F3 Knoxville

Sprinting is the New Jogging

THE SCENE: A clear brisk morning.  Upper 30s?

  • 25 Side Straddle Hops
  • light jog to end of both basketball courts
  • Butt kicks to end of one basketball court, high knees back
  • Lunges to end of one basketball court, mummy kicks back

Had each HIM pair up with another with similar speed.  Then separated the pairs into two team for a few sprinting/running competitions.  Loser of each competition had to do 16 burpees.  The winner did side straddle hops until the other team finished burpees.

  • Game 1: Chase or be chased – one member of each team starts running with a baton around both basketball courts and hands off the baton to the next member.  The object of the game is to catch the other team.  Those not running were to do side straddle hops until their turn.
  • Game 2: The building blocks of F3 – Each team had one HIM run to the far end of the basketball courts where there was “F3” built out of 20 Duplos.  The object was to return each block, one by one, to the other side and reassemble the “F3”.  Teams could do 10 burpees to bring back 2 pieces in one trip.
  • Game 3: No man left behind – Took a mosey across the bridge.  One HIM from each team ran the distance of 5 light poles are returned to their teams.  While the runner was away the rest of the team members had to do one of the following until the runner returned: overhead claps, big boys, squats, merkins.  One of the other members then joined the runner and this process was repeated until all members ran the five poles.

Cherry pickers, Wind Mills, Overhead claps, Flutter kicks (not Hello Dolly’s), LBCs until time

One of our best showings as of late with 10 HIMs!  Thanks for coming out and paying some games!

Sometimes life feels like our first game where you’re running around in circles either chasing something or being chased by something and sometimes both. Sometimes you just need to slow down, be still, and take a few moments to not take life so seriously.  When I was young, I remember asking my parents parents to play hide and go seek with me. I had amazing parents but they rarely did because life is just too busy to stop and play pointless games. I try to remember that as a parent when I don’t feel like there’s time to do anything that seems unproductive but sometimes sitting on the floor playing with your kid or being still and quiet is one of the most productive things you can do!  Put your phone down, look up, and turn off the noise. You can use the time to pray and/or give you brain some time to process the millions of things going on in your life.

I guess we will never know if one team threw some of their pieces in the leaves or put them in the other team’s pile of blocks but they won by 4 blocks!

This wasn’t said but Smuggler challenged us to post 3 times this week between Arsenal and Bomb Settler.  10 of us are off to a good start!  Keep it up!

Finish Him!

THE SCENE: 55 clear skies, fall is here

Set the mood with some pump up jams to be continued during tha thang

SSH IC x 21

Thighmaster IC x 10

monkey humper IC 4ct x 10

OH press IC x 10


Mosey with CMU to circular track (somewhat) adjacent to picnic pavilion. 6 stations arranged in circle. Once beeper starts, perform murder bunny around circle. Stop at nearest cone and perform AMRAP for prescribed exercise for 30 seconds. The next movement around the cones was OH lunge with CMU around. Trade off every round between murder bunnies and CMU lunges. Rinse and repeat around circle to pump up jam playlist. Exercise stations as follows:

CMU OH press



Burpee up and over

Monkey humper

Ground to OH with CMU


Hold iron cross with LBAC forward and reverse IC x 8
7 HIMs and 2.0 Webelo
I thought about what I was going to say and the word that kept coming to my mind was PATIENCE. Over the past few years, I have kept a lot close to the vest regarding my own struggles in life. In growing older and joining groups like F3, I’m learning the need to get these things off the chest and have the support of men around me. My wife have been struggling a few years trying to have a child. I often get irked and frustrated when I meet people and they say that I ought to have children at this point in my life. I’ve tried to turn those frustrations over to God as of recently and it has helped me. I pray for Gods timing on matters and realize that it may not align with my own wants. So whether it is meant to happen or not, I will find a purpose for how God wants to use me in the future— child or not. Patience is very difficult for all of us. With whatever you are waiting on/ hoping for/ wanting, I pray that you find the bigger purpose in timing that may or may not go your way.

Tight back after that one!!

Rolling the Dice

THE SCENE: Crisp Cool Morning at the Arsenal

Frankenstein, High Knees, But Kicks down and back on the court. Cherry pickers and a Mosey around the pavilion.

10 blockies then roll the dice. Do whatever exercise you roll then repeat

1. Run the loop

2. 50 hop Kicks

3. 30 box jumps

4. 50 rows

5. 50 Curls

6. 30 overhead presses

Flutter Kicks and Hello Dollys 20 count. LBCs cash out

Baby Weight, Butterfingers, Peach, Veep, Moses, Smuggler, Scoutmaster, Webelo, Hot Squat
Short talk about being actively improving and learning, and remembering that no matter how experienced you are, you can improve.



THE SCENE: 43 degrees

  • 1 minute plank
  • Jog a lap

Do the exercise, then run a suicide with the 3 cones between each one. First cone = 1 burpee, second cone = 2 burpees, third cone = 3 burpees.

  • CMU OH Press x 50
  • CMU Goblet Squat x 50
  • Merkins x 50
  • CMU Curls x 50
  • CMU Crunches x 30
  • CMU Plank Step-up x 30

Once the round is finished, complete 29 burpees and restart

Finish off with another 1 minute plank
10 killed it

From Mere Christianity – “Everyone thinks forgiveness is a lovely idea until he has something to forgive.”

It’s always preached to forgive those around you, which I think everyone can always agree is easier said than done. I struggle with forgiveness in specific areas of my life that I have been working on for years. I wanted to challenge everyone to focus on forgiveness in their lives. Whether you’re at a point where you can do it or not, at least make progress.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Ultimate – Rain Edition


20 SSH, Run to the soccer field

Everyone hold squat in a circle. Pass the Frisbee one person to the right. Stand up. Step back. Hold squat. Rince and repeat around the circle 4 times.

  • 1st droppped Frisbee = 10 Burpees
  • 2nd = 20
  • 30
  • 40

Play ultimate Frisbee with a few modifications.

Every time the disk touches the ground do one of the following (depending on what the Q says it is time for)

  • 3 Burpees
  • 5 groiners
  • 5 monkey humpers
  • 5 monkey groiners
  • 5 beast merkins

Scoring team does 5 star jumps

Opponents walk to far end and do 10 merkins

Q is all time offense if you have an odd number and does both exercises each score.

Run back to the AO. Couple of beast merkins and a failed attempt at a triangle merkin prompted by the song “lean on me”
Had a someone whom I consider to still be my friend walk away from our friendship due to unrepentant sin. Wanted to keep lying to me about it and would not show any repentance. Made me reflect on my own struggle with pornography when I got to a similar breaking point. I’m so glad that I had the men of F3 to lean on while throwing myself at God’s mercy to help me heal from that addiction. I still struggle with temptation and there are even moments of failure in the recent past. But I’m done hiding that struggle. I will continue to throw myself at the mercy of God and confess my sin openly so that I might be washed clean. I am praying my friend will get to that point. That he will take the hard step to get out in the rain of God’s mercy. And that he’ll allow me back into his life.

Fia 2.0 coming up on the 30th at Bomb-Shelter! All welcome.