F3 Knoxville

The Bomb Shelter Run (C.S.A.U.P. Event)

THE SCENE: Low Mid 60’s with some light rain

Drifter Q:

start things off with the Disclaimer (He is NOT a professional, refers everyone to take notice of how he is dressed; clearly NOT a professional…1 PAX member commented that Drifter must have had a Blink182 concert to attend after the event…

SSH (IC) x10 slow / x10 fast
Boxer Jacks (IC) x10 slow / x10 fast
Mosey to Grinder:
Lunge forward then backwards
Inchworm Merkins w/hand release
Quad Stretch
Cherry Picker Stretch (fists on ground, walk legs out to the side and back in)
Merkin Ring of Fire, but as a Wave!
Mtn Climbers (IC) 10x slow / 10x fast

1st leg was approximately 3.2 miles of running until arriving to the Beatdown:

Mayberry Q:

21 Jump Street:

  • 21 Pull-ups (side of the Alcoa bridge)
  • 21 Burpees (middle of bridge)
  • 21 handstand push-ups (far side of bridge)
    Run back to start and drop 1 rep. (15 min time limit)

2nd leg was approximately 3.2 miles until arriving to the Beatdown:

Snorkel Q:

Split up into 2 groups and then partner up. Near side of Bicentennial Park bridge do:

  • 10 Plank Tri Ext & Derkins Then Wheel Barrel Half of Bridge Switch and come back
  • 8 Plank Tri Ext & Derkins Then Wheel Barrel Half of Bridge Switch and come back
  • 6 Plank Tri Ext & Derkins Then Wheel Barrel Half of Bridge Switch and come back
  • 4 Plank Tri Ext & Derkins Then Wheel Barrel Half of Bridge Switch and come back
  • 2 Plank Tri Ext & Derkins Then Wheel Barrel Half of Bridge Switch and come back

Far side of Bicentennial Park Bridge Partner 1 Wall Sits until Partner 2 completes 15 side to side Merkins.
Partner 2 then monster tire walks to replace Partner 1; Partner 1 bear crawls to area to complete side to side Merkins.

3rd leg….who cares how long, we were too far away to quit and had to get back to the car somehow…(another 3… something miles…felt like 10; here we go!).

Waxjob Q:

Split into 3 groups. 1st man plank, 2nd man bear crawl ahead and plank, 3rd slalom bear crawl to front. Remaining PAX continue to slalom bear crawl to the front until team reaches 50 yard line.
Reverse the process, planking person is now facing the sideline while the PAX in motion jump over the planking PAX.
Mosey to jungle gym:
15x Partner reverse-merkins/OHP on monkey bars
15x Squirkins
10x Over/Unders
15x Leg Throwdowns

4th and final leg was very short, no lies, really short…more like a mosey.

Cap’n Crunch Q:

Starting with 1 exercise, adding another exercise until all 5 exercises are completed in succession. then work back down until only the last exercise is left. 20 seconds per exercise:

  • Burpees (20 sec)
  • Burpees (20 sec) Dry Docks (20 sec)
  • Burpees (20 sec) Dry Docks (20 sec) Narrow Squats (20 sec)
  • Burpees (20 sec) Dry Docks (20 sec) Narrow Squats (20 sec) Diamond Merkins (20 sec)
  • Burpees (20 sec) Dry Docks (20 sec) Narrow Squats (20 sec) Diamond Merkins (20 sec) High Knees (20 sec)
  • High Knees (20 sec) Diamond Merkins (20 sec) Narrow Squats (20 sec) Dry Docks (20 sec) Burpees (20 sec)
  • High Knees (20 sec) Diamond Merkins (20 sec) Narrow Squats (20 sec) Dry Docks (20 sec)
  • High Knees (20 sec) Diamond Merkins (20 sec) Narrow Squats (20 sec)
  • High Knees (20 sec) Diamond Merkins (20 sec)
  • High Knees (20 sec)

No PAX were interested in any ladies, specifically Mary by the end of this event!

38 PAX!!


BOM – CSAUP – Bomb Shelter Run (Cap’n Crunch)

I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.

I ask not for an easier path, but for stronger feet.

I ask not for weaker enemies, but for a stronger self.

Jewish Proverb

Congratulations brothers, you did it.  You embraced the challenge and are victorious.  Take and let it sink in…you’ve earned.

I’d like to share something I’ve been thinking about for a while now.  F3 has been a life-changing experience for me.  Every morning I leave a workout I truly leave better than when I arrived.  Lately I’ve been thinking about why that is the case.  Here are my observations.

I believe there are two simple truths that we have lost as men:

  1. The opposite of manhood isn’t womanhood, it’s boyhood
  2. Manhood isn’t a destination or a journey, it’s a mindset

When we lose the distinction between boyhood and manhood our worlds begin to spin off kilter.  We become self-focused, self-protective, self-indulgent and self-reliant.  In other words, it becomes all about us.  As we reject passivity and accept responsibility for our lives we grow as men in all areas: physically, mentally, relationally and spiritually.  We begin to be others-focused, self-sacrificing and interdependent.  We begin acting like men.

