F3 Knoxville

Pool Boy’s 4rd Annual Black Friday JUCO Discount Coupon Special

THE SCENE: Black and Friday… aka Annual Black Friday JUCO Discount Coupon Special (1st2nd3rd)
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Administered

7 each x El Capitan OYO
10 x OHC IC
6 x Werewolf OYO
10 x Tempo Squat IC
7 x Tennessee Rocking Chair IC
5 x Burpees OYO
7 x Derkins on Curb IC
6 x Tempo calf raises on the curb IC (also nice and slow)

Tour de JUCO – The Scenic Route to the Coupon Pile

Falling Mall Walk the Haslam Business Building (yes, we’re power walking to warm up our calves!) -> This was changed to a mosey to the Courtyard.

4 Corners – 2nd time completion first person circle all the way back and do the exercises with the PAX at the corner to return to the start

1 – Burpees (10)
2 – Merkins (20)
3 – Squats (30)
4 – BBS (40)

Mosey to the Coupon Pile
Coupon or no coupon? What kind of deal do you want? 10 reps with a coupon or 20 without a coupon

1 – Stairs to Pull Up 3-5 / 15 second dead hang
2 – Thrusters / Air Squat to Press
3 – Curls / Overhead Claps
4 – Kettle Bell Swings / Good mornings
5 – Front Raises / Front Raises
6 – Blockees / Burpees

Repeat 2-3x depending on time. 30 second break and/or 30 second wall sit in between

20 second wall sit – thanks to Lil’ Spice it was probably closer to 30!

Mosey to the Shovel Flag. Dealer’s choice at the end
COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA – 4 Super Couponers

Advent: Covenant Faithfulness and Promises. We are in the season of Advent and yet I look back at the past 3 years and 4 Black Fridays that God has given me and I’m still continually thankful for the way that God has been faithful even as I have not. I’m so grateful and anticipate many things happening and changing even as I am no longer primarily at JUCO as my home AO. But there are just so many guys I can look to who have had an impact on me as well as seeing those who will come after.

Often we think we have to do it all – to get it perfect, to say the exact right thing, to be the perfect person. But let me remind you of the truth that we celebrate behind Advent – Jesus’ birth wasn’t option #2. It wasn’t plan B. God made the world and though sin and death would come, Christ would come to redeem us. His faithfulness and promises have all been foretold and fulfilled. Today we celebrate what happened ~2,000 years ago. There’s a song whose lyrics I want to read you that tells the story that Jesus was the original plan and not plan B. It tells of these covenant promises and covenant faithfulness that God has and will always have for us.

[Verse 1]
Prophets promised long ago
A King would come to bring us hope
And now a virgin bears a son
The time to save the world has come

[Verse 2]
Humble shepherds run in haste
To see the One the angels praised
In cattle stall they find a girl
Who holds the hope of all the world

[Verse 3]
As He sleeps upon the hay
He holds the moon and stars in place
Though born an infant He remains
The sovereign God of endless days

[Verse 4]
For all our sins one day He’ll die
To make us sons of God on high
Let every heart prepare Him room
The promises have all come true

Emmanuel has come to us
The Christ is born, hallelujah
Our God made low to raise us up
Emmanuel, has come to us

Begin Advent with grateful hearts to God for Jesus – in the manger and headed to the Cross.

Great to be back at JUCO!

F3 Knoxville Christmas Party at Butterknife’s house Dec 3 @ 7pm. See Slack for the details.


