F3 Knoxville

Fine. I’ll do it.

AO: shamruck
Q: Eliza
PAX: Anchorman, Tonka, Photograph, The Situation, Crawlspace, Voodoo, Mermaid, Eliza, Oscar Meyer, Dart Gun, Dumpster Dive, Chef Boyardee
FNGs: 1 Chef Boyardee
Some rucked. Some ran. Some got lost.

Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.

A poorly themed 12 days of christmas workout

AO: shamrock
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Mermaid, slappy, Baby Boomer, Curveball, Tailhook, Stitch, Base Salary, Crawlspace, Dumpster Dive, LeBling, Steam, KickFlip, Snaggletooth (Elijah Tafao), Swifty, Honeydew, Band Camp, Anchorman, Skidmark, Waxjob
FNGs: None
12 days of Christmas workout

Burpee – partridge in a pair tree
Thruster – turtle doves
Bbs – French hens
Dirty hookups – calling birds
Diamond Merkin – golden rings
Hello Dollie’s 4ct – geese a laying
Curls – swans a swimming
Snow angels single count – maids a milking
Merkins – ladies dancing
Squats – lords a leaping
Lunges each leg – pipers piping
Dips- drummers drumming
Need 2 CMU’s, drop them at 2 & 7
”Don’t do anything for selfish purposes, but with humility think of others as better than yourselves. Instead of each person watching out for their own good, watch out for what is better for others. Adopt the attitude that was in Christ Jesus:“
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭3‬-‭5‬ ‭CEB‬‬

YouVersion | The Bible App | Bible.comYouVersion | The Bible App | Bible.com
Philippians 2:4-5 Instead of each person watching out for their own good, watch out for what is better for others. Adopt the attitude that was in Christ Jesus | Common English Bible (CEB) | Download The Bible App Now
Instead of each person watching out for their own good, watch out for what is better for others. Adopt the attitude that was in Christ Jesus (211 kB)


AO: shamrock
Q: Steam
PAX: slappy, Voodoo, Eliza, Stitch, The Situation, Crawlspace, Mermaid, Anchorman
FNGs: None
Warm-o-Rama / IP (Initial Push)
5:30am – 5:45am (1%)
Let’s Get Warm
– SSH: 25
– Run to the other parking lot: 1 burpee + come back
– Mountain Climber: 25
– Run to the other parking lot: 2 burpees + come back
– Chattanooga Cherry Pickers: 25×4
– Run to the other parking lot: 3 burpees + come back
– Merkin: 5×4
– Run to the other parking lot: 4 burpees + come back
4 Corners
– 4 corners of the parking lot (basically)
– We’re doing the same 5 Xs we just did – everything will be 10 reps on a 1 count
– Pyramid movement
– C1: SSH
– Run to the middle: 1 burpee (every time)
– C2: SSH + Mountain Climber
– Run to the middle: 1 burpee (every time)
– Rinse and repeat – when you finish your 4th corner + final burpee, stay in the middle holding the plank

The Thang / PF (Push Forward)
5:45am – 6:00am (2%)
(Mosey to the entrance to the stadium)
– Xs: Squats (stadium) + Rocky Balboas (covered entrance to the school)
– 1 + 14 to start (everything on a 1 count)
(Mosey around to the top of the parking lot straightaway – middle runway between the two parking lots)

The Final Thang + Mary / FP (Final Push)
6:00am – 6:15am (3%)
There + Back Again
– I never liked the workout name “suicides” – so I’m calling these there and back agains
– 7 points of contact
– Curbs
– Sidewalk corner
– Crosswalk
– Further sidewalk corner
– Further further sidewalk corner
– Look for orange cones
– At each POC: merkins – # corresponding to the POC (1-7)

Gentlemen’s mosey to pick up the cones: 1 man-maker at each cone
Jail break / BTTW to the 🇺🇸

– Asylum AM Winter Solstice Hike on 12/21
– 2024 Polar Bear Plunge at the Townsend Wye on 1/1/24
– Convergence at the Big Ball AO on 1/20


You’ve just worked hard for 3% of your day.
45 minutes.
– Are you owning and making the most of the 3% of your day that you’re investing in with F3?
– If this is one of the hardest things you do all day, what does the other 97% look like?

We just worked hard over 3 consecutive 1% time periods (15 minutes).

15 minutes is just 1% of your day. Here’s a neat formula I’ve heard over the years on how to maximize just 1% of your day, every day.
– Silence for 5 minutes
– The world is loud. Cultivate a rhythm or unplugged silence.
– Reflect for 5 minutes
– What’s going on up there (head) and in here (heart)? Cultivate a rhythm of reflection.
– Pray for 5 minutes
– Prayer is plugging into the source of life by talking with God. Cultivate a rhythm of conversation with your Creator.

Virgin Territory

AO: shamruck
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Eliza, Bed Wetter, Dumpster Dive, Crawlspace, Oscar Meyer, Mermaid
FNGs: None
We covered some new ground in the cross park area, and knocked out about 3.7 miles in the process.

My oldest daughter will be turning 18 in two weeks, and we are trying to maximize our time with her before she moves out and goes to college.

Make time now, make memories, do things with your loved ones, because you will blink and they will be grown and out of the house!

The Core

AO: shamrock
Q: slappy
PAX: Caveman, Crawlspace, KickFlip, slappy, Mermaid, LeBling, Skidmark, Dumpster Dive (Brad Burnette), Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Bed Wetter, Swifty, Band Camp, Twitch, The Situation
FNGs: None
Reach for the Cherries
Down Dog
up Dogs
Mountain Climbers
Circle Cutters
Runner Stretch

Shamrock Shuffle – 1 burpee per shamrock and friendship strut mosey between till we get to the field

On the field we did 3 rounds of core stuff followed by a stadium step run. First round we did 15 each, 2nd round 10 each, 3 round 5 each
1. Big boys
2. American hammers
3. Heel touch
4. Awkward turtles
5. Hells to heaven
6. Right side crunch
7. Left side crunch
8. LBC
9. Freddy mercs
10. Flutters

300 total reps and 3 stadium runs

Extra credit was had with contributions from about half of us

1. ShamLunch this Friday – 1145 at Cancun?
2. ROCO Launch Saturday- clown car to meet around 6 AM
3. ShamBeers next Tuesday 7pm at abridged or tap house
4. Biggest loser restart on Monday
5. Sign up to q

Recently our community has suffered some tragic losses of life. Specifically two young guys. I wonder what a word of encouragement would have meant to them. Be aware of opportunities to encourage others and do it. It could make all the difference. Also reach out to someone and tell them you love them.