In this world, three things serve as resistance to our growth as men:

  • Comfort
  • Convenience
  • Certainty

Overcoming these boils down to our mindset.  We have to daily set aside a boyhood-mindset and embrace a manhood-mindset.  We combat comfort with challenge, we set aside convenience for consistency and we abandon certainty and embrace camaraderie.  I see it as two contrasting mindsets:

A Boyhood-mindset seeks… A Manhood-mindset seeks…
Comfort Challenge
Convenience Consistency
Certainty Camaraderie

Every time we gather, the COP becomes our arena to consistently embrace challenge in the company of like-minded men.

But it’s not enough for us to do this physically.  We MUST carry this mindset to all areas of our lives, especially our relationships with our loved ones and with God.  Never stop striving for more brothers.  Keep embracing new challenges and keep any eye on the six so you can help the man who has stumbled.  Together we will make a difference!

Luck of the Draw

THE SCENE: 65 humid degrees with a light wind out of the west

Cherry Pickers x 10, LB Arm Circles x 10, SSH x 15 then skip across the parking lot and back, high knees across and butt-kickers back.


14 PAX set out to get better today

Luck of The Draw

  • 2 decks of cards placed at opposite ends of the parking lot.  On each card is written an exercise.  Random PAX draws a card and calls out the exercise and the face value of the card (which equals the number of reps).  PAX runs to the cones placed at the mid-point of the parking lot and performs the exercise and the prescribed number of reps.  After completion, run to the opposite curb where a card is drawn and the exercise is called.  Exercises are performed at the mid-point of the parking lot (run 25 yards-exercise-run 25 yards), rinse and repeat.
  • Mosey toward the sand-bag barricade while singing cadence (message me if you want the cadence)
  • Pine Tree Hill with a Battle Buddy
  • Pick a battle buddy.  Buddy 1 runs to the pine tree at the top of the hill, touches the tree and returns.  While Buddy 1 is running, Buddy 2 is performing an exercise with a CMU.  When both have completed 1 run and 1 set of the exercise, round 1 is complete and Round 2 begins.  The exercises are as follows and all are performed with a CMU:
    • Round 1 Clean and Press
    • Round 2 Squats
    • Round 3 Bench Press
    • Round 4 Rows
    • Round 5 Overhead Press
    • Rinse and Repeat
  • Mosey back to the Grinder slingshotting with the CMU.  Buddy 1 runs while Buddy 2 does 5 Merkins.  When the Merkins are complete, Buddy 1 runs to catch Buddy 2.  When he catches him, Buddy 2 does 5 Merkins while Buddy 1 runs with the CMU.  Continue to the Grinder.

25 Big Boy Sit-Ups, 10 Flutter Kicks, 10 Slutter Kicks

My oldest son Eli is on the autism spectrum.  A while back he observed his younger brother and me interacting with some friends of mine in town.  Later that night, he shared with me that he wished he was like me and Luke.  His desire was to be able to interact better with people and be more comfortable in social settings.  I shared with him that I would not change him even if I could, that what made him special was that he has a unique perspective and gifts that are different than mine.  I told him his mom and I have always referred to him as our magnificent puzzle and that we love who and what he is, no matter what.  He went on his way and returned a little while later and put his arm around me and said, “I love you, dad.”  The word this morning was that sometimes all of us need to hear that our Father loves us unconditionally, defects and all.  We are his wonderful creation.  Jeremiah 1:5 says “before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.”  The Creator of the universe knows me, a screwed-up dude in Maryville, TN.  And that is pretty awesome.
Thank you to my Bomb Shelter brothers for the support and encouragement on my VQ.  I love you guys, you are the best.
2/23/18 Meet at the AO around 5:15-5:30 to set-up for CSAUP, there will be a little running, a little driving and a little fellowship at Public House for Fermentation Friday.

2/24/18 CSAUP at 6 AM sharp.  Please park in the parking lot of the Methodist church adjacent to the park.

The Hydra

THE SCENE: Warm and Wet

  • Side Straddle Hops@30
  • Arms Circles B/F@15
  • Cherry Pickers@15
  • Indian Run to Troll Bridge


Three rounds on the grinder in groups of two….

Everyone started at a station (1-9) in groups of two and did the exercise for the round.  One person at station 1 ran to the troll bridge for some battle ropes with the hydra.  The second team member ran to meet his teammate once the battle started.  The returning teams started back on round two exercises at station 9, and continued until the third round moving down each time while a new team went to battle the hydra.

