F3 Knoxville

Jesus Wept

THE SCENE: Beautiful spring day, sunny, little breeze, low 70s.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Done adequately

Bolt 45s, Tempo Squats, Motivators, El Capitans, LBAC forward and backward, Grady Corns

MOSEY to bottom of Pickett’s…

Run PICKETT’S CHARGE, Bernie-ing the slopes and running on the flat parts.

Mosey to center of colosseum.  Do Mucho Chesto, then Run to 12 o’clock position, do Aiken Legs. R&R.

Aiken Legs: 20 Squats, 20 Squat Jumps, 20 Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Split Jacks (10 each leg forward)

MUCHO CHESTO: 10 x Merkin / 10 x Wide Merkin / 10 x Diamonds / 10 Stagger Merkin Left / 10 Stagger Merkin Right

Mosey to field below Overlook.  Cones laid out in a rectangle pattern.


  • Long side 1: Suicides
  • Short Side 1: 10 merkins, Bear Crawl, 10 Merkins at opposite corner.
  • Long side 2: Bernie to ½ way cone, 20 Iron Mikes (2-ct), 20 Bobby Hurleys. Run to next corner
  • Short Side 2: El Capitan lunge , with 5 Prisoner Cell Merkin Burpees at each cover.

Mosey about 1/2 way to road, then do 7s on small hill.  Flutter Kicks and Bobby Hurleys.

Flutter kicks and Homer/Marge
11 strong.

Today’s Word is taken from John Chapter 11, which is a story that’s probably familiar to many of you, as it describes Jesus’ raising of Lazarus from the dead.  It builds on Steam’s WORD about Expectations that he gave last week, which also referred to a passage that included the sisters Mary and Martha.  In John Chapter 11, Jesus travels to Bethany to visit Mary and Martha after their brother Lazarus died.  THREE TIMES the sisters ask “Why? Why did my brother have to die? If you had been there, he would still be alive.”  Expectations.  That question of “If I had mattered to you, this wouldn’t have happened” is a question I think we’ve all asked ourselves, and certainly for those friends and family of those killed in yet the latest mass shooting event just down the road in Nashville, that has affected some of our F3 brothers.

But I want to focus on one specific part of the passage in John 11.  It contains the answer to a great Trivia Question  When confronted with the reality of the situation, what did Jesus do?  Jesus wept.  Our God is deeply moved and troubled when his Children suffer, and when we grieve.  We have a feeling and empathizing God.

Dr. William Sloane Coffin was a famous Presbyterian minister from Boston and Chaplain for Yale for a number of years, who lost his son in a car accident a few decades ago.  He gave a sermon just 10 days later.  (How does someone DO that??)  Dr. Coffin had the same questions about his son’s death that we all would have, that Mary and Martha had.  Where were you God?  But he said in that sermon,.

He said, “For some reason, nothing so infuriates me as the incapacity of seemingly intelligent heads that God doesn’t go around this world with His finger on triggers, His fist around knives, His hands on steering wheels.  the one thing no one should say to someone dealing with tragedy is “I know it was the will of God”.  Never do we know enough to say it is the will of God.  When my son died, my own consolation is that it is NOT the will of God that he died, it is that God’s Heart was the first of all of our hearts to break.”  As he closed his sermon, he said “As the grief that once seemed unbearable now turns to bearable sorrow, The truths in Biblical passages are beginning to once again take hold.  ‘In this world you shall have tribulations, but be of good cheer.  I have overcome the world; My light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.  Weeping may endure in the night, but joy cometh in the morning’.  When my son beat me to the grave, it was not because God WILLED it.  It was because for him, the Dawn had come.”

This is the key lesson of John.  What God wills is Life out of Death.  What did Jesus do in the presence of Mary and Martha when told the news about Lazarus?  Jesus wept.  This is the compassionate nature of God.  God doesn’t just see from far away our pains and sorrows.  He is WITH us in our sorrow.

Prayers for those who were affected by the Nashville school shooting earlier in the week. Prayers for Title 9 as he looks for other career opportunities.
FORGE! growth week-end, end of September.  Haw Ridge and Hardship Hill coming up!