THE SCENE: Clear and cool. Just a hint of summer remaining with the fall weather.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Administered

10 x Overhead Clap IC
10 each Tie Fighters forward & backward IC
10 Forward lunges in place OYO
10 Reverse lunges OYO
10 x Tempo Squats IC
5 x Hand Release Merkins OYO
5 x Burpees
5 x Werewolves OYO
10 x TN Rocking Chair IC

Part 0 – Party Affiliation (Falling Indian Run with Upper or Lower Choosing)
Pick your party: Upper Body or Lower Body? Along the way to the Cheatsheet Memorial Merkin Parking Lot do:

Part 1 Primaries in the Cheat Sheet parking lot
List 2 types- primaries
30 Merkins or Bat Wings (20 each of Baby Arm Circles Forward, Baby Arm Circles Backward, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps)
Lower (30 Squats, 100 Toe Merkins, & 20 Lunges)

So I’m going to let you vote in both parties if you want (some people even register as one and vote as another?). You get to do the “vote twice!” (or you can cancel yourself out haha)

We ended up doing this 3x actually.

Part 2 Total Democracy (election #1)
Everybody votes on every decision
We go with the majority for every exercise (listed at the CMUs)
Repeat after 10 (basically with or without CMUs)
CMU circle (10 or 20 each)
CMU Thrusters 10 or Air Presses
CMU Bench or Merkins
Blockee or Burpees
CMU row or Seal Claps

Core Circle (10-15 each)
Dolly or Leg lifts
Pickle Pounders or Pickle Pointers
Big Boy Situps or V-ups
LBC or Leg Lifts
Left or Right side Crunches

Repeat if time (we had time)

Fellowship mosey to the corner then regular mosey to the flag (thanks for the sprint push Baby Boomer!)

Dealer’s choice with several exercises that were clearly not core (Burpees included!)
14 Electoral Voters strong today!


Circle of Trust
I don’t even remember signing up for this Q. But because I actually showed up Friday I decided to keep it. I’m no politician but I hope to keep my word. Tomorrow we have a lot of choices – to vote for many things. It’s a responsibility we should take seriously, but also we need to understand what we’re doing too.
We live in a democratic republic. This means you elect a representative who, unless specifically presented to voters as an amendment, vote on things for us. This is, more or less, a feature and not a bug of our 3-branch government system. Today we walked through a few (but certainly not all) types of government.
Regardless of the type of government we’re under, the Bible says a few things:
1 Timothy 2:2-4 – 1 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

1 Peter 2:17 – Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.

Romans 13:1 – Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.
Today we’re doing something different here: I’m going to pray for prayer requests but then I’m also going to echo a prayer that one of my pastors yesterday prayed during our meeting for our country because it had such an impact on me as crying out to God for righteousness and mercy to be fruit of these elections.
(Took prayer requests) Dumpster Dive, Tail Hook, Jenner
Additional Prayer
Father, the great truth that we just sang is such a rich encouragement to us. We do believe that all is well with our souls because of Jesus Christ our Savior and His gracious, sovereign rule over all things. And that reality is a special encouragement to us in prayer. It is an encouragement to us this week, Lord, as our nation is in another cycle of local, state, and national elections. So, as Your people we would like to begin this week in obedience to Your Word that tells us to pray for all people, including ‘kings and all who are in high positions’ (1 Timothy 2:2a)’ we pray this so that we, Your people, might live ‘peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way’ (1 Timothy 2:2b). So Lord, we pray this morning for our city and for our county mayors and all local government leaders.

We pray also for our state legislature and for our governor. We pray for the United States congress, supreme court, and president. We pray that You would give our government leaders wisdom and skill in leading. We pray that our nation would remain a place where we can freely worship You and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You tell us, Lord, that it is Your desire for all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4); so we pray for a great outpouring of Your Holy Spirit in our country.

But whatever may happen, we pray that you would strengthen us; that you would help us to love our neighbors, to be patient with those we may disagree with, and to extend the grace, mercy, and love of Christ to those around us. We thank you for Christian people who serve in government everyday. We pray specifically for [man currently serving as legal counsel to senators in Washington, DC]. Bless [him] and others like him who work in government. Help them to see good and godly fruit from their efforts and raise up more people like [him] who seek to honor you in government service.

So we’re glad this morning in this election week to commit the needs of our country to Your care and to ask you to help us to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ in our country.

