F3 Knoxville

Faux Tour De LeConte

THE SCENE: Around 50ish. Not bad

Start with SSH X20 4CT, Baby Arm Circles F and Back x10, Tempo Merkin x10, Jog up Little Hill, 10 Tempo Squats
Headed to Cardiac where there were 4 cones on Cardiac plus the flag at the AO. Goal was 10 merkins at each cone going up Cardiac (40 merkins) and 20 merkins back at AO.  Then hit each cone on the way back down with 10 merkins as well.  Total of 100 merkins.  Did the same with Big Boys.  30 4ct flutters when done.


After that, mosey to tail of dragon for Route 66 of Jump Squats, Then quasi Pickett’s Charge to Overlook for 30 4ct Freddie Mercury.  Mosey back to AO for 30 LBC and 20 American Hammers

Talked about the life of Tom Morey: inventor of the boogie board.  Who took his love of surfing and being in God’s creation and making it accessable to everyone.  Talked about what a legacy he left and how it mirrors what F3 is all about.

34 and On a Birthday Q

THE SCENE: Not as chilly as it could be. 

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done and Done. Lots of chatter during this, mostly from the lawyer in the group.


SSH IC x34; LBAC IC x17 EWay; Tempo Squat x10; Tempo Merk x10; Butt Kicks; High Knees


Route 66 

  • Captain Thor 1:2 ratio every other light for 10 sets 

Mosey to Everest and go up it

Mosey with wet shoes to the Coliseum 

Ghostman Baseball 

  • First → 10 Merkins 
  • Second → 10 Squats 
  • Third → 10 Should taps 
  • Home → 4 Burpees 
    • 1 group goes to 1st and back while the other does ab work; switch
    • Repeat adding a base and an exercise returning back down the bases 
    • Q led one group through ab work
    • Choir Boy (the inventor of Ghostman Baseball) led the other group

Long Mosey to Circus Maximus 

Circus Maximus

  • Blindside’s Fellowship Biscuit  (PAX stays together, once 6 starts the ab work; Q starts the 10 count)
    • Lap → 34 Merkins → Hello Dolly 
    • Lap → 34 Squats → Flutter Kicks
    • Lap → 34 4 ct. SSH → Freddie Mercury

Return to AO 


Stretching out the legs after (almost 3.4 miles) a lot of moseys 


17 HIMs; 1 FNG; Welcome “Bag-Daddy,” a double respect HIM who also happens to be Blindside’s own dad! 


Luke 13:8-9 … Parable of a fig tree not bearing fruit. 3 years without fruit? The owner of the vineyard wanted to cut it down, it was wasting space. The steward pleads by saying he will dig around it, fertilize it, and tend to it more. If we want the fruit of God’s presence in our lives, then we must continually choose to make our hearts a fruitful garden in which the virtues of God grow and are nourished in abundance. 

Today is my birthday. I signed up for this Q several months ago when I learned that Birthday-Qs were a thing. It took me a while to remember that by performing a Birthday-Q, I would be publicizing my birthday. For most of my adult life, I have hated celebrating my birthday. I had several poor birthday experiences in a row during college and felt like it was always a burden on others like I didn’t want to be let down. I have gone so far as to ask my M to cancel a surprise party she was planning for me a couple of years ago because I didn’t want to celebrate. 

What I have learned recently is that by acting this way, by acting like I don’t want to be celebrated, I am actually taking away others’ ability to celebrate me. I love celebrating others and I am taking that joy away from the people that mean the most to me in my life. I thought I was being humble and not a bother to those around me, but in actuality, I was being selfish and hurtful to my family, my friends, and all those in my life that care about me. 

Don’t be selfish, ya’ll. It’s a bad look. 


  • Coats for the Cold: Donate coats for KARM now through November 13th. 
  • Brovember Challenge: F3Knoxville’s November Challenge. Sign-up on Slack. Slack channel “brovember2021” 


Sampler Platter

THE SCENE: Little drizzle.  Humid.  Temps in the 60’s

Warmed up with 20 SSH on the 4ct, 10 tempo Merkins, 10 4ct plank jacks, 10 windmills, 10 OH Claps
Ran Baby Everest 3 times with 10 merkins at the bottom and 20 squats up top


Mosey to Circus Maximus for a sprint the sides walk the ends then mosey to pavillion

Did a random circuit of 1 min or 30 seconds worth of various exercises: Burpees, SSH, Wall sit, Plank Jacks, Table Rows, Dips, Decline Merkins, squats, step ups, box cutters, flutter kicks, big boys, ran a bit.  Little bit of everything.