Drum Major 52nd Birthday Workout

THE SCENE: Gloomy, but rain held off

15 Side Straddle Hops

5 Cherry Pickers

10 rockettes

10 baby arm circles each way

Little bit of this and that


Mosey long route to top of the dragon (stop at Haslam rock area and do some rocky balboas)

Skip 66 – skipping to each light

Exercise is the plank jack


Doras at Parking lot by Good Restrooms (If heavy rain do this in Pavilion)

Battle buddy up

One man karaoke one way to hallway point, turn around karaoke rest of way to end and then run back, other does:

52 flutter kicks (each leg is 1)

52 Bobby Hurleys

52 Major Merkins

52 Peter Parkers (each leg is one)

52 Imperial Squat Walkers (each leg is one)

52 Big Boys

Help other teams finish after you finish

**Rinse and repeat with other Battle Buddy starting this time. Runner do high knees to halfway and then butt kickers to end before running back on this round.



Choose Your Own Adventure – Stay Dry or Get Wet – HIMs Choice run back up to AO


Added challenge is you must do 52 hand release merkins along the way to the flag

Finished in time
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

Grace meaning – undeserved favor

For Christians it is the belief that God bestows this undeserved favor on us all and that we all are meant to do the same for our fellow man.


“Grace is the very opposite of merit… Grace is not only undeserved favor, but it is favor, shown to the one who has deserved the very opposite.” – Harry Ironside


This belief does not need to be restricted to Christians, and I believe our world could use a lot more of this. Think of times you could offer more grace, maybe while driving, dealing with your kids, or at work and put it to practice more often in your life.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Updates on upcoming F3 events and service opps

Facing Your Fears

THE SCENE: Gorgeous! Mild (almost warm) 78 degrees, outstanding sunset


-25 Side Straddle Hops (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Imperial Walkers (4-ct), in Cadence

– 10 LBACs backwards and forwards (4-ct)  (in cadence)

-10 plank jacks (4-ct)  (in cadence)

  • Misc. stretching


MOSEY to bottom of Pickett’s Charge:

  • 5/10/15s up 3 of the small hills
    • PARTNER 1 moseys up to the top of the hill, does 5x of both exercises, then hands off to PARTNER 2, who is slow moseying in the bullpen (flat part). R&R with 10x, then 15x. If you finish early, start over until 6 is done.
      • ROUND 3: SSH AND IRON MIKES (both 2-ct) / RUN

MOSEY to Small Parking Lot next to Coliseum:

  • 25’s:
    • Run around loop. At bottom and midpoint do 5/20, 10/15, 15/10, 20/5 reps of:
      • Shoulder taps (2-ct) / Flutter Kicks (2 ct)

MOSEY to Haslem’s rock, 20 American Hammers (4-ct, IC)


We did a Welsh Dragon contest to see who could go farthest without stopping.  Of course it was Doubtfire…

Today I want to talk a little bit about the pilot Neal V. Loving

  • Loving was born in 1916
  • Was passionate about being a military pilot from a young age but had to switch his focus to aeronautical engineering upon discovering that the Army Air Corps did not accept Black aviators (the US AIR FORCE wasn’t established until 1947- TRIVIA QUESTION!).
  • He helped found an all-black squadron of the Civil Air Patrol, a volunteer training program for young pilots. This led to a horrific crash while flying for the patrol and left him a double amputee. When the doctors removed his second leg, they estimated a 50-50 chance of survival. He did survive, and was fit for protheses.  He recalled being asked by the prosthesis fitter what size shoe he would like to have with his new legs.  What a question!

 He was made an offer to visit a local municipal airport.  He was hesitant, but ultimately agreed, and when he got there he felt his passion for flying returning, and was given the opportunity to climb into the cockpit again.  While on his first flight back, as he says, “I entered a 180-degree turn followed by a stall entry and spin, the same sequence of events that led to my accident. The ground rushed toward me, spinning in a familiar blur of green and brown. I recovered quickly and returned to level flight. My co-pilot leaned forward and patted me on the back. I smiled in return, happy in the realization that the fears or emotional scars that might destroy my love of flying had not materialized.”


