F3 Knoxville

Sally, Cards, and CMUs

THE SCENE: 50’s and perfect Gloom weather

Little of this.

Little of that.

Windmills x 10.

CMU Overhead press to “Bring Sally up,” halfway through, we switched to full CMU thrusters.

The Pax picked up their blocks of woe and we moseyed to the fountain. From there, we split into 1 and 2. One representative from each group drew cards for the high card. Whoever won, ran the loop. Whoever lost, farmer carried two CMU’s one whole loop and called out exercises for the other pax to do. Crowd favorites were as follows…

  • Burpees
  • WWII’s
  • Dry Docks
  • T-Merkins
  • Flutter kicks.

WWII’s for time.
Swerve, Webelo, Scoutmaster, NailedIt, JustFlys, Nailed It, RadioShack, Grouch, Toad, Avocado, KY.
Selections from Judges 16.
The thrust of what I talked about is the fact that Samson acted like an idiot with Delilah. He knew this woman did not have his best interest at heart, and still continued in his relationship to her after multiple times where she proved untrustworthy. I think Samson did that because he relied on himself and his strength to get out of his trouble. However, once he revealed his heart to Delilah, Judges 16:20 records some of the most frightening words in Scripture, “But he did not know that the Lord had left him.” To be honest, I think we all have a little Samson inside of us. We think we can master or control or lives. Many times that will evidence itself in how we think we have sin under control. We sometimes live like we can play with sin and never get hurt. I encouraged us all to be quick to repent and find forgiveness because sin bites, kills, and separates.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Crazy Ladder

THE SCENE: RAIN and fallen trees, clear and wet (no rain) when workout started

SSH x11, Cherry Pickers x5, Tempo Big Boys x5, Apex mosey.

Note: Cones are approximately 20 feet apart.

  • Murder bunny to first cone.
  • Body Builders x10.
  • Murder bunny back to starting cone.
  • Inchworm to second cone (bring CMU).
  • Skull crushers x20.
  • Inchworm back to starting cone (leave CMU at second cone).
  • Bear crawl to third cone.
  • Big Boys x30.
  • Bear crawl back to starting cone.
  • Pick up CMU and walk it fourth cone.
  • CMU curls x40.  Run the Apex.
  • Get your CMU on the way back.
  • Repeat.

Australian Snow Angels x10, Tempo Squats with CMU x10, LBCs x25, CMU curls x40, WW2 for time
Espy, Rep Sleepy, Swerve, Webelo, Scoutmaster, Avocado, RadioShack, Drifter, Grouch

Exodus 33:19 – “… And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.”

As disciples of Yeshua, we are called to love all.  Lovingly correct sinful behavior of fellow disciples and love those who do not hold themselves to the teachings of Christ and law of YHWH as a means to show them Christ.

As I struggle with wanting to shake people out of their sinful nature (mainly those who are not disciples of Christ), I am constantly reminded that it is not my job.  It is my job to love those individuals and let the light of YHWH show through the love I am showing those individuals and let YHWH take care of the rest.  He is in control of everything and his thoughts are higher than mine and his ways are higher than mine.  Loving people is not the same as condoning a person’s choices.

AOQ flag hand off at Bomb Shelter to Espy.  Breakfast at Drifter’s following the beatdown.  New AOQ in Seymour (The Speedway) starting April 19 at 5:30 AM.  Tuesday/Thursday 5:30 – 6:15 AM.

DORA’s Dice Game

THE SCENE: 36 and clear



SSH x20; Tempo Squat x10; LBAC x10 both directions; Mosey around the Apex loop

Grab CMU and mosey to the far end of the grinder and partner up. Each pair roles 12 sided dice to determine exercise. Partner A does AMRAP of exercise while Partner B runs 5 cone suicide then change. Run Apex loop after every 5 rolls of the dice

  • 1 – Curls
  • 2 – Merkins
  • 3 – Skull Crushers
  • 4 – Big Boys
  • 5 – Goblet Squats
  • 6 – Imperial Squat Walkers
  • 7 – Blockees
  • 8 – Burpees
  • 9 – Bent Rows
  • 10 – Australian Snow Angels
  • 11 – Grave Diggers
  • 12 – Catalina Wine Mixers

No time


Avocado, Grouch, Scoutmaster, Webelo, Rep Sleepy


We as men are called to be leaders for our families. Our families will tend to go both mentally and spiritually in the same direction we are headed.

“And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.””