Love one another and take comfort in the fact that God has a plan for you and he knows what he’s doing.

1 John 3:18-20



Chuck Norris Jumps Clouds

THE SCENE: Dark & Foggy for a VQ

– SSH (10 – 4ct.)
– TN Rockin’ Chair (10 – 4ct.)
– Tie Fighter (10 – 4ct.)
– Hokie Pokey [Right Foot Only for Fun]

Pyramid Play in that Each Round added a new Exercise. After the 3rd round, you drop the #1 exercise at the station until Recovery. Collect a Coupon & Mosey to Station #1 (the Pavilion [All other Stations on the Cloud])

Station 1:
1 – Table Rows (15)
2 – Goblet Squats (20)
3 – CPRs (10)

Station 2:
1 – LBCs (20)
2 – Chuck Norris (10)
3 – X-Factor (20 – 4ct.)

Station 3:
1 – Derkins (10)
2 – Bulgarian Split Squats (20 [10 ea. leg])
3 – Imperial Walkers (20 [10 ea. leg])

Station 4:
1 – Diamond David Lee Roth Burpees (10)
2 – Hand Release Merkins (10)
3 – Boxcutters (20 – 4ct.)

Station 5:
1 – Lt. Dan (20)
2 – Carolina Dry Docks (10)
3 – Flutter Kicks (20 – 4ct.)

Station 6:
1 – Freddy Mercury (20 – 4ct.)
2 – Big Boys (10)
3 – Monkey Humpers (20 – 4ct.)

– Danger Zone

Playlist Included (but not limited to):

Enter Sandman, Jump, Pressure & Danger Zone


Shared how we should not fear sharing our faith with others knowing that God will put is in the right place at the right time with the right words, as long as we surrender to His Will.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.””
‭‭Joshua‬ ‭1:9‬ ‭NIV

Reminder of Hardship Hill on 02-Oct-21

Asylum IPC Week 3

THE SCENE: Fall-ish, 49 degrees when we kicked off

Warm up OYO and explained iron pax for this week

Measure out 400 meters or 1 lap around a standard track.
Measure out 50 yards (using a football field would help significantly)
The Thang
Set the timer for 2 minutes.
Exercises to be done are:
50 Kraken Burpees (3 hand release merkins to a burpee = 1)
50 BDE burpees (burpee, to a Bonnie Blair/jumping lunge (1 on each leg), to a squat = 1)
50 Bonnie Blairs/Jumping Lunge (right leg-left leg = 1)
Workout starts at the cone. Start the timer.
Begin 50 kraken burpees.
When timer goes off, sprint to the other cone that is 50 yards away and continue with Kraken Burpees.
For example, if you did 8 kraken burpees before the timer went off, when you get to the opposite cone, you start counting with the number 9.
This continues until you finish all 50 kraken burpees.
After finishing 50 Kraken Burpees, run one lap (400 meters).
Upon completing 400 meters and returning to the cones, begin 50 BDE burpees. Same procedure as above.
When you return, you start doing the BDE Burpees right away and when the timer goes off, you run to the other cone.
You DO NOT have to wait for the next timer to go off when you return to start the BDE Burpees.
After finishing 50 BDE Burpees, run two laps (800 meters).
Upon completing 800 meters and returning to the cones, begin 50 Bonnie Blairs/Jumping Lunges (right leg-left leg = 1)
When you return, you start doing the Bonnie Blairs/Jumping Lunges right away and when the timer goes off, you run to the other cone.
You DO NOT have to wait for the next timer to go off when you return to start the Bonnie Blairs/Jumping Lunges.
After finishing 50 Bonnie Blairs/Jumping lunges, run three laps (1200 meters).
You are done after completing 3 laps.




No Tim
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Talked about our circle of influence and how much of an impact we can make if we just influence 5 people around us.  And they do that, and so on.  Matthew 28:18-20