It was good to be back even though I don’t remember signing up for this Q!
Food drive still ongoing and other donation stuff this holiday season. See Slack for all the details and if you didn’t get our new Nantan’s newsletter this week rectify that in Slack as well by sending Abort or Ratchet a DM!

Birthday Burpees Bring Big Blessings

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.
Ankle Roll x 5 ea OYO
Calf Raises x 10 + x 5 ea OYO
Cherry Picker x 5 IC
Drinking Bird (Flamingo) x 5 ea OYO
Tempo Squat x 10 IC
El Capitan x 8 (2 forward, turn around and 2 back out)
Werewolf x 5 OYO
Overhead Clap x 10 IC
Neck Roll x 5 ea OYO

Falling Indian Run – Burpees / Merkins / Squats to the football field parking lot or the hill

El Capitan up the hill if we have to go around
Squats at the top 10 each person / til the 6 gets up the hill.

Mosey carefully down to the Bleachers.

Snake up and down – every other row a PAX stops.
Incline Merkins going up
Squats going down
Overhead Clap at the bottom

Repeat for all of the bleachers

May modify this depending on the PAX’s mood:
Burpee Broad Jump on the track (5 each) back followed by El Captain or if it’s not too tiring / finishes quickly repeat in reverse. Mod = Core to let the PAX catch their breaths and Lunge and then core (also can do if we don’t have to run around)

Mosey back
Crawl bear down the hill
5 Burpees at the Bottom. Plank for the 6 if necessary.

Falling Indian Run – Burpees back to the #ShovelFlag

Burpees Squared –
PAX pair up. Each PAX runs the squar but at each corner the PAX does a Burpee starting with the corner where all PAX are. While the burpee running is happening other pax does one exercise:

LBC Pickle Pointer Fluter Kick Squat

Dealer’s Choice (almost ended with Pickle Pointer Ring of Fire (starting with 3)
Dealer’s choice but every exercise has to be a Burpee)

9 men got their weekly dose of burpees!


Today’s my birthday! I’m so happy to share it with you men at the start!

As many of you know, lately I’ve had my thoughts on a certain person. She’s gotten my attention and my thoughts go there often. But the best part about her? She fills my thoughts with the Word of God. We talk about it all of the time.

We discuss what we’re meditating on, what we’re reading through, what our devotionals that we read says (we even discovered we have the same daily devotional book)!

Many people probably know what the greatest two commandments are. Love God and love others. This fulfills the whole law! The Jews counted up 613 different laws from the Torah to be followed and yet if you did these two things you would fulfill the law.

Coupled with this is what Jesus said with your heart – what you meditate on, what you think about, will overflow. This is also stated in the same passage that Jesus quotes when asked about the Greatest Commandment in Deuteronomy 6:4-9:

4 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[b] 5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Obedience to God’s law is threefold: immediately, completely, and joyfully. We can ask God to help us follow through, especially with our hearts, as we think about The Good News of Law as my church put it during a study we did this summer.

So today, dwell upon, meditate on, talk about, and think of God’s law. You will see the fruit of thinking about how good it is all the time with a heart that overflows with belief of the same.

Birthday Q’s seriously make your day go so well. 11/10 would recommend any opportunity you get to Q on your bday to do it!
IPC still happening. Brolympics 11/5/2022 at The Asylum. Watch Slack for sign-ups.

Watch your BACK

THE SCENE: low 70’s HUMID, light rain

Baby Arm Circles forward/backward
Arm Stretching
Cherry pickers
Slow Mosey to the CMU’s, and everyone takes one.
Take half the blocks to the swings, and half the blocks to the pull up bars.  Divide into two groups, one group has three guys to swing pullups, while the onlookers do rows.  Rotate in an out until the second group arrives to relieve you.  The second group is at the pull up bars.  Perform 10 Pullups or 10 negatives (jumping up and slowly coming down).  The onlookers perform lawn mowers.  After everyone does 10, rotate to the swings.  Rinse and repeat 3 times.  After three rotations, we did some curls and bench press with the CMU’s before putting them away.

