F3 Knoxville

Gritty Tenderness


45 degrees, a little drizzly, before sun-up. Just like the gritty like it.


Was 30 seconds late to q-ing my own q… Oh the shame. Wanted to get the packaging tape gun to tape the cheatsheet to my forearm. Didn’t end up using it.


  • SSH
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Windmills
  • High Knees with Burpees

The Thang: Lots, Walls, Rails and Rocks

Starting in a line facing the wall but on the opposite of the parking lot from the wall.
All the traveling exercises progress towards the wall. Unless otherwise specified all exercises are 4 count.

  • 5 Burpee Broad Jumps
  • 5 Merkins
  • 5 Frog Jumps
  • 5 Diamon Merkins
  • 5 Inch Worms
  • 5 Werkins
  • 5 Lunges
  • 5 Plank Jacks
  • 5 Imperial Squat Walkers
  • 5 Pickle Pounders
  • 5 Broad Jumps
  • 5 Shoulder Taps
  • 5 Reverse Lunges
  • 5 Peter Parkers
  • 5 Bear Crawls
  • 5 Plank to Elbows
  • 5 Crab Walks
  • 5 Mtn Climbers
  • 5 R Bear Crawl
  • 5 Parker Climbers

At the Wall – Everyone get a CMU

  • 5 Curls
  • 5 Step Ups
  • 5 Presses
  • 5 Rocky Balboas
  • 5 Triceps
  • 5 Step Ups
  • 5 Thrusters
  • 5 Step Ups
  • 5 CMU Burpees

Bear crawl in a line up to Guard Rail. At the Rail

  • 10 Dips
  • 10 Dirkens
  • 10 Irkens
  • 10 Pick Pounders – Inclined
  • 10 Dips
  • 10 Dirkens
  • 10 Irkens
  • 10 Reverse Pickle Pounders (aka – Baby Makers)

Pick up two rocks

  • 10 Baby Arm Circles
  • 10 Seal Claps
  • 10 Overhead Seal Claps
  • 10 Baby Arm Circles Backwards
  • 10 Thors
  • 10 Star Toe Touches
  • 10 Dead Bugs

Mosey back to far corner of Parking Lot to start sequence again but this time with added Mosey to next Island destination as we Zig Zag through the parking lot Islands

  • 5 Burpee Broad Jumps
  • 5 Merkins
  • 5 Frog Jumps
  • 5 Diamon Merkins
  • 5 Inch Worms
  • 5 Werkins
  • 5 Lunges
  • 5 Plank Jacks
  • 5 Imperial Squat Walkers
  • 5 Pickle Pounders
  • 5 Broad Jumps
  • 5 Shoulder Taps
  • 5 Reverse Lunges
  • 5 Peter Parkers
  • 5 Bear Crawls
  • 5 Plank to Elbows
  • 5 Crab Walks

Finish off with 15 Burpees with CMUs at the Wall.


50 Freddy Mercuries


Grit & Tenderness – Grit by itself does not make a man. The Holy Spirit in us calls us higher. It calls us to a more complex and mature “High Impact Man”. A man that contains not only Grit but also tenderness and sensitivity. Sometimes these “goals”, “values” seem to be at odds with each other. How can I be a man of grit if I’m tender all the time and super sensitive to everything and everyone? How can I perform and compete in this EXTREMELY competitive and stressful – dog eat dog – extremely judgmental world if I’m not 100% Grit? It might just be impossible without the infinite spirit of God within us helping us. Today allow Him to reign you in when your Grit is too tough on others. Today allow Him to give you the grit to show up when you said you would and do what you said you were going to.

You are off to a great start – Your grit got you here before the sun in the cold and wet to push your body. Now don’t forget that counter-intuitive sensitivity you are to have towards others. Others might mislabel you as ALL grit or A**hole. Conversely others may mislabel you 100% weak and a push over. Do not listen to the labels. You know you are an infinitely more complex human being possessing endless amounts of gritty strength from the Lord of Hosts, and an infinite resource of tenderness to draw upon.

