F3 Knoxville

AMRAP Hundreds


Supposed to be clear skys… Everyone at home.


At Home workout challenge.


  • 100x SSH
  • 100x High Knees (single count)

The Thang: AMRAP of Hundreds

100 reps of a Legs, Core, and Arms exercises. For a boredom repellant get on a field with yard lines and progress to the next 10 yard line before starting the next 100 reps of an exercise.

  1. 100x squats
  2. 100x Freddy Mercuries (4 ct)
  3. 100x Merkins
  4. 100x Calf raises
  5. 100x LBCs
  6. 100x Shoulder taps
  7. 100x Lunges (50 each leg)
  8. 100x Hello Dollys
  9. 100x Carolina Dry Docks
  10. 100x High Knees
  11. 100x Big boy Sit ups
  12. 100x Seal Claps
  13. 100x SSH
  14. 100x Scissor Kicks
  15. 100x Overhead seal claps
  16. 100x Iron Mikes
  17. 100x Flutter Kicks
  18. 100x Dips (find a curb)


What? You want more?


I trust yall!


Wash up and often and early. Drink a ton of water. Always.

The 220 Mile.


Virtual Q –


Off the books. 100% voluntary. 100% free. Definately not a professional.


  • SSH
  • Mosey to quarter mile track
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Wind Mills
  • Twisting Pickers – Kind of a combination of a windmill and a cherry picker. Done to the 8 count. Starting position is just like cherry picker – legs spread – torso up. Extend the arms straight up. 1. Turn torso left. 2. Turn torso right. 3. Arms lowered to shoulder height – turn torso left. 4. Turn torso right. 5. Drop arms down to toe level – touch left toe. 6. Touch right toe. 7. Touch ground directly underneath you (like cherry picker) 8. Touch ground behind you.
  • Clap Jacks – just for good measure to get heart rate up – Its a combo of a clapping merkin and star jack. It’s pretty evil and starts to hurt after about the third or fourth one.

The Thang: The F3 220 Mile.

Basically a mile broken up into 8 even 220 yard segments. It is preferable to do this around a track because of all the crawling.

  1. 220 yards of backwards lunge
  2. 220 yards of forwards lunge
  3. 220 yards of forwards crab walk
  4. 220 yards of backwards crab walk
  5. 220 yards of backwards bear crawl
  6. 220 yards of forwards bear crawl
  7. 220 yards of bernie
  8. 220 yards of sprint (ha if you can)


We’ll see if we have time.


Stay safe out there! This would be on my list of F3 Knoxville challenges if we were to create a challenge series for the F3 Nation like Greenwood does. The other one I’d suggest is the 100 Burpee Pullup + 100 CMU Thrusters for time one..

Thrusting Pull Burps – Virtual Q


work out of the day – Virtual Q


Welcome one and all.


  • 10x SSH
  • 10x Cherry Pickers
  • 10x Windmills
  • 10x Mnt Climbers
  • 10x Rocketes

The Thang: Thrusting Pull Burps

I don’t ask you to do it all, just one more. Think of that during your WOD today. Just one more. Just one more. Just one more.

I’m consistently amazed by our attempts and then successes. Many Q’s I’ve thought of, I have not known ahead of time if it could be done but you men astound me… consistently. So i don’t doubt you will do it again. One time I asked you to bear crawl all the way up Jucomanjaro. You did it. One time I asked you to carry a CMU over a mile and up Jucomanjaro.. and you did it. One time I asked you to do over 200 burpees … and you did it. Today is similar and simple.

This is it:

  • 100 CMU Thrusting Burpees
  • 100 Burpee Pull ups

That is it. You can break it up however you want.

Cap & Tap

We’ll put a 45 minute Cap on it. Meaning you go until you either tap out, you hit the time limit, or you finish.


A 100 Burpee’s usually take about 10 minutes. The reps are double that with added weight and pullups. So I’m guessing some will finish in 3x the normal 100 Burpee time (~30 minutes). However strange things happen when you hit your max – usually speed drops way down – thus the 45 minute cap.


In crossfit sometimes what they would do when facing supper high reps is they do reps of 10 then 5 etc. And they do alternates. I’d recommend 10 of each then switch with small rests in between. At JUCO we’ll be doing it that way with a small stair climb in between. Meaning We’ll keep the CMU Thrusters down by the CMU pile (at the bottom of the stairs). We’ll do 10 Burpees with the CMU.


The CMU needs to be in your hands. Start standing up, holding the CMU. Go down to do a Merkin on the CMU. Pull your legs up, transition to do a thruster with the CMU. That is one.

Do 10 of those, then put your CMU down, leave it there, and run/mosey/walk over to the pull up bar (ours are approximately 50 yards from the CMU pile – up a few stairs).

At the pull up bar – Do a burpee under the pull up bar, then do a single pull up. (this pull up can be under or over handed – we recommend alternating). That is one rep. After 10 of those, run down to your CMU and start the next set of ten.

