F3 Knoxville

Intentional Beatdown

THE SCENE: Dark and chilly into a beautiful crisp TN sunrise over the water.

-Side Straddle Hop x25 IC, -Monkey Humpers x10 IC, Baby Arm Circles F/R x10 IC, Side Straddle Hop x 25 IC

PAX form two lines and mosey to flag pole at by The Pavalion. Grab a battle buddy and AMRAP for 15 mins the following…


  • candlestick burpees (overhead clap at end) x10 reps
  • 10 pull-ups at baseball dugouts
  • 10 box jumps at playground area

PAX circle up and do 20 squats IC and head to AO…Once at AO split up 11 PAX on both sides of AO for spacing purposes and complete the following…

“BEAR W/ ME”  Complete this circuit 3 times

  • Bear crawl 12 yards to cone and do 20 Pickle Pounders
  • Bear crawl 12 yards to next cone and do 20 Merkins
  • Bear crawl 12 yards to next cone and do 20 Squats
  • Bear crawl 12 yards to next cone and do 20 Carolina Dry Docks
  • Bear crawl 12 yards to last cone and do 20 Flutter Kicks on a 4 count

PAX Circle up and complete 25 Side Straddle Hops IC and mosey to bottom of Baby Hill with their battle buddy…

“Baby Hill Pain” PAX complete 4 rounds of the following

  • Partner A sprints the hill and does 25 Derkins while Partner B awaits at bottom jumping rope.  Partners interchange.
  • Rounds 1 and 3 PAX do Derkins
  • Rounds 2 and 4 PAX do Incline Merkins

PAX mosey to AO and circle up…

Hello Dolly x20 IC, American Hammer x20 IC, Pickle Pounders x12 IC, Flutter Kicks x20 IC
22 PAX Count & 0 FNG’s
Everyone wants to make New Year’s resolutions and those imo are pointless.  Resolutions are a hopeful map that leads to disappointment.  As HIM’s at home, work, our workouts, etc. we have to focus on intentionality and specific goals to have the right direction toward our purpose as leaders in our respective homes and environments.
Quick Picture
Cofeeteria announcement


THE SCENE: Cloudy, mid-fifties.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Windmills, 10 Michael Phelps


Mosey to Large Parking Lot Adjacent to Serpentine Sidewalk

We will have an exercise at each of the four corners of the parking lot.  Men, on their own, will run to a corner, do the exercise, then run to next corner, etc.  After having completed the exercises at each corner, men will run around the entire parking lot, then go back to corner one to rinse and repeat. The four exercises are:

  • Corner one:  20 Star Jumps
  • Corner two:  20 Big Boys
  • Corner three:  20 Squat Jumps
  • Corner four:  20 Merkens

Mosey to the outdoor chapel. 

Each man will do elevens in the chapel.  At the stage we will do decline merkens.  At the other end of the chapel we will do mountain climbers (four count or twice each leg).

Mosey to beginning of Serpentine Sidewalk. 

We will hop to first light then run to fifth light, hop to sixth light, run to tenth, etc. in patterns of five lights until we reach the end of the serpentine sidewalk.  Afterwards we will repeat the same pattern back down the serpentine sidewalk until we hit the roadway.  The only difference is that we will replace hops with lunges.

Mosey to Playground

Elevens again, starting with ten bench hop and one bench lift, ending with one bench hop and ten bench lifts.


Mosey to AO

Five men.
In his excellent book, How to Read Literature Like a Professor, Thomas Foster states that many books are about quests, people searching for something.  Examples are King Arthur tales, Oliver Twist, The Wizard of Oz, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Star Wars.  Common themes in quest stories are that the hero faces adventure, learns more about himself on the quest, learns more about life, and often finds that he is actually seeking something different than what he originally sought after.  We can see such patterns in our own lives.  We may search for fame, for power, for money, but what we really need and eventually seek is God.  Further, in continually seeking God, we discover new things about ourselves, about life and about God.  We find God is different than what we originally may have thought.  Keep seeking God.  In doing so, you will shed old clothes and be renewed with new clothing, becoming new again and again.

We shall gather for fellowship at the Abridged Beer Company immediately after we break.

Slopping Through the FakeGloom

THE SCENE: Raining and cool

10 Burpees, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Windmills, 10 Baby Arm Circles Forward, 10 Baby Arm Circles Backward


Mosey to parking lot by South Ball Fields.

We will exercise in the four corners of this parking lot, sprinting between each exercise.  The exercises are:

  • Northwest Corner:  20 Merkens
  • Southwest Corner:  20 Imperial Walkers
  • Southeast Corner:  20 High Step Kicks
  • Northeast Corner:  20 Carolina Drydocks
  • Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to the Pavilion by South Ball Fields.

Elevens at the picnic tables.  Start with 10 Decline Merkens off bench of table and 1 Table Pull Up laying down on ground.  End with 1 Decline Merken and 10 Pull Ups.  Then do one minute squat with back to wall of pavilion.

Mosey to Dugout Area of Baseball Field

Do as many pull-ups as possible on one hang.  Hang for another 20 seconds when done.

Mosey to Park Perimeter Trail and Head East.  Then Go North as Trail Turns That Direction.  Go about 30 Yards North.

20 Squats

Mosey North Again to Serpentine Sidewalk that Heads West Back to Roadway

Lunge to first light.  Sprint next four lights.  Lunge to sixth light.  Sprint next four lights.  Keep doing this in increments of five lights until we get to roadway.

Mosey North on Roadway to Road Block Sign.

20 Ice Skaters by road sign block.  Then run up hill to gate at top of roadway.  20 Calf Raises.  Repeat.

Mosey The Very Short Distance Back to AO

Seven men.

