F3 Knoxville

The Return of the Flight of the Blue Falcon

THE SCENE: High 30s clear and dry

Tempo Merkins
Tempo Squats
Mosey to CMU Pile
Grab the two new blocks that are … heavy
Return of the flight of the blue falcon
Two Pax have large blocks, call an exercise and start counting to 10 while the remaining Pax run.  At 10 they yell halt, and the running pax perform the called exercise until the pax carrying blocks arrive.  The blocks are passed to different pax, and this process is rinsed and repeated for the duration of the workout.  One of these blocks is near 50 lbs, and one is greater than 50lbs

For the last three minutes, we performed flutter kicks, snow angels, and LBC’s

I recently cleaned out my closets and donated many items.  It was the inspiration to wear some of the “GEMS” I rediscovered when I was cleaning to the workout this morning.  We talked about the importance of donating some of the things that we are not using to others who could put them to use.  In addition, I asked that we consider to be vulnerable and share our struggles as well as our experiences.  Others in the group may find value in the struggles and experiences we share.  We build a community and bonds when we share these experiences, and as men we sometimes hoard our feelings and emotions, and this is a safe space to share them.
FNG Teamster needs to be added when a tag is created.

The Ocho UNO Q

THE SCENE: A crisp, but beautiful gloom set the backdrop for what was destined to be a great day!

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Every HIM was welcomed and disclaimed.


  • 20 SSH
  • 20 LBAC
  • 15 Tempo Squats
  • 15 Merkins
  • 15 Mt Climbers
  • a few Up & Down Dogs
  • 3 perfectly executed Knoxville Cherry Pickers (because ground cherries are the only cherries)
  • A warm-up lap around the lot

HIMs were welcomed to the “table” on the porch to play OCHO UNO.


One Uno Deck (1-3 cards thoughtfully removed)

Green – CORE
Yellow – UPPER

Process: Draw a card, identify the exercise, place card in discard pile, flip the exercise card over, announce your exercise. Number on card = number of reps (0=10). Pick one of the exercises that hasn’t been done yet. When all are picked, all are available again. ALL 8’s are OCHOs (ANY COLOR) = Yell Ocho and take a lap

+2 means double the next card. Pick one more card, use color of second card, pick an exercise, and x2 the reps
+4 means quadruple the next card. Pick one more card, use color of second card, pick an exercise, and x4 the reps

All special cards are all 8’s. Color doesn’t matter:
Skip = 8 Single-leg squat (4 each leg)
Reverse = 8 Groiners (2 count = 1)
Wild = 8 Mt Climber (4 count = 1)

Announce your number and exercise loud enough for everyone to hear the call. After the HIM to your right announces the number and the exercise, you don’t do that exercise. You sit out one round and draw yours and get ready to announce so that we have constant work.

CORE (Green)
Prone Rows
Freddy Mercurys (4 count)
Big Boys

Monkey Humpers
Jump Squats
Lunges (2 count)

UPPER (Yellow)
Hand-Release Merkins
Carolina Dry Dock (pike push-up)
Shoulder Taps
Triceps Dips (in reverse plank or on wall/bench)

We had time to lay down and pull off some Hello Dollys and Side Crunches.

We made it!


I want to tell you about the Ocho Unos of the Bible.

You know that left to ourselves, we’re a wreck. Genesis draws a bleak picture of humanity. The hearts of humanity are always evil everywhere. So, God brought judgment on that evil through the flood. But in His great mercy, He didn’t wipe out everyone, God graciously rescued a family to continue His plan. God remembered us.

Genesis Ocho:Uno (ESV) — 1 But God remembered Noah and all the beasts and all the livestock that were with him in the ark. And God made a wind blow over the earth, and the waters subsided.

And yet human beings still continued to do what was right in our own eyes instead of living by God’s good ways. So instead of just telling us about the way, God Himself became the way. That’s what we celebrate at Advent and Christmas.

Matthew, Mark, and Luke 8:1 all show us Jesus teaching about how to be made right with God and many people turned from their sins and followed him.

Matthew Ocho:Uno (ESV) — 1 When he came down from the mountain, great crowds followed him.

Mark Ocho:Uno (ESV) — 1 In those days, when again a great crowd had gathered, and they had nothing to eat, he called his disciples to him and said to them,

Luke Ocho:Uno (ESV) — 1 Soon afterward he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him,

God came to us. The baby in the manger made a way for us by coming as God and as man to live the life we should have lived and then by paying our price for the sinful lives we have actually lived. He made the way. So that the best Ocho Uno in Scripture is…

Romans Ocho:Uno (ESV) — 1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

And then one day soon, the one who came as a baby to live life for us is coming again as the Lamb of God who is also the Judge and King.

Revelation Ocho:Uno (ESV) — 1 When the Lamb opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.

