F3 Knoxville

Alphabet Soup

Frosty with increasing Gloom.

I am not a doctor.  Keep your brothers distant and your snot to yourself.

SSH x 21 IC.
BBQ Squats x10 IC
Mosey around the parking lot to collect Archie, and head down to the block paved lots

The Q presented a sheet of 26 exercises – 1 per letter.  With a battle buddy, for more mumblechatter and letters, PAX worked their way through each F3 name with a run to the top of Baby Everest between each letter.  At the top of B.E. do one more merkin than last time, then back down to the start.

e.g. K=10 x Windmills, ascend Baby Everest, 1 merkin
E=Bear Crawl to other side of the road, ascend Baby Everest, 2 merkins
N=10 Merkins (4ct), ascend Baby Everest, 3 merkins,
T= etc…

If this is a Kentucky workout, we have to finish with the Bicycle Race.  Freddie Mercurys to the tune of Bicycle Race, with a Big Boy every time FM sings Bike, or Bicycle.
To the eternal shame of the Mall Walkers, they watched and didn’t join in.

16 Strong, including 5 Mall Walkers, who couldn’t manage a single Freddie between them.

Eddie the Eagle was an Olympic Athlete and example to us all.  He was bad at ski jumping (relatively), but kept going to matter what.  As Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the Olympics said “The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle, the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.”  Fight well my bothers, fight well!

CSAUP at the end of the month.  Order a new Asylum T-shirt to show off at the event!

Birthday Boys Triple Q

THE SCENE:  Frigid and sunny.  Temp about 14 degrees. This was the birthday of Charmin, High-Heels and Lilydipper.  The three of us Q’d together.

Plenty of Side-Straddle Hops while Charmin gave the F3 Welcome and Disclaimer.  7 Cherry Pickers.  20 High Knees.  Squats.
We did the workouts below with Charmin starting us off at the Coliseum.  Before we got started with his exercises, good ol Charmin got us to have a snow fight with the last man hit being the first one to get a Hot Toddy after the workout.  The last man standing was Gibbler.  Here are the workouts:

Saturday, December 26, 2020
Lily’s Birthday Boy Triple Q 15 Minute Workout
To be performed at the Caribbean aka Circus Maximus.
We will go counterclockwise around the parking lot five times, using different
methods of movement which will be listed below. At each end of the parking lot
we will be doing reps of exercises which are also listed below. I will have
instructions posted on both ends of the parking lot so that people won’t have to
remember all of this.
West End
1. 20 Squat Jumps. Sprint to East End.
2. 20 Big Boy Sit-ups. High Knees to East End.
3. 15 Shoulder Taps (both shoulders = 1). Skip to East End.
4. 20 Carolina Dry Docks. Karaoke Right to East End.
5. 20 Bicycle Kicks (4 ct). Bernie to East End.
East End
1. 20 Merkins. Bernie to West End.
2. 20 Iron Mikes (both legs = 1). Butt Kick to West End.
3. 20 Hello Dollies (4 ct). Half-speed Sprint to West End.
4. 10 Burpees. Karaoke left to West End.
5. 20 Plank Jacks. Sprint to West End.
I don’t know how long the above will take but it may be more than 15 minutes. If
so, end early and go to next post. If it take less than 15 minutes, have guys rinse
and repeat.

Charmin at the Colosseum
25s x 5 (That’s fifty reps of each exercise cause I’m 50) and 5 rounds of 25s for
each decade of my 50 years. In between each round, we run laps around the
Colosseum, with descending number of laps because each decade seems to go
that much faster.
So, 25s of merkins and big boys, run 4 laps
25s of Smurf jacks and mountain climbers, run 3 laps
25s of American Hammers and plank jacks, run 2 laps
25s of pickle pounders and monkey humpers, run 1 lap
25s of Bobby Hurleys and dips. The end. Mosey to the next station.
I haven’t actually run through this yet, so I don’ know if it can be done in 15
minutes or not. If not, I’ll shorten it, but the idea will be the same.

High Heels Kick’n it at the Ball Fields
I plan to do my Ab End / PT End workout.
Ab End
Exercise 1 – LBC – 15 4 count
Exercise 2 – Flutter Kick – 15 4 count
Exercise 3 – Box Cutter – 15
Exercise 4 – Holly Dolly – 15
Exercise 5 – Big Boys Sit ups – 15
PT End
Exercise 1 – SSH – 15 4 count
Exercise 2 – Hand release Merkin – 15
Exercise 3 – The Squat – 30
Exercise 4 – Carolina Dry Docks – 20
Exercise 5 – Burpee – 10
On one side of the parking lot you start the Ab exercise and do the stated reps.
After completing the reps you run to far side of parking lot and do the same Ab
exercise just completed until the six arrives. Once the six is in then you start the
next exercise from PT side and do the stated reps. Then run to other side of
parking lot and do the same PT exercise until six arrives. Do all five exercises.

Some 25s at the Pavilion with Picnic Table Pull-ups and Bench Dips.
17 men, no FNGs
Charmin, High-Heels and I now equal up to 169 years of living and I, Lilydipper, am the oldest of the “Respect”able crew.  It is nice to know that, no matter how old we get, we still have room for growth.  At 64 I hope to continue working out with F3 for quite some time to come.  And, no matter who leads the F3 workouts and no matter what their age, I feel I grow with each message I hear.  Yet, even when I can no longer run about, perhaps even walk about, there will be room for me to grow as an individual.  God wants us keep growing in Him throughout our lives.  Isn’t it nice to know that we always have more to learn?  I was listening to a radio station about a man who had injured his back and for quite some time was in pain, unable to walk about.  He decided to get on the internet and learn as much as he could about different subjects.  For example, he found spiders to be fascinating and found he could spend day after day learning more and more about them.  One subject, tons to learn.

