mosey to bridge: PAX stack shoulder to shoulder holding Al Gores. Last man runs or traverses in any way he wishes to front. Continue in rotating fashion until bridge is crossed.  We had some bear crawls, burpee broadjumps, lunges, ninja rolls (Waxjob), and more.

Cosmo tortured the men while the Q gathered his cones on MRSA Field.  Q returned and led about 2 minutes of Pickle Pounders, SSHs.
7 HIMs
Phillipians 4:7

The Q shared 5 practical steps that have helped him battle the “kaos” of life and cultivate an inner peace that surpasses understanding:

1. Surrender to total trust in Christ – this settles once and for all the ultimate question of where you will spend eternity.

2. Believe God’s sovereignty rules over all, including your life (all over the Bible).  This removes any fear or anxiety about your life and what happens to you.

3. Trust the Lord to meet all of your needs. This eliminates all concerns with not having enough.

4. Maintain a clear conscience. This protects the inner peace that you have.

5. Accept the way God made you. This prevents the stress and anxiety of trying to change things beyond your control.

Prayers for Mrs. Junk

Change of scenery helps

THE SCENE: 33 degrees and beautiful

Run in a circle and do hand claps, Merkins, rockettes, squats

mosey to the hockey rink with 1 CMU per 2 people.

Partner up. 1 does exercise while 2 does suicides to each line (5). At line do one burpee. Exercises are:

  • OH Press
  • curls
  • Swing clean and press
  • Tris
  • Rows

Mosey to side lot by road. Repeat but run to 3 cones for burpee suicides (50 yds long)

mosey to tennis courts, repeat with 3 suicide burpees

20 seconds of flutters
14 pax. No tag for ADIDAS but he was there killing it!

Does choosing to lose come naturally to us? No way! Most of us struggle. We love to win, and we go to great lengths to avoid second place.

Think about it:

  • The Miss America Pageant has gotten creative with second place; they call it “first runner-up.” We all know it’s a euphemism for second.
  • How about first in line for the throne? Read some history books and see what happens to that guy. Second in line takes him out.

For most of us, second place isn’t easy because it means we are second to someone who beat us. Biblical love—choosing to be second—isn’t the default setting for many of us.

Consider all the debate surrounding Ephesians 5:22, which has been translated, “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you to do the Lord.” Did you know the word submit isn’t in the original Greek translation of Ephesians 5:22? It actually reads, “Wives, to your husbands as to the Lord.”

In fact, you have to back up a verse in the Greek in order to locate it. Ephesians 5:21 reads, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

Husbands, submit to your wives. Wives, submit to your husbands out of reverence for Jesus.

What exactly does it mean to submit? Hupotasso is the Greek word. Upo means “under.” Taso means “place.” Its voice indicates a voluntary action. So quite literally, this passage explains how husbands and wives can voluntarily place themselves second inside their marriage.

It’s a different way. A powerful way. It’s the secret to make your marriage grow for a lifetime. Make yourself purposely second in your relationships.

Nice work today by the PAX. Not much mumble chatter but if they were like me, they were trying to catch their breath.
3rd F, veterans home donations