Many men claim they want to be Men of Honor.  We almost intuitively know what it means.  But as humans we fall short.  Authors of novels often create heroes that are incredible examples of Honorable Men.  Yet, these same authors fall way short in terms of being the heroes they created in their stories.  We could all write a story about an honorable man – we need to try to be the hero that we would create in our own story.  Wake up each day giving effort to become the Honorable Man that you yourself have created in your own mind.  We begin to do that by:

  • Making the effort to go to F3 Beat Downs.
  • Enriching our minds and hearts by attending worship services.
  • Smiling when we come home to family, even after a hard day when we do not feel like smiling.
  • Giving credence to the unique wonder of each person we see and talk to.
  • Place love above money and power.
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
3rd F this Saturday, 8:30 AM at Outlook.  Do not meet at Asylum for Saturday morning workout.  Go to Big Ball instead.

Got It.

THE SCENE: Cloudy, temp in forties.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 15 Mountain Climbers, 10 Windmills, 10 Slow Timed Squats, 7 Michael Phelps, Little of This Little of That


Mosey to parking lot just south of playground.

Partner up with a buddy.  While one buddy does exercises, the other buddy bear crawls to first inlet, hops to second inlet, then runs to end of parking lot and back.  The buddies then take places.  The exercises that will be done, as a team, while the other buddy runs, are:

  • 100 merkens
  • 100 big boys
  • 100 squats
  • 100 shin raises

Mosey to roadway heading south.  Go on roadway as it heads west. About 25 yards from stop sign we will do:

  • 20 Box Cutters

Mosey to stop sign.  Then mosey on road going north toward Admin Bldg.  At next stop sign that is southeast of Admin Bldg,, head north up road that goes to Admin Bldg. parking lot.  Just past the stop sign we will do:

  • 20 Hello Dollies

Mosey to boulder pile by Admin Bldg parking lot.  Each man picks up a cinder block weight boulder.  We will do the following exercises with the boulders:

  • 20 Overhead Presses
  • 20 Curls
  • 20 Twists with boulder held out like a steering wheel
  • 20 Squats
  • Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to grove of trees part way down summit of Mt. Everest.  We will do the following exercise at various points located on a counter clockwise circle

  • At grove of trees:  5 Burpees Then run to top of Mt. Everest
  • At top of Mt. Everest:  10 Big Boys.  Then run to bat nest pole by stairs to left of roadway.
  • At bad nest pole:  20 Star Jumps.  Then run down stairs to grassy area below.
  • At grassy area at bottom of stairs:  30 Squats.  Then run south to grove of trees on Mt. Everest.
  • Repeat three more times.

Mosey back to AO.

We will do following exercises:

  • 20 Pavement Pounders
  • Boat Canoe Routine
  • 20 American Hammers
  • 20 Second Relax and Look at the Sky
    12 men.  One of them was FNG:  Travis Truitt who now has F3 name of “On Tap.”
    As men, some of us have anger issues frequently, while most of us have anger issues at least some of the time.   We must learn to control our anger.  Anger is not a bad thing in itself.  It tells us something is wrong.  We need to logically fix what is wrong, go to others for help, or pray to God about the matter. What we don’t need to do is become hostile or lose control of our emotions.  Through prayer and truly asking God to work with us, we can overcome anger issues.  We can also go to our brothers if we have an anger issue and ask for their guidance and help.ANNOUNCEMENTS:
    3rd F at Outlook on December 9, 8:15 AM to 9:00 AM, immediately after Saturday Morning Workout at Big Ball.  Special Workout tomorrow in Mechanicsville at 2:00 PM , leading youth living near that area.  See announcement on group me.

The Beer is the Carrot

THE SCENE: Cloudy, good weather for fellowship after the beat down to sip beer together at Abridged Beer Garden.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 15 Mountain Climbers, 10 Windmills, 10 Cherry Pickers


Mosey to Ballpark Parking Lot Across the Street from AO

Buddy up on end of parking lot closest to street.  There will be sets of bricks there.  One buddy runs with bricks to other end of parking lot and does 10 mini-manmakers, then runs back.  Meanwhile the other buddy is working on the exercises listed below.  Buddies take turns running and doing the manmakers until the team has finished the exercises.  The exercises are:

  • 100 Merkens
  • 100 Big Boy Situps
  • 100 Squats
  • 200 Baby Crunches

Mosey to Flag Pole by the Pavillion

We will be running to different posts.  The posts and exercises we will do there are as follows:

  • Flag Pole:  20 Box Cutters
  • Benches:  20 Bench Jumps
  • Dug Outs:  As many pull ups as possible in 20 seconds, hanging for the remaining time
  • Picnic Tables:  20 Decline Merkens
  • Repeat Above

Mosey to Sidewalk Between Playground and Chapel

Bear Crawl to First Light, Run four more light.  Then repeat this pattern every five lights until one gets to end of sidewalk where it hits the park perimeter trail.  Do baby crunches until everyone finishes.  Mosey back to start.

Next, lunge to first light, run four more lights.  Repeat until at end of sidewalk.  Plank until everyone finishes.

Mosey back to AO

Seven attended.
Reading from Bible:  Luke 8:  40-48.  Story of woman who has been having hemorrhages for many years who grasped for the cloak of Jesus and was healed when she touched his cloak.
What are each of us grasping for?  We may grasp for money, popularity, fame, power, for the answer to life in the love of another person.  Are we grasping for God?  Are we placing our relationship with God as a priority?  Are we seeking Him?  Grasping for worldly things leaves us empty or wanting for more.  Grasp for God – in Him, find fulfillment.
3rd F on December 11.  The workout for those who meet at the Asylum or Big Ball will be a joint session at the Big Ball.  We will end the workout at the Outlook where 3rd F event will be held.