F3 Knoxville


64 degrees and hazy

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Baby arm circles forward IC x 10
Baby arm circles reverse IC x 10
Tempo Squats ICx10
Burpees OYO x 10
Merkins ICx10

Tour of World’s Fair Park
Mosey over to south stairs for:
Incline Merkins           ICx10
Squats                         ICx10
Decline Merkins          ICx10

Mosey to Market Square
Stopping 2x for Burpees OYOx10

Dora w/ battle buddy for:
Burpees (50)
American Hammer (75)
Carolina Dry Docks (100)
One-armed Pickle Pounders (125)
Nipple scraper Merkins (150)
(w/ PAX #1 running down Market Square while PAX #2 is doing exercise)

Mosey to Pete’s Coffee Shop
Stop for 5 burpees OYO

Mosey to Henley Street
Incline Merkins ICx10
Decline Merkins ICx10

Mosey back to World’s Fair Park
Full-speed 100 yard sprints

Back to AO

Hello Dolly ICx10 (P-nut)
Boat/Canoe (Quickbooks)

Number Off and Name-o-Rama


Scripture focus on Psalm 119:105.  It’s dark out there, men.  We need God’s word to provide light and instruction for us.  However you chose to do it…whenever you choose to do it…just do it.  Get in God’s word each day.

Prayer led by P-nut

Spirited mumblechatter from all PAX, particularly from Proton and Dimples.  Schick had been AWOL for a long time and couldn’t remember his F3 name (Rascal to the rescue).

Mosey with Mayberry

THE SCENE 69 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Imperial Walkers

MOSEY w/ Mayberry
50 tuck jumps
50 mtn climbers
50 lunges up the hill
50 pull ups
50 squats
50 LBCs
50 burpees

10 Merkins
1 forward roll (add one each round)
Aimed in duck walk
5 celebration jumps

SWAT guys get the girls
50 bicep curls
50 tri extensions
50 Merkins
50 Single leg deadlifts

AO Abs
20 bicycles
20 pickle pounders
20 BBS
20 Russian twists (4ct)

Count-o-rama / Name-o-rama

My man Frosty, put it on my heart to talk about something we don’t do.  Something that even when we set out to do it we sometimes call an abort or chicken out at the last minute.  My fellow Christians and I are called to witness, or go out and spread the word about our Savior to others.  How quickly we talk about F3, invite other men to F3, wear F3 shirts, post on the F3 site or even post in on our F3 GroupMe, FaceBook, Instagram or whatever, but how often we fail to go out and teach others about Jesus.  Whether it be for societal reasons, or our own personal fears.  (I know I struggle with feeling that I will say the wrong thing and scare people off. ) However, what we need to know is that when we speak about Jesus, He will give us the words he wants us to speak.  He will work in us, through us, and use us to spread His message.

Mark 16:15-16
“He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”

I don’t want our brothers, F3 or otherwise to be condemned.

21 men showed up to go on a Mosey with me today.  I tried to make it challenging, and contrary to the mumblechatter I was NOT trying to have anyone splash merlot. I also wanted to push some of the PAX to try things.  If we go into a challenge thinking we won’t succeed, guess what? we won’t succeed.  When you come around the corner and you see “Burpees 50” or “Pull-ups 50” written on the ground, how do you get better if you don’t try?  I am proud to say that everyone in this PAX tried.  No one gave up and quit, everyone kept moving and working hard.  I give it to the PAX that they went on a Mosey with me and never gave up.

Also “Nice roll Hondo” to my man Junk.

99 Problems…

THE SCENE 64 degrees, dark and cool!

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH                           ICx20
Squats                        ICx10
Baby Arm Circle         ICx11
Reverse Arm Circle    ICx11
Side arm stretch
Merkins                      ICx10

PAX moseyed from the AO down thru the playground parking lot.  Stopped by the coupon pile on the way back to the AO to commence the workout.

99 Problems
99 repetitions of the following exercises:
– Merkins
– Squats
– Coupon curls
– LBC’s
– Star Jacks
– Overhead press (w/coupons)
– Squats

In-between each set was a run from the AO through the playground parking lot- returning to the AO.

Upon completion, PAX did a four-corner set of exercises around the parking lot.  Lunging to one corner (10 merkins), backward shuttle run to the next corner (10 merkins), lunges to the next corner (10 merkins) and shuttle run to the final corner (10 merkins).

