F3 Knoxville

150 of Everything, With a Little Running Mixed In

THE SCENE: 73 and muggy.

– Imperial squat walkers x 10. (done with speed)

– LBAC x 10 (forwards and backwards)

– Cherry pickers x 8.

  • All Pax grabbed a CMU and moseyed to the Oval Office.  This is a Dora workout, so pax partnered up.  One partner does the exercise, and the other ran the straightaway down and back.
  • Round 1 – Grave diggers x 150.
  • Round 2 – CMU situps with a twist x 150. (switched to straight CMU sit ups for speed)
  • Round 3 – CMU thrusters x 150.
  • Round 4 – CMU goblet squats x 150.
  • Round 5 – CMU curls x 150.
  • Round 6 – CMU pull-through merkins x 150.

Most of the pax made it to round 3.  I over-planned, but I would rather have more than enough than have to think of exercises on the fly.
Moseyed back to the grindstone and @Smuggler led us in some boat to canoes until time ran out.
Swerve, Smuggler, Rep Sleepy, Veep
I impressed on the men the importance of our examples as Fathers.  Considering that yesterday was Father’s day, I mentioned the story of Hiel in 1 Kings 16:34.  In Joshua chapter 6, Joshua laid down a curse for anyone that attempted to rebuild the city of Jericho.  When Hiel built the city back, both his son Abiram and his son Segub died as a result of this curse.  I told the men that the accountability of F3, and the motivation factor of being with my brothers, has pushed me so that I don’t have this as my family story.  I want to honor the Lord with my body and my mind, and F3 helps me with both.
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Walt Disney World Workout

THE SCENE: Clear, mid 60s.  A perfect morning to visit the parks!

Side-strattle hops, baseline lunges
We took a tour of some of my favorite attractions at each Walt Disney World theme park.

  • Magic Kingdom (Splash Mountain): 5 sets of stairs
  • Epcot (Spaceship Earth): Thank the Phoenicians for the “Alphabet”
  • Hollywood Studios (Tower of Terror): 21 burpees (1 for each seat in the elevator)
  • Animal Kingdom: Bear Lion Crawl through Kiliminjaro Safari (across football field and back)


  • Overhead claps x25
  • American Hammer x10
  • Shoulder taps x15
  • Little baby crunches until time

7 HIMs and one 2.0

Many of you know awhile back we were looking for a daycare for our 6 month old and we were quickly running out of time.  I wasn’t worried.  I was praying about it along with other friends and family.  I had confidence God would provide and he did!  An availability came up the week after my mother-in-law could no longer keep him.  God answered our prayers but what did I do after he provided?  I went about my life.  It probably took be a full week until it hit me….I never thanked God for providing!  Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”  I did the supplication part of that verse but not the “thanksgiving” part.  Sometimes we come to expect things of God, family, friends and there’s nothing wrong with that.  In fact, we should expect certain things from God, friends, and family.  I expect my wife to love me, be patient with me, share life/family responsibilities, etc.  But that does not mean we should stop being grateful!  Remember as you go throughout your week to show gratitude to those around you.


We discussed allowing 2.0s to continue to be a part of our workouts.  No one present raised concerns.  Some voice their support of allowing 2.0s to come.  Reach out to Smuggler if you have any questions or concerns.

Self Dora

THE SCENE: Beautiful morning at bombshelter


cherry pickers x5
100 reps of each of the following at the grinder. When a rest is needed for the pt, run to troll bridge and back

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Curls
  • WWII sit ups
  • Shoulder press
  • CMU swings

Shoulder tapsx15, hello dollyx15, heel tapsx40, cash out with LBCs
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
“They” is the most dangerous word in the English language. We are all one people, more alike than not alike
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Hundo’s Hundred

THE SCENE: Muggy, but beautiful morning.

16 x SSH

Little baby arm circles 10 forward and 10 back

Mosey around tennis courts with a stop for 10 Merkins

Grab a Battle Buddy.  One person runs to the Troll Bridge and pays the Troll 5 burpees then runs back.  The other person is working through the exercises below.  They alternate turns and add their reps together.  All exercises are a cumulative 100 before moving to the next.

  • CMU Swings
  • Alpos
  • Big Boy Sit Ups
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Shoulder Taps (2 ct)
  • CMU Curls
  • Dips
  • Flutter Kicks (2 ct)

Protractor, Flutter Kicks, and Little Baby Crunches for time.
Welcome FNG “Tightspot” and 2.0 Lumberjack.
I heard someone say once that you are the average of your 5 closest friends.  I thought that was an odd thing to say, but I thought about my life.  I saw where when I was younger and associated with people who maybe didn’t always do the right things or acted selfishly I started to gravitate toward acting that way.  When I associated with people who tried to live the right way I started to gravitate that direction.  So my point is to be intentional with who you spend your time with because it will influence you.  F3 is a good place to start.
Prayer requests taken and lifted up for our F3 brothers in the armed forces and for health and healing.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Blockees, Burpees, and Bears … Oh My!!

THE SCENE: 72 degrees and 94% humidity = Ugh!!



Grabbed our CMUs and moseyed to the Oval Office. Stopped along the way to do CMU Shoulder Shrugs x10; Upright Rows x10; Bent Over Rows x10

Pax partnered up with someone they felt was about as strong as they are. Starting at first line do 10 Blockees than bear crawl to the second line. At the second line do 10 Burpees than bear crawl back to first line. For the first time up and back both partners did bear crawl and then from then on did it Bear Brawl style where one partner pushed on the others shoulders while they crawled. Change the partner bear crawling and the partner providing resistance on each trip.

Let the PAX choose and we did a bunch of ab exercises, can’t remember all of them.

8 HIMs literally pushed each other to be better this morning.

We can compare our life to a chest of drawers. We have a drawer for family, work, hobbies/activities, God, church, and other things. When we give the Sunday School answer we feel like we should order them something like God, family, hobbies/activities, and work. When we are real with ourselves it is probably more like work, family, hobbies/activities, God, and church. The problem is that those are both wrong. God deserves to be more than a drawer in our life. He should be the chest that the drawers are in. We can’t be the father and husband we are called to be unless we are in Christ. We can’t be the worker we are called to be unless we are in Christ. We can’t be the leader in our church and community we are called to be unless we are in Christ. So look inside yourself and ask, have I given God a drawer in my life or is He the chest my life is contained in?

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