F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: 39 degrees, chilly but dry

SSH, BAC, Mtn Climbers, Suzanne Summers, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins, Smurf Jacks, 5 burpees on your own.



Ciabattas (20 seconds follow by 10 sec rest): Burpees, Jump Squats, Lung Jumps, SSH, Merkins, Mtn Climbers, American Hammers, Barrier Jumps

Rinse and Repeat


Black Jack (animal style):

1 MRK, animal walk to end of parking lot then 20 BBS and run back. Then 2 MRK and 19 BBS. All the way to 21. BLACKJACK!

Ring of Fire, Bicycles, Flutter Kicks, Captain Thors


James 2: 14-17 and 1 John 3: 17-18 – Take away: if you meet someone in need and you are able to meet that person’s need we should help them.


Back From Spring Break

THE SCENE: 40 Degrees and Pure Awesome.

  • SSH x 25 (IC)
  • Merkins x 10 (IC)
  • Windmills x 10 (IC)
  • Cherry Pickers x 5 (IC)
  • BAC’s F&R x 10 (IC)
  • Double Burpees x 5 (OYO)


Mosey to the courtyard walls

  • Step-Ups x 10 then Dips x 10 (Rinse and Repeat)
  • Decline Merkins x 10 then Dips x 10 (Rinse and Repeat)

Mosey to the coupon pile

  • Curls, Tri-Ceps, Weighted Squats x 10 each
  • Curls, Overhead Press, Weighted Squats x 10 each
  • Run the steps with the coupon
  • Merkins x 10 (IC)
  • Rinse and Repeat.
  • Double Burpees x 5 (OYO)

Mosey to The Sophomore

  • Bobby Hurley’s x 10
  • Bernie Sanders up the hill
  • Sprint across the top
  • Bobby Hurley’s x 10
  • Mosey down and over.
  • Rinse and Repeat.
  • BBS x 10 and Plank to gather the PAX)

Mosey (with stops) back to the start

  • Stop 1, Bear Crawl 75 yards
  • Stop 2, Crunch Merkins x 10 (IC)


  • Hello Dolly x 25 (IC)
  • Flutter Kicks x 25 (IC)



Mathew 18:21-35 – The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant (Forgiveness)

You gotta love Peter’s confidence here. How many times, Lord, should I forgive these people?   [Go ahead and open your bibles, read the passage.  Do it.]

The parable culminates with Jesus’ description of how our Father in Heaven will treat us if we continue the path of un-forgiveness. Did you catch it in verse 34?  Jesus equates un-forgiveness with jail.  That’s exactly what un-forgiveness will do to you.  You will be locked away behind anger, resentment, jealousy, pride, and selfishness.  Ironically, the offending party goes free.  The best part of this is…   You have the key to the prison.  It’s not easy, but it’s the only way out.  Start small, ask God for help.  As you kneel, ask God to forgive you for your offenses.   Lord, thank You that each day we have from You is a gift, another chance for a fresh start. Forgive us, Lord.  Help us to forgive, and to let go of the past.  Please help us to see Your strength through our weaknesses today, and then again tomorrow, and every day after.  I Jesus’ Name, amen.

Also, remember Jesus’ answer to Peter’s question.  “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.”

Arms, chest, legs, cardio. A little mumble chatter, no grumbling at all.   What a great group of HIM’s this morning!  The Brickyardigans showed up in force, thanks to Natty’s mad leadership skills. We got to name an FNG.  Welcome Cindy!!  It was good to be in the gloom this morning.
JUCO is working to round up a team for the upcoming OCR!  Interested parties contact Booster.  Keep your eyes and ears open for the next Q school happening soon at the JUCO, brought to you by the one-and-only Proton.  All are encouraged to attend the Q schools whether you’ve Q’d none or a 100 WO’s.  You will be better for it.  The PAX will be better for it.

Brickyard Seabiscuit

THE SCENE: A crisp 32 and clear

SSH – 25 in cadence

Copperhead squats – 20 in cadence

Burpees – 5 OYO
In honor of the start of spring horse racing at Keeneland, the Brickyard Seabiscuit:

  • 1 lap around main parking lot, followed by  10 burpees, 15 merkins, 20 BBS
  • increase laps by 1 and repeat exercises up to 5 laps
  • decrease laps back down to 1 while repeating exercises at the end of each set of laps.

