F3 Knoxville

DORA, Noonan, and Burpees

THE SCENE: Mostly Cloudy, 41°F, Feels like 37°F, Humidity 82%, Wind 6mph from SW – Thanks Frenchie

Zero Burpee Warm-up. Always a favorite.

0xBurpees, 20xSSH, 2xBurpees, 10xWindmills, 4xBurpees, 10xLBAC fw&bk, 6xBurpees, 10xTempo Squat, 8xBurpees, mosey towards Sophomore Hill, stop for 20xflutter kicks, mosey some more, 10xBurpees
At Sophomore Hill, grab a battle buddy for some original DORA 1-2-3:

  • 100xMerkins
  • 200xBBS
  • 300xSquats

Mosey over to the coupon pile and grab one for a new exercise: The Noonan (Description per Exicon: Running up stadium stairs with a ruck on. Any form of weighted ruck or coupon up and downstairs. In Honor of F3 Naperville’s Steve Keough (F3 Noonan) who suddenly passed away while rucking.)

In honor of the passing of F3 Noonan just 2 days after he turned 50, we completed 50 collective trips up and down the stairs to the sports building with our RESPECT PAX leading the way. During this exercise I asked everyone to take a moment of silence to meditate on how blessed we are to have our health and to pray for those that don’t.

Mosey with your coupon over to the stadium. At the bottom of the hill perform the following starting with 10 reps of each and adding 10 reps after each round:

  • CMU Curls
  • CMU Tricep Extensions
  • CMU Swings

Run to the top of the Stadium Hill and perform 5 burpees to complete one round. Repeat adding reps until time was called.

Mosey back to the shovel flag.
26 HIMs; 3 Ruckers and 23 Boot Campers
My favorite verse for quite a long time has been:

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

Although this is my favorite verse, I used to apply it the wrong way. This verse does not guarantee that everything that happens to us in this life will benefit us in this life. It means that even when bad things happen to us in this world, if we maintain our faith and love in God, those things will benefit us in the life to come. The Bible does not teach that prosperity is something guaranteed to Christians, quite the opposite is true. We will be tried and persecuted in this life, but through those trials and tribulations we will grow closer to God. The things in this world are fleeting and ultimately meaningless if we don’t maintain our faith in God.


Shoutout to all of our PAX that have earned RESPECT. You don’t know how much us young bucks envy the fact that you are still out here pushing us to get better. You have something that we may never have, but that we all hope to have when we are 50+.

It’s been awesome seeing JUCO grow as much as it has this last year. We’ve added JUCO: Rush on Wednesdays at 0515 and are still testing out JUCO: Ruck on Mondays at 0500. Come get ya some!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Fat Amy’s Necktie

THE SCENE: Low 40’s and quite pleasant.

20 SSH

10 Windmills


Mosey to the Plateau of Pain.

16 cones across the plateau. Run to first cone and do exercise. Run back to start then on to second cone for next exercise and so on.

  1. 50 Squats
  2. 20 Burpees
  3. 40 BBS
  4. 20 Burpees
  5. 30 Merkins
  6. 20 Burpees
  7. 20 Iron Squats
  8. 20 Burpees
  9. 20 Burpees
  10. 20 Iron Squats
  11. 20 Burpees
  12. 30 Merkins
  13. 20 Burpees
  14. 40 BBS
  15. 20 Burpees
  16. 50 Squats


20 Flutter Kicks

20 LBCs

Repeated 4 times

13 HIMs

Abridged version of the Bluejacket’s guide to leadership. A 1943 manual given to junior enlisted sailors.

Loyalty. Loyalty is the opposite of treachery. A man who is not true to himself cannot be loyal to anyone or anything.

Faith. Believe in yourself. Trust yourself. Count on yourself.

Obedience. To be obedient is to place your own desires and impulses in second position.

Courage. Courage is that quality which enables one to meet danger and difficulties with firmness and with ability unimpaired. It does not mean absence of fear. A courageous man has mastered fear. Cool courage implies ability to exercise sound judgment in the face of danger.

Honor. Act so that your home folks will be proud of you, and will tell all of your friends what fine things you are doing. Act so that others will want to be like you.

Self-control. Self-control is the visible evidence of self-discipline.

Knowledge. Knowledge comes only through study and hard work. Men always respect you for what you know. It pays to know, and to know you know. Know your own job well and when you know it perfectly you will be on your way to knowing the job ahead of you.

Reliability. Always do what you are told to do, and do it the best you know how.

Spirit. To have spirit means to be able to become enthusiastic and inspired in everything you do and to show a lively interest in your work.

Justice. Be square. Play the game hard, but play it squarely. Give a square deal to others and expect one in return. Act so that others can respect you as a man.

Truthfulness. The final test of a man is: In a pinch, will he lie? Many a man who told the whole truth has been let off or given light punishment, where the liar was punished for the offense and for lying as well.