Lean on Jesus – He will help show the world how His amazing men can perplex the world with the combination of two contrasts.

    • 2-27-2020 This Thursday – New AO Christening at the Vatican – OTB – @ 5:30 –

The Vatican – F3 AO

9245 Fox Lonas Rd NW, Knoxville, TN 37923

    • This Saturday – F3Knoxville TRUEbadours: February 29

Growschool/Q101 next Saturday

F3Knoxville TRUEbadours: February 29
If you have not yet Qd and are interested but not sure how or you just want to fine tune your abilities Check this out. Our first F3 Knoxville Truebadours Convergence Q (Q101 + GrowSchool) will happen on Saturday, February 29th 7:00a, at the Asylum AO. Steam along with other F3Knox HIMs will be leading the charge. If you have questions please reach out to Steam or Abscess.


  • March 28, 2020 F3 Knoxville Convergence @ JUCO

Mutha Ruckin’ Monday @ JUCO Ruck

THE SCENE: A comfortable 37 degrees

mosey to the side parking lot.  no other warmup

Pair up.  One partner farmer carries both bags to the light pole and back, while the second partner performs a series of exercises.  Merkins, calf raises, lunges, squats, side straddle hops, maybe more, I don’t remember.  Continue rucking around campus, working toward the courtyard.  Outside the court yard, perform 20 around the world merkins with ruck.  Mosey to short wall, and perform 20 lunges with one foot raised on the wall.  20 dips, 10 step ups.  Walk to the stairs and perform 60 calf raises with the ruck.  20 pigeon toed, 20 open toed, and 20 straight toed.  Take one lap around the inner circle, and mosey back to the parking with light pole where we did our first set of exercises.  Same partners as before, only one partner runs with out a ruck to the light pole and back while the second partner does exercises with the ruck.  Curls, tri ext, OH Press, Merkins, all X2.  Mosey around to the courtyard and repeat those exercises.  Double time one lap inside the courtyard, and make our way back to sophomore hill.  Perform 5 hill repeats with a hard effort, and one Bernie for a total of 6 climbs.  Mosey back to the AO to meet up with the JUCO COT.

Pickle pounders with ruck until 6:15

See Trolley’s Back blast

The Sprinting Crab & Spinning Bear

THE SCENE: 38 degrees and clear.  Crispy



  • SSH
  • 25 Flutters
  • 50 Lunges
  • 25 Gas Pumps
  • Mosey
  • 25 Scissor Kicks
  • Spinning Crab walks
  • Walk
  • Sprint
  • Walk
  • Spinning Bear Crawl

Spinning Crabs & Sprints & Spinning Bears (Loop):

14 stations along the Sophmore hill large loop.  The stations start repeating at station number seven.

  1. 25 Flutters / Lunge to next station
  2. 25 Gas Pumps / Mosey to next station
  3. 25 Scissor Kicks / Spinning Crab walk to next station
  4. Prep -recover Walk to next station.
  5. Sprint to next station (this was about a 100 yard sprint)
  6. Walk recover to next station.
  7. Spinning Bear crawl.

Then the stations repeat but now you are at the other side of the four cornered loop.  This was an AMRAP. We averaged at about 1.5 laps.


My beloved deconstructed burpee crazyiness.   The burpee machine.

  1. Planks
  2. Merkins
  3. Frogs (in plank , bring feet to hands and back to plank)
  4. Squats
  5. Squat Jumps
  6. Star Jacks

These six stations are evenly fanned out around a light pole.  Two men at each station do the exercise until they are tagged.  The group at station one run to the light pole tag it and run to next group to start doing their exercise. Each time station one gets tagged we all take 5 steps backward.  Thus making the length and repetitions of the exercise longer because you don’t get tagged as often.


Read Psalm 103.

FNG Slip-n-slide Welcome!


THE SCENE:   Perfect…might have been a little cold (29F) but it wasn’t raining and it was dry.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:   Almost nailed it but Judge had to remind me this is my VQ and I am not a professional.

