F3 Knoxville

Have a Naturday (Don’t Mind if I do)

THE SCENE: Sticky, Muggy, and Warm for a beautiful Naturday

5 Good Morning Abbey’s, 11 T-Plank Arm Circles each direction IC (B), Cherry Pickers x 10 IC, Happy Jacks 5 sets IC, Tempo Squats x 10 IC
Mosey to the Rock Pile, Perform 5 Burpees then pick up a coupon

  • Indian Run w/ coupon to 1st TN Lot
  • Pick a partner and wheelbarrow the lot, then swap places & repeat
  • Bear Crawl the lot and return with crab walks, when complete Al Gore with coupon out in front until last HIM done
  • Mosey to Lifehouse lot w/ coupon and perform 20 Flutter kicks
  • Mosey to Norm Hill with a partner
  • P1 runs to top of hill and performs 3 8CT Manmakers while P2 does 100 BBS, 200 MKNS, 300 OH Press Squats w/ coupon, 400 Tricep raises with Coupon, 250 OH Arm SWING w/ Coupon while holding a squat
  • Run all the way back to rockpile to discard coupon
  • Run back to AO

Gas Pumps x 10 IC, Flutters x 25 IC, Never Cross Dollies x 10 IC, Freddy Mercury x 20 IC.
14 HIMS, some of which chose the wrong size coupon/rock and lived to regret it
A little message about being true to yourself.  Why would you want to be anyone else, just be a better you.  You know yourself better than anyone.  Pick the parts you want to change or improve and share it with those around you who you love and trust.
Word of Advice, always watch the Q before selecting your rock size
ANNOUNCEMENTS:Get ready for Wk 1 of the Iron Pax Challenge!

All arms NO legs

THE SCENE: 70 and a full moon


Picking cherries/bucket drop


Picking cherries/bucket drop

overhead claps


slow-tempo merkins


Bear crawl to each cone

25 merkins, CDD, Diamond, wise, ranger

over head claps, Moroccan Night club

crawl bear

25 merkins, CDD, Diamond, wise, ranger

Mosey across the lot,

bear crawl from dominos to orange peel, merkins at the 20s

crawl bear back,merkins on the 20s


more over head claps, seal claps, cherries in the buckets

mosey back to the cones

bear crawl to the end of the lot no merkins

flower pots, 11s dips/derkins

Ring of Fire with more merkins .


total of 306 merkins when it was all in

Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

30sec HiTech

THE SCENE: Clear, 60°F, Feels like 60°F, Humidity 91%, Wind 1mph from NW – by Klimat.app

  • SSH 20x IC
  • Tempo Squat 15x IC
  • Little of this, Little of that
  • Tempo Merkins 10x IC


  • Mosey around the parking lot at the whim of the Q
  • Timed Exercises 30 sec on, 30 sec off 3 Rounds, 1 min rest between rounds
    • Seal Jacks (SSH with arms going to front instead of above)
    • Merkins
    • Lunges
    • Hip Raises (kick legs to sky)
    • SSH
    • Superman
    • Mountain Climbers
    • Close Squats
    • Plank
    • Burpees
  • Mosey around the parking lot until Q leads back to AO


  • Flutter Kicks 20x IC
  • Hello Dollies 20x IC
  • Captian Thor 5x BBS to 20x Hammers
  • Boat/Canoe till time


Leadership – As men in our communities, we need to look for the opportunities to step up into leadership positions and not have the expectation that someone else will do it. We also need to seek out those opportunities for us to become mentors to those men not as far along the path as we are and to seek out mentors for ourselves. Everyone of us need to be sharpening the men following us and in turn getting sharpened.



Don’t Skip Anything

THE SCENE: Rain 70 degrees

SSH x 30 IC

Imperial Squat Walker x 15 IC

Tempo Squat x 15 IC

Overhead Claps x 40 IC

Route 66 on Roids: 11 stops along route with 11 reps of each exercise at each location. Except location 11 which gets 66.

