F3 Knoxville

BB: 16 strong at the Dog Pound

THE SCENE: Bright and early, 38 degrees at start but it got warmer

20 “4 count” side straddle hops,

50 merkins,

20 “4 count” mountain climbers

20 “4 count” plank merkins

mosey to outhouse for 40 step ups


Mosey to the bottom of the steps

40 merkins, 40 dips, 20 lunges

Run up steps and touch the rock

40 merkins, 40 dips, 20 lunges

Run up steps and touch the rock

Recover with plank

Mosey towards Matterhorn with 10 burpees 1/2 way there

Lunge halfway up hill w sprint to the top

To the Pavilon for 20 pull-ups, 20 decline merkins, and 20 dipS

Mosey back to the AO for:

20 “4 count” American Hammers”

50 bicycle kicks

50 baby crunches

20 “4 count” Hello Dolly’s”

40 Merkins

16 Strong, flute loop, detention, ratchet, butters, doubtfire, peach fuzz, ribbed, tank, junk, buehler, scooter, shooter, lady fingers, frosty, lazy boy, eyebeam

10% of us is visible to the whole world.  The other 90% (everything that goes on in our hearts and minds) is only known to us and God.  Is there stuff going on in our 90% that we want changed?  If so, working harder and trying to come up with the power on our own to change the big stuff that needs to be changed is a fruitless, exhausting effort that most likely won’t work.  The answer:  “Desperate Prayer”.  Go to God in authentic surrendered desperation and ask Him to release His Spirit to work in you – get specific on what you want changed, and get desperate, and do it regularly, and see what happens.  Praise Him.
Pray for Mayberry’s family, Praise for Ratchet’s parents

No Degrees Today

THE SCENE: Clear skies and crisp out at JUCO.  “Cs” may get degrees, but there are zero degrees C this morning.

Let’s get going quickly to generate some heat! Mosey around the parking lot while Q spouts disclaimer from Bernie.  Pax kindly alerts Q to the impending curb and embankment…
Next we have:
Cossack Squats x10 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC, keep plank for:
Alternating shoulder taps x15 IC
Al Gore Tuck Jumps x8 IC (most reps yet for this exercise… Literally fell to the ground on last rep)
Somewhere between 5 and 10 burpees. These were mainly to rest the quads for:
Monkey Humpers x15 IC!

Mosey to the drainage ditch and pick up 2 hand-size coupons.
Dang, these are friggin’ cold!
Side raise IC x15
Forward raise IC x15

Keep the coupons and mosey toward the fitness center.
Stop at the long parking lot.
“Cat on a hot tin roof” (bear crawl, but extend arm and leg fwd/back) for 2 parking spaces, 2 Raise the Roof. 2 more spaces, 4 Raise the Roof
Dang, these coupons are still friggin’ cold! And slippery. Audible to standard bear crawl. Continue to 20 Raise the Roof.

Get rid of still-frozen coupons at a different drainage ditch.

Team up for Dora 1,2,3 with 100 Merkins, 200 Big Boys, 300 squats, partner runs up the hill and back carrying larger 2-handed coupon.
Ran out of time during squats, mosey back to AO:
Airplane mode (run with arms out to the side)
Zombie mode (arms straight out),
Praise the Lord (arms up straight)

Sneaked back into the AO with just enough time for a minute of boat/canoe
8 PAX, no FNGs this morning.
Brief Word this morning… This weekend was a but hectic as we had my niece and nephew for a visit. They lost their mother unexpectedly last July. Just a reminder to pour yourself into the lives of others, and especially cherish that time with your loved ones. Only God knows how long they will be with us. Don’t miss an opportunity to tell them you love them.
Not sure my fingertips have ever been colder than when holding those coupons this morning. Great teamwork by the PAX on the Dora 1,2,3!
No announcements this morning

