F3 Knoxville

Never ending TABATA

THE SCENE: Fairly humid and warm for 5:30 AM

A quick welcome to F3. Let all know to push themselves not hurt themselves..remimded all I am not a professional

Cherry pickers 4 count 5x, arm circles forward 10x then reverse 10x, side straddle hops 4 count 15x

TABATA workout. 60 seconds of work followed by 20 seconds of rest.

Roll first dice to select exercise then 2nd dice to determine number of rounds

Use a CMU for weight on overhead exercises and American hammers

Rounds were as follows

  • American hammers (6 rounds)
  • Overhead lunges (5 rounds)
  • Markins (4 rounds)
  • Clean and press (5 rounds)
  • Merkins (2 rounds)
  • Overhead squats (3 rounds)
  • Clean and press (2 rounds)
  • Plank hold (4 rounds)


Welcome to baloo from New Orleans

6 total PAX. Mayberry, Cavalier, Butters, Baloo, Waxjob and Crossbar
Make sure to enjoy and moments of rest you get and take advantage of every moment as life is short.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.

Pain with a partner

THE SCENE:  74 clear and humid

SSH, Merkins, Stretch, tempo squat
Workout took place with a parter, working together to complete 10 of each listed exercise followed by one partner running up around Dwayne Johnson while the other partner ran around the island. The next set required a total of 20 reps of each exercise followed by a run and then 30, 40 and 50 before working back down to 40, 30, etc…

  • Burpees
  • CMU Curl and Press
  • CMU Lunge

Dry Docks, punitive burpees

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Lean hard on your spouse or friend or family because when you fall down its important to have that strong, braided cord to pull you back up. When we see couples weathering through difficult times and keeping their focus on God, that should be a reminder to us about the importance of drawing nearer to our spouse and showing them grace.

Great workout today, partners pushed each other hard and this ended up being a really tough one

Let’s Get Rocked – Recycle

THE SCENE: Gloomy & Humid with a slight drizzle to finish off the Q

Merkins 4ct IC x 10
BA Circles IC x 5/7?
Tempo Squat IC x 10
SSH IC x 25


(Ascending Burpees – Start with 1 and add one between every exercise.
The Thang
Pick up a couple of handheld Pee Rock’s or full on boulders (Ratchet)
Indian Run to Kory Hill & Grab a Battle Buddy
Circuit 1 – 3 rounds
Partner A – High Rows
Partner B – Runs Hill and performs 10 Manmakers run back and switch w/ partner
(Continuing Ascending Burpees)
Circuit 2 – 3 rounds
Partner A – Overhead Presses
Partner B – Runs Hill & performs 15 Squats – switch w/ partner
Circuit 3 2.5 Rounds
Partner A – Squat Jumps
Partner B – Smurf Jacks x20
Indian Run to base of Matterhorn – Cont. Burpees – appreciate Matterhorn and all her majesty.
Indian Run back to AO
Mosey to Outhouse
Descending Burpees then Wall Crawl (10 Burpees – Wall Crawl, 9 Burpees – Wall Crawl, etc.)
Saved by the Bell

No Mary, just burpees.
12 Pax pushed through today.
When we pulled up in front of Matterhorn, just the thought of what possible misery could be done on that beast was tough. Although we didn’t run up it, it was already hard. The biggest battle we fight is between our ears. We need to remember to invite God into those battles so we’re not standing alone against the enemy. Life can be relentless and if we’re not relentless, it can swallow us whole.


PAX worked hard today, the harder the workout got, the harder I saw these men push. Please keep our PAX in your prayers. Many of us are being called to be leaders for friends, family and neighbors that are going through hardships. Special shout-out to Stitches who is going through MEPS today.

Stay tuned for CSAUP info coming soon.

Heavy Things I Cannot See

THE SCENE: Upper 50s with a light breeze a.k.a freakin’ gorgeous

10 burpees OYO

9 burpees OYO

8 burpees OYO

7 burpees OYO

6 burpees OYO

5 burpees OYO

4 burpees OYO

3 burpees OYO

2 burpees OYO

10 burpees OYO

The PAX caught on to this quickly and whined consistently, but once you start Shock & Awe you can’t let off the throttle!
I requested the PAX bring some heavy things to play with today and they delivered a variety of coupons including medicine balls, a cannonball, some sandbags, dumbbells, and CMUs. We assembled into a straight(ish) line with every other PAX holding a coupon.

The PAX moseyed along until the poor soul carrying the 60# sandbag went silent. We then stopped to swap up who was carrying coupons. Each time we stopped to pass coupons we performed 40 reps of merkins, squats, dry docks, or star jacks at the Q’s discretion.

This continued until we reached the staircases. We dropped our coupons and Crawl Beared up the steps and then ran to the top. Once the 6 arrived, we bear crawled back down (including the steps, thanks to Mayberry’s good example) and picked up our coupons to continue towards the Pa-va-lon.

Inside the Pa-va-lon we performed 3 sets of the following

  • 10 x pull-ups
  • 15 x box jumps
  • 20 x dips
  • 25 x derkins

We picked up our coupons from here and rolled back to the AO with a few coupon swaps and then rocked a set of Shoulder Blasters for good measure.


I really regret we didn’t have time to shred our core. Guess I’ll make up for this on the next Q…



“The IMPACT (for good or bad) that a man has on his children cannot be underestimated

The quality of a man’s relationship with his children defines the quality of their relationships with everyone else for the rest of their lives. If he is absent, they will be distrustful. If he is capricious, they will be unjust. If he is cold, they will be withdrawn. But, if he is present, just and warm the HIM will have imprinted upon his children’s hearts a template of relational success upon which they can rely throughout their lives. They will in turn pass it on to their Shorties. In this way, the IMPACT is infinite.”

I discussed these words with the PAX and highlighted how important this relationship is. We often take the blessings of our 2.0s for granted amongst the stress and anxiety that comes with them, but it’s impossible overvalue how critical our relationship with our kids (and with our fathers, for that matter) really is.

Lot’s of new faces from the Aslyum and one PAX from Chicagoland. Thanks for trekking out to the Dog Pound, gents! Also, Shooter is welcome for the Phish reference in the title.

Crazy 48s

THE SCENE: 70s… Wet and muggy! Not raining though.

SSH x25 IC
Tempo merkins x10 IC
Rockettes x15 IC
Tie Fighters x10 each way IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Tempo CDD x10 IC

Insert information about the workout.
Start in the parking lot:
1 lap around the lot, 24 Merkins at each end for 48 total.

Mosey to the Watt Rd field:
1 lap, 12 Merkins and 12 Iron Mikes at each corner for 48 reps of each exercise.

Mosey back to field #1:
1 lap, 8 merkins, 8 Iron Mikes, 8 hand-release dry docks at each corner plus midfield for 48 reps

Mosey to the upper field:
1 lap, run in a figure 8 to make 8 stops
6 merkins, 6 Iron Mikes, 6 hand-release dry docks, and 6 8-count body builders at each stop for 48 reps

Sure doesn’t sound like much, but we’re outta time!

48x 4-ct Flutter Kicks IC
2 rounds Row your Boat
7 4-ct LBCs until time up!
12 PAX with one FNG knocked out a total of 356 Merkins and Dry Docks, according to Cornhole and Cosmo!
Today is my second F3versary… All of your HIMs have been a real encouragement to me, and I look forward to embracing the suck with you every time I post. I love you guys!
When I was planning this Q, I wasn’t sure about that last lap around the field… Only 6 reps? I was both pleasantly and unpleasantly surprised at the sufficiency of suck provided by those 6 reps!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.