Burpees, Cherry Pickers, LBAC, WWII sit-ups, Tempo Diamond Merkins.  Paused to appreciate that we were still dry after Warm-O-Rama


Headed over to the guardrail for 41 tricep dips and a musical serenade to Guardrail to recognize his 41st trip around the sun.   Mosey over to the coupon pile.   Everyone grabbed a coupon, circled up and held an air chair while I explained “Capture the Coupon”   Counted off into teams of 4 and headed over to the parking lot and each team took their corner.   Each coupon had been labeled with an exercise and number of reps before the beat down.   Each HIM did the exercise on their individual coupon and then left it behind at their base while going to attack another team’s coupon supply and bring one back to their base to perform the next exercise found on the coupon.  It was mayhem for a little while but eventually the PAX got the hang of it and their was a full melting pot of the Lexicon going on simultaneously.   It was quite a beautiful scene.   Trolley tried to only capture the burpee coupon but KickFlip perfected the cup and ball magic trick and left him with bear crawls, which was still fine with him.   It was chaos but everyone seemed to enjoy it.   Mosey back to the shovel flag and had time for one more push before we timed out.   Eye of the Tiger came over the sound waves and the PAX performed Rocky Balboas until the chorus finally came.   We dropped and did merkins during the chorus and then back to Rocky Balboas during the second verse.   Did one more round of Merkins during the second chorus and then stopped for a quick Mary.

Did pickle pounders in cadence.   Once you reached the number of years you were married you stopped and held plank.   Curveball was our most experienced pickle pounder – still in perfect form after 25 years (I believe).  RESPECT

29 HIMs in attendance.

James 1: 2-4   “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”   Guardrail prayed this verse over my wife while helping stay with our children for another late night trip to the ER.   It has been on my mind ever since.   There is something about counting it ALL joy that is so beautiful but also so difficult in reality.   We all have those people in our lives that have perfected it and always have a smile on their face and you know there is nothing FAKE about it.   It is a contagious JOY that always brightens my day when I get to be in their presence.   We should all strive to live every moment of our lives with a posture towards JOY.   We can’t let the trials of the day overcome the blessings as they are always abundant when we choose to look for them.   Trials are the way God brings us closer to full dependence on Him.   It exposes the weakness in our Faith and the more we need his Grace.   We all face choices when trials come our way….turn to sin (doubting God, angry with God, turn to substance, bad relationships, etc) or submit to our inability to do it alone and the necessity of being fully dependent on Him.   In time the patience, endurance, steadfastness learned through trials sharpens our FAITH and makes us perfect and complete.    Last night my wife unbeknownst to her that I had chosen this verse to talk about said “I am so filled with JOY.  I haven’t felt this good in so many months.”  Hearing that was by far the best Valentines gift I have received in all my years and just one more confirmation of how good He is ALWAYS.   I want to thank everyone that has prayed for her and our family over the past several months,  it has been such a blessing for us all.   Let’s strive to always count it ALL joy, today, tomorrow and ALWAYS.


Prayers for Trolley’s wife ankle and ability to see a doctor quickly.   Prayers for Commision’s friend who is recovering from an appendectomy.

7 HIMs joined for coffee at DD.


THE SCENE: Damp and low 40s

Cherry Pickers, High Knees w/Burpees, Tempo Squats, Mountain Climbers
Mosey over to Anytime Fitness Parking Lot: 6 stations of exercises (20 Merkins, 20 Squats, 20 Mountain Climbers, repeat all three). Mosey up Juconte stopping for 2 Burpees at every tree (7). Recovery Mosey back down and along HV Road to start, repeat for three rounds.

Mosey to the front of Anytime Fitness. With a few observers from inside, PAX perform 20 SSH in cadence.

Mosey back to Shovel Flag parking lot:

Jelly Arms

Jelly Legs

No time
21 strong

Life is short: We live. We die. Then comes Heaven or Hell in a straight line.  That final outcome depends on the way we live this life and the choices we make. If you waste your life – in the end, you will lose it.  The life not wasted is one focused on lovingly serving others in a way that magnifies God’s glory.  Let that be our daily, even hourly focus.  Don’t waste your life!