We also recommend keeping chalk on hand to count your reps (1 tally per set of 10). This will totally exhaust us and so our counting ability is usually impaired.. so use chalk if you got it.

Technically you can do all 100 burpee thrusters at once, take a 10 minute break, then do all 100 burpee pull ups. That might work out better. I don’t know. Its up to you, but it must be done within 45 minutes. I’m guessing that a slower pace with small breaks and alternates will be “easier”.. but as you know “I am NOT a professional”. If you take breaks try to limit them to 30 seconds or less. If you take breaks longer than 30 seconds, then your mind starts to tell you that you can and should stop. Fight against the urge to stop, even if you are down to single reps.

Just one more rep.
Just one more rep.
Just one more rep.


I believe the WOD to be hard enough to not need a mary. 🙂


I love all you brothers!! It’s an honor and joy .. every … single … time!! Forever grateful to you all!


Reach out to your brothers this week! If you complete the workout, ping me in Groupme and I’ll tag you in this post and record your time.


  1. Trolley 47:15
  2. Spotter 47:35
  3. Betty 48:30
  4. Ralph 48:50
  5. Mermaid 50:30

The “Grand” 3rd Leg of Ole Smokey

THE SCENE: 44 degrees, with no rain in the forecast, so the moisture that was present must have been 100% humidity.

Mosey to Award Winning Way AKA Ole Smokey’s 3rd Leg.  There were no participation trophies given on Award Winning Way this AM.

Perform these exercises at the bottom of the hill with the ruck
10 American Hammers
10 Curls
10 Tri Ext
10 Over Head Presses
10 BBS
Run to the first break in the median, perform 5 burpees, then continue to run to the top of the hill, then 5 more as you run back down the hill.
Perform these exercises at the top of the hill with the ruck
10 Squats
10 Lunges (each leg)
10 Calf Raises
10 Monkey Humpers
10 Merkins
Repeat the 3rd leg 10 times

The goal was 10 times.  Several of us made it 6 times, which would be 660 reps each.  My GPS had me at 2.87 total miles which is less than I wanted.  My plan was high heart rate work.  Often in rucking, my heart rate is lower than running or the regular boot camp.  I wanted us to use the hill and subsequent exercises to keep our heart rate high to improve our endurance and ability to sprint or climb hills under weight.  After the 6th repeat, we dropped the exercises and repeated the hill 3 more times for a total of 9 hill repeats.  We made our way back to the AO to meet up with the Boot Camp.
We joined Pool Boy for a couple of Merkins before he called time.

See Pool Boy’s Back Blast from today.
See Pool Boy’s Back Blast from today.
See Pool Boy’s Back Blast from today.


THE SCENE:  A steamy 59 degrees



ALL IC: SSH x20, Imperial Walkers x20, American Hammers (4ct) x20, Merkins x15, Mountain Climbers (4ct) x15, Squats x15, Flutter-kicks (4ct) x 20, LBCs (4ct) x20,

Burpees OYO x10

Battle-Buddy up for some Partner Sets. Partner 1 does 10 reps while other holds position; switch and repeat until 100 reps is reached:

  • Merkins (or plank)
  • Squats (or Al Gore)
  • Flutter-Kicks (4ct) (or 6inch)
  • Shoulder Taps (or plank)
  • Jump Squats (or free throw position)
  • LBCs (or knees to chest)
  • Burpees (or stand and catch breath) – for this last one we did sets of 5 until 50 total reps completed.

Mosey to Large Student Parking Lot and rotate between bear crawl and lunges (switching at each parking lane), making our way across the lot (total distance around 120 yards).

100 yard mosey repeats with dealer’s choice exercises at each end.  For practice, Q had three men who had not Q’d yet call the exercises the proper F3 way: Slappy, Nadia and Curveball all did great and are ready to Q!

24 Strong
Fitness is the first “F” for a reason.  Every day you make that decision to get out of bed, you swallow a pill that most men won’t – the Daily Red Pill (DRP). The DRP is the first of many bricks you lay that will solidify and start a process that steam rolls into having an effective day as a dad, a boss, a neighbor, whatever. You cannot effectively lead unless you get your body right first. We come out here and suffer together to get fit. Once our bodies are right, we can then effectively lead in our daily circles.

There is an old saying in F3: “You can’t out-king your queen.”  With The game of Chess as a comparison, the King represents your fitness, the Queen your diet. We all know that in chess while both are important, the Queen is the most valuable player  on the board. You lose your Queen and it’s not long until the game is over. Similarly, you will never be able to out-exercise a bad diet. If you are really serious about becoming a better leader, the First F requires dietary discipline. Find what works for you. For me, it’s Calories in v. Calories out.  I track my food intake and you should too. It can be a real eye-opener for those that never have.  You can’t out-King your Queen! ISI!