F3 Knoxville

Mostly burpees. Lots of burpees

THE SCENE: Upper 30s (heat wave after lots of days in the 20s)

SSH x 20 (IC); Imperial Squat Walker x 15 (IC); BAC, forward and reverse x 11 each (IC)
Mosey to the cloud; 100 burpees OYO;

As you finish the burpee challenge, move to the adjacent parking lot for some blackjack, a/k/a 21.  20 merkins, run to other end, 1 BBS, run back for 19 merkins, run to the other end for 2 BBS, so on and so forth.

Cut blackjack short after everybody is done with burpee challenge and mosey to Circus Maximus for Doras.  Partner runs a lap while other partner does reps.  50 CCDs, 200 jump squats, 300 LBCs;

Mosey back to AO

Just enough time for 2 full minutes of elbow plank.

We’ve got a lot of rancor in the world.  So many people are angry.  Let’s be kind, let’s turn the other cheek, especially with those that upset us the most.  The world needs more kindness.
Praises for Cheatsheet’s dad being out of the hospital and on the mend.
The Asylum needs volunteers for the Hardship Hill build team.  Please help. Code Brown is leading.

A Q 47 Years in the Making

THE SCENE: The ambient temp matched the day of the month; a cold 22 degrees

4ct SSH (IC) x 17; 4ct Tie Fighters (IC) x 17; Slow squat jumps x 4; 7 Burpees (OYO)

Mosey to Pavilion to continue warm up; 7’s with Jack Webbs by Pavilion then run over to Cloud for Tricep Press; LBC’s while waiting for 6 to roll up.

Walls of Jericho (OYO):

  1. Merkins x 7 (then take a lap around the Pavilion)
  2. Jump Ups/Step Ups x 7 (lap around the Pavilion)
  3. Carolina Dry Docks x 7 (lap around the Pavilion)
  4. Burpees x 7 (lap around the Pavilion)
  5. Big Boy Situps x 7 (lap around the Pavilion)
  6. Table Rows x 7 (lap around the Pavilion)
  7. Squats x 7 (lap around the Pavilion)

SSH and wall sits (with some spontaneous overhead claps) while waiting for 6 to roll up; Mosey back up to the AO

4 Corners (starting with 7 reps at each corner and reducing by 1 each lap)

  1. First corner do 4ct Monkey Humpers
  2. Next corner do 4ct Flutter Kicks
  3. Next corner do 4ct SSH
  4. Next corner do 4ct Pickle Pounders

Group sprint up Baby Cardiac Hill with 7 Burpees as a group at the top; Mosey back to the AO and circle up for some Mary

To celebrate my 47th birthday… PAX did 47 x 4ct SSH led by Cheatsheet; Then Cat Gut led us down the stream with some invigorating Boat-Canoes; Finished off with 7 Man Makers on our way to 48 (but ran out of time)

Welcomed and named 1 FNG (Synapse)

Story about FDR greeting people in the White House with frustration because no one seemed to listen.  He greeted many dignitaries with the phrase “I murdered my grandmother this morning” but no one noticed and gave rehearsed responses like “how lovely” and ” continue your great work”.  Finally one of the guests actually heard his comment and responded “I am sure she had it coming”.

There are tons of classes at universities and colleges to teach language, speech, debate, and how to argue.  But there is very little instruction and training on listening.  Yet each one of us as HIMs need to cultivate the gift of listening to better lead and serve those in our homes, at work, and in our communities.

James 1:19-20 “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. ”

Most importantly we need to learn to listen to the Creator and Lord speaking to us…. encouragement to cultivate and work on your listening skills.




THE SCENE: 22 degrees… Not quite as windy as yesterday. Occasional snowflakes spotted. Not oversensitive millennials in the park (too early in the day for that). Actual flakes of snow from the sky.

