F3 Knoxville

Standing Together

THE SCENE: Snow and cold

15 SSH, 15 Moroccan night club, 10 tempo merkins, 10 tempo squats, 5 cherry pickers
Mosey to JUCOmanjaro. There are 6 cones spread throughout the mountain and exercises at each one. Battle buddy up and tackle the workout together. Here are the exercises.

  • 25 merkins
  • 25 diamond merkins
  • 30 squats
  • 30 lunges total
  • 30 flutter kicks (4 ct)
  • 30 Freddie Mercury (4 ct)

Mosey to the bottom. Rinse and repeat until time is called.

No time!
20 PAX conquered the mountain together this morning despite the snow!
Hebrews 10:24-26 – “and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near. For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation of judgement and the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries.”

The first part of that passage is a little more light-hearted, but the second half gets serious.  If we can make it a point to assemble together, we are giving ourselves the opportunity to grow closer. When we grow closer, we can hold each other accountable and help to redirect each other when we falter. We will fail if we go at it alone.
Snow and wind didn’t stop us from getting better this morning. Great job!  I am encouraged every day I post by the hard work that you put in.

Thanks for the pre-run Spotter and Pool Boy.
Don’t forget about Hardship Hill.

What Does Frozen 2 & 100 Burpees Have in Common?

THE SCENE: 41 degrees – great weather for a day in the gloom!

  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 8
  • Side Straddle Hops (IC) X 15
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Hand Release Merkins – OYO X 10
  • Tempo Squats (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Sprints back & forth across the parking lot X 4
  • No Mosey – Stayed in the AO Lot the entire time

THA-THANG: AO Parking Lot

January Challenge – 100 burpees for time

Four corners – 10 reps of each exercise in all 4 corners.

  • 1st Lap – squats, diamond merkins, big boy situps
  • 2nd Lap – lunges, merkins, heals to heaven
  • 3rd Lap – calf raises, wide merkins, Freddie Mercury
  • Rinse and repeat

MARY: Part of the Q



Back in December, I took my youngest daughter to see Frozen 2. During one scene of the movie, Anna was sad because she though Olaf and Elsa were dead. She almost gave up but sang the song “The Next Right Thing” and me and my daughter got pretty emotional. Read the words below and realize that we are faced daily to do the next right thing. The question is are we going to do it?

  • Should we WATCH basketball on TV or PLAY basketball with our kids?
  • Should we PLAY a game on our phone or PLAY a game with our kids?
  • Should we volunteer in our community or live in our own little bubble and not go out of our comfort zone?
  • Should we exercise, read the Bible, be a great employee, friend and family member or just muddle through life?

Let’s always think about what the right thing is, take a breath and then take a step in the right direction!

The Next Right Thing from Frozen 2

I’ve seen dark before, but not like this
This is cold, this is empty, this is numb
The life I knew is over, the lights are out
Hello, darkness, I’m ready to succumb
I follow you around, I always have
But you’ve gone to a place I cannot find
This grief has a gravity, it pulls me down
But a tiny voice whispers in my mind
You are lost, hope is gone
But you must go on
And do the next right thing
Can there be a day beyond this night?
I don’t know anymore what is true
I can’t find my direction, I’m all alone
The only star that guided me was you
How to rise from the floor?
But it’s not you I’m rising for
Just do the next right thing
Take a step, step again
It is all that I can to do
The next right thing
I won’t look too far ahead
It’s too much for me to take
But break it down to this next breath, this next step
This next choice is one that I can make
So I’ll walk through this night
Stumbling blindly toward the light
And do the next right thing
And, with it done, what comes then?
When it’s clear that everything will never be the same again
Then I’ll make the choice to hear that voice
And do the next right thing

MOLESKIN:  Be open to learning wherever you are…like the movies seeing Frozen 2 w/ your daughter, Strawberry Shortcake


  • Help build pullup bars on February 29 at the Dog Pound
  • Hardship Hill is on May 2

A Properly Motivated JUCO Posse

THE SCENE: Cloudy and cool, with temps around 32, and a wind chill in the high 20’s.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: This is F3, Fitness Fellowship, & Faith.  Q has a cell phone in case of Emergency.  He is not a professional, and does not know your injuries.  You will need to modify accordingly.  You are here on your own volition, the only thing that brought you here was an EH (Emotional Headlock), and a desire to check out why these guys get up so early to roll around in parking lots. 
Cherry Pickers to 5
Baby Arm Circles forward & Backward 10 ea
The Motivator from 12 (312 total reps)  This exercise reduced the mumble chatter to zero and left only groaning and complaining.


