F3 Knoxville

Block Work Makes the Dream Work

THE SCENE: Cool, dark, perfect.

Overhead and in-front claps x 15.

Imperial squat walkers to the tune of “Baba O’riley” by The Who (5 minutes).
5 stations of an ascending ladder that only got tougher.  Overhead carry the CMU in between stations going up.  Bear crawl and drag CMU on the way back.

  • Station 1: Grave-diggers x 20.
  • Station 2: CMU Big boys x 20.
  • Station 3: Thrusters x 20.
  • Station 4: Goblet squats x 20.
  • Station 5: CMU curls x 20.

After the completion of each round, add to the rep count by a factor of 20.  Most pax were on 60 reps by the time of the Mary.
A sundry assortment of overhead claps, Hello Dollys, tempo squats, LBCs, flutter kicks, and a hollow hold arm twirl thingy.


Proverbs 13:20 – “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” Be ware the company we keep.  This advice is talked about for kids and teens, but it applies to adults as well.  Who we are around will influence our thoughts, words, and actions.  We need each other to love each other well enough to tell the truth, to carry us when we are wounded, and to celebrate each others victories.  We also need to be mindful of the influence that we can be on others, especially on our spouses and kids.  If you don’t like what you see in your loved ones, it might be coming from us.  Ended with a thought from a man I respect, “The sins you commit in moderation now your kids will commit in excess.”  This calls for a humble fight every day men, and I’m glad to fight it with you guys.
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Building A Block Ladder

THE SCENE: 70 degrees with 85% humidity, perfect morning to sweat a lot



Side Straddle Hops IC x15; Ballerina Squats IC x10; Grave Diggers IC x10; Fast Feet for 30 seconds; Side Hops over block for 30 seconds

Moseyed over to the field next to the courts. Five lines set up to work up and back down the ladder.

  • Line 1 – Block Builders x10 then bear crawl dragging block to next line
  • Line 2 – Elf On The Shelf x20 (10 each side) then Thruster Broad Jump to next line
  • Line 3 – CMU Swings x30 then Murder Bunny to next line
  • Line 4 – CMU Press x40 then Twisting Lunge to next line
  • Line 5 – CMU Curls x50

When you got to the top of the ladder you did the same movements between lines going back down stopping to do each exercise. PAX was all somewhere coming down the ladder a second time when Q called recover.

Dancing Bears IC x15; More Ballerina Squats since Walt and Butterfingers came late and missed them in the warmup IC x10; Hello Dolly IC x10; Big Boys Sit Ups for time

5 HIMs this morning

“So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition and conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:1-4

As leaders we need to look to the needs of others and not just ourselves. Leadership is not about being in front or making everyone do things your way. Leadership is humbly looking after the needs of others around you and putting others before yourself.

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Ginder is for grinding

THE SCENE: the air was warm. The sky was dark. The moon was full.

20 SSH, 15 Little Baby Arm Circles (both ways), follow the leader lap.

Simba count ups to 8. Bear crawl back

Broad jump/Al Gore count ups to 8. Overhead cmu lunge back.
4 lines: 5, 10, 15, 20 reps

Start at 5 rep line, bear crawl between lines when going toward pull-up bar. After 20, run to pull-up bar for 5 pull-ups and run back to 20 rep line. Work back down to 5 crab walking between lines this time.

PAX choice workouts: BBS, Thrusters, Merkins

Circle of fire type thing. Everyone feet up while 1 PAX runs around pushing everyone’s feet down, then the next goes, etc.

Superman swims for time.
12 dudes

Psalm 1 written from memory

Oh the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked

Or stand around with sinners, or join in with mokers.

But their delight is in the law of the Lord

And they meditate on it day and night.

They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season

Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all that they do.

But not the wicked. They are like worthless chaff scattered by the wind.

They will be condemned at the time of judgement. Sinners will have no place among the godly.

For the Lord watches over the path of the godly. But the path of the wicked leads to destruction.

Back to Drifter: I encourage you guys to memorize some scripture. It is the best way to meditate on it.

Don’t forget about off the chain!

No CMU No Problem




SSH x 20, Cherry Pickers x 10, Arm Circles x10 both ways

The CMU bandit struck again so had to change up at the last minute.

  • Merkins x 5
  • BBS x 5
  • Squats x 5
  • Iron Mikes x 5
  • Run 1 Lap

Increase everything by 5 reps and run 2 laps, increase by 5 again and run 3 laps until you get to 25 reps and 5 laps and start working your way back down.

102 Overhead Claps and cash out with LBC
5 HIMs gave their all
We need to be adaptable and able to make changes on the fly.
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Going back to beat down #1

THE SCENE: 60’s and nice

Mosey and Cherry Pickers and Arm Circles
Modified Route 66 ala Hammy 6/23/20

Mosey to the fountain area.  Split into 2 groups of 6.  One does Route # 1 while the other does Route #2.  When I call it we switch Routes.

Route # 1

  • 1 WWII, run to 1st light pole 11 Merkins
  • 2 WWII, run to 2nd light pole 10 Merkins
  • 3 WWII, run to 3rd light pole 9 Merkins
  • 4 WWII, run to 4th light pole 8 Merkins
  • 5 WWII, run to 5th light pole 7 Merkins
  • 6 WWII, run to 6th light pole 6 Merkins
  • 7 WWII, run to 5th light pole 5 Merkins
  • 8 WWII, run to 4th light pole 4 Merkins
  • 9 WWII, run to 3rd light pole 3 Merkins
  • 10 WWII, run to 2nd light pole 2 Merkins
  • 11 WWII, run to 1st light pole 1 Merkins

    Alternate 5 WWII and 5 Merkins until Recover is announced

Route #2

  • 1 Burpee, run to 1st light pole 11 SSH
  • 2 Burpee, run to 2nd light pole 10 SSH
  • 3 Burpee, run to 3rd light pole 9 SSH
  • 4 Burpee, run to 4th light pole 8 SSH
  • 5 Burpee, run to 5th light pole 7 SSH
  • 6 Burpee, run to 6th light pole 6 SSH
  • 7 Burpee, run to 5th light pole 5 SSH
  • 8 Burpee, run to 4th light pole 4 SSH
  • 9 Burpee, run to 3rd light pole 3 SSH
  • 10 Burpee, run to 2nd light pole 2 SSH
  • 11 Burpee, run to 1st light pole 1 SSH

Alternate 5 Burpees and 5 SSH until Recover is announced.

After you finish both routes go to Mt. Crumpit and do the following until Recover is announced.

Mt. Crumpit 7’s

  • 1 Dry Dock / 6 Box Cutters and going up the hill: run, Bernie, run, Bear Crawl, Run, Bernie


Cashed out with 2 minutes of LBCs
12 Hims enjoyed the morning with a guest appearance of Pinocchio.
This was my 100 beat down and the 1st beat down I did on June 23, 2020 with Hammy on Q.  I talked about how much my life has changed since joining F3 from being a sad clown to strengthening my life in all 3 Fs.
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