F3 Knoxville

Fellowship at the asylum

THE SCENE: 70 degrees and moist.

4 cherry pickers

6 count man makers

some of these some of those
mosey over to he playground

  • 21 box jumps
  • 21 BBS
  • Wait of the 6 then mosey to the pavalon
  • 21 table rows
  • 21 squats to sit
  • mosey to AO
  • lung from on parking line to next do 1 merkin
  • lung to next line add one
  • Rinse and repeat until called for time
  • Grabed some coupons
  • mosey to tail of dragon.
  • 1 curl per light and add one as you walk up the tail of the dragon
  • walk down to the AO
  • start on one side of the parking lot lay the coupon on the ground and drag it across the lot while you bear crawl.

stretching out after work is done


In His Mansion

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

20 Side-Straddle-Hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Plank Jacks, 5 Burpees, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 Windmills, Michael Phelps


Each man picks up a pair of bricks from my truck.  We then run to parking lot by entrance to Northern Ball Fields.  There will be exercises posted at each corner of the parking lot.  Do the exercise listed, run around the parking lot, then do the next exercise listed.  Always have bricks when running.  Once exercises at one cone are complete, go to the next cone and do those.  When a man is done he will have done 12 exercises (3 from each cone and run around the parking lot 12 times).  Here are the exercises from each cone:

  • Cone 1:  1. 50 Overhead Presses with Bricks  2. 20 Big Boys  3. 50 Curls with Bricks
  • Cone 2:  1. 50 Rows with Bricks  2. 20 Big Boys  3.  50 Wings Up with Bricks
  • Cone 3:  1. 50 Wings Out with Bricks  2. 10 Mini Man-makers 3. 50 Wings Down with Bricks
  • Cone 4.  1. 50 Punches with Bricks.  2. 10 Mini Man-makers  3. 50 Triceps with Bricks

Mosey with bricks back to the truck and replace them there.

Mosey to stop sign at Northeastern corner of admin bldg.  We will do 20 American Hammers.

Mosey down steps to small alleyway.  Pick teammate. We will do Doras.  Teammate runs up stairs, around to beginning of alleyway and back to teammate while teammate does exercises.  Teammates the switch off.  Here are the exercises:

  • 150 Squats
  • 150 Big Boy Situps
  • 100 Merkins

Mosey to Parking Lot that semi-circles by soccer fields.  We will Bernie for 20 fence stakes then lunge for 10 tent stakes and repeat that pattern to the end of the parking lot.

Mosey to beginning of mini-cardiac.  Bernie to park sign, then sprint the rest of the way back to the AO.

13 Men, no FNGs

Thomas Merton:  “Creation isn’t something that just happened in the beginning and then God walked off and left us to our own devices.”

Imagine if that were true.  God created this universe and everything in it and then said, “Good luck everybody, I’m going to sleep.”  Would the creator do that?  I don’t think so.

Thomas Merton:  “Creation is going on all the time.  That creation is absolute and perpetual.”

That creation is a gift and a miracle.  It surrounds us and is within us.  Yet, we so often fail to see it.  Some of the great church hymns have God saying to us (or use to Him), “Abide in Me”, knowing that we so often fall short in doing so.

James Finley describes this failure to see God’s gift to us in this way:

What if all along you’ve been living in this incredible mansion all your life but through a tragic mental condition you think you’re living in a little tent behind the garage?  And every week your psychotherapist comes over for your weekly session, and your therapist says, “Look, I wouldn’t, honestly, I wouldn’t lie to you on this one.  You’re in a mansion.  You’ve been living in it all along.”  You say, No.  No.  I . . . as a matter of fact, I don’t even think I deserve to even try to get in there, actually.”  In God, we live and move and have our being.  We’re living our life in the vast interiority of God pouring Himself out and giving himself away as every breath and heartbeat, as every passing moment of our life.  This is confusion.  Jesus called it blindness.  Buddha called it ignorance.  We don’t see the God-given, Godly nature, the boundary-less generosity of every blessed moment in our life.”

To abide in God is to accept his gift, to recognize His beauty, to breath it in what John Eldredge calls “The Sacred Romance.”  Other spiritual writers call it the “Sacred Dance.”  To abide in God is to ask him to abide with us.

I will close with some lines from the song “Abide With Me”:

Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes
Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies
Heav’n’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee
In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.

Prayers of praise for Lillydipper’s wife (done with double masectomy surgery) and Choir Boys’ wife (does not have lymphoma and is getting rehab for the pain she is experiencing); prayers for wife of Mr. Jinxy who will have surgery on September 17; prayers for Lulu and Doubtfire who both have lost their mothers this past month.

Hurry Up…We’re Waiting!

THE SCENE: Not sure the air temp, but it was humid

Start out with 20 SSH, Thai Fighters, Tempo Mtn Climbers, Tempo Merkin, and Windmills
Grab a CMU and head to the bottom of Baby Everest.