After returning to the cockpit, Loving continued his love of aviation by:

– launching his own flight school

– building experimental rading planes. One of Loving’s airplane designs is on display at Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum.

– Earning a degree in aeronautical engineering  

– Conducting research for the Air Force, retiring in 1982 and

– publishing his memoir in 1994. He died in 1998 at age 83.

 What fears do you have that are keeping you from pursuing your goals?

Perfect weather, and a big welcome to FNG Z-Bone!
Saturday AM triple Q this Saturday!

Alot of Stepping Up

THE SCENE:  Cloudy and Overcast – high chance of rain, aout 55 F

Standard disclaimer. No fng

SSH IC – 25
Arm Circles up IC  9
Arm circles dow IC  9
Grady Corns 20
Cherry Pickers 11
Windmills IC  9


Mosey to parking area by new shelter
Add 1 exercise going up, subtract going back down.  Run to brown bush at end of parking island between each series.
Shoulder Taps- 10,
Shoulder Taps-10, Lunge -15
Shoulder Taps-10, Lunge -15, Bench Dip – 20
Shoulder Taps-10, Lunge -15, Bench Dip – 20, Am. Hammer – 25 (2 ct)
Shoulder Taps-10, Lunge -15, Bench Dip – 20, Am. Hammer – 25, Step Up 30
 Lunge -15, Bench Dip – 20, Am. Hammer – 25, Step Up 30
Bench Dip – 20, Am. Hammer – 25, Step Up 30
 Am. Hammer – 25, Step Up 30
 Step Up 30
25 count
Parner up – Doras
75 Box Cutters
125 Bobby Hurley
100 Lunge (2 CT)
150 LBC
15 count
Mosey to parking lot across from AO
5 Merkins, then 10 then 15 – at each corner

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

Word – I am working on this myself … Always be humble.  You can be right, but still be humble

Hardship Hill – we are doing the same obstacles we have done in the past 2 HH events.

Groundhog Day

THE SCENE: Cool and moist

10 Side Straddle Hops

10 SSH

10 SSH

10 SSH

10 SSH

10 SSH


Mosey to Coliseum

Groundhog Day!


Base – 10 merkins – 20 Bobby Hurleys

1st Q – 30 Rocky Balboas – 40 Flutter kicks

2nd Q – 50 LBCs

Run last half back to base – rinse and repeat – rinse and repeat – rinse and repeat – etc.

Back at time
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

How to form repeatable good habits

  • Identify your triggers
    • Know what triggers your good habits and bad and set yourself up to repeat the good ones and knock out the bad
    • Examples of both – good – F3 may be triggered by wanting to hang with and being dependent on friends, a bad could be always snagging a sweet treat when you get coffee you told yourself you would not get
  • Create a plan
    • Focus on small goals at first and don’t beat yourself up when you fail, failures will happen recognize it happened a vow to be better
  • Focus on adding good things instead of taking away bad.
    • If you want to eat better instead of focusing on not eating ice cream every night, instead focus on eating fruit and vegetables more during the day. Focus on ones you like and want to eat.
  • Think positive
    • Stay positive and be aware how negative self-talk can influence your thoughts feelings and behaviors
  • Commit to yourself
    • Set goals and don’t lose sight of them
    • 5 Motivational techniques for Self-Motivation
      1. Get out of comfort zone
      2. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
      3. Finish what you start
      4. Educate yourself
      5. Believe in yourself and don’t give up
    • Celebrate small wins
      • Will help you stay motivated. check off your list, psychological advantage. Will trigger chemicals in brain that give you a sense of achievement. Maybe even buy something as a prize to yourself.
    • Evaluate and Assess
      • Check in periodically to evaluate where you are succeeding and where you aren’t. It will help you figure out why you may be held back. Don’t be afraid to shelf things not working and just revisit later when you may be ready.

A new appreciation for the song “I got You Babe” by Sonny and Cher was gained by all in attendance
Q 101 (don’t do what I just did) is coming up this Sat, VQ is also approaching later in February. Get signed up now if interested!