‭‭Joshua‬ ‭24:15‬ ‭ESV‬‬

We have probably all heard the last part of that verse before and maybe even have it hanging up in our house somewhere. Joshua was commanding the people that he led to chose who they would follow. He was getting ready to die and wanted to encourage the Israelites to follow God. He knew that it started with him being the leader of his own family. How are each of us leading our families?

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Grindstone craps shoot

THE SCENE: Temp 45F, light westerly breeze, mostly cloudy, grindstone dry.

Butterfingers, Smuggler, 2.0 Webelo, and Scoutmaster in attendance.

Side straddle hops x20, Cherry pickers x10
Straight into THA-THANG:

HIMs pair off on one side of the basketball courts, roll dice and do the corresponding exercises.

Roll 1 – One HIM farmer carries two CMUs and travels to far side of Grindstone and back, other HIM stays stationary and does merkins.  When traveler returns, switch and repeat.

Roll 2 – Traveler bear crawls to far side, stationary does tricep curls with CMU, switch and repeat.

Roll 3 – Traveler lunges to far side with CMU, stationary does big boy setups, switch and repeat.

Roll 4 – Traveler overhead carries CMU to far side, stationary does burpees, switch and repeat.

Roll 5 – Traveler crab walks to far side, stationary curls CMU, switch and repeat.

Roll 6 – Traveler suicides to far side, stationary does Grady corns, switch and repeat.

Optional – Take a break and both run to bridge, do WWII sit ups x20, run back to grindstone for more dice rolling.


No MARY, “Recover” called at 0615 on the dot.


10 Rules of leadership from MAJ Richard (Dick) Winters:

  1. Strive to be a leader of character, competence, and courage.
  2. Lead from the front. Say, “Follow me!” and then lead the way.
  3. Stay in top physical shape—physical stamina is the root of mental toughness.
  4. Develop your team. If you know your people, are fair in setting realistic goals and expectations, and lead by example, you will develop teamwork.
  5. Delegate responsibility to your subordinates and let them do their jobs. You can’t do a good job if you don’t have a chance to use your imagination or your creativity.
  6. Anticipate problems and prepare to overcome obstacles. Don’t wait until you get to the top of the ridge and then make up your mind.
  7. Remain humble. Don’t worry about who receives the credit. Never let power or authority go to your head.
  8. Take a moment of self-reflection. Look at yourself in the mirror every night and ask yourself if you did your best.
  9. True satisfaction comes from getting the job done. The key to a successful leader is to earn respect—not because of rank or position, but because you are a leader of character.
  10. Hang tough!—Never, ever give up.
    Stationary exercises are easier than bear crawling and crab walking. But, Grady corns are crowd pleasers!
    2nd F today – lunch with Avocado at Black Horse Pub and Brewery.

Do Hard Things

THE SCENE: About 60 and really quite lovely



Little of this, Little of that, Michael Phelps, SSH x10

Mosey to top of Butter Billy for Butter Billy’s B-yramid:

  • 5 Burpees
  • 5 Burpees, 10 Boxcutters
  • 5 Burpees, 10 Boxcutters, 15 Bobby Hurleys
  • 10 Boxcutters, 15 Bobby Hurleys
  • 15 Bobby Hurleys

Mosey to the top of Mt. Crumpet for Kraken Around the Christmas Tree: 5 cones, do 5 Merkins, 5 Big Boys, 5 Squats then run around the loop and to the next cone, increase rep count by 5 each time to 25.

Mosey to the church parking lot for Catch Me If You Can: Partner up, partner A Bernies around parking lot while partner B does 3 Burpees then runs to catch up. Switch and continue making the loop. (We did about four loops)

Circle of Pain: Jog in place and pass burpees around circle, increased to 3

Big Boys x20; Flutter Kicks x20; Overhead Claps x60

Another round of Circle of Pain then LBCs for time

Welcome to JustFlys’s 2.0, Pedals


Do Hard Things

All of today’s beatdown was inspired by the CSAUP from a few weeks ago. It was hard to do but in the end very rewarding. I think that is often the truth. When we do hard things we reap the best rewards. This can be something physically challenging like a CSAUP but it also applies to other parts of our lives. We have to be willing to step out and take risks to grow. Maybe that means committing to reading the Bible daily because you don’t like to read anyway. Maybe that means taking that new job or position that will push you to grow. Maybe that means stepping into a leadership position within an organization. Maybe it means treating your wife like Ephesians 5:25 says:

“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,”

‭‭Whatever it is seek out the hard because that is where we find the greatest growth.

I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.

Breakfast at Drifter’s will be delayed in April due to his family traveling; Flag hand off coming in April as well; Keep eye on Slack for more info