10 cards with 10 exercises. (Freddie Mecury’s, Curls, OH Press, CMU Squats, Plank, SSH, Bobby Hurley, Lawn Mowers, Block Merkins,   One designated runner picks an exercise and runs a loop up dragon tail and back down baby everest while the rest of the pax does an AMRAP of the chosen exercise until runner gets back.  The quicker the runner, the faster the pax is done with said exercise.  Everyone ran once around the loop.

Put up CMU’s and performed a merkin ladder in the parking lot. Spot one was one merkin…and so on.  Lunge between spaces.  10 spots total 55 total merkins.

Finished up with a little route 66 up the dragon tail with squats as the exercise of choice.

Back to AO



Had time to do 30 4ct Freddie Mercury, 25 4ct LBC’s , and ca$hed out with some ATM’$

Matthew 22:37-39

Don’t over complicate things.  God asks us to do today.  Today is our focus.  God has each of us exactly where he wants us today.  We are right where he wants us and we are to love him with all our heart, soul, and mind.  AND…love our neighbor as ourselves.



When Dan Met Amy: The Reunion

THE SCENE: It was almost not unbearably humid.  Almost.

SSHx20, 4ct, IC; Imperial Squat Walkers x15, 4ct, IC; Tie Fighters, forward and back; 4ct, IC x 10 each; CP x 5, IC; Run two laps around the AO parking lot
Burpee Dan

  • Lunge 4 times then 4 burpees, then lunge, burpees, etc. across the parking lot, run back;
  • Repeat with 4 lunges, 3 burpees across; run back
  • 4 lunges, 2 burpees across
  • Finally, 4 lunges, 1 burpee across.
  • Mosey to bottom of Baby Everest

Fat Amy:  4 rounds, each ending with a run or Bernie up Baby Everest and back down.

  • Round 1; 10 burpees; 50 squats; 40 BBS; 10 burpees; run up Baby Everest;
  • Round 2:  10 burpees; 20 star jacks; 10 burpees; Bernie up BE;
  • Round 3: 10 burpees; 20 star jacks; 10 burpees; run up BE;
  • Round 4: 10 burpees; 50 squats; 40 BBS; 10 burpees; Bernie up BE
    Early finishers mosey to the Cloud for 11s (Derkins and Bulgarian Squats)
  • MARY:
    Hands of Time; Hello Dollies and ATMs.
    The Lord tells us “a friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” – Proverbs 17:17.  Are there times in your life that God maybe puts someone in our path that needs encouragement, a brother born for adversity and you’ve side stepped it?  I know I have.  My prayer is that I can find the strength to accept the challenge of stepping into the breach with my brother who is going through a rough time and help them through it, even if it is simply a word of encouragement.
    A couple of notes:  I stole this Q from one that Proton did a few years ago.  We miss Proton.  Also, Veggie and Jumbo posted as well, but don’t appear to have tags.
    Swanson is heading up a work day at Moreland Heights Elementary School on Aug. 8.

Do you remember that time we did Picketts and Everest the same day?

THE SCENE: Perfect July Morning ! Temp was about 74. Had rain over the weekend. Dew on the grass, did not see or smell any skunks.

Reminded everyone that I was worse than any professional. Monitor and modify..etc. Covid disclaimer – do not spit on each other!

SSH, Cherry Picker, Butter Fly ( Included Coach Dunn’s advice) , Shoulder Stretch, Arm Circles, 50 % pace lap around parking lot.
Mosey down to playground

  • set of 11s – Box Jams and Decline Merkins

Mosey to Picketts Hill

  • Set of 7s – Run 1/2 way up Picketts and do Burpee with Carolina Dry Dock on bottom.
  • 10 Count Recovery after 7 set complete.
  • Run up Picketts Hill

On Top of Picketts Hill – 10 count set of Squats followed by Mosey to bottom of Everest.

At Bottom of Everest

  • 10 Merkins, 10 4 Count Flutter Kicks, then run to stump that is approximately 1/3 up Everest. Repeat this 3 exercise set 5 times.
  • Run to top of Everest and then 10 count recovery. Followed by mosey to AO.


5 minutes game of Duck Duck Goose with Pax doing core exercises while the “Ducker” goes around the circle to finish.

16 Pax got better today.



Shared today the contrast of the story of  Job vs the book of Proverbs. Proverbs gives us practical wisdom and advice for living our life. The story of Job is a story of a good life gone bad as God gives Job the many challenges he has to face. You could argue that these two parts of the Bible are so different that you would wonder if they are in the same book! So much of our lives we have been fortunate to have lived in a Proverbs world. However all of us will from time to time find ourselves in a Job world through challenges in our personal, professional, spiritual or physical ( health ) life. In the current world – pandemic, economic, political , racism etc.. it seems like we ( our country/ community, world) have all been going through a Job phase. As leaders we need to keep that focus like Job. There is another side and it is up to HIMS like us to help and be strong for our community and Pax.

After the Proverbs / Job word I shared that I had found an old book about change that I had lost. The book “Who moved my cheese” was a successful book 20 years ago about change in the workplace and how to adapt. The book is a 10 minute read and I recommend it in our quickly changing world – here is a summary I found online:

Who Moved My Cheese Summary

Have a great week everyone

Code Brown reminded that there were still a couple of Qs left for the week.