F3 Knoxville

12 Days

THE SCENE: Foggy and 46 degrees F.

Grab CMU and mosey to Mt Crumpit.  Stopped five times to do SSH, Little Baby Arm Circles (Forward and Backward), Cherry Pickers, and Hillbilly Walkers


Start with #1, then perform #2 then #1, then #3, #2, #1.  Continue until reach #12 and do all numbers down to #1.

1 Bernie ascent of Mt Crumpit

2 x 10 yard Bear Crawl

3 BBS/American Hammer (progressive to 3 BBS/12 Hammers)

4 All Americans (8 count)

5 laps around the fountain

6 Burpees

7 CMU Goblet Squats

8 CMU Derkins

9 CMU Triceps Extentions

10 CMU Swings

11 CMU Squat Presses

12 Overhead CMU lunges (12 per leg)

Most made it into #9 or #10.  Called everyone together with about 12 minutes left and everyone worked the routine (#12 down to #1) before heading back to the AO.

Stopped three times on the way back to the AO to do protractors, LBC’s, and flutter kicks.  Returned CMU’s and started Count Off.
8 including second timer Lay Up and Bagger who is making the AO rounds.

Winter of My Life (Author Unknown)

You know, time has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the passing of years.  It seems just yesterday that I was young, just married and embarking on my new life with my mate.

And yet, in a way, it seems like eons ago, and I wonder where all the years went. I know that I lived them all…..

And I have glimpses of how it was back then, and of all my hopes and dreams…..But, here it is…..the winter of my life and it catches me by surprise….

How did I get here so fast?  Where did the years go and where did my babies go?  And, where did my youth go?

I remember well……seeing older people through the years and thinking that those older people were years away from me and that winter was so far off that I could not fathom it or imagine fully what it would be like.

And so, now I enter into this new season of my life unprepared for all the aches and pains and the loss of strength and ability to go and do things. I know that though the winter has come, and I’m not sure how long it will last,
when it’s over…..it’s over!

Yes, I have regrets.  There are things I wish I hadn’t done…..things I should have done.  But, indeed, there are many things I’m happy to have done.

It’s all in a lifetime…..
So, if you’re not in your winter yet……
Let me remind you…..
It will be here faster than you think!

Whatever you would like to accomplish in your life…..Please do it quickly!  Life goes by so fast.  Do what you can today, because you can never be sure whether this is your winter or not!  You have no promise that you will see all the seasons of your life…..

So, live for good today and, say all the things that you want your loved ones to remember…….

“Life is a gift to you.
The way you live your life is your gift to those who came after.
Make it a fantastic one!”
Remember, yesterday is history,
Tomorrow is a mystery,
Today is a gift….

We likely will begin to know when the winter comes as we live longer into our 60’s, 70’s, or 80’s but winter can come early for us.  I remember Gary, a friend I played baseball through high school with.  His winter came at age 23 as did my brother-in-law, Tom, at age 27.  There winter lasted days and weeks. Then there was my hiking buddy, Gig.  His winter came at age 49 and lasted three years. Or Gail, whose winter started 8 years ago and ended last month.

We cannot forecast our winter but we can live our life knowing that it will come.  Jesus told us how to do that when he said that we should love the Lord, our God, with our entire being.  Likewise we should love our neighbor (friends, enemies, and those we don’t know) as we love ourselves.   As the writer of the text above wrote, “The way you live your life is a gift to those who came after.”

Pray for Pinnocchio’s friend Derrick involved in a head on crash on December 22nd.  He is facing a long recovery.
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Mosey to the Kraken

THE SCENE: upper 30s and supposed to be raining or snowing, but neither

SSH IC x10

Merkins x 5 IC (4 ct)

10 burpees OYO

  • Mosey to Mr. Rogers Street for the Kraken.
  • On the way there stops along the way for escalator. 10 burps, 20 dry docks, 30 LBC, 40 squats
  • Once we reached the Kraken circle, perform reps at each cone, once complete, run down to the stop sign and back. Ran to the stop sign one  and due to time, we ran around the Kraken. Exercises were;
  • 20 star jacks, Power T flutters, Burpees, Monkey humpers, merkins, WWI sit ups, Froggie squats, DRY DERKINS.
  • ALL were done with 20 reps single count except for flutters and monkey humpers
  • Mosey back to the AO with de- escalate on the way back. We finished the escalator at the AO

LBC x20 ic, Side tri rises x10 each side IC, FLutters IC, Lazy boys the last minute
11 pax including 1 FNG Nathan aka Lay up

Mark Linton wrote: A real man is the kind of man that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says Oh Crap, he’s up! Brother, life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat u right. Forgive the ones who don’t just because you can. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Take a few minutes to think before u act when you’re mad . Forgive quickly. God never said life would be easy . He just promised it would be worth it. 

