F3 Knoxville

Mental toughness

THE SCENE: 55 nice

10x baby arm circles in cadence

10 reverse baby arm circles in cadence

50 ssh in cadence
3 rounds 8 stations 1 minute of work :20 to bear crawl to next station

  • Burpees
  • Hello dollies
  • Bodybuilders
  • Freddy Mercuries
  • Burpee mountain climbers
  • Flutter kicks
  • burpees with 2 merkins
  • American hammers

Pax answered the mental health challenge by saying “I’m great! You’re great!” Talked about a HIM that inspired them then knocked out 5 blockees
Assfault Kentucky, Simone, Cheat Sheet, Belding, Astro glide, Hot Tub, Tramp Stamp, Rainbow, Cat Gut, Cosmo 2, Hands, Fabio, Bunny, Worm
The Lord helps the fallen and those bent beneath their loads. Psalm 145:14

The Sidewinder is born

THE SCENE:  Rain, but hey, at least it’s warm.  Plus we have a Pav-a-lon, so who cares.

Everybody get a coupon from the CMU pile and head for cover.  Pax does SSHs while the Q goes to get his own coupon.  BAC forward and back, IC; A little of this here and that over there; Windmills, IC, slowing the last 5 down to Abe Vigoda speed.  Finish up with 20 or so Imperial Squat Walkers.
Brick joins a bit late into the Warm, so we all accompany him to the CMU pile for his coupon, and run a lap of the AO back to cover.  Then the real work begins

  • 3 sets of 11s: Table Rows/Box Jumps; Dips/Monkey Humpers; Merkins/BBS
  • CMU Curls, IC, x 25 on the 4 ct;
  • Introducing the Sidewinder:  Stand the CMU up; Side plank supported on one elbow with the upper foot resting on the top of the CMU.  Get your hips off the ground.  Move the knee of the lower leg up to touch the elbow of your upper arm.  That’s one rep.  Do 10 of these.  Then switch sides, so the other elbow is on the ground and other foot is on the CMU.  10 more reps.
  • Start a variation of 7 of Diamonds. Instead of reps at each corner, do a lap around the building in the dry and then do the reps.  Start by bear crawling down the length of the building on one side; mosey to the next length and lunge down that side, back to the pavilion.  After each lap, do an exercise:
  • For the first 4 laps, 7 burpees;
  • Next 4 laps, 14 flutters (4 ct);
  • Next 4, 21 Pickle Pounders
  • Next 4, 28 Squats

Turns out that 7 of diamonds thing takes a long time, so we cut it short after the burpees and one round of flutters.  Mary was more flutters with a CMU held overhead, followed by 21 Pickle Pounders.

About 4 years ago, I posted at an F3 workout for the first time.  Edit was the Q.  I weighed about 30-35 pounds heavier than I do now.  I barely survived.  His BOM was “Consistency.”  Though I’ve been much more consistent in a lot of aspects of my life (particularly posting at F3), I’ve learned that consistency in all phases – my walk with God, my role as a father, husband and friend, in my professional life – requires constant effort.  We’ll fail for sure, but keep at it.  The payoff for the effort is worth it.
Prayers for Rainbow’s friend John as he struggles with liver problems and for Jinxy as he recovers from his hip injury.
Keep bringing in napkins, trash bags and copy paper!!!

Love Thy Neighbor and Dora

THE SCENE: Breezy but nice…around 50 degrees at circle up

SSH x 25 on 4count, Tie Fighters L and R x 10 on 4count, Imperial Walkers x 10 4count, 10 4count Plank Jack, 10 4count Tempo Merkin, 6 Cherry Pickers….
Mosey to Field and Hill off the dragon and partner up for DORA’s

Split 50 BURPEES, 100 MERKINS, 150 FROGGY SQUATS while partner 2 runs up the hill for 5 single count SSH’S

Mosey to Overlook: One Right side bear crawl in between trees (6 Peter Parker’s at tree) all the way to center

On Left side Lunge in between trees (6 squats at tree) all the way to end…Mosey back to tail of the dragon

Caught Route 66 on the way down the dragon doing 4ct LBC’s on the way down.

Mosey back to the AO

Time left for 20 4count American Hammers, 20 4count Hello Dolly’s, 20 4count Freddie Mercury, and cash out with some ATM’s

Talked about Christ’s charge to us to Love our Neighbor:

“Do not waste time bothering whether you ‘love’ your neighbor; act as if you did. As soon as we do this we find one of the great secrets. When you are behaving as if you loved someone, you will presently come to love him.”