We went to the dry area near the high school (under cover) and did the following in cadence on a 4 ct.
25 Hello Dolly’s
20 Pickle Pounders
15 LBC’s
10 Flutter kicks
10 Pickle Pointers

Dream big.  Jesus did more than was expected he saved lives, he performed miracles, he did more than anyone could even imagine.  The challenge for each of us to to step outside our normal thoughts and think bigger.  How can we dream big, what do we need to push out of the way to open our minds?
Pray for Pom Pom as he has impending travel to Bulgaria
Pray for Anchorman’s family that has COVID
Pray for Mermaid’s family as the help make decisions about elderly are with aging grandparents with one who is currently hospitalized due to a stroke.
F3 Picnic Sunday 9/11

Counting the Cost of Not Fartsacking

THE SCENE: Mid 60’s – nice weather for August

Wrist & neck roll (courtesy of Caveman)
Richard Simmons (inspired by Mermaid’s shorts but also pre-planned)
Ankle rotation
Flamingo (SLRDL)
Seal clap squats
Forward lunges
Backward lunges
Tennessee rocking chair

Mosey to the football field end zone (scratch that – mosey to the Cheatsheet parking lot as the football field was locked)

Pool Boy 11’s variation –
Tennessee Rocking Chair – Side Lunge, switch halfway
Drinking Bird / Flamingos
When you’re done run a lap – the 6 will go the opposite way and turn everyone around getting us back to the end zone (or bleachers). Crawl Space completed 1 lap. The rest of us recovered.

Next part totally skipped because the track was locked (we didn’t have enough time anyway haha)

Bleacher Falling Indian Run – every other bleacher someone stops at and does the following exercises
Incline Merkins going up
Squats going down
At the bottom the first pax down announce a core exercise for everyone to single file and do 15 reps of. Complete for all bleachers or until the Q calls recover.

Mosey Falling Indian Run to the CMU pile – do drinking birds aka Flamingos on the way until the back of the line reaches you. Really try to stretch those hamstrings.

2 CMUs – complete reps & then do more of an exercise: 11’s
4-ct Flutter kicks or a core exercise called by the PAX

First PAX finished calls it or the Q may call it.

Fellowship mosey to the Shovel Flag. Dealer’s choice for 2 PAX then finished 15 seconds early.

7 PAX!

Completing what you started. God starts what He finishes. Jesus wasn’t plan B. He has a time for everything and a place for you and me to fit in. Today we are here on a Wednesday. Everything is perfect in time. I’m praying about what to do with my time. I have a PE exam to study, friendships to pursue, a church to serve, a job to work, and lots more…

But the real test is do we trust God for what he calls us to do when we feel like He will not complete it for us or that we have to hold on to have him complete that in us? A passage where Jesus challenges us to count the cost and the time for things in order to complete it – Luke 15:25-33:

25 Now great crowds accompanied him, and he turned and said to them, 26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. 27 Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. 28 For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? 29 Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, 30 saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’ 31 Or what king, going out to encounter another king in war, will not sit down first and deliberate whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? 32 And if not, while the other is yet a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks for terms of peace. 33 So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.

Jesus challenges us to make sure we know what the cost of something is – a house, a marriage, a new job, staying at your old job, a lawsuit, everything- we must count it! Anybody know what TINSTAAFL means? There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. God counted the cost when He sent Christ in a twofold way:

Romans 8:31-3231 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be[i] against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?

Philippians 1:6And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

So today, where are you counting (or not counting) the cost? Are you grateful for the cost the Father gave of Christ’s blood? If not, pause and reflect.

Signing up to Q makes you not fartsack as much. Cost counted. Pride humbled. More workouts attended.

IPC sign-up in Slack on Tuesdays at Shamrock. Also Yoga on Thursdays by Tailhook – see Slack as well.