F3 Knoxville

Dual Route 66

THE SCENE: Mild for February

  • SSH IC x 20
  • Cherry Pickers IC x 10
  • Tempo Squats IC x 10
  • Merkins IC x 10
  • Baby Arm Circles (forward & reverse) IC x 12


Dual Route 66’s – 22 light poles up the path to the top of Little Baby Hill. When finished with the first set of exercises, run back down the hill back to the first light pole. Rinse and repeat with the next set of exercises.

  1. Merkins and Big Boy Sit Ups
  2. Carolina Dry Docks and Jump Squats
  3. Flutter Kicks (4 ct) and Iron Mikes (4 ct)
  4. Burpees and Hello Dollies (4 ct)

Mosey to the playground for 3 sets of Tricep Dips and Derkins.


Just enough time for some Hello Dollies, plank work, and American Hammers.

19 HIMs – no FNG’s


With the recent flooding throughout Knoxville, I witnessed a lot of men ready and willing to jump into action to help out their neighbors. Men from our church group helped by digging ditches to divert water away from basements and crawl spaces. When they heard that friends and neighbors were in need, they dropped their Saturday plans and eagerly ran out into the rain to help. It was a great reminder that we as men have a longing to come to the rescue. We want to play the hero, to help others in need, to accomplish great feats in adverse conditions.

On the flip side, we as men are very often reluctant to ask others for help. We tend to wait until the very last minute to reach out to our brothers. We wait until our basements and crawl spaces are already filled with water before we’re willing to ask for help. Even though our brothers are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to jump into action, we attempt to do it ourselves for as long as we can…….until it reaches a point where it’s no longer manageable.




THE SCENE: 54 and overcast

SSH x 35
BBQ Squats x 10
Baby Arm circles forward x 12
Baby Arm circles backward x 12

3 laps – Lap Starts at Blocks run to around ball fields the long way up cardiac then back down to block pile. Bear crawl at second turn of cardiac
Stop 1 – Squat Thrusts
Lap 1 x 10
Lap 2 x 10
Lap 3 x 15
Stop 2 – Big Boys
Lap 1 x 10
Lap 2 x 10
Lap 3 x 15
Stop 3 – Hand Release Mericans
Lap 1 x 10
Lap 2 x 10
Lap 3 x 15
Stop 4 – Man Makers
Lap 1 x 10
Lap 2 x 10
Lap 3 x 15

35 Burpees

5 x 20 Captain Thors

Self Control – It’s not just about saying no to the big things.

Hardship Hill and Rusty’s Chili benefit


THE SCENE: Wet, but not raining.  Mild.

25 SSH
20 Baby Arm Circles Forward & Back
High Knees across parking lot, then mosey back.
Butt Kickers across parking lot, then mosey back.
High Skip across parking lot, then mosey back.
Mosey up the little hill, plank for the 6.
20 Merkins
Mosey down the Dragon’s tail. Stop half way for:
20 Merkins
20 BBS
20 Hello Dolly (4ct)
Mosey to end of the tail.
20 Merkins
20 BBS
20 Hello Dolly (4ct)
20 Tempo Squats (low & slow)
Mosey to The Pavilon.
11s Table Rows and Box Jumps/Step ups
Wall sit for the 6 plus slooooow 10 count from 2 PAX.
20 Merkins
20 BBS
20 Hello Dolly (4ct)
20 Tempo Squats (low & slow)
20 Dips
Mosey to the steps
25 Calf raises (4ct)
Mosey to far end of bottom parking lot
20 Merkins
20 BBS
20 Hello Dolly (4ct)
20 Tempo Squats (low & slow)
2 Laps of the Lot, with 3x intermediate sprints.
Mosey to the AO.
Outta time. Sorry.
It’s as near as dammit one year since I started coming to F3. I never saw myself as someone who set an alarm at 5:00 am, nevermind set a 5:00 am alarm to go workout, yet here I am. Thanks to my F3 brothers for getting me out of bed. For making me accountable and getting me better. Thanks for the 2F lunches and the 3F events. Mostly, thanks for the early morning fellowship.  Here’s to another 12 months.

