F3 Knoxville

What needs to go?

THE SCENE: Crisp, clear autumn morning. Couldn’t hope for better.

  • Slow windmills
  • Imperial walkers
  • Cheer leaders
  • Cherry pickers
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Up dog/Down dog
  • Right plank/left plank


  • Mosey to pool wall for 10 Wall-pees
  • 4 rounds:
    • 20 jungle boi squats
    • 5 pull ups
    • 20 merkins
    • 5 wall-ups
  • Mosey to amphitheater and do 3 rounds
    • 20 LBCs
    • 20 flutter kicks
    • 20 Freddies
    • 20 awkward turtles
    • Bear crawl up the hill
    • 5 burpees
  • Mosey to fountain and do 2ish rounds until time
    • 20 dips
    • 20 step ups
    • 20 dry docks (or Der-docks for +)
    • 20 BBS
    • 20 Iron Mikes
  • RTF

Pulled in Erector for Heels to Heaven and Skewer for some Hammers

In my pre-blast, I mentioned the need to make hard choices over the next couple months, and I wanted to expand on this just a bit.

I, personally, have been buried with too much stuff. After the relative low of the past couple years, my self-regulation was totally out of whack, and I have said yes to WAY too many things. All good things that bring value when done right, but doing it right requires time to think and plan, which is impossible when there isn’t even enough time to drive between them.

While this is partly a result of a desire to be generous, that isn’t the whole story. When I really scrutinize my inner most thoughts, there are also elements of self-importance, image, and arrogance.

Self-importance in the sense that it is affirming to feel responsible, to have others look to me.

Image in the sense that I want people to see me as the guy who “does it all”. To say things like “I don’t know how you do it”

Arrogance in the sense that I have rather too high an opinion of my own ability and how it compares to others.

In short, it’s ME focused. In F3 we are peer led, not just to make it easier, but because when I give someone else the lead, it gives them an opportunity to develop their skills. It also diffuses the tendency of groups to orbit around strong personalities.

The image that I should be most focused on is the one I project to my 2.0s. I sought involvement because I saw my father as being uninvolved, but now I see that I can be just as disconnected from them when I’m too involved. My attention for them is sacrificed when I must attend to the group.

So now, I find myself working through the new problem, what needs to go.
Just great to be back with the pack.
Halloween event Thursday, 6-8 (setup at 4). Brolympics Nov 5. Christmas parade December 10.



  1. Projectivator x7
  2. Squats 5 Tempo + 5 4-ct
  3. Merkins 5 Tempo + 5 4-ct
  4. Mountain Climbers x10
  5. Growing Baby (LBAC) x10
  6. Moroccan Nightclub x10
  7. 5 Cherry Pickers
  8. 5 Burpees OYO
  9. Stretch OYO
  10. Mosey to Physical Plant

Mucho Chesto: 10 Merkins, 10 Diamond Merkins, 10 Wide Merkins, 10 Stagger Left Merkins+10 Stagger Right Merkins=50 Merkins (2 Rounds)

HEAVY Lazy Dora: Partner up, 1 CMU/pax

  • 100 Merkins on CMU (switch every 10) while battle buddy holds plank on CMU (Both take CMU to the top of the stairs and back down)
  • 200 Heavy LBC holding CMU above head (switch every 20) while battle buddy does 6″ leg hold w/ CMU above head (Both take CMU to the top of the stairs and back down)
  • 300 Heavy Squats (switch every 25) while battle buddy holds Heavy Al Gore (w/CMU)(Both take CMU to the top of the stairs and back down)



God is Holy – set apart, altogether different, perfect, yet He reveals Himself to us through creation, through the Scriptures, through beauty, family, the church, our circumstances. In Jesus, He shows us who He is, and I’m amazed that He reveals Himself to me as a Friend. Not a casual acquaintance, or a buddy, but a Friend – One who laid down His life down for us. “A Friend loves at all times, and a Brother is born for adversity” (Proverbs 17:17). “A man of many friends may come to ruin, but there is One who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). These verses point to the need of a man for friendship. Few men are willing to admit they are lonely. Some men acknowledge they are searching for friendship, and F3 meets that need for several. Some find in their wives a best friend. But we find in Jesus, a Friend that fulfills the kind of true love and intimacy that we need and search for, and God created us for. Friendship may sound unnecessary, or trite, but this need in me is a way for me to understand God’s love for me.