So, men, my simple encouragement to you today is if you want your marriage to change, if you want your parenting to change, if you want your life to change it starts with this. Are you still living under the right condemnation for the wrong you’ve done, like a slave chained to your sin? Put your hope in Christ, because he has paid the price, there’s no more condemnation for a man in Christ. And then, live like men who God has remembered and pronounced free of condemnation. Live for Christ in your marriage, with your kids, and at your work today. If you’re in Christ, you’re a free man. So step up and stop living like a slave to sin.

Prayed for Cosmo’s mom, for healing and endurance. Prayed for Mathlete’s M, who’s getting close to bambino siete arriving. Prayed for all the brothers who are travelling this time of year.

Project Christmas fellowship upcoming.
2.0 workout on Christmas Eve. 12 pains for the chilluns.
And Kick & Mathlete mentioned something about a billion burpee challenge in January. Sounds just crazy enough to make men of all of us.

Four Corner Journey


Partly Cloudy Temperature Feels Like Humidity Wind Speed Wind Direction
57 ℉ 57 ℉ 95% 4.2 mi/h SW

Delivered as desired. I am not a professional.

SSH – 26IC
Grady Corns – 20IC
Rockettes – 12IC
Cherry Pickers/Willie Mays Hays


Mosey to covered area by the church. Using the four corners of the sidewalk around the square.

Elevens in corners 1 and 3. Merkins and Squats
Four corners. Movement between corners always facing west. So karaoke both ways, mosey, and bernie.
1st – 15 4ct Mountain Climbers
2nd – 20 Squats
3rd – 10 T-Merkins
4th – 25 single count SSH.
R&R three times.

Tiny Decisions Workout Wheel – App on phone to randomly pick count and exercise.
Moving between corner 1 and 3. Wheel was spun by PAX and exercises where determined.
Ab stuff and variations of merkins and others.

50 Dips

4 – 40/50 yard sprints in parking lot. Increasing in effort level.

Head back to flag.

2 minutes of Mary determined by PAX
5 burpees to finish.
14 Good Men.

For Uncle-n-law and his family as they battle illness. For families of teen suicide. For friends suffering through potential divorce. Praises for co-workers and cancer free biopsy.  For my aunt who, on consecutive days, lost both her sister and husband over this past weekend. For men and women who are serving and have served in armed forces. And their families. For all the sick and suffering.  And for the unsaid prayers in our hearts.


Shamrock – I can’t forgive


  • Run in circles switching to high knees, butt kicks, side to side, etc.
  • Tie Fighters X 10 each side
  • Cherry Pickers x 5
  • Peter Parkers x 10
  • Smurf Jack x 20


  • Mosey to the track and field bleachers, but stopped 3 times for speed bump (3) burpees
  • At the bleachers we split into 2 teams
  • Round 1: One team runs to the top and back while the other team does tricep dips (we did 3 rounds of dips per team)
  • Round 2 was the same except we switched to decline merkins X3 rounds
  • Round 3 was the same except we switched to LBCs X3 rounds
  • Mosey to the parking lot with the Jesus statue
  • Alphabet abs; on our six, feet out to form a pencil, we drew ABCDEFG in the air, the ran to the far end of the parking lot to do HIJK, the ran back to Jesus. Went back and forth until we completed our ABCs and got our star sticker to put on the class board.
  • The group of PAX decided by vote to finish off the morning at the CMU pile, sorry Mermaid.
  • 20 curls for the girls, 20 lawnmower pulls each side, 17 man makers, 10 blockies, 75 ground press, 17 dead lifts.
  • Mosey to the “AO Flag” – Pool Boy

Our FNG “Venus” (please don’t show us your)…. took charge for the 2 minutes of Mary. Flutter kicks, heel taps and plank.
9 including our FNG “Venus” (was his name)

* Baby Boomer, Venus, Betty, Pom-Pom, Slappy, Curveball, Pool Boy, Mermaid, Anchorman,

Corrie Ten Boom who wrote The Hiding Place experienced and witnessed hell on earth during World War II while Nazi Germany occupied her country the Netherlands.

She was arrested in February 1944 for her role in protecting hundreds of Jews.

The 2 closest people in her life were her father and sister. Both were incredible Christians that I can’t even comprehend their level of faith and love.

Her father died after 1 week in prison.
Her sister made it 10 months in absolutely terrible prison camp conditions. The nurses at the camp snuck Corrie in to see her sister one last time before she was sent to either a mass grave or cremated.

1 week after that Corrie Ten Boom was “accidentally” released and barely made it back to her country alive.

2 years later she went back to Germany to witness to war torn occupied Germany. She taught at a church about God’s forgiveness.

After it was over an officer who was at the Ravensbruck prison camp walked up to her to shake her hand and ask for her forgiveness. She knew exactly who he was. She had walked past him in the shame of her nakedness. There’s no telling how many terrible things he did at that camp.

This is what she said about this moment:

“Even as the angry vengeful thoughts boiled through me, I saw the sin of him. Jesus Christ had died for this man; was I going to ask for more? