F3 Knoxville

Konquer the Kranky Kraken

THE SCENE: 35 degrees with a slight breeze

  • SSH x 17 IC
  • Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
  • Mosey to CMU Pile and take it to the center of Kraken

While running in place, the PAX was instructed to keep moving for the entire workout. Running in place, moseying, and SSH were the only acceptable forms of rest. If you were called out by another PAX for being stationary, a 10 burpee penalty was assessed. (Side note: no burpee penalties were needed. Well done, gents!)

The Kraken consists of 8 cones in a circle. Each cone had an exercise & number of reps on it. The PAX was instructed to complete the exercise, run to center for 20 CMU overhead presses, Bernie Sanders back to the cone and perform the exercise a second time. Each PAX then completes a lap around the circle to proceed to the next cone. Lap 2 was performed in reverse order.

Exercises were as follows:

  • Smurf Jacks x 30
  • Star Jacks x 30
  • Reverse Lunges x 30
  • Dry Docks x 30
  • Flutter Kicks x 20 (4 ct.)
  • Hello Dolly x 20 (4 ct.)
  • Alternating Shoulder Taps x 20 (4 ct.)
  • Narrow Squats x 30

Return CMU to pile and circle up for MARY.


  • Plank Jacks x 30 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 30 IC
  • Ring of Fire (Merkins) until time expires



Be intentional with every action you make.  

Recently my M and I were rushing to get out of the house on time for Easter Sunday with her parents. The added 1 hour commute to their church adds some extra effort towards an already busy morning with a 2 year old that really doesn’t understand the concept of “hustle”. We were already 15 minutes late and still not on the road when my increasing frustration boiled over. My patience was shot and I let her know it using a tone that, quite frankly, I wouldn’t like if someone else used towards my M.

What did I accomplish with that action?

My goal that morning was to help her, yet my actions didn’t reflect that. I reacted to a situation (poorly) rather than making an intentional effort towards getting us out of the house. What difference did I make by showing my frustration? If anything, it slowed our departure rather than speed it up. It certainly didn’t set a good example for daughter and it did not show my wife that I loved her. Even if I was right to be frustrated, my actions weren’t intentional. The only thing I accomplished was hurting her feelings and that was definitely not on list of goals for the day.

What should I have done instead?

Take a second before you act and make sure those actions are an intentional step towards your goals. Hasty reactions rarely yield the intended results, and if you aren’t moving forward towards your goals you probably aren’t being a good leader.

Be intentional with every action you make.  It sounds simple. We probably learned it in kindergarten, but we have to apply the lesson.

I’m really glad 10 other knuckleheads showed up to work out this morning because the fartsack was tough to climb out of this morning. Thanks, PAX!
Sign up for Hardship Hill if you’re able to participate and/or volunteer!


THE SCENE: T-Shirt Weather

  • Squat IC x 15ish
  • Merkin IC x 10
  • SSH IC x 20


Mosey to the speed bump at the base of Matterhorn and Partner Up

Run to the marked location, perform the chalked number of Star Jack Burpees and then return to the base of Matterhorn and perform number of Star Jack Burpees. Rinse and Repeat-o in suicide format. Burpees increase by 1 at each location.

Star co-q’s Waxjob and Bartman handled as we gathered PAX! Thanks Men
24 HIM’s showed up to take on the challenge.
I tend to Q on days that have meaning. On Friday my oldest daughter turns 10. It’s big day for me because it’s a reminder of the first time I met her and really experienced unconditional love. I was told I may love a lot of things, but nothing will compare with how much you love and care for your children.


After scaring the doo out of Flanders and Frosty in the morning, I learned how sketchy running on the backside of Matterhorn is by yourself. Sparky said it best, “Every sound back there is a Godzilla”. Seadangacide was inspired from Shooter’s Seadangus (also a bag of suck). If I were to do it again, I would call the PAX together sooner so we could all come back to the AO together.

See Announcements Page

Climbing the ladders

THE SCENE: 40 and clear

Mosey around the outhouse

3 rounds of Tababta

  • Jumping lunges
  • Lizard hops
  • Squat tuck jumps
  • Handstand kicks

Agility ladders on the tennis courts, 5 rounds of each exercise

  • 1 foot per square
  • 1 hand per square
  • 2 feet per square
  • 2 hands per square
  • Icky shuffle
  • Hand icky shuffl
  • Lateral 1 foot per square
  • Lateral 1 hand per square
  • Lateral 2 foot hops
  • Lateral 2 hands per square
  • Lateral Merkins each square
  • 2 hops forward 1 hop back
  • Merkins inside outside


We were gonna repeat the Warm-o-rama but had to settle for one round of John Travoltas


16 total. Welcome FNG Wagon Wheel

Intensity – the quality of being intense.  Synonyms for intensity – strength, power, potency, force.