All ran hard and a few even completed all 25 laps before time ran out and the race ended.

Flutter kicks – 20 in cadence

Boxcutters – 20 in cadence

Freddie Mercury’s – 20 in cadence

And Peter: From the Resurrection service at church, pastor spoke from Mark 16: 1-7.  The angel meets the women in the empty tomb and instructs them to tell the disciples AND PETER.  Only 3 days before, Peter had denied Jesus 3x just like Jesus had told him he would.  Peter was named specifically to show that he was forgiven.  If Jesus forgave Peter for his public denial, there’s nothing, outside of refusing to accept him, that he won’t forgive us for if we just ask and look to Him.
8 strong came out in the unusual April cold and warmed up quickly.  They never stopped moving and ran until time was up.

Sunrise Service

THE SCENE: Full moon, cool 39

Baby arm circles x 15 each direction, IC

Imperial Squat Walker x 15 IC

Tempo Merkin x 10 IC

SSH x 40 IC

5 Burpee OYO

Tempo Squat x 15 IC

Burp and Merk: Burpee with additional merkin added each time. 1:1 to 1:10 pyramid and come back down pyramid.

Lap around parking lot

6 Round of 6 (CMU):

  1. Burpee
  2. Merkin
  3. Squat (w/ CMU)
  4. Lunge (w/ CMU)
  5. Thrusters
  6. Over head squat (w/ CMU)

Lap around parking lot

4 Rounds of 5 (CMU):

  1. Curl
  2. Ground to head
  3. Tricep
  4. Overhead press
  5. Row

Lap around parking lot

Lap around parking lot w/ CMU

No Pain, No Gain: Partner up. Partner 1 does BBS (x15) with Partner 2 holding feet in plank. When completed Partner 2 sprints to cones. While Partner 2 is at cones Partner 1 does wide hand merkins. Go back down cones on way back to start.

  • Cone 1: 5 Burpee
  • Cone 2: 10 Burpee
  • Cone 3: 15 Burpee

Mosey to park

7s: Dips and decline merkins

Photo at giant cow!!
Capn Thor….until Natty farted and ruined it.

1 Peter 2:24-25


Swimming with Bricks

THE SCENE: Slight breeze and a warm 61oF

  • Baby arm circles, Forward 10x, Reverse 10x IC
  • Side Straddle Hops 25x IC
  • Suzanne Summers 20x EL IC (cross jacks)
  • Cherry Pickers 10x IC
  • Micheal Phelps 20x OYO


  • Mosey to my truck to grab bricks
  • Mosey while doing The Swimmer around outer parking lot to starting point
  • Iron Hulk
    • 1 Merkin:4 Air Press (with bricks)
    • 8x increasing by 1 Merkin and 4 Air Presses each time (8 Merkins, 32 Air presses)
  • Dora 1-2-3 with bricks
    • Find a Battle Buddy
    • P1
      • 100 Merkins on bricks
      • 200 LBC with bricks on chest
      • 300 Goblet Squats
    • P2
      • Run around outer parking lot with bricks either doing The Swimmer or the Airplane
    • Plank until all are finished
  • WonderBra 15x IC
    • PeoplesChair against wall. Hand at chest with bricks, Push out, in and up
  • Iron Hulk 5x
  • Lap around the parking lot to AO


  • Flutters 15x IC
  • Box Cutters 10x IC
  • Bruce Lees 15x 
  • Squat to Crawl to Merkin and repeat 10x
  • Boat Canoe
  • Dealers Choice:
    • Circle of Pain – Mr. Wedgie
      • 5 Merkins, 4 Knuckle Merkins, 3 Ranger Merkins, 2 Wide Merkins, 1 Diamond Merkin
    • BBS – Hands behind head, fingers interlaced 20x – A-Rod
    • Slutter Kicks – Fast-n-Easy

Being authentic. Too many times we put on a persona of what we think people want to see. We act differently around our family, friends, church and co-workers to meet expectations. Social media has elevated this to an unhealthy level where we only post the most perfect moments in our lives and compare ourselves in all of our imperfections to other’s most perfect moments. We need to strive to be authentic in all aspects of our lives and stop comparing ourselves to these micro snapshots from others.