F3 Knoxville

A Shoulder Smoker

THE SCENE: It was the gloom, overcast around 50 a cold mist in the air and wet ground below us. could not ask for better conditions!

Motivators from 7 – Seal Hops, SSH, Half Arm SSH, No Arm SSH, Hops ( thankfully the pax did not make Q could in multiples of 7! )

  • Thang 1- mosey with CMU’s to the 4 way intersection just below Mt. Crumpit.
    • Starting at the stop sign heading up Springbrook Rd, pax will run up SB Rd doing ascending Squat thrusters at each light post. Pax will stop at each preceding light post on the way back to the start.
      • LP 15 Squat Thrusters, 210 ST, 315 ST, 420 ST, 525 ST
      • RD 1 pax run to LP 1 does prescribed ST’s and heads back to start, Rd 2 pax run to LP 2 does prescribed ST’s then runs back and stops at LP 1 and does prescribed ST then heads back to start. Repeat all the way to LP 5.
        • Q had originally called for the pax after they finish the 5th RD to run from the start to the top of SB RD and complete 10 blockies. Due to time we called an audible and stopped thang 1 after the 5th RD.
          • One thing i love about this pax is we don’t have DOWNTIME! Q and 3 pax were bring up the 6 today. When the lead pax finished RD 5 they all started on a core PAX rotulet while the 6 finished. It takes a different kind of man to see a opportunity for rest and push themselves to do more, glad i surround myself with these kind of men!
          • Thang 2- head to the Plateau of Pain for a shoulder smoker!
            • 5 cones- Start at Cone 1.
              • Murder bunny from Cone 1 to 2.
              • At Cone 2 stop and do 20 CMU curls and 20 Prone Block Jump Overs
                • Prone Block Jump Overs (maybe named Plank  CMU Jump Overs??) – In a Straight Arm plank with block at your feet jump from one side of the block to the other keeping your arms and legs straight and hands on the ground.
                  • This is a potential shin buster and wet ground makes it a challenge- modifications can be a step over or jump on to the block and off instead of completely over.
              • After complete Reps Bear Crawl CMU drag to Cone 3.
              • Complete same 2 exercises- Curls and Plank CMU Jump Overs-  same rep count 20, at cone 3
              • Reresection Bunny from cone 3 to 4 ( the slope of the PoP added a nice additional challenge to jumping back wards pulling a CMU 🤣 )
              • Complete same exercises and reps at cone 4
              • Crawl Bear with CMU drag from 4-5
              • Same Exercises and Reps at 5
              • Run with CMU to top of PoP near benches. 10 CMU swings.
              • Run one lap around the PoP. ( don’t go past the fountain or Crumpet. You can head either way from the start. )
              • Once you get back to your CMU do 10 more swings and then head to cone 5. You will do the same thing but in reverse starting with crawl bear and working back to cone 1.
  • Said it early Zero down time outside of the explanation before the thang. Ok I’m sure that’s normal across most AO’s but these pax don’t ask for a break nor do they take advantage of them when presented during the beatdown. Every one just keeps pushing, keeps moving, and does not quit till the end.

Some LBC’s for time like 30 seconds

“Courage is not having the strength to go on: it is going on when you don’t have the strength”- Theodore Roosevelt

As i mentioned earlier, the PAX at the BS and the Arsenal embody this quote. The courage we are building and forging in each other every day we post is helping us have the courage needed to overcome life’s real obstacles. It makes us better men, fathers, brothers, partners, employees and leaders. When life gives us obstacles we know we can overcome it. Why? Because we have shown courage and carried that block up a huge hill when our legs are tired, our lungs are gassed, our shoulders are smoked, and our minds are shut off. Yet we just keep pushing despite everything our body is telling us. We know it will not hurt us, it will just make us better. We carry those moments and lessons into the real world and we are what the real world needs.