Merkin Ring of Fire
PAX completed a Merkin Ring of Fire, starting at 5 merkins.

American Hammer    (Mayberry)
Hello Dolly                  (Roadshow)
Freddie Mercury       (P-nut)
ATM’s                         (Cap’n Crunch)

Number Off and Name-O-Rama

P-nut reflected on the origin of Labor Day and discussed that when it comes to doing the work of the Lord- our work is never done.  We can find rest, peace and comfort in Jesus, however.  Matthew 11:28
P-nut then prayed us out- including a prayer request for our marriages.

P-nut was a little anxious about attendance on this Labor Day (lots of temptation to fartsack), but was pleasantly surprised to see all the headlights descending upon the AO.  Great effort by all the PAX.

Desert Storm

THE SCENE 71 degrees and DARK

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Side Saddle Hop        ICx20
Imperial Walkers        ICx10
Baby Arm Circle         ICx15
Reverse Arm Circle    ICx15
Squats                        ICx15
Calf Raises                 ICx15
Burpees                      OYOx10

PAX divided up into groups of three for a set of grinders at the AO.  One member started on a set of 250 merkins at one end of the parking lot, while another member started 250 squat presses with a CMU.  Third member of the team carried a sandbag from one end of the parking lot to the other.  Rinse and repeat until groups finished 250 of each exercise.

Mosey to Cardiac Hill

PAX did 30 merkins OYO at the bottom of Cardiac Hill, sprinted to the first turn and did a bearcrawl to the second turn- before sprinting to the top and finishing with another 30 merkins.

Mosey back down to start point (bottom of Cardiac Hill)

30 lunges at the bottom of Cardiac Hill, with a sprint to the firs turn.  Lunge to the second turn and sprint to the top.  20 squat jacks at the top.

Mosey back to the AO

PAX did 20 merkins in the parking lot, then divided into two teams.

Mosey to the playground parking lot

PAX formed two lines and took turns racing 100 yards to the end of the parking lot and returning to the starting line.  While a team member was running, the rest of the PAX were doing lunges, squats, LBC’s and merkins.

Mosey back to the AO

Hello Dolly      ICx25

Number off and Name O Rama

YHC read Proverbs 17:17 and discussed that we need to lean on our brothers when we face adversity.  We also need to have the awareness to see when our brothers need a lift.

YHC then prayed us out.

Lots of spirited mumblechatter and general male goofiness.  It’s a blessing to begin the day with this group.


73 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH                             ICx15
Squats                        ICx15
BAC                             ICx10
Reverse BAC               ICx10
Calf raises                   ICx15

Mosey across Worlds Fair Park and over to the Locust Street Garage (aka The Deathstar).

The Deathstar
PAX were instructed to begin with 10 merkins, climb six flights of stairs to the top of the garage and do 6 burpees- then run back to the first floor via the descending parking deck.  10 more merkins at the bottom, 5 flights of stairs, and 5 burpees.

Rinse and repeat until all PAX had completed all levels of the garage.

Lunges Down Locust
After completing the Deathstar, the PAX did lunges on Locust Street for an entire city block, from Clinch Avenue to Union Street.  Burn baby, burn!

Circle of Pain
The PAX moseyed back to the Sun-sphere for a little COP:
Mountain Climbers                               ICx20
Merkins                                                 ICx10
Carolina Dry Docks                              ICx20

The PAX moseyed over to the grassy field near the fountains.  From there, the men engaged in an all-out, 100 yard sprint back to the fountains.  Heart rate buster!

At the fountains, the PAX did one set of incline merkins OYOx15.

V-ups led by Rascal                            ICx25
Hello Dolly led by P-nut                       ICx15
Flutter Kicks led by Dimples                ICx20
Peter Parkers led by Proton                on command

Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama,

We are all faced with difficult decisions each day.  Decisions at work, at home and in our community roles.  P-nut told of a mentor that advised him long ago to “look at your daily tasks and decide which item was the toughest/most difficult task you would face that day…and then to do that one first.”  The idea is to tackle your biggest obstacles first- and you’ll feel better/perform better the rest of the day.

Incredible energy and mumblechatter from the PAX.  The Deathstar was fun and full of suck, but worth visiting again (SOON).