Ephesians 3:14-21 is a powerful and beautiful passage that contains so much, but it also speaks to me of God choosing me for love and intimacy:

“For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, 16 that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

There’s nothing better…

Great to spend time with my JUCONIAN BROTHERS! 

Brolympics next weekend – check Slack for details

Lack of Room Service

THE SCENE: A bit chilly, but refreshing

Tempo Squats
Calf Raises


Mosey to the new math building
Section I – A bit of Arms
20 Dips IC
Run around the building
20 Step Ups IC
Run around the building
20 Dips IC
Mosey to the large east side parking lot
Section 2 – A bit more arms
50 Merkins
Run to the other side of the parking lot
50 Squats
Run back
50 Merkins
Run to the other side of the parking lot
50 Squats
Mosey to the Pond
Section 3 – 4 corners
Run around the pond – stopping at each corner and doing the following
10 Catalina Wine Mixers
15 Burpees
20 Big Boys
30 Squats
Mosey to the courtyard
Section 4 – A bit more arms
20 Dirkens
20 Irkens
Lap around the courtyard
20 Dirkens
20 Irkens
Lap around the courtyard
Mosey back to the flag (doing Freddy Mercuries and Flutter Kicks along the way)

No time

Have an attitude of gratitude – be thankful for the group, take care of each other, and strive to help your fellow brothers be better HIMs

Family workout #Skewer style

  1. THE SCENE: chilly 43•  sunny
    WARM-O-RAMA: warm up Odd squad workout: up down, left , right
  2. Running in place, some Merkins and mountain climbers
  3. Blob attack 5 minutes
  • Then enjoyed 5 minutes of big ball soccer
  • The 5 minutes of animal walk
  • ( bear crawl, crab walk, duck walk, goose walk, crouching tiger, gorrila walk, tortoise walk and cheetah run)
  • Climb and slide

MARY: 2.0 called out the exercise till all 2.0 had a chance to lead
The gospel through A to F



THE SCENE: The brisk 40 degree weather returns!

Side straddle hops, Knox cherry pickers, Tempo merkins & squats, Tennessee rocking chairs, mountain climbers.
Rugby shuttle run to the Freedom bell

  • The mission: Gather the required hash (tally) marks for each exercise group…and beat Juco’s time in the same event last week!  Most hash marks required multiple reps to count, and approved modifications to earn a tally were included:
    • Bodybuilders
      2 burpees (w/ merk) : 1 BB
      3 burpees (no merk): 3 BB
      1 hash = 5 BB, 10 with, 15 w/o
      20 hash marks required
    • Pull-ups
      10 Bent Over Rows : 1 PU
      1 hash = 5 PU, 50 BOR
      20 hash marks required
    • Running Laps
      1 hash = 1 lap
      20 hash marks required
    • Clean & Press (with CMU)
      2 squats : 1 C&P
      4 OHP : 1 C&P
      1 hash = 10 C&P, 20 squats, 40 OHP’s
      40 hash marks required
    • Freddy Mercuries
      2 Big Boys : 1 FM
      5 LBC : 1 FM
      1 hash = 10 FM, 20 BB, 50 LBC
      40 hash marks required
    • Clock Merkins
      20 merkins : 1 CM
      30 knee merkins : 1 CM
      1 hash = 1 CM, 20 m, 30 km
      40 hash marks required

    MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!  Beat Juco’s time by 1 minute!  Victory mosey back to the flag.

Had time for the Chumbawumba music challenge.  By the end most had some issues getting “up again”, the Q included.

“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”  (Matthew 6:13, NIV)

 Temptation: Question: What’s the best way to handle temptation?  Answer:  Don’t try to handle the temptation!  Turn away from it!  “A wise man is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is arrogant and careless.” (Proverbs 14:16, NASB) It’s common sense that if you don’t want to get stung, stay away from the bees!  If you don’t want to get burned, don’t get close to the fire!  If you don’t want to fall off the cliff, don’t hang off the ledge! The goal is not to see how close you can get to temptation but rather how far away from it you can stay! Only a fool thinks they can handle temptation.  Analyze when and where you are most tempted and vulnerable, and then stay away from those situations as much as you can.

-Credit to Larry Blakeburn of First Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Oak Ridge, TN

Great to get our party crashed by three HIMs from Rampart and a Respect FNG!  An honor and privilege to lead you all this morning!
None passed.