  • Coats for the Cold- If you have any unused coats you want to donate please bring them to the AO.
  • F3 Knoxville Christmas Party at Judge Judy’s. pax and significant other welcome. Judge Judy would like an early head count. Post in Slack to RSVP on.
  • Service day beatdown at the Bombshelter on Nov 13th. We will help keep our community clean and get a good beatdown lead by Drifter. Show up!
    • We will also have a special Coffieterian at Drifters house on the 13th. Family welcome!

Hit the quad

THE SCENE: Cool but clear morning at Arsenal




Mosey to the tennis courts and use the hill next to it for the run. Battle buddy up and then work through the list of exercises. One partner Bernies up the hill, does 5 Bobby Hurleys and then runs down. Partners then switch. Both partners perform one round of exercise before moving to the next. Rinse and repeat

  • Hill Billy Squat Walker
  • Ballerinas
  • Iron Mikes
  • Imperial Squat Walkers
  • Daniel-son
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Al Gore

Thigh masters x 16 followed by pax roulette
9, including Snow Bird, down range from Raleigh
If you surround yourself with the right people, there is no issue with being influenced by those around you
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
2.0 workout at Bombshelter tomorrow! Community give back workout upcoming

Finish Him!

THE SCENE: 55 clear skies, fall is here

Set the mood with some pump up jams to be continued during tha thang

SSH IC x 21

Thighmaster IC x 10

monkey humper IC 4ct x 10

OH press IC x 10


Mosey with CMU to circular track (somewhat) adjacent to picnic pavilion. 6 stations arranged in circle. Once beeper starts, perform murder bunny around circle. Stop at nearest cone and perform AMRAP for prescribed exercise for 30 seconds. The next movement around the cones was OH lunge with CMU around. Trade off every round between murder bunnies and CMU lunges. Rinse and repeat around circle to pump up jam playlist. Exercise stations as follows:

CMU OH press



Burpee up and over

Monkey humper

Ground to OH with CMU


Hold iron cross with LBAC forward and reverse IC x 8
7 HIMs and 2.0 Webelo
I thought about what I was going to say and the word that kept coming to my mind was PATIENCE. Over the past few years, I have kept a lot close to the vest regarding my own struggles in life. In growing older and joining groups like F3, I’m learning the need to get these things off the chest and have the support of men around me. My wife have been struggling a few years trying to have a child. I often get irked and frustrated when I meet people and they say that I ought to have children at this point in my life. I’ve tried to turn those frustrations over to God as of recently and it has helped me. I pray for Gods timing on matters and realize that it may not align with my own wants. So whether it is meant to happen or not, I will find a purpose for how God wants to use me in the future— child or not. Patience is very difficult for all of us. With whatever you are waiting on/ hoping for/ wanting, I pray that you find the bigger purpose in timing that may or may not go your way.

Tight back after that one!!

Sandbag workout

THE SCENE: Beautiful morning at bombshelter. Rain held off until after the beatdown

Mosey to the fountain


One 60lb sandbag was dropped at the road on the way in, other carried to the fountain. PAX ran clockwise laps from fountain to road, with the HIM with the sandbag going counterclockwise. Whenever a runner met up with a sandbag carrier, the runner did 15 Merkins before continuing. Once the sandbag reached opposite end of loop, it was dropped until the next person reached it, when they picked it up. Repeat for time
More merkins

box cutters

hello dolly’s
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Seek first to understand, then to be understood
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Combined FiA/F3 Halloween 2.0 workout on Oct 30th. Please bring candy for the children if you plan to attend. FiA will cover food and coffee

Rolling the Dice

THE SCENE: Crisp Cool Morning at the Arsenal

Frankenstein, High Knees, But Kicks down and back on the court. Cherry pickers and a Mosey around the pavilion.

10 blockies then roll the dice. Do whatever exercise you roll then repeat

1. Run the loop

2. 50 hop Kicks

3. 30 box jumps

4. 50 rows

5. 50 Curls

6. 30 overhead presses

Flutter Kicks and Hello Dollys 20 count. LBCs cash out

Baby Weight, Butterfingers, Peach, Veep, Moses, Smuggler, Scoutmaster, Webelo, Hot Squat
Short talk about being actively improving and learning, and remembering that no matter how experienced you are, you can improve.