F3 Knoxville

28 Years Young

THE SCENE: 35 degrees with slush and rain

SSH x20 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
LB Arm Circles x12 IC (forward and backward)
28 reps of each exercise at each cone (5 total cones). Rinse and repeat! Everyone finished at least one loop and most finished two. Exercises are below:

Cone #1 (at the grinder)
CMU Curl, Press, Tri
Goblet Squats
Flutter Kicks Holding CMU (4 count)
Cone #2 (end of troll bridge)
Dry Docks
Iron Mikes (Single Count)
Cone #3 (Halfway to road)
Side tri rises
Jump Squats
Boxcutters IC
Cone #4 (At the road)
Cone #5 (Start of Sidewalk)
Bear Crawl 2 light poles

Little Baby Crunches OYO for about 20 seconds to finish it off.
12 men this morning including a 2.0.
Looking back at the last 28 years, I started thinking a lot about words vs. action. Benjamin Franklin said “Well done is always better than well said” and that speaks volumes to me. No famous speech is famous just because of the words, but because of the action the speaker took or inspired others to take. Words mean nothing, actions mean something, and words along with actions mean everything.


Play Ball!!

THE SCENE: Balmy 45 degrees, perfect weather.

20 SSH                                                                                                                                            15 Tempo Squats                                                                                                                              8 Cherry Pickers


Partner Workout:

3 Rounds per field of play-

  • Rd1-Start on basketball court under goal
  • Start- 5 Burpees
  • Partner A -CMU Duck Walks up and down court while Partner B completes
    • 10 Merkins
    • 10 Bobby Hurley’s
    • 20 Starfish- 2 count
  • Switch once B completes exercises- complete same exercise for partner A
  • End-5 Burpees
  • CMU Mozey to softball field
  • Start- 5 Burpees
  • Partner A -lunges around bases as partner B completes exercises at pitchers mound
    • 20 Up right Rows
    • 10 CMU overhead squats
  • Switch once partner B completes exercise- Partner A completes same exercise while B lunges.
  • End- 5 Burpees

Rd2- Same process- reps increase

5 Burpees to start

    • 20 Merkins
    • 20 Bobby Hurleys
    • 30 Starfish- 2 count
    • 5 Burpees to end
  • Mosey to SB Field
  • 5 Burpees to start
  • Partner A -Rev Lunge- Switch once B completes exercises
    • 40 UP Right Row
    • 20 CMU OH Squats
  • 5 Burpees to end

Rd3- Same as two prior

  • 5 Burpees to start
    • 40 Merkins
    • 30 Bobby Hurleys
    • 50 Starfish- one count
  • 5 Burpees to end
  • CMU Mosey to Softball Field
  • 5 Burpees to start
  • Partner A – Bear Crawl- Switch once B completes exercises
    • 60 Up Right Rows
    • 30 OH Squats
  • 5 Burpees to End


  • LBC for time X 2- 45 sec
  • Merkin Plank hold- 30 sec, lower to half plank hold – 20 sec, up to full plank hold 20 seconds.

Moses, DoubleTap, Warthunder, Nair, Scoutmaster, Pinnocchio, KY
Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset- Important as leaders we realize we are not defined by are abilities. Fixed mindsets tell us that our abilities, traits and intelligence is fixed, we have a certain amount and that’s it. Growth mindsets tell us those abilities, talents can be developed through effort, teaching and PERSISTENCE. Fixed mindsets can often prevent important skill development and growth. this can sabotage your health and happiness. Commit to the process of training like a champion don’t worry about winning the championship. Its not about the results, its about building the identity of the type of person who gets to enjoy those results.

Keep Swerve in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.

Cones and Concrete

THE SCENE: 43, damp, swampy, gloomy

SSH IC x 10

Tempo squat IC x 10

LBACs IC x 8 forward/reverse


Mosey to grab CMU and head to Oval Office.