# R1 R2 R3
0 Double Waves @40 Rope Throws@40 Lateral Waves@40
1 CMU Rows CMU Curls CMU Rows
2 Overhead Press CMU Decline Overhead Press
3 Squats Tuck Jumps Squats
4 Burpees Mountain Climber Burpees
5 Big Boys LBC’s Big Boys
6 Kettle Bell Swing Kettle Bell Press Kettle Bell Swing
7 Side Straddle Hop Hill Billy’s Side Straddle Hop
8 Flutter Kick Hello Dolly Flutter Kick
9 X-Cross Situp American Hammer X-Cross Situp

CMU pass around the circle on the 6 and finishing with some leg throw downs…

15 Men Battled the Hydra: Butterfingers, Deep Dish, Drifter, Fins, Flash, Iceman, Moses, Mr. Rogers, Pinnocchio, Pup, Snorkel, Squeaker, Squiggly, Waxjob, and Woodshack.
The hydra is a metaphor for our own self doubt, fear, and anger. Negative emotions can only create more harm in our life. Remember emotions are not something that happen to us. We choose how to react to our emotions and we can only become better by cauterizing negative thinking and defeating the hydra.
HYDRA LERNAIA (Lernaean Hydra) was a gigantic, nine-headed water-serpent, which haunted the swamps of Lerna. Herakles (Heracles) was sent to destroy her as one of his twelve labours, but for each of her heads that he decapitated, two more sprang forth. So with the help of Iolaos (Iolaus), he applied burning brands to the severed stumps, cauterizing the wounds and preventing the regeneration.

Birthday Treats!

THE SCENE: Beautiful 45ish degrees, no rain!

SSH x25
Squats x15
Jog across parking lot at 25%, back at 50%
Jog across parking lot at 50%, back at 75%
Lung halfway across lot, jog rest of the way. Same back.
4 exercises on each side of the grinder, 25 reps of each (down by 5 each round) and defensive slide across the grinder after each exercise. The twist? When I call out “It’s your birthday (insert name)” everybody runs over to the cones and that person calls out the present they want for their birthday. Everyone does what that person calls, then we go back to where we were on the grinder and continue on.

Exercises on grinder:

Rows with CMU
Goblet Squats
Box Jumps
Iron Mike

Patty Cake Merkins
BBS elbow tap at top w/ partner
American Hammers

The Presents:

Mr. Rogers – Bear crawl down, lunge back
Woodshack – wheelbarrow halfway, jog to end and do V-ups. Switch on way back.
Snorkel – Groucho walk forward and backward
Squiggly – Bear crawl halfway, 25 LBCs, bear crawl rest of way, 25 LBCs, reverse back.
Drifter – Drunken ape crawl across, bernie back
Pinocchio – Fiddler crab across, bernie back
Rusty – Burpee dans across, Lt. Dan Back (4:1 for both)
Moses – Inch worm merkins there and back
Flash – Bernie there and back
Boxcutters x20
LBCs to cash out
10 HIMS to battle Sad Clown syndrome this morning with no FNGs
I turn 25 tomorrow and I started thinking about how over a quarter of my life is now gone. My first instinct was to think of what I have not done and regrets that I have. We need to learn from the past, but stop focusing on things that we cannot control. We need to focus on what we can do today to make sure that we have no regrets 25 years from now. We need to focus on what we can do to make up for those things. I regret not surfing in Australia when I was there because I was too self conscious. Now, I focus on when I will take my wife to Australia and we will go surfing together. I am focusing on a solution, not on what I did wrong.

Alcoa CSAUP in ONE WEEK! Be there!

Register for OCR as soon as possible, the event is May 19th

Thirsty for Sling Shot!

THE SCENE: 40 +/- Damp +/- but ALL good!

As Willy Wonka said, “SO MUCH TIME, SO LITTLE TO DO! Strike that, reverse it!” Lets get going….

Disclaimer while jog across parking lot x2, High Knee skips x2 across PL, Karoake x2 across PL

  • Partner up and grab 2 CMU
  • P1 take off running or walking briskly with 2 CMU
  • P2 does 20 merkins and 20 squats, when finished, P2 sprints to catch up with P1
  • P2 takes over CMU and begins to run while P1 does the same merkins and squats
  • This repeats until we get to Mt. SUKMOORE

LT. Bernie at Mt Suckmoore

  • Every pax carries their own CMU up Sukmoore Bernie style.
  • Every 4th step, do 4 squats
  • At the top of Sukmoore, do 5 cmu presses
  • back to the bottom and then back up again doing 4 steps and 3 squats and 10 CMU presses at the top, you get it….4 steps Bernie style with 2 squats, 15 CMU presses, back down then up Bernie style 4 steps , one squat, then 20 CMU overhead presses
  • back to bottom. We are always moving forward in life but sometimes life has set backs…..based on that, we Bernie back up the hill 4 steps, 2 steps down, 4 steps up, 2 steps down, ALL backwards/Bernie style to the top of Sukmoore
  • At the top, do 25 cmu presses
  • At that time, we SLING SHOT BACK to the AO
  • Total distance about 2 miles +/-

no time but we worked in a little bit of mary during the thang…
12 Pax Strong!
What did the most interesting man in the world say in the Dos Seque commercials??

STAY THIRSTY MY FRIEND! Stay thirsty for getting better, stay thirsty in your faith, stay thirsty in your positivity, just stay thirsty for LIFE!

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
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