Conduct. Good behavior and a clear record are essential for promotion to positions of leadership. A leader’s conduct must always be exemplary and the standards maintained by leaders are very high.

Initiative. Sound judgment in taking the initiative (or in leading toward a goal) is an essential quality in a leader.

Energetic. A man who does not spare his efforts, or value them higher than the proper performance of his duty, is energetic. He does things the “smart” way and is not too concerned about whether it is the “hard” way or the “easy” way.

Cheerfulness. Good will, easy manners, and friendly speech are contagious.

Honesty. Your belongings are yours and yours to use or dispose of. Stealing is an admission by a man that he is inadequate to obtain the things he craves by fair and open means.

I think I set a new calorie and mileage record for myself on that one. 781 cals and 4.13 miles.

Forgot plans, chalk and cups, but didn’t forget to burn calories

THE SCENE: Checkerboard clouds above, cold but not too cold. Pretty ideal for this workout.


SSHx20, 10 merks, 5 cobra Kais, 5 cherry pickers. Mosey around Course to explain exercises since I left chalk at home.
The Equalizing “kinda hard stuff but not really that hard unless you are out of shape and if you are out of shape it is good for you to do it because fitness is fun and why else would morons like us be up at 5:30am doing stuff in the darkness of a park that is not illegal” Obstacle Course. The obstacles are……

  • 5 burpees
  • 10 pull ups
  • Short chop steps around 11 cones
  • Line drills quick feet
  • 20 Merkins
  • duck walk 4 corners
  • The “didn’t we do this stupid thing before” climb on the “snake” railing
  • 20 BBS
  • Bear crawl up walkway
  • 20 dips
  • 20 rows under the picnic table
  •  20 pickle pounders
  • 20 flutter kicks

Repeat as many rounds as possible till time is up

20 box cutters, Peter Parkers, times up!

Be fun. Do fun stuff with your kids and your family.  We can sometimes get wrapped up in work, every day stressors of life, or even ourselves and forget to have some fun time with our loved ones. It doesn’t just have to be on the weekend. Take some time this week to do something fun with your kids that you normally wouldn’t. Play a game, wrestle, play 20 questions.
Several prayer requests, good fellowship afterwards with some coffee even though I forgot cups.
La-z-boys coffee, orange Ts coming soon

Tony Hawk

THE SCENE: A balmy 40 degrees with a light drizzle. Perfect beatdown weather!

30x SSH IC
10x Failure to Launch
10x Hindurkins IC
20x LBAC each way
20x OHC
10x Crabettes IC
20x Cossack Squats (10 each leg)
Toady-hop across the parking lot (not Tony Hawk, although that sounds much cooler. I’ll have to work on that…)
Bear crawl across the parking lot

Mosey over to the large parking lot. Battle buddy up.
Broken Wheelbarrow (partner holds only one leg) from one line to the next, 5 merkins on arrival.
Switch places with partner.
Repeat with other leg.
Squats for the Six.

Mosey to the courtyard. Divide into groups of 3.
One PAX under one shelter, other under shelter across the courtyard. Third PAX runs between (plus 2 burpees) and switches out.
Exercise pairs:

Iron Mikes – Cossack Squats
Diamond Merks – Carolina Dry Docks
Gas Pumpers – LBCs
Superman Swim – Sundial
Ran outta time! Hustle back to the AO!

Ruckers were doing something or other at the AO when we got there… But time was up!
6 for Motherruck’n Monday: Sergeant Slaughter, Mermaid, Mandolin, Booster, Ginger, and Judge Judy. 19 for the standard beatdown (as tagged)
Stolen from Tank’s contribution to the weekly email, because it hit home:
Close your eyes.
Imagine you have a daughter.
Now imagine she’s dating someone just like you.
Did you smile?
Then change!

Some things we lack the power to change on our own. We need the help of the Holy Spirit inside us. Without Him we can do nothing!

Never had a nosebleed before today, but it bled like a stuck pig the whole way from my house to the AO! Managed to get it stopped just in time for the beatdown… could have been a gory mess!
Pullup Bars installation at the Dog Pound next month! Feb 29!


THE SCENE: Just less than 40°
Mosey 1/3 mile loop


Everyone has 2 CMUs at Grinder steps.


Burpee Deadlifts

Block Boys


Do 1 rounds of all 3 exercises then run down to troll bridge and back up.


10 4-ct Oblique Tucks per side

10 4-ct Bottle Touches


Hold banana for last minute

11 HIMs including FNG Wheelie

“Invictus” by William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

I am the captain of my soul.

I think next time we should do 2 rounds of PT then run to try and get it all in. I completed through 6 reps so still had 5 rounds to go.
Breakfast at Drifter’s next Saturday the 1st.