Deck of Chaos

43 and clear but wet

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH 4ct x30 IC
Tempo Squats 4ct x15 IC
Tempo Merkins 4ct x15 IC
Imperial Squat Walkers 4xt x15 IC

Line up on curb for the following…
Rocky Balbos x20 IC
BAC Fwd x10 IC
BAC Bkwd x10 IC
Rocky Balbos x20 IC

Line up on the curb.

Deck of Chaos
The deck of cards determines our destiny!
For all suits with a card value of 2-6 = Suicides based on the value of the card.

  • Example: draw a number 4 card (4wo Cone touches): Run to Cone 1, back to Start, run to Cone 2 and back to start. run to Cone 3, back to Start, run to Cone 4, back to start. Done.

For the rest of the deck, perform the number of reps based on the value of the card according to the list below:

  • Face Cards = 15 reps
  • Ace = 21 reps
  • Jokers = run to the top of the hill and back to the curb.

The exercises are as follows:

  • Hearts: Burpees
  • Spades: 4c Squats
  • Clubs: 4ct Flutter Kicks
  • Diamonds: 4ct Merkins

We were just 6 cards shy of finishing the deck, that’s my bad.  Next time will probably stick with single count rather than 4ct on the exercises (except for Flutter Kicks).  That should put the PAX right where we need to be to finish the whole deck

Number off and Name-O-Rama – 30 PAX including 1 FNG – Zillow

Grit – Grind – Grace

For me, they sum up the mindset a HIM needs to wake with each morning to make sure he takes his DRP and gets better.

  • GRIT – Defined as “courage and resolve; strength of character”, this is the mindset a HIM has to have if he is going to have the impact on the world that he longs for.  Everything starts in the mind.  There will always be 10 reasons to not do what is good and right…GRIT finds that one reason to press forward and makes it happen.
  • GRIND – This is where we do the work to get better.  Where we put GRIT to work.  It’s not enough to think about, we need to get dirty.  It’s not easy, it’s not supposed to be.  The challenge is what fuels growth.  Whether it is physical, mental, relational or spiritual if we are going to get better we MUST put in the work.  The GRIND is where a HIM applies his GRIT to get better and makes his world better for others.
  • GRACE – This final point reminds us that none of us are perfect, that we all need outside help.  No man reaches his full potential alone, no one.  The very life we live is a grace.  No greater display of grace in all of history than Christ on the cross.  The key for a HIMs is to see the GRACE that surrounds him and draw strength from it and then be an agent of grace in the lives of those around him.  GRACE fuels humility, teachability and flexibility, three key attributes of very good leader.  Today we got through by ensuring that the man on our left and right got through.  The Fellowship of Suffering is a extreme grace in our lives that hones us to be the best we can be.  As we both receive and extend grace in every area of life we mature into men of impact.

Every day this week we have an opportunity to exercise GRIT, GRIND and GRACE.  The thing is, no one can force it upon you.  You have to choose it, commit to it and then see it done.  So let’s do this.

Submitted by,
Cap’n Crunch

Partners Coupon


50 and clear

SSH x 20
Imperial squat walkers x10
Baby Arm circles forward x 10
Baby Arm circles backward x 10
Hand claps x10


Grab a partner and go to block pile
Exercise 1 – One partner does farmer carry while the other bearcrawls across parking lot. (switch at opposite end or as needed.)
Catch me if you can(Squats) to top of hill complete 5 Bro-Pees with partner then back to CMU pile
Exercise 2 – Complete exercise 1 then add Brickbarrow(2 parking spaces
Run to top of hill complete 5 Bro-Pees with partner then back to CMU pile
Exercise 3 – Complete exercise 1&2 then add back to back curls with CMU
Catch me if you can(Squats) to top of hill complete 5 Bro-Pees with partner then back to CMU pile
Exercise 4 – Complete exercise 1,2&3 add 15 4 count CMU Flutter kick
Run to top of hill complete 5 Bro-Pees with partner then back to CMU pile
Exercise 5 – Complete exercise 1-4 and add 10 Hand release partner mericans
Catch me if you can(Squats) to top of hill complete 5 Bro-Pees with partner then back to CMU pile
10 CUM squat Press

Captain Thor x 5

How different would our lives look if we put others needs before our own.  Show someone love today especially those who might not have show it to you.
Let each of you look out not only for his own interest but also for the interests of others. Philippians 2:4

​Welcome Buns and Glitter 

Hardship hill sigh up DO IT!