F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Cool and Muggy

  • BA Cir IC x 10
  • SH Taps IC x 10
  • HR Merkins IC x 10
  • Plank Jacks IC x 10

Mosey with CMU to the rink. For some Ascending and Descending 7’s/11’s

  • 7’s HR Merkins
  • 11’s Curlz
  • 7’s Hand Slap Merkins
  • 11’s Flamingo
  • 7’s Burpees
  • 11’s Bobby Brick Hurley

A couple of Caterpillar Merkin Tapouts.
13 Strong
Today I get to celebrate 9 years with my bride. We’ve had a lot of highs and lows. But I am so thankful for the time we have had so far.
SuperOcho was running through again, the PAX bucked the 7/11 concept at first, but eventually we got some good work in.

Christmas in July

THE SCENE: 70ish degrees

SSH x20 IC
LB Arm Circles x12 each side IC
Squats (low and slow) x15 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
Half the HIMs grab a CMU and mosey over to Mt. Crumpet with a stop for 5 road block burpees. Bring the CMUs to the top and then grab a partner. First partner decorates the tree (City of Alcoa already had lights on there for us) while the second partner does exercises at the bottom of the hill.

On Crumpet:
Round 1 – Bear crawl up and start decorating with putting the CMU on the shelf (8 each side)
Round 2 – Bernie up and get the higher spots with overhead presses (x20)
Round 3 – Bear crawl up and get even higher with squat jumps (x20)
Round 4 – Bernie up and do Upright rows (just because) (x20)
Round 5 – Bear crawl up and get the ornament you dropped under the tree with 20 4 count flutter kicks
Round 6 – Bernie up and carefully lunge in to the tree to fix those last details (x20)

Bottom of Crumpet: (Do these exercises until your partner gets back)
Round 1 – Sprint to the road, lunge back
Round 2 – Merkins and Squats (20 and 20)
Round 3 – Sprint to road, inchworm merkin back
Round 4 – Shoulder taps and BBS (20 and 20)
Round 5 – Plank Jacks and Mountain Climbers (20 and 20)
Round 6 – Run to fountain and back, then do ankle touches

Grab the CMUs and mosey back to AO for Mary with another stop for 5 more road block burpees.

Captain Thor up to 5 and 20
Boxcutters x30 IC

15 men strong including men doing the OCHO! No FNGs.
I hear people talking about Christmas in July every year and they seem happy thinking about the euphoria that they feel at Christmas time and the food they want to eat and the presents and, of course, the sales. When Christmas time rolls around, you’ll hear people talking about “the reason for the season” and they will try to focus on Christ. I don’t hear people saying that in July. Statistically, church attendance goes down in the summer months as people go on vacation and focus on having kids home from school and places to go and people to see. I haven’t seen any statistics on this, but I imagine that prayer declines in the summer months as well. Christmas and Easter are the two most important days for a Christian. The day our savior was born, and the day that He gave his life on the cross for us. Just because those are the two most important days does not mean that we should be slacking the rest of the year. To me, Christmas in July is a reminder that we should be preparing ourselves to meet Christ. We need to focus throughout the entire year to get ready for his coming, not just two days.


Hot evening for Superocho

THE SCENE: Hot and humid, temps close to 90

20 Side-Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Bottle openers, 10 Windmills, Little of This, Little of That
Mosey to parking lot across the street and a little north of playground.  We will do the following exercises at each corner of the parking lot:

  • Southwest corner:  20 Merkins, then bear crawl to next corner.
  • Southeast corner:  20 Big Boys, then sprint to next corner.
  • Northeast corner:  20 Jump Squats, then bear crawl to next corner.
  • Northwest corner:  20 Squat, then sprint to next corner.

Rinse and repeat above but do Bernie Sanders instead of sprint.

Mosey to playground.  We will do the following exercises and run to the areas where exercises are to be performed:

  • Benches on playground:  20 Bench Jumps
  • Dugouts at ball field:  20 knees to chest while handing from overhead rafter in dugout.
  • Picnic tables in pavilion:  20 Picnic Table Pull-ups
  • Flag just north of pavilion:  20 Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey short distance to pavilion.  We will, with our backs to wall, do one minute squat.

Mosey to serpentine sidewalk that is south of parking lot located south of playground.  We will do “14’s” where we lunge to first light, run past next four lights, lung to next light, run past next four, etc. all the way to the perimeter trail.

Mosey to shaded area on perimeter trail just south of Cardiac Hill.  Do 20 American Hammers.  We will then run up Cardiac Hill, stopping to do the following exercises at the turns in the trail:

  • Turn one:  20 Flutter Kicks (four count)
  • Turn two:  20 Bicycle Kicks (four count)
  • Turn three:  20 Decline Merkins
  • Turn four:  20 Bench Lifts

Mosey to shaded area by stop sign at northeast corner of admin bldg.  20 Hello Dollies.

Mosey to AO.

Boat Canoe.
14 men.  We picked up a Flying EH who was our FNG.  He is Brian Pitstick whom we named “Sparkler.”
God made us.  We stand naked before God.  He knows every inch of us and knows everything about us.  So, why hide information from God?  When you pray, when you talk to God, reveal it all, everything.  He sees it anyway but wants a relationship with you and wants you to talk to Him about it.  He is there for you.  He understands you.  He loves you.  You need not hide from Him.

Morning Mosey

THE SCENE: Humid, about 70

Baby arm circles forward/back (4ct) x 15 each way

Overhead claps (4ct) x 15

Overhead air press (4ct) x 15

A little this/that and Michael Phelps

Hamstring stretch
About a 3.6 mile mosey along the riverfront and through downtown.  Various stops along the way for rest/exercise: 1 cliff hanger Merkins x 15. 2 cliff hanger Merkins x15 then hold plank while partner does 10 squats while holding other partners legs.  3 Squats (4ct) x 15.  4 flutter kicks 4(ct) x 15 and American hammers (4ct) x 10.  5 lunge bridge yellow line to yellow line.  6 5 big ball pull-ups.  Finish at AO.

No time.
25 HIMs.  No FNGs.  Moana, Thread Count, Bob Ross, Guano were also present and I could not find their tag.

“You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Prayers for Preacher and his new job/upcoming move to Arizona, Sliderule’s family with the loss of his mother, Butterfly’s wedding this weekend.

A mosey we will go

THE SCENE: 70 and clear


Imperial Walkers
We ran some loops and did some sprint work on one of the fields

We didn’t have time for her today.


“we are what they grow beyond, that is the true version of all masters”  – yoda

I not only spent some time with my 2.0 prepping for the 2.0 workout this weekend, but I also spent time watching Star Wars on Netflix.  This quote from Yoda really hit me because if we replace “masters” with “fathers” then that should be our goal.  That our 2.0s grow to be better people than we are.  That they grow to love one another, love God, and do more to make this rock a better place to live.  Our goal as fathers is to teach them the ways to do that and to eventually equip them to be strong enough to go out into this world and make it a better place.  I encourage you to go home, teach your kids how to be strong, how to love God, how to love others, and how to prep them for taking over the world.

Welcome to FNG Origami.

Some of us are trying for the Super Ocho this week.

Reminder to get your mileage in

Tank’s Kickball tournament in August.