F3 Knoxville

Via Dolorosa Uno

THE SCENE: Cold, in the 30’s, and a brisk wind.

SSH X 20

Cherry pickers x 8

Tempo Squats X 10

Mosey to the short apex and back to the grinder.
Grab a battle buddy!  While on partner runs the apex loop, the other plays Uno.  The number of exercises is the number on the card times 10.  When the buddy gets back, he takes over where the other left off.  If you finish and exercise, go ahead and flip a card to start another.  The exercises were as follows:

  • Red = HR merkins.
  • Blue = BBS.
  • Green = Overhead CMU press.
  • Yellow = CMU thruster.
  • Draw 2 = repeat previous exercise.
  • Draw 4 wild = 15 body builder burpees.
  • Wild = 15 pax choice.
  • Skip = 15 Iron mikes (single count)
  • Reverse = 15 inchworms.

We planked in a circle while some pax completed a Via Dolorosa bear crawl around the perimeter.  While waiting, we knocked out 10 tempo merkins and 10 Hello Dolly’s and time ran out.
10 men and 2 2.0’s put in work. Much respect to Weebelo and Lumberjack!
Reflected on Easter weekend and this quote: “To you I say, do you know what Jesus does with those who squander his mercy? He pours out more mercy. God is rich in mercy.  That’s the whole point.  Whether we have been sinned against or have sinned ourselves into misery, the Bible says God is not tightfisted with mercy but openhanded, not frugal but lavish, not poor but rich.  That God is rich in mercy means that your regions of deepest shame and regret are not hotels through which divine mercy passes but homes in which divine mercy abides.  It means the things about you that make you cringe the most, make him hug hardest.  It means his mercy is not calculated and cautious, like ours.  It is unrestrained, flood-like, sweeping, magnanimous.  It means our haunting shame is not a problem for him, but the very thing he loves most to work with.  It means our sins do not cause his love to take a hit.  Our sins cause his love to surge forward all the more.  It means that on the day when we stand before him, quietly, unhurriedly, we will weep with relief, shocked at how impoverished a view of his mercy-rich heart we had.” ~ from Dane Ortlund’s “Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers”, pg. 179-180.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Arsenal stroll through the park

THE SCENE: Cold and wet

Mosey to Pearson Springs and did some SSH, cherry pickers, and side lunges along the way.
Under the pavilion do:

  • Squats x 5
  • Step ups x 5
  • Dips x 5
  • Go to parking lot and the first space line do a merkin
  • Run loop
  • do x 10 everything in the pavilion
  • go to parking lot and do a merkin at the first line and side bear crawl (if that’s a thing) to the next parking spot line and do x 2 merkins
  • run loop
  • do everything under the pavilion x 5 until you max out at 20.
  • increase your line by one each time doing the Merkins at each line along the way.

Mosey back to AO stopping to do BB, LBCs, tempo decline BB along the way. Once at the AO do WW2s and instead of ABCs we did 123s up to 20.  Finished with LBC until time is called.

9 came out this morning

Today is a good day to try.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Kracken at the Tracken

THE SCENE: Gloomy but warm at the Tracken

50 side straddle hops, since Moses asked for it

Tommy Boys OYO – Swing arms back and forth (fat guy in a little coat)

Little Baby Arm Circles forward and backward

Insert information about the workout.

  • Moseyed to the Tracken (track)
  • Began a Kracken, 8 stations, do 50 of the exercise listed, run a lap, pass the exercise you did and start over on the next one.


  • 50 Merkins
  • 50 Squats
  • 50 WW2 set-ups
  • 50 Burpees
  • 50 Iron Mikes
  • 50 Monkey Humpers
  • 50 Mountain Climbers
  • 50 Bobby Hurleys

Some Flutter Kicks LBCs to finish it out.

Just expressed gratitude for F3 and all it has done for me, at the beatdown and out in the real world.  I will truly miss this group and will drop in every chance I get.

Napster is moving, last day and Q, tomorrow at the Bomb Shelter

Running, Bear Crawls, and Legs Oh MY

THE SCENE:   41 out but we dont let no cold stop us. 


Indian Run with 15 pound plate from Grindstone to Oval Office. The Pax was very pleased when they got handed the plate. Far better than a CMU. 5 Inch Worms once we got to the track.
Red Bachetta- 1 Rd- Pax started on goal line. Ran to yard marker and completed exercise as listed. Run back to start. Hold plank till 6 finished.

  • 100 Yrd Line- 100 SSH- 1Ct
  • 75 Yrd Line- 75 Mountain Climbers- 1ct
  • 50 Yrd Line- 50 LBC
  • 25- Yrd Line- 25 Merkins
  • 10 Yrd Line- 10 Burpees

No Mercy Mile-

Pax started mid part of near straight away. Jog to start of the turn on back side, bear crawl the full turn. Start Jog after turn to mid point of backside straight away. Mid point 25 Merkins. Jog to front side turn. Lunge full front side turn. Jog to mid point of front straight away. 25 Squats. Rinse and Repeat. We got about 1 and1/12 laps completed.

One Round of Bruce Lee: 20 Reps- American Hammer, Leg Raises, LBC’s, Heel Touch, Crunchy Frogs, 100’s

BBS for time- 30 seconds to finish.

This month I’m trying to express more gratitude for the things i have in my life. While we all can be grateful for F3, what it has done for us and the PAX, i challenged the pax to think of other things we are grateful for.

  • Smuggler-My wife and the change she has made in my realatiohsip with my daughter. We have gone through some hard times, a lot due to my own bad relationship decisions. However my wife has come in and been an amazing force in my life and has made a world of difference.
  • Pinocchio- His son, being a new father has given him a new perspective on life.
  • Veep- His job and the the ability that has provided him to do things for his family.

Take time to let those around you know you’re grateful for them.


Napster’s final two Q’s are on Friday and Saturday. We need to pack it out!

The Hidden Hundred Reps

THE SCENE: First day of the year I broke out the old tank top if that tells you anything. Absolutely beautiful morning!

29 Side Straddle Hop, 10 tempo merkins, 10 tempo squats, 10 imperial squat walkers, inchworm of death


Basically, work your way back and forth on the Grinder for the duration. 5 pull-ups on one end, 15 dips on the other. Stop at 5, 10, 15, 20 lines going both ways to do reps of the first exercise below (then second on you next lap, etc). Lunges and crawls are all done in between the lines. Burnie to the dips, run back to start.

  • Good mornings / lunge forward / lunge backwards
  • Merkins / bear crawl forward / crab walk back
  • BBS / lunges again
  • Side lunge (single count) / bears and crabs again

5, 10, 15, 20 are all lines. Lunges and crawls are all done in between the lines.

20 hello dolly, 20 super swims, 20 scissor kicks, 20 super slaps. All in cadence.

14 PAX

Read this quote from the opening to the album “Worthy” by Beautiful Eulogy.

We will not lose heart
Even though this present age will waste away
We will surely suffer, but it’s a slight momentary trouble
The deconstruction is painful, but the transformation is beautiful
When we the children of God are crushed under the heavy affliction of this world, be reminded that it’s weightless in comparison to the eternal measure of God’s glory
We have lost our eyes for the unseen and have swallowed the false hope of the visible
We must realize the empty grave and revel in the certainty of His resurrection with assurance of renewal, considering it worthy to suffer for the faith
So we will worship while we wait

Good work, men!
Don’t forget Saturday coffee