A real Brother walks with u when the rest of the world walks on you. Send to all ur Brothers. For you Big Bro.Salute!!!😎

I wanted to expand on the BOM but completely forgot where I was going with it. But in short, I wanted to let the pax know, the older we get the easier it is to isolate ourselves as men. With that said, my dad has a lot of friends that stay in contact with him and its a great reminder for us to NOT isolate ourselves and stay in contact with our friends, old and new as we grow older. So lets not only get better together but let the friendships grow over the years.
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Columbian neck tie

THE SCENE: 50 degrees or so, gloomy, wet, slight rain/drizzle

Ssh x20 ic

sqauts x 20 ic

merkins x 10 ic

2 rounds w cmu of

cmu curls x 20 ic

cmu tricep extension x 20

cmu squats x 15 ic

Finsplints x 20 ic ( cmu on feet sitting on table , raising feet up and down working the shins )
Reverse Indian run to the Hump

  • 7s at the Hump. Big boys at the top, sundials at the bottom
  • Columbian neck ties which is basically a Carolina wine mixer burpee
  • At the base of kiddie slope, run to the first cone and back to the start , one CNT, run to the 2nd cone and back , 2 CNT, keep doing that increasing the reps. We had 17 cones spread out over about 200 yards . We made it to 10 CNT.
  • Due to time , we ran all the way up the kiddie slope to Plataeu of Pain and did 11 more CNT
  • Indian run around to Mt Crumpit for Lt Bernie . Run backwards 10 steps -4 squats, repeating this to the top of Crumpit
  • indusn run back to the AO

No time left
10 pax
Focus on what’s in front of you and not what is way ahead of you !
GUILTY! I was the one to set out the 17 cones all the way up kiddie slope to plateau of pain . Nobody else new how many cones we had to do when I was explainig Columbian neck tie. Well, when we crested the first hill, we all looked up and saw that we had A LONG WAY TO GO AND LOTS OF CONES! It made it worse thinking about how much we had to do to get to our goal which was the 17 cone .17 mikes away.

If I would have only focused on the next come in front of me and only that cone, it would have been easier. For me, I set the cones up but was still guilty of thinking about the end goal instead of the task at hand, the next cone in front of me. We can achieve much more than we think but only by taking it one step ( one cone) at a time. With out the men to my right or left of me this morning, I would have stopped short . Thanks for the push ! Love you guys
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Puppies need their sleep too

THE SCENE: 33 degrees and clear

yep, Mr Rogers did that

MR Rogers got us going with

Ssh x 20 ic

dancing bear merkins x 10

tennessee rocking chair
Our Q was a no show so we all stepped up a led the workout . Mr Rogers did the warmup, I did the thang and snorkel finished us off

  • We did a count down with removing the bottom exercise after completing all exercises , after completion of all exercises, we ran to the end of the parking lot and back . We did the following ;
  • 11 cmu rows, 10 burpees, 9 sundial big boy sit ups, 8 hand release werkins, 7 bench squats, 6 pull ups / rows , 5 Bulgarian split squats , 4 mtn climber 4ct, 3 clock merkin revolutions (12 merkins), 2 jump squats, one me spectacular
  • We got in about 4-5 rounds
  • snorkel took over for a full round of captain thors,

Fins led us in , what it seemed , never ending box cutters and snorkel finished off with 10 body builders and 1.5 minutes of LBC
10 pax
Snorkel talked about giving thanks and just enjoying thanksgiving wit our loved ones
The best plan is to have a back plan to the 1st plan. Pup missed his Q this morning. Good thing ? Not for him but it turned out great for us because it brought us closer together as a pax  . I had a back up workout on my phone but EVERYONE came together and we got in a decent workout. More importantly, I think it brought our pax together, knowing that we have each others backs and ALL were willing to lead when their name was called. It was kind of fun to spread the leadership role of a Q around the pax. We all worked hard , stayed together and got better together today. It was a true community effort. That’s what F3 is about right? The mission:

mission to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership

happy thanksgiving BRO Hams!
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Year 1

THE SCENE: 57° and wet wet wet

SSH x 15
Small and big arm circle backwards and forwards
Michael Phelps
Two laps jogged (yogged) around the parking lot
Pull 4 cards from exercise deck and do what’s on the cards then run the 1/3 mile loop. Repeat. We pulled a lot of sprint cards, several bear crawls and random exercises.
Last lap on the 1/3 mile loop we Indian ran then did:
V-ups x 20
Side Vs x 20
Banana for 30 seconds
9 men
A year ago I was by myself in my basement, not pushing myself. Not getting better. Just stagnant. Thanks to Pinnochio and Fins I found out about F3 and through that rucking. Now I continually push myself to keep up with Drifter and Woodshack, I have a huge group of friends I wouldn’t have met otherwise. I feel I have a purpose and people to be accountable to when I wake up at 4 am. I’m thankful for you guys for giving it your all when you’re out here. Everyone one of you have moved me in some way with your hard work, your encouragement and your excellent BOMs.
Pinnochio says I suck at shuffling cards.