This is a 2 station workout.  At station 1 located near the coupon pile, you will perform 20 reps of each of the following 6 exercises with a coupon: Rows, Curls, Squat Thrusters, Tricep Extensions, Calf Raises, BBS aka “Louganis” holding coupon over head.  After you complete the 6 exercises, run to the top of sophomore hill.  At the top you will perform 6 more exercises, again with 20 reps each.  The exercises are as follows: Wide Merkins, Squat Jumps, Curb Dips, Diamond Merkins, El Capitan to the crosswalk, and handrail pull ups.  Once you finish run back to station 1, where you will rinse and repeat.  This is an AMRAP routine.  Most PAX made it to the third round, some beast studs began their fourth.  Butter Knife was out font leading the charge with Frenchie and Erector hot on his trail.  There may have been others in the lead group, but I was not.

Very little time for mary, the PAX held plank on their elbows for a short time (15-20) seconds.

29 HIM’s, no FNG’s.  My video failed, and I am proud of recalling 29 names from memory.  I will admit I struggled to complete the list as my picture was very grainy.

  • “I still have a dream, a dream deeply rooted in the American dream – one day this nation will rise up and live up to its creed, ‘We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal.’”
    Quoting the declaration of Independence.
  • “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”
    MLK’s Actions required Faith.  He was a champion for the civil rights movement, and so powerful a figure, with such a strong message, that those threatened by him eventually assassinated him.
  • “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
    Matthew 22:39 Love your neighbor as yourself.
  • “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”
    John 13:34  “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
  • “A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.”
    HIM-High Impact Man

Praise from Butter Knife for the Men of JUCO.
Mermaid, 16th Wedding Anniversary today. His M is a patient woman for putting up with him for that amount of time.
Hardship Hill, can we create 2 Juco Teams?
OTB RUCK workout similar to the rush concept on Monday morning.  0500

Bear Each Other’s Burdens and CMUs

THE SCENE: 40’s and dry. Sweat was imminent

-2 x each leg 180 Lunges – Done OYO for a total of 180° – lunge in front (90°), lunge at 45°, lunge to the side (0°), lunge backward at -45°, lunge straight backward (-90°).
-10 x Tennessee Rocking Chair – (S/O to WaxJob for this exercise) – Begin with arms straight out in front of you: 4 ct IC: 1) touch hands to toes, 2) squat down with hands going straight out in front of you, 3) touch hands back to toes, 4) stand up straight with hands out in front

Partner up (partners used later at Sophomore Hill)
-5 x each Booyah! Merkin (modified to do high fives instead of shoulder taps as described in the Exicon)
-5 x Bropees
-3 x each / 6 x total Squat Walking Rockette – Start in a parallel squat with arms in front and kick your left leg toward your right hand, squad back down, kick your right leg toward your left hand, squat back down and repeat.

Black Snake to Sophomore Hill. PAX are getting better on the spacing but still need some work on their turning spacing.

DORA Circuit AMRAP for 10 minutes:
1. 3-legged Bernie (aka Laverne & Shirley – S/O to Guardrail for naming this one) – backwards run joined at the hips up the paved part of Sophomore Hill
2. 5 x Bropees at the top (high-five encouraged to avoid jumping into each other with a high-ten Bropee)
3. Wheelbarrow down the grassy part of the hill – halfway switch (modify if both PAX cannot do all the way down the hill to a bear crawl or lunges)
4. 5 x Booyah! merkins at bottom (same high five modification as during the warm-up)

DORA Crew (3 HIMs per group) – 5 minutes AMRAP per round

Exercise Round 1 Round 2
Hodor 1 CMU 1 CMU
Run / walk 1 CMU 2 CMUs
Thrusters 1 CMU 0 CMUs

Recover called – no time for Round 3 (plus who knows if the Q would have been able to run/walk carry 3 CMU’s).

Flutter kicks IC after “recover” was called and PAX were still putting away their CMU’s.