We can talk all day long about what level on intensity we bring to an F3 workout and how someone should step it up or step it down.  However, what level of intensity are we taking when it comes to:

  • Work?
  • Family?
  • Friends?
  • Kids?
  • Faith?

We need to increase our level of intensity in all these and stop being selfish.  We need to put God first, everyone else second, and ourselves third.

We tried something new that I have never done at an F3 workout.  Internally you worry that it won’t be good enough, or that it won’t work out like you have planned.  But in the end the PAX had fun, got a little sweaty, and did some really good work.  That is all that matters.  #ISI

PS there were a lot of other drills for the agility ladders but we ran out of time.

Hardship Hill OCR May 19

The Lone Runner :(

THE SCENE: 39 and rainy

Run around the park

1 – me.

Honorable mention to Swirlie even though he left to hit the weights.

As I plodded along by myself on this cold wet morning I began to envision all the ways to publicly embarrass my fellow PAX who fartsacked this soggy day.  My initial thoughts were about how the PAX are constantly complaining about needing a break on longer mosesys, or always gasping for breath after less than a mile run.  I was confused as to why they wouldn’t want to get better.  And I was frustrated about being in the gloom alone.

However, as I ran God changed my thoughts.  I began to think of how Jesus must have felt preaching, teaching, and talking to people about how He was God’s son, sent down from heaven to save our souls.  He met with people who were ostracized from society, tax collectors, prostitutes, lepers, and yet these are the people He chose to associate with and help.  He loved those who were discarded, like the poor, weak, lame, and children.  He also faced resistance at every turn from the people who were unbelievers, and especially the pharisees and lawyers who wanted him prosecuted.  Yet, He still continued to push on with the message of salvation.  He carried the burden on the cross, and He just kept going.

I wondered if He ever got frustrated or angry.  You know where maybe He just wanted to reach out and backhand the unbelievers and naysayers.  Or grab them by the face and yell, “HOW DO YOU NOT GET THIS?  I AM HERE TO SAVE YOU!”

The answer was soon easily clear. When Jesus met with folks who “didn’t get it”, He didn’t get upset with them, punish them or ridicule them.  Instead He grieved for them.  (Mark 3:5.)  And even when they didn’t believe, He encouraged them to have just a little faith.  (Matthew 17:20).  He also realized that He couldn’t do it alone, so He sought counsel with God through prayer.  (Matthew 26:36-39, Luke 11:1, Mark 14:32, Luke 6:12, Luke 18:1, Matthew 19:13-15, Luke 9:28, Luke 3:21, Mark 1:35….well you get the point.)   Finally, He made His message clear, and He straight up told people that the only way to know God was through knowing Him. (John 14:6).

While there are many things in this world we do not understand, especially the actions of others, our job is not to condemn, punish, or ridicule them.  Our job is to walk with them in love, laughter, sadness, or whatever we call life.  The end goal is that in walking with them, hopefully they will come to know Jesus.

Isn’t it strange how He can take a solo run on a rainy Monday morning and put a little perspective in it?

Harry Hood

THE SCENE: Chilly and Wet


SSH x 30 IC

Short mosey

Merkins IC 10

Mike Fphelps

Hand release merkins x 30

American hammers x 30 4ct

Run 2 laps

Ranger merkins x 30

E2K- 15 each side

Hand release burpees x 30

Outlaws 15 each direction

Oyo (30 reps of whatever you want hunk)

Drydocks x 30

Between each exercise there is a run to the midline


Mosey to Electric cowboy

Sprints and Swims x2

Calf raises and wall sits x2

Helped Tank pitch a tent

Mosey to concrete bench


Squats and Box Jumps

Flutter Kicks IC x 50

I asked a friend who lives in Jamaica if he wanted to share something with us. This what he told me.

I was shot in 1979. I had three kids. They were six, four, and two. I was looking at death’s door after being shot, and Jamaica was certainly worse back then. While waiting to die in the hospital I asked God to keep me alive until my girls were 15 and 12, and until my boy was 13. This is the point where they could stand for themselves. I was in the hospital for 18 months before I was sent to the infirmary. While in the infirmary, I did not see my kids for many years. One day, I was at the gate. At the gate, I saw my children at the age I prayed for. I say all of this to show that we must have faith in God. In everything He will work things out for us if we put our trust in Him. Blessed Love

Psalms 85. 10-13

Love and faithfulness meet together;
    righteousness and peace kiss each other.
 Faithfulness springs forth from the earth,
    and righteousness looks down from heaven.
 The Lord will indeed give what is good,
    and our land will yield its harvest.
 Righteousness goes before him
    and prepares the way for his steps.


Happy birthday Sparky
Hardship Hill…. Get on it u filthy animals