F3 Knoxville

40 of Everything But One Truth

THE SCENE: 60’s, slightly damp, perfect gloom.

– Run around the parking lot.

– Overhead claps x 40.

-LBC’s x 40 OYO.

– SSH x 40


Circle up. Today will be an all group workout. Number every CMU, and that is your order.

While one pax does 40 reps at the assigned stations, the rest of the pax will do as follows until the next man goes to the stations. The Q will call the exercise change:

  1. Goblet squats
  2. Curls
  3. Grave diggers
  4. Overhead press
  5. Goblet squats
  6. Flutter kicks
  7. Skull crushers
  8. Thrusters.

Station 1: Bobby Hurleys x 40.

Station 2: Thrusters x 40

Station 3: CMU Big boys x 40

Station 4: Thrusters again x 40 (this time for fun)

We pushed right up until time.
7 HIMs showed up and put in work.
Matthew 7:13-14 “13 gEnter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy1 that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and hthe way is hard that leads to life, and ithose who find it are few.”

Reflecting on this verse in my daily Bible reading, I was struck by the “gate is narrow and those who find it are few.” Perhaps one reason it is hard to find is that there are so many truths being screamed at all of us, and all are said to be equally valid. The law of non-contradiction says that can’t be true. Living a personal “truth” that is not congruent with God’s absolute truth as revealed in the Bible will not lead to the good life now, eternal life, or flourishing. That only comes from not just embracing, but also submitting to the truth of our Lord. I know that isn’t a popular message today, but encouraging people to live their “truth” if their “truth” is harmful isn’t loving at all. It’s like letting at toddler play in the middle of Alcoa Highway because we are worried we might upset them. Sometimes we have to be the ones to tell a hard truth, even if that hard truth conversation is just one we have with ourselves. God’s truth should set us free. God’s truth leads us to redemption, instead of enslaving us to our own lusts. Praying for you men, and have a great rest of the week.
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Monday Ropes and Bells

THE SCENE: Cool…maybe cold

TN Rocking Chair x 10, Tempo Squats x 10, Tempo Merkins x 10, Run to Butterfingers’ truck to get all the things x 1.

EMOM Kraken Rope Bell Thingy – 1 minute on each station – after complete all stations run a lap – 5 rounds!

  • ST1 – Battle Rope Double Waves
  • ST2 – Incline Merkins
  • ST3 – 60lb Sandbag squats
  • ST4 – Battle Rope Double Outside Waves
  • ST5 – Left Leg Drop Back Squat w/ 20lb Kettlebell overhead
  • ST6 – Kettlebell Swings 35lbs
  • ST7 – Decline Merkins
  • ST8- Right Leg Drop Back Squat w/ 20 lb Kettlebell overhead

Pax Ring of Fire – Hollow Hold Sandbag Pass
Baby Weight, Butterfingers, Raincheck, Rep Sleepy, Shrimp Net, Smuggler, Third Base

“Thank God every morning when you get up that you have something to do which must be done, whether you like it or not. Being forced to work, and forced to do your best, will breed in you temperance, self-control, diligence, strength of will, content, and a hundred other virtues which the idle never know.”

― Charles Kingsley

Share The Burden

THE SCENE: Cool Morning

Cherry Pickers – In Cadence

Lil’ bit of this, lil’ bit of that

Indian Run using 75 lb sandbag.

  • Man at the end carries the sand bag while running to the front of the line. Dropping the sand bag as he gets in line. Man at the end grabs the sandbag and repeat.

Wall Squat sandbag pass

  • Indian run ended at block building. Each man did a wall squat on the wall and passed the sandbag down and back for a total of 7 passes.

Sandbag Lunges

  • Staying in line, everyone lunges. Man in front carries the sandbag for 3 lunges then drops it. Man behind picks up and does the same thing until playground was reached.

Monkey Bar Abs, Over the Shoulder Throws, Swing Pushups

  • First man in line does a sandbag toss over the shoulder 3 times then does the monkey bars. At each bar bringing the knees to chest before moving on to the next. When the first guy drops the sandbag the next grabs it and start his throws.
  • While waiting their turn for the toss and monkey bars, everyone else is doing decline merkins with feet in a swing. At the top of each push up bringing knees to chest.