Much of what we learn we must learn more than once.  Growth comes through hearing the same thing again and again until it finally plants itself within us.  Also, we must live with what we learned and apply it again and again.  I have found sermon lessons at church to be that way.  I will hear a sermon and think, “Wow, I need to hang on to this, use it in my life.”  Yet, I some how lose it, it drifts away.  Then, another sermon comes along with a similar message.  Some of it sticks with me.  After 10 to 15 similar sermons, maybe I finally get it.  Maybe by then I start applying it.  I grow for goodness sake!  That is how growth occurs.  What we learn comes through inculcation, a repeating of the lesson, until we get it through our thick skulls.

Lord, help me to keep growing no longer how old I get!!!
Prayers for those impacting by Covid and for this pandemic to end; for an end to racism; for Ribbed and his wife, Sarah, who is recovering from the removal of a tumor near her spine; and, for all those who have family or friends who are suffering.
Hot Toddys and sausage biscuits immediately after the workout; CSAUP the last Saturday in January at the Asylum.

Ice Cold AMRAP’S

THE SCENE: Clear and cold, around 22 degrees at circle up

Get moving fast to get warm with 25 SSH on 4ct, 15 4ct Mtn Climbers, 20 Rocky Balboa then jog down to other end of parking lot, 20 Rocky Balboa on that end then back.  Tempo Merkins then mosey…
Mosey towards the overlook, tempo squats at stop sign to wait on 6, then finish mosey to overlook.  The deal up top is 4 one minute amrap’s. Lap around the circle after each minute.  AMRAP’s consisted of Merkins, Big Boys, Lunge, and Bobby Hurley’s

Mosey down to little everest.  4 one min amraps again at bottom, run up hill and back after each.  AMRAP’S consisted of Dry Docks, Freddy M’s, Man Makers, and Squats

Still some time so mosey to pavilion for one last bit of AMRAPS.  Alternate between 1 min amraps of table rows and wall sit.  Finished with 2 min amrap of LBC’s.



No time
23 HIM’s
We honored what would have been my Dad’s 69th birthday.  Talked about the task we have of honoring our heavenly father every day.  That is why you’re here.  Also, challenged PAX to reach out and go a step deeper with their friendships.  Ask.

Thanksgiving Buffet – And Pie

THE SCENE: Surprisingly warm, post rain

Appetizer:  SSH (4ct) x 25; CP x 5; Tie Fighters x 13 each way
We all jump in the family station wagon for a trip to grandma’s house for dinner (Mosey up the hill to the lower trail.  The buffet has been set out and we work our way around, filling the plate:

  • Mashed potatoes and gravy = Tempo squats x 25
  • Dressing (and more gravy) = American Hammers x 25
  • Turkey and Cranberry Sauce = Tempo Merkins x 25
  • Sweet Potato Casserole = Smurf Jacks (4 ct) x 25
  • Brussel Sprouts roasted with bacon = Hello Dollies (4 ct) x 25
  • Yeast Rolls = Carolina Dry Docks x 25

We know we’re gonna have seconds, so we head back around to earn those extra portions.  At each station, we take turns giving thanks to something in particular.

  • Next is dessert:  Mosey to the overlook to earn some pie with 10 8 count man-makers.
  • Finally, it’s time to do the dishes.  Run the loop at the overlook (it is shaped like a platter, after all).  Then mosey back to the AO
    Just enough time for Waffle House to lead us in some ATMs and a couple BBQ squats and we’re done.

    1863 was one of the worst years in our country’s history.  And yet, President Lincoln saw fit to proclaim the last Thursday of November a National Day of Thanksgiving, the first time it was a national holiday.  We should all read that proclamation from time to time to remind us of the bounty that God’s grace has bestowed upon us, even if it is not immediately apparent.  You can read it here:  http://www.abrahamlincolnonline.org/lincoln/speeches/thanks.htm  

  • As Paul said: “for I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”  Rom 8:18
    Prayer requests:  Ribbed and his family; Cheatsheet’s mom and for national healing; Assfault’s family; Full House’s wife and family; safe travels for those on the road.
    Happy Thanksgiving.  Let’s spend a moment of quiet contemplation on what we should be truly thankful for and recognize that those things flow from God’s grace and mercy.

Fear the Cardboard

THE SCENE: Mid 30s, clear and calm. Not too many more days until all the leaves are gone and the AO is clean again…

SSH x20 IC
Tempo Merkins x10 IC
Crabettes x10 IC
LBAC x10 IC each way
Tempo Squats x10

Grab a CMU and circle up.
Bunch of dudes today, so a few (including YHC) were resigned to Murder Blocks. I gotta get a weight on those things.

Working independently today. Not a race, concentrate on form!

Cardboard wienkie as follows:

15 Up & Over Merkins (L+R=1)
30 Upright Row
20 Squat Thrust
30 Curls
30 Tri Ext
30 CMU Swing
20 Hand-Release Derkin
20 Lawn Mowers (each side)
15 Twist Lunge (each leg)
20 OHP each arm (or 50 with both arms)
20 ALPOs
20 V-ups
Total reps add to 500… But start over at the top when you finish.
No running on the schedule today, but take a lap any time you need one.

10x LBC IC. Felt super easy without the blocks.
Lucky 13 for today’s 500 o’ fun!
Short. Doesn’t mean it’s easy:
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Coat drive still ongoing! Check out the new Service Opportunities channel on Slack