40-something SSH IC (until the last tardy PAX joined the circle…)
10x Burpees OYO to get the blood pumping
15x TN Rocking Chair IC
10x Hindurkins IC
16x Cossack Squats IC
20x LBAC IC each way
20x Overhead Claps

Mosey toward Everest.
At the low stone retaining wall beside the upper parking lot, hop up and back down at each wall segment.

20 BBS at the intersection

Climb up and back down twice at the chest-high retaining wall

Arrive at the bottom of Everest.
Climb a mountain of reps first:
10x 4-count HR Merkins IC
20x Squat Jumps IC
40x LBCs
50x SSH IC

Run up Everest, with a little Bernie thrown in for good measure.

Descend rep mountain:
50x 4-ct Mountain Climbers
40x Squats IC
30x Merkins OYO
20x Lunges each leg OYO
10x 8-ct Body Builders OYO

Head back down Everest. 20 BBS at the bottom

Mosey back to the AO, stopping once for 20 more BBS
40x Flutter Kicks IC
20x LBCs
20x American Hammer
15x Side Crunch (each side)

9 PAX today… No FNGs
Read from My Utmost for His Highest: https://utmost.org/called-by-god/

Normally a CMUesday would have been on the docket… But low 20s is a bit tough on the fingers to be gripping frozen concrete. Hopefully the more standard fare was sufficient for today…

Lessons from Noah’s Ark

THE SCENE: 45° Cloudy

50 Star Jumps, 50 Air Punches…let’s mosey to the flag pole



  • 10 Burpees, 50 Picnic Rows at the Pavalon
  • Mosey to Cardiac-Run up to the top and do 10 Hand release Merkins at chalk stars x 5
  • 10 Burpees, mosey to Pickets Charge
  • 10 Burpees- run up and do 5 chicken peckers at every cone x 10
  • Mosey to Memorial and do 10 Burpees
  • Mosey to Space Station Stop and do 50 squats half way
  • space station run up/down do 25 Froggy Jumps, up/down 25 Froggy, up/down once more
  • 10 Burpees at Handicap Spot then mosey to Grinch’s Hill
  • Hello Dolly’s x 10, Run to the top, Hello Dolly’s x 10, run to bottom, RR then 10 Hello Dolly at bottom x10
  • mosey to Area 51- 10 Burpees then run to the top and do 50LBCs
  • mosey to Everest – run up to each cone and do 10 Dive Bombers x 5 to the top
  • mosey back to the AO and stop along the way to do Bear Crawl 360 x 10 each direction with 2 Burpees per direction
  • mosey back AO

50 Flutter kicks 4 ct

50 LBCs 4ct

plank for 1 min
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
There’s several lessons from Noah’s Ark..main one is Never let yourself get into a position that when God calls you to help others you’re not able.
I’m very thankful for each of these guys and the impact they have on my life.
take the Pole for TN Convergence, we have MLKJR parade Monday

The Great Pavilion Tour

THE SCENE: Anywhere from drizzle to downpour and about 58 degrees

Start out with 25 ssh on 4ct, Thai fighters x10 L leg forward and x10 right leg, Windmills x8, and Cherry picker x8
Mosey to the far pavilion perform 10 Man Makers 20 Dry Docks, 30 Freddy Mercury, 40 squats

Mosey to covered picnic area…rinse and repeat above exercise and reps

Mosey to covered arches 10mm,20 dd, 30 fmerc, and 40 squat…Mosey to pavilion and rinse and repeat one last time.

Perform 3 sets of 20 table row, 20 dips

Set of plank exercises

On your six for heel touches 20 4ct, dead bugs 15, 4ct, LBC oyo x30

Mosey up to top of cardiac, sky opened up, back to pavilion

Finish up with Super Mario’s (20 bench to table to bench walk overs)




Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. -Psalms 119:105

We want to see the big picture.  We want to know the path before us before we go.  To know what pitfalls might lie ahead.  Gods desire is for us to trust him today.  Just do today.  His word will guide our feet and show us just enough path for us to follow.  We don’t need to see what’s up ahead.  Just what is here right now, and trust he has our best interest at heart.