Did this all twice-ish


FNG – Duracell
We aren’t called to carry the burdens of life alone. Galatians 6:2 “Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

The sandbag in the workout represented the burdens we may carry. Started the workout letting the men know that it was all of our responsibilities to make sure that sandbag reached the finished line. This was not about being the first to complete the circuit. If we saw someone struggling, help them. That may even mean that we carry it for them.

In life we may have opportunity to come along those who are struggling. We should see that as an opportunity to show Christ’s love by bearing that burden with them or for them. We may also be the recipient of that at some point in out lives.

Look for opportunity!



Ring of Fire (Outside the Camp)

  1. THE SCENE: Chilly with plenty of dew
  • Little of This, Little of That
  • Cherry Pickers x5 IC
  • SSH × 20 IC!!!!
  • 4x4s x10 OYO
  • Freddy Mercury’s x20 OYO

Ring of Fire +++

AMRAP – 10 stations arranged in a ring. The 11th station is pullup bar approx 0.2 miles away. PAX must run to it and then dead hang for 100 seconds. When PAX returns to the ring, everyone rotates to the next station.


  1. Lashes (jump rope)
  2. We are not worthy (CMU)
  3. Heels to heaven 
  4. Crucible merkins
  5. Prayer squats
  6. Mountain goats 4 ct.
  7. Buried face (bench +2 CMUs)
  8. Outlaws x 10 then change direction
  9. Grave diggers (CMU) 2 ct
  10. Hallelujah lunges (holding bricks)2ct
  11. 0.2 mile run + 100 sec dead hang + 0.2 mile run.


PAX circle up and hold plank while each takes turns doing 5 pushups.

Today is Yom Kippur- The Day of Atonement.

Recap of the significance of this day and the ritual animal sacrifices that went with it.  Yet Christ’s blood offers cleansing far greater than the blood of any animal ever could.

“Under the old system, the high priest brought the blood of animals into the Holy Place as a sacrifice for sin, and the bodies of the animals were burned outside the camp. So also Jesus suffered and died outside the city gates to make his people holy by means of his own blood. So let us go out to him, outside the camp, and bear the disgrace he bore. For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come.”

Hebrews 13:11‭-‬14


To be a leader like Jesus, we must let love motivate all we do. We must move toward need, not comfort. We must be willing to go “outside the camp” with Him even if it means suffering and disgrace. We must make things right with others and with God while we still have the chance.

F4 Wed. mornings at 6:15 @ Food City in Seymour.

BroOlympics coming up.

Men, Meat, Mayhem – this Sunday at FBC Seymour. 5-7PM


Speedway IPC Week 4

THE SCENE: Low 50s with a light drizzle



Explained and demoed exercises


  1. 100 Gas Pumpers (Knees to Chest – watch the video)
  2. 50 Jump Rope
  3. 1 mile run
  4. 25 Hello Dollies (seriously, watch the video)
  5. 25 Burpees
  6. 50 Jump Rope
  7. 400-meter run
  8. 25 Hand Release Merkins (we explain a lot in the video)
  9. 25 V-Ups
  10. 50 Jump Rope
  11. 400-meter run
  12. 25 Leg Raises
  13. 25 Jungle Boi Squats – 2 spoons style (we will even do demonstrations)
  14. 50 Jump Rope
  15. 400-meter run
  16. 25 4-count flutter kicks (watch the video)
  17. 25 Bonnie Blairs (hard way – right leg and left leg counts as 1 – if there is any question about this, re-watch the video)
  18. 50 Jump Rope
  19. 400-meter run
  20. 100 Big Boy Sit-ups
  21. 50 Jump Rope
  22. 1 mile run

No time

9 including Buzzsaw and ConQueso downrange from Kansas City


Whatever it is you’re seeking won’t come in the form you’re expecting.

  • Haruki Murakami

I think we often think we know what is best for our lives. As a Christian, what the Bible teaches us is that God knows what is best for our lives. In the book of Jeremiah, the Israelites are suffering because of their disobedience and god reminds them of this through Jeremiah.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”

‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29:11-13‬ ‭

Let’s remember to seek God because his plan is always better then our own.

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