Fabulous 40

THE SCENE: 50 and clear

Mosey around the outhouse


40 Merkins

40 Squats

40 BBS

Mosey back to the outhouse

40 Box jumps

40 Dips

Mosey to the Matterhorn

40 V-ups


Mosey to the pav-a-lon

40 Pull ups

40 Floor wipers

Mosey back to the rock pile

40 curls

40 tri extensions

40 goblet squats

40 bent over row

40 American hammers

40 mtn climbers

40 flutter kicks

As you can tell I turn 40 today which means I have had many years to do the things I wanted to do.  I haven’t got them all done, but I have been fortunate to do quite a few.  In the same sense my 90 year old grandmother is currently lying in a hospital and most likely going to hospice.  I do not think she got to do all the things she wanted to do.  I think she has led a good and happy life, but I think there was other things, other adventures, or other experiences that she wanted to do.  Let this be a reminder to all of you do not put off the things you want to do until later.  We are not guaranteed any definite time on this earth, so make the most of it.  Hug your wives and kids, but also get out there and live your life.


Also welcome Abscess Jr…. aka Sleepwalker.

Back to the Basics

  • THE SCENE: 40 degrees and cloudy.  Much warmer morning than previous
  • SSH IC x15
  • a little Michael Phelps
  • Tempo squats IC X10
  • a little of this and that


Route 66-11 cones set up along the road.  1st cone 1 rep and add 1rep after each cone.  Last cone will be 11 reps last cone.  66 total reps per excercise.

1st round – Burpees, 2nd round – squats, 3rd round-merkins

  • Mosey to Materdorn (horn?).  7s 1 rep (jump squat) bottom and to light pole 6 reps (Carolina dry docs).  Back to bottom 2 reps and back to light pole 5 reps.  Always a total of 7s Rinse and repeat.  Finish when 6 reps on bottom and 1 up top.
  • Finished with sprint to top of hill.
  • mosey to road.  Suicides 1st round 50% to 1st light pole and 100% to 2nd pole.  2nd round Bernie sanders suicides.
  • Mosey to another hill.  Crab walk or lunges to top and finish with 20 sit-ups.  Back down and lunges Or crabwalk to top finish with 10 sit-ups.
  • Back to AO.  Finish with 25x flutter kicks

17 PAX

As someone who has struggled with depression I challenge all HIMs to seek those who may struggle with these disease.  A lot of times you may not realize they are going thru this.  So this holiday season talk to your family, friends, co-workers, and your kids.  Say hello to those you may not necessarily hang out or talk to.  A simple hello can be such a powerful gesture.  If someone you suspect is going thru depression invite them to church or an F3 workout.  I have been blessed to have been led to  F3 knoxville.

Inner city 2.0 workout this Sunday at 2pm at the Wesley house.  All F3 and non-F3 guys welcome.  See Tank for further information.

No Phish, Just Embracing My Inner Singing Cowboy in the Clouds with EDM Playing in the Background

THE SCENE: Warm 32 Farenheit
Warm up

Round the clock merkins x 5

High knees and butt kickers

squat and stretch

Some stuff on your own

That’s it, we got to it.

Insert information about the workout.

  • Mosey to track, 15 merkins IC, 1 Lap as fast as possible, Flutters after IC
  • Mosey to Indoor Rink, Lunge across, 10 burp skurps (burpees), 2 rounds of sprints
  • Indian run to the big hill (MatterEverest?), IC merkins, superman swims, and Flutters IC, Then we charged the hill
  • At the top, more swims, flutters, and merkins
  • Mosey to the base of the Tavern, 2 rounds of 5 turkish getups each leg with a trip to the rock (Now named Icculus), 50 calf raises, and some Hello Dollys IC
  • Mosey back to AO
    MARY: We saiddddd naaaaahhhhhh to Mary today. We got no time for her today.
    20….. Where was this last time?
    It is good to remember that often, ideas have people, not that people have ideas. Be careful when making decisions to avoid falling into the trap of attempting to justify decisions after making them.

    Come out to The Wesley House Sunday and exercise with some young lads. Football is over and I know none of you watch hockey, so come out der.