C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

To truly love is more than a feeling.  It’s an act.  Emotions come and go.  If we act out love, we become what Christ intended us to be.



Four Corners

THE SCENE: Dry & cool & in the 30s.  Like your Q <cough>.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: I’m still not a professional.  You are allowed to kiss Code Brown only, as he has been vaccinated.  But watch out for the beard.

  • SSH IC x 25
  • Tie Fighters IC – 12 each leg
  • From the Baseline, across the car park:
    • High Knees, mosey back
    • Butt Kickers, mosey back
    • High Skips, mosey back
    • Bear Crawl, mosey back
    • Caraoca, Caraoca back.

There were lists of exercises at each of the four corners of the AO car park.  We ran a ladder – 1 side of the lot, then 2 sides, 3 sides, 3, 2, 1 – then did the next exercise on the list at that corner.  As a curveball – when the play list hit the right song we circled up and did said routine:

  • Queen – Bicycle Race – Freddie Mercury’s in time to the music with a Big Boy on every ‘Bicycle’, or ‘Bike’.
  • James Brown – Sex Machine – Start in Al Gore, then up-squat on every Get Up!  We switched up to Plank and Merkin at the Bridge, with added Pickle Pounders on “shake your money maker”.
  • Corner 1
    • Merkin x25
    • Carolina Dry Dock x25
    • Plank Jack (4ct)  x25
    • Jack Webb (1 merkin : 2 air press) up to 6
  • Corner 2
    • Big Boys x25
    • Hello Dolly (4ct)  x25
    • American Hammer (4ct)  x25
    • Flutters (4ct)  x25
  • Corner 3
    • Squat x25
    • Bonnie Blair x12 Each Leg
    • Lunge x12 Each Leg
    • Iron Mike x25
  • Corner 4
    • Rocky Balboas (4ct)  x25
    • Crab Jacks (4ct)  x20
    • SSH (4ct) x25
    • Get Ups x12

We did Heels to Heaven, to Flower by Moby.  Heels at 6″- Heels to Heaven on “Green Sally Up”.
14 Strong
Goals are easy to set, but hard to achieve.  Instead I’ve been trying to make habits out of the behaviours of the person I want to be – I’m doing what thin people do, rather than set a goal weight.  Give yourself a micro-reward every time you carry out the behvaiour to help make the habit stick.  I’m putting an X on a chart of daily progress to see the days I managed to not eat a donut.
Today’s playlist is here. Including Waffle House’s favourite, Madonna.
Bring in Trash Bags, Copy Paper and Napkins for Street Hope TN.

Up 2, Back 1

THE SCENE: Mid 30s, nice and moony.

SSH x25 IC
Cherry Pickers x5 IC
Cobra burpees x5 OYO
Standard burpees x5 OYO
Crabettes x15 IC
TN Rocking Chairs x15 IC
LBAC x15 each way IC
Alternate cherry pickers for a while
Shake it out
“Warmed up yet?” (no answer from the PAX)
10 burpees OYO
Don’t have time for the PAX to get the question wrong again…

Mosey to the light pole by the restrooms. There are cards set up along the path with exercises.
Start with the first card, mosey past the next card and do the third.
Then mosey back to the second card, and so on. 2 forward, 1 back.
So here’s what we ended up doing:

15 Embrace the Earth Burpees (Hand release out to the side)
Run a bit
5 hill sprints
Run a bit less
25 CDD
Run a bit
35 Box Jumps
Run a bit less
5 hill sprints
Run a bit
Bear crawl the parking lot, bernie back
Run a bit less
35 Box Jumps
Run a bit
30 BBS
Run a bit less
Bear crawl the parking lot, bernie back
Run a bit
25 Merkins
Time’s up, run back to the AO!
Got in about 2 miles.

15x Seated Heel Taps IC
15x Curious Dollys IC

15 today. Just the right amount of crowded on the running path.
Psalm 37:23, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.”
The way is the thing. Of course, the destination is good, but the way is how we get to know Him. Sometimes it seems the way sucks. Sometimes we won’t get to understand, sometimes we won’t get to see why. Sometimes it seems we’re moving backward. But that’s OK, because the one who is ordering our steps knows best.
I’m not sure which is worse: Hill sprints, or moseying back to the hill knowing you’re going to have to do them again.
Arsenal launch! Sandy Springs park in Maryville, this weekend @ 0700!