F3 Knoxville

Stone , Steel & Silence


THE SCENE: Couldn’t ask for a better 56 degrees Gloom beatdown weather.

Various things on way to CMU pile.  Inchworms, Bear Crawl, R Bear Crawl, Side Straddles (both sides), Kereokee both sides, Bernie
THA-THANG: Steel & Stone Biscuit:  Like the tree biscuit, we travel as a group going around the campus tagging a steel light pole instead of a tree.  We do two Blockees after we tag a pole.  Call out the running total.  Circle up for 25, 50, 75, 100 milestones.  Mosey with CMU’s in-between light poles.

We finished 100 Blockees – ie we tagged 50 poles.
CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: Find the Silence

How will you hear if you don’t listen. How can you listen if you don’t sit still.  How can you sit still if you are moving and doing a bunch of stuff.  Today MAKE time to sit still and listen to the Lord.  He’s a whisperer.  Put your cell phone to the side. Turn off the music. Turn off every digital thing you have.  Find the quiet.  Go get the quiet.  I’m often times over caffenated — which causes over anxiousness — which causes over stress and unrest.  This bleeds into everything. Dont’ do this.  Instead, stop the nervous hemorrhaging.  Be Still – Know that God is there . Take hold of his gentle voice.  Know that peace and quiet is his specialty.  In contrast this world and everything in it wants to spin you like a top into a dizzying pace — it always has a million things to offer and busy you with.  Don’t fall for it.  Pace yourself, slow down, gain back your sanity.   Listen in the silence.  He will light your way.


  1. Hardship is coming fast Oct 3. https://dirtybirdevents.com/hardship-hill-ocr/
  2. Shamrock still needs to build it’s props for HH.
  3. The last IPAX is happening now https://f3greenwood.com/  Be sure to watch the video to prep yourself.