Black Snake back to the AO

Mini sprint workout
100% Sprint down to the bottom of the parking lot
15 second recovery
100% Sprint up to the top of the parking lot
15 second recovery

BBS 1 minute AMRAP until 6:15
17 HIM’s bearing each other’s burdens and CMU’s (link no pic uploaded). No FNG’s. Welcome back from sleep deprivation aka a new baby, Gump!

F3 has meant so, so, so much to me! Today we focused in the workout on working together as HIM’s. To be able to better bear each other’s burdens as I’ll read from Galatians 6 here in a moment, as the PAX have known and seen in me, more transparency and vulnerability is required to be able to better bear each others burdens. It’s F3 so much as the organization so much (though it is a solid organization) but the HIM’s who walk with me, push me, and ENCOURAGE me at 5:30 A.M. when I would previously see another woman not my wife. This was evil and wicked what I did before, but now God has changed me and my life so dramatically for the better. So while it might seem like verse 1 of the the following passage is a bit off on a first reading of the passage, I think it fits perfectly into where I’ve been walking and how we ought to walk was HIMs:

Galatians 6:1-5
“1 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.
Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.”
2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
3 For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.
4 But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor.
5 For each will have to bear his own load.

When we exercise (physically and spiritually), we’re doing several things. We stretch our comfort zones working out and this will be especially true today. This passage outlines them for us:
1. v1-2 – Bearing each other’s burdens (especially through prayer – we’ll come back to this)
2. v.3 – Don’t think you’re something when you’re nothing
As Proverbs 27:2 says “Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.” We may think we’re something, but God tells all of us that we are nothing and to be humble about everything.
3. v.4-5 Each one test his work, bear his own load.
When you workout, you’re not comparing yourself to other HIMs here. God has given us each different talents, abilities, skills, bodies. But we are called “to be faithful and not successful” as I heard Rick Dunn say at Maple Street Nights a few weeks ago. Paul agrees “”For who sees anything different in you? What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it? (1 Corinthians 4:7)”

Back to Bearing each other’s burdens
You’re here to bear your own load and carry other HIM’s burdens when they can’t, and you let them when you can’t. Like how the thrusters were made SO much easier without CMU’s and how if we’d had time the Hodor would have been easier as one HIM tried to bear all 3 CMU’s at once.

So now we will do that in prayer triangles. Prayer triangles explanation:
Share 1 prayer request per HIM ~10 seconds each. Sincere but brief.
After all PAX in your triangle have shared, one HIM take initiaitive and start praying for one of the HIMs next to him.
Go around the triangle and one HIM pray for one HIM each of the other PAX in your triangle.

When all groups finished the Q said “bring it in” and prayed as one group of HIMs bearing each other’s burdens.

Prayer for all of the HIMs present going into 2020 that we would bear each other’s burdens both at F3 and wherever we go as God calls us.

JUCO NYD workout is ON for 0530 (with rucking after the normal workout is on. JUCO Rush will start at 0700 just for this week).

Polar Bear Plunge New Year’s Day 12:00pm. Meet at the Wye in Townsend. Immediately following we’ll have 2nd F at Soccer Taco Northshore. This has grown to be an awesome 2nd F event! Don’t miss out on something that seems impossible but could be invigorating!

McDonald’s on the Fly

THE SCENE: 20’s and no Q in sight….

LBAC-F/B, Overhead Claps, Tempo Merkins, Mountain-Climbers, Tempo Squats, TN Rock’n Chair
Mosey to big student parking lot, stopping for a short Bear Crawl. Perform the Double Quarter-Pounder (without cheese) – look up in Exicon.  So Fun!!

Mosey to small parking lot. 4 corners – rotate between 10 jump squats and increasing 8ct Body Builders at each corner. I think the lead group made it to a corner of 8 BB’s.  Great work!

Dead Bug, Flutter Kicks
25 strong
Talked about inner peace and 5 steps that have helped the Q obtain inner peace: 1) Trust totally in Christ. This settles where you are headed when you die. 2) Trust in God’s sovereignty and control over all things, even the small details of your life. This eliminates fear. 3)  Trust the Lord to meet all of your needs. Takes care of the constant desire for more. 4) Maintain a clear conscience. Helps protect your inner peace. 5) Accept the way God made you.  You can’t change things that are outside of your control. Trust Him with those things.

Ribbed was on Q but slept thru his alarm. Trolley (JUCO’s newly appointed Executioner) will decide his fate upon his next appearance at JUCO.
No official workout Christmas Day at JUCO.