F3 Knoxville

Climb the Ladder / Brickwall

THE SCENE: Rainy as all get out

Large arm circles 20 seconds each side, rotate torso 20 seconds (B), waist / trunk circles 20 sec, leg swings 20 sec (B). lunge drops 20 sec (B), boxer shuffle 20 sec, SSH
Increasing intervals of time (10, 20, 40, 50 sec active) followed by 15 sec rest doing a boxer shuffle:

  • L single leg burpee
  • R single leg burpee
  • side lunge pops L
  • side lunge pops R
  • mtn climber get ups
  • squat jacks
  • push up jacks
  • high knees
  • Repeat each full round increasing active intervals by 10 sec

LBC;s, Freddy Mercury’s, Flutter kicks, Hello Dolly’s
Natty, Herbie, Fast n Easy, soy sauce, Hamm, Chaucer, Tractor, Belding, Simmons, A-Rod
go with the flow, don’t sweat the small stuff
I can’t remember I was getting sick at this point
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Gifts from a Dry Bag on a Damp Day


Unseasonably warm (59 degrees) and very damp with rain looming and some drizzle


8 HIM’s were present with no FNG’s present. My name is Hamm etc. etc.


SSH’s, LBAC’s, Nolan Ryans, Dirty Reindeers, Reindeer Kicks, Bobby Hurley’s Cherry Pickers, Windmills.

Then we Nolan Richardson’ed to the setup where coupons and cones were located nearby.


There were two cones setup 20-25 yards apart.

There was a CMU and a 50lb Sandbag at the Gift Wrapping Station. While the rest of the PAX participated in the WOD, 2 HIMS were always manning the CMU and Sandbag as follows:

CMU: 25 Curls, 5 Brickees, AMRAP Monkey Humpers

Sandbag: 25 Curls, Cone2Cone Throws & Back, AMRAP Monkey Humpers

The rest of the PAX drew an exercise from the bag and performerd it in the manner of the Twelve Days of Christmas Workout. After each set a Mosey was taken around the AO and back to the designated area.

  • 1 – 8 Count body Builder
  • 2 – Plank Jacks
  • 3 – Mountain Climbers
  • 4 – Cone2Cone Lunges & Back
  • 5 – A Cone to Cone Bear Crawl & Back
  • 6 – Burpees
  • 7 – Shoulder Taps
  • 8 – Iron Mikes
  • 9 – Chain Breakers
  • 10 – Overhead Claps
  • 11 – Squats
  • 12 – Merkins

HIMS instructed to MARY on their Own

Hamm, Fast-n-Easy, Herbie, Biohazard, A-Rod, Manilow, Simmons, & Tractor


“When we love something it is of value to us, and when something is of value to us we spend time with it, time enjoying it and time taking care of it.” M. Scott Peck

How often do we find ourselves ignoring opputunity to invest in our children, significant others, or people in general because we are distracted or entralled by something else (i.e. social media, cell phone, etc.) We do well to reduce these distractions and to engage with our children and others by learning about them and relating to them. In some ways this goes against our nature which we have to learn how to defy in order to have the best quality in our relationships.


We prayed for our ability to cope with holiday stress, career decisions, and the Mend House.


Manilow will be on Q Thursday. Other Q’s are still available in December.

Blue Light Special

THE SCENE: Cold and clear 34 degrees

SSH x 25 IC, Windmills x 10 IC, Cherry Pickers x 12 IC, Imperial Squat Walkers x 12 IC, Grady Corns x 12 IC, T-Plank Arm Circles x 10 IC bi-directional bilaterally
THA-THANG: Partner Up

  • P1 does MKNS while P2 runs to “intelligibly” get a coupon from rock pile (then switch roles)
  • Mosey to Bank and P1 runs a lap w/ coupon  while P2 squats w/ coupon until P1 returns & switch until 200
  • P1 performs triceps raises w/ coupon while P2 runs lap, switch until 100
  • P1 performs BBS while P2 runs lap, continue until 150
  • Run to rock pile with 5-0 assistance crossing road “the Blue Light Special”
  •  Return / run to AO

flutters x 20 IC, box cutters x 20 IC, Bruce Lees x 10 IC, 30 MKNS SC, 3 Burpees
15 rock toting men: Natty, Simmons, Tuba, Chaucer, Herbie, Fast-n-Easy, Stickers, Fob, Biohazard, Wilson, Mr. Wedgie, Hamm, Tractor, and Belding
A few quotes:  “I always thought it was me against the world and then one day I realized it was just me against me,” Every next level of your life will demand a different you,” Everyone wants a powerful woman until you start dating her and realize you have to step your shit up.”  Basically, know that it is you against you until you devote yourself to those relationships, especially one with God.  As we did today, “partner Up,” because you’re never really alone.
Pray for Biohazard’s old mentor Connie who is now in hospice.
convergence at Truck stop next week, otherwise Hamm on Q for Brickyard

Foggy Fun

THE SCENE: Foggy, 51°F, Feels like 51°F, Humidity 98%, Wind 0mph from N

  • SSH 20x IC
  • Tempo Squats 15x IC
  • LBAC 15x IC Forwards and Backwards


  • Mosey to the track
  • 4 rounds
    • 40x Squats
    • 30x Hand Release Merkins
    • 20x Burpees
    • 400m run
  • Mosey to the front


  • Captain Thors 5x
  • Flutter Kicks 20x IC
  • 8ct Man Makers 10x



Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.  But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
James 1:2‭-‬5 NASB
Many times we answer with knowledge instead of wisdom. Wisdom includes listening to anothers words and feelings and responding if necessary. Many times no response is needed, the person just needed to be heard. Wisdom is required for the trials we face, we need to be willing to ask for it and have the patience to receive it.


Food drive is still on, bring your donations either Thursday or Saturday.
Brolympics on Nov. 9. Signup at – https://f3knoxville.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2bbfbfb4650376d65ab58b2d4&id=6f6f153159&e=b4b4ef0ceb
3rd F Dec 7 – Convergence at Truck Stop with Fellowship after at Two Rivers Church

Just a Piece of Charcoal

THE SCENE: Brisk – Like the Iced Tea


SSH, Mountain Climbers, SSH, Mountain Climbers, SSH, Mountain Climbers

7 of Diamonds

Cones set up like a baseball diamond. Same workout at each cone for certain number of rounds. Animal crawl to next cone.

  • Round 1 – 7 Burpees – Lunge between cones
  • Round 2 – 14 Flutter Kicks (4ct) – Bear Crawl
  • Round 3 – 21 Merkins – Duck walk
  • Round 4 – 28 Squats – Crab Walk
  • Round 5 – 21 BBS – Lunge
  • Round 6 – 14 Merkins – Duck Walk
  • Round 7 – 7 Burpees – Bear Crawl

Flutter Kicks, Boat/Canoe

A piece from John Ortberg’s “The Life You’ve Always Wanted” about meditating on scripture. The scripture was Psalm 46:10: “Be still, and know that I am God!” We challenged ourselves to keep that scripture in mind throughout our day.