  1. Bolt 45s – 11 squats from standing to half then 11 squats from half to bottom out.
  2. Cooler (11 reps left and right) – Side plank on left, scissor kick up, back together, bring knee to chest (4ct); flapjack and do right side.
  3. Dan Taylor – 1 squat:4 lunge to next stop
  4. 11 merkin
  5. Baryshnikov Squats (11) – Feet pointed out, hips out, weight on toes, then squat.
  6. Smurf Jacks (11)
  7. 8 Count BB
  8. Bay City Scissors (Reps 1-5 Vertical scissor; Reps 6-11 horizontal)
  9. Split Jacks (11)
  10. Duck and weave – Pax line up and duck walk to next stop while last man Indian runs between each man.
  11. Flutter Kicks (66 IC)

To stairs at stadium

Squat every other step to top of seats.

Squat every other step to top of seats backwards.

Run stairs with Bobby Hurley at bottom of steps. Start with 1 Bobby Hurley and go to 10.

Back to AO

Flower boxes

10 BBS with feet up on flower boxes

10 each leg split jacks

Australian Snow Angel – 10 IC


Detachment B-52; 5th Special Forces Group; 1st Special Forces

  1. Minimize fatigue because tired becomes careless
  2. If you show confidence, your team will have confidence
  3. If TL loses temper it effects judgement. Keep cool, think ahead, keep alternative plan in mind. Don’t be afraid to take advice from Team.
  4. Team Work – The key to success, only comes through constant practice and training. Realism must be injected into all phases of training.
  5. Teams that have good physical training have less health problems.
  6. Use tact when reprimanding. Don’t call someone out in front of their peers. Take them aside and let them decide how they are going to correct themselves.

F3 is about building leaders. We build ourselves physically to endure more each day/week but we also learn how to lead the PAX. We can lead in any state and any AO. We are universally trained to lead.

It has been my honor and privileged to be the Brickyard AO Q but it is time to pass the leadership role to another. Herbie will be taking over as AO Q in the next couple of weeks. He is very capable and will lead us well. It will be a new voice up front and encourage, lead, and challenge all of us.
3rd F and Convergence on 8/10 will take place at 7am Big Ball (Worlds Fair) followed by breakfast and 3rd F at Redeemer Church at 17th and Highland.

Brickyard BOMBS

THE SCENE: Partly Cloudy, 74°F, Feels like 75°F, Humidity 94%, Wind 0mph from N – by Klimat.app

  • Ssh 20x IC
  • Imperial walkers 20x IC
  • Annie’s 10x Each arm forward & backward
  • Little of this/little of that


  • Mosey to the area next to the splashpad
  • Brickyard Bombs – Partner up, P1 does exercise, P2 bear crawls from fence to grass & back, flapjack
    • Burpees 50x
    • Overhead claps 100x 4ct
    • Merkins 150x
    • BBS 200x
    • Squats 250x
  • Mosey to planters
  • 11s
    • Step up
    • Dips


  • Captain Thors 5x BBC/20x Hammers IC
  • Flutter kicks 15x IC
  • Hello Dolly 15x IC
  • Boat canoe till time



When things are going bad, there’s going to be some good that will come from it.
Oh, mission got cancelled? Good. We can focus on another one.
Didn’t get the new high-speed gear we wanted? Good. We can keep it simple.
Didn’t get promoted? Good. More time to get better.
Didn’t get funded? Good. We own more of the company.
Didn’t get the job you wanted? Good. Go out, gain more experience, and build a better resume.
Got injured? Good. Needed a break from training.
Got tapped out? Good. It’s better to tap out in training than to tap out on the street.
Got beat? Good. We learned.
Unexpected promblems? Good. We have the opportunity to figure out a solution.

  • Jocko Willink – Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual

Everything that happens to you in life isn’t always good, but how we face those situations is up to us. We can dwell on them and let them eat at us, or we can say ‘Good’ and figure out how to move forward and use that experience to teach us something.