F3 Knoxville

Leave it all

THE SCENE: Humid, 72 degrees

Side Straddle Hops, baby arm circles (forward and backward), Mountian climbers

double Indian run to the “animal trail:

We started at a light post at the bottom of the “loop Parking lot.” At every other pole there was an exercise written in chalk. These exercises were done down and back.

  • Bear Crawl
  • Bunny Hop
  • Crab Walk
  • Frog Jumps
  • Lunges
  • Duck Walk

We moseyed to the Pavillion for Burpee Sprint Ladders

1 burpee – sprint down and back, 2 burpees – sprint down and back. etc. for 3 rounds. 45 sec., 1 min., 1:30.

Circled up in the pavilion for 7 x 3. We did 2 rounds of 6 exercises. The exercises were grouped together in pairs. seven reps of each exercise were completed back to back to back, as many reps as you could complete in 45 seconds with 15 seconds for rest.

  • Star Jumps, Jump Squats
  • Mountain Climber (4 count ), High Knees (4 count)
  • Jump Lunges, Side Kick outs

Roxanne by the Police – push up at Roxanne, half burpee at “put on the red light”

Surrenders: 4, 30-second rounds of 2 excercises. Move 1: Pax started on all fours. Hands directly under sholders. Knees at a 90-degree angle 2 inches off the ground. this was held for 30 seconds. Move 2: the Same position except hands was directly out from shoulders pushing against a wall. This was held for 30 seconds as well.

Boat Canoe, Cross Crawl

As created creatures of the LORD, we are dependent. Dependent on life, breath, food, abilities, and talents. Let us know be deceived into thinking that the very things we are dependent on the Lord for creating independence in us.

Highway 45

THE SCENE: Beautiful weather

  • SSH
  • Tempo Squats
  • Baby Arm Circles (Forward/Reverse)
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Merkins

Went down to the oval parking lot – 9 light poles total on the perimeter of the oval. 1 Lap for each of the following exercises, stopping at each light pole and doing 5 reps of the exercise (total of 45 reps each lap):

  1. Burpees
  2. Flutter Kicks (4 ct)
  3. Diamond Merkins
  4. Jump Squats
  5. Mountain Climbers (4 ct)
  6. Star Jacks
  7. Wide Merkins
  8. Hello Dollies (4 ct)
  9. Carolina Dry Docks
  10. Victory lap for the ones who finished

Back up to the AO for bear crawls across the parking lot, stopping at each line to do 1 Merkin. Back across the parking lot with lunges, stopping at each line to do 1 squat. Then, reverse lunges across the parking lot with bear crawls on the way back.

Just enough time for one set of American Hammers

27 HIMs – no FNGs


Make the most of the day you’re given. It’s easy to look ahead to the next weekend, next vacation, next milestone, etc., but God has given us today. Today is a gift – be intentional with it.

Circuit Work

THE SCENE: No rain but humid

  • SSH
  • Tempo Squats
  • Baby Arm Circles (Forward/Reverse)
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Merkins

Circuit with 6 stops – 2 exercises at each stop; first lap is 15 reps of each exercise, then decrease by 1 each lap (14, 13, 12…..)

  1. Iron Mikes (4 ct) / Big Boy Sit Ups
  2. Flutter Kicks (4 ct) / Supermans
  3. Merkins / Jump Squats
  4. Derkins / American Hammers (4 ct)
  5. Bench Rows / Tricep Dips
  6. Overhead Press / Bicep Curls (w/ the CMUs)

38 HIMs including 1 FNG – Welcome ‘Goober’


Crucifixion Love is the love that Christ showed us. He loved us even though we didn’t deserve it. His Love for us was not predicated on us first loving Him.

Reciprocation Love is loving someone because they’ve first loved us or loving someone with an expectation of something in return. Examples: 1) I’m going to unload the dishwasher so that my wife will notice and that will hopefully lead to sex later on tonight. 2) I’m going to help out with the kids this morning so that my wife will let me go golfing next weekend (and if she says ‘no’, I’ll remind her of how helpful I was with the kids the other day). 3) Or maybe it’s simply that you’re hanging out with someone or being friendly towards them because you’re expecting something in return – you hope to close a business deal, be seen in a certain crowd, you want them to approve of you, etc….

Although we’ll constantly fall short of it in our fleshly bodies, we are called to love others with crucifixion love. Love others even when they don’t deserve it. Love others with no expectation of anything in return.

Problems and Promises

  • THE SCENE: 63 degrees, cloudy, a slight drizzle on the drive in, but stayed dry.
    Baby arm circles 4 ct 12 forward/back

Cherry pickers x 5 with stretch

Michael Phelps.  A little of this/that

SSH x 25 4 ct

Tempo squat x 10

Tempo merkins x 10


  • Mosey to the Big Ball for Morning Call:  Pax line up in plank position.  First person does 5 Big Ball pull-ups, rest of the Pax in plank position, as first person calls out his pull ups, Pax performs 5 merkins, switch and repeat until everyone has completed pull-ups.
  • Mosey to the parking lot by the Crew House.  Lunge:Burpee the bridges, 4:1 first bridge, 4:2 second.
  • Modified Ring of Fire:  Grab a rock and circle up.  Exercise curls.  1st PAX calls out ? Number of curls then says go.  Group drops and does 1 burpee then back in position.  Pass your rock to the left and repeat until all PAX have called out ?number or reps.  Repeat with tricep extensions.
  • Partner up for a modified Dora.  Round 1:  1st PAX Alternates betrween 10  4ct flutter kicks and 10 4ct American Hammers while partner runs to top of the steps, performs 10 CDD then run back, then switch.  Round 2:  alternate 10 4ct box cutters and 10 4 ct American Hammers.  Round 3:  Alternate 10 4ct Edward scissor legs and 10 4ct American Hammers.
  • Mosey back to AO, lunges over the bridges.

No time.


9 men strong.  Welcome One Call from Myrtle Beach.  Wings and Gesundheit were also present, but I could not find their tags.

“Let God’s promises shine on your problems.”  Corrie ten Boom

Captain spectacular visits the Asylum

THE SCENE: 56 and crisp with a shooting star during the workout!


SSH x20 ic

squats x 20 ic

merkins x10 ic

peter parkers x10 ic

  • 11’s at the end of the parking lot where the hill is that goes down to the ball field. At the bottom, start with 1 monkey humper (4 ct) Bernie up and do 10 big boys. Do this until the script is flipped. Total QUAD smoke fest!
  • Capri lap to loosen the quads up. Circle up, lock shoulder to shoulder in a circle with the pax and perform calf raises, straight, out, and in X 20 on the 4ct for each directions. Good ole calve smoke fest and with the pax resting on each other, it provides more resistance.
  • Capri lap again to loosen calves
  • Circle up with your CMU for CAPTAIN SPECTACULAR! 1:4 ratio of one inch worm merkin: 4 cmu goblet squats and 4 CMU overhead presses
  • Do this ratio up to 10 inch worm merkins: 40 cmu goblet squats and 40 cmu over head presses
  • TOTAL reps during captain spectacular is 55 inch worm merkins, 220 goblet squats and 220 over cmu overhead presses. A really good anaerobic workout I might add!

Boxcutter x20 ic

LBC x20 ic

not so lazy boys right into James bond poses

Captina thor up to 5 big boys : 20 American hammers
20 pax including one FNG , BOILED
You haven’t tested your limits until you try something you can’t do! The best day is today because yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not guaranteed.
I know…..simple BOM but it says so much in so little words! keep on keeping on and make every good day and great day!! AYE
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.