Stations set up along track. Sprint done in one straightaway and Bernie along the other. Stations as follows:

– CMU OH carry

– 20 OH press 50# concrete / 20 bent over row 50# concrete and lunge to next cone

– Burpee broad jump

– Sprint

– Bear crawl

– Bernie

Concrete bags ended up busting d/t rain the night before so merkin x20 and dry dock x20 substituted.

Hold high plank.

Shoulder taps IC x 30

Merkin IC x 10

Dry docks IC x 10

Catalina wine mixer IC x 10

7 HIMs
One of my favorite scripture readings is Isaiah 6:8. I try to incorporate it into my prayer life as often as I can.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Without hesitation Isaiah offers himself up to the Lord. May we ask God to use our skills and talents to change this world. Don’t wait on other people to fulfill a void that Gods calls YOU to fill. Ask God to send you into this world and do good for the Kingdom.

Don’t exercise with wet bags of concrete.

Keeping warm with battle buddies

THE SCENE: A cold, bone chilling 23

Not a professional, follow COVID-19 guidelines

15 SSH, 10 Imperial Squat Walkers, 10 LBAC, 8 Cherry Pickers
PAX completed a Bataan Death March over to the church to get the blood flowing. We then met up with Dora at the church for a little fun in the parking lot. 3 sets were attempted

  • Set 1: Run to far side for 2 Imperial Squat walkers, run back while completing
    • 50 Body Builders
    • 75 Iron Squats
    • 50 4ct Flutter Kicks
  • Set 2: Run to Bernie to 2nd Median for 2 Burpees, run back while completing
    • 100 Jump Squats
    • 200 Dry Docks
    • 100 Merkins
  • Set 3: Crawl Bear to first median, bear crawl back while completing
    • 200 Monkey Humpers
    • 200 Dry Docks
    • 100 Diamond Merkins

Most Pax Pairs completed <2 sets.

We practiced spelling our our alphabet with our legs
17 total including 1 FNG (Nado): Taco, Postpone, Espy, Moses, Pinnocchio, Nair, Drifter, Genome, Hundo, Veep, Limbo, Smoky, Scoutmaster,Toad, Hellbender, Lumberjack
‘Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up, it knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve. It doesn’t matter whether you’re the lion or a gazelle-when the sun comes up, you’d better be running.’ 

There’s a lot of important takeaways from this quote, but two things are shared between the lion and the gazelle that are applicable to our lives. 1) They know what they have to do every day to accomplish their goals and 2) They make the decisions every day to help them reach their goal, knowing the wrong decision can result in their demise.


Burn Loop

THE SCENE: 30 Degrees and beautiful.

Warm Up:

  • SSH (x15 IC)
  • Jog to entrance – LBC (x15 IC)
  • Jog to grinder – LBAC forward/backward (x12 IC)
  • Jog to entrance – Merkins (x12 IC)
  • Jog to grinder – Tempo squats (x10 IC)

The Thang:

Starting at greenway Pax perform 5 reps of each movement. 6 total movements, Bernie up hill, run down, rinse and repeat increasing the reps of each movement x5 for every lap completed. Worked up to 20 and started back down to 15.

  • Burpees
  • Froggie Hops
  • Peter Parker
  • Wide Flutter Kicks
  • Merkins
  • CMU Swings


  • 10 WW2
  • 10 V-Ups
  • 10 BBS
  • 10 LBC
  • Protractor for time

19 Pax including a FNG and a 2.0!  Welcome Hundo!

PT Barnum once said “Comfort is the enemy of progress.”…It’s only when we step outside our comfort zone that we truly improve.

Encourage and challenge the Pax to step out of their comfort zones

  • stepping up to Q a beatdown
  • stepping into leadership wit the Arsenal AO launch
  • Sign up and commit to your first 5K or Marathon
  • Maybe you have already done the above, how about an obstacle course? Hardship Hill plug 🙂
  • What about 50 miles….100? crazy! ya, but why not?!

Maybe this resonates more from a job standpoint for you, have you become complacent in your work environment, let this be a call out to dig for more!

If your walking in fear you not walking in faith


Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.