F3 Knoxville

Birthday Treats!

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Beautiful 45ish degrees, no rain!

SSH x25
Squats x15
Jog across parking lot at 25%, back at 50%
Jog across parking lot at 50%, back at 75%
Lung halfway across lot, jog rest of the way. Same back.
4 exercises on each side of the grinder, 25 reps of each (down by 5 each round) and defensive slide across the grinder after each exercise. The twist? When I call out “It’s your birthday (insert name)” everybody runs over to the cones and that person calls out the present they want for their birthday. Everyone does what that person calls, then we go back to where we were on the grinder and continue on.

Exercises on grinder:

Rows with CMU
Goblet Squats
Box Jumps
Iron Mike

Patty Cake Merkins
BBS elbow tap at top w/ partner
American Hammers

The Presents:

Mr. Rogers – Bear crawl down, lunge back
Woodshack – wheelbarrow halfway, jog to end and do V-ups. Switch on way back.
Snorkel – Groucho walk forward and backward
Squiggly – Bear crawl halfway, 25 LBCs, bear crawl rest of way, 25 LBCs, reverse back.
Drifter – Drunken ape crawl across, bernie back
Pinocchio – Fiddler crab across, bernie back
Rusty – Burpee dans across, Lt. Dan Back (4:1 for both)
Moses – Inch worm merkins there and back
Flash – Bernie there and back
Boxcutters x20
LBCs to cash out
10 HIMS to battle Sad Clown syndrome this morning with no FNGs
I turn 25 tomorrow and I started thinking about how over a quarter of my life is now gone. My first instinct was to think of what I have not done and regrets that I have. We need to learn from the past, but stop focusing on things that we cannot control. We need to focus on what we can do today to make sure that we have no regrets 25 years from now. We need to focus on what we can do to make up for those things. I regret not surfing in Australia when I was there because I was too self conscious. Now, I focus on when I will take my wife to Australia and we will go surfing together. I am focusing on a solution, not on what I did wrong.

Alcoa CSAUP in ONE WEEK! Be there!

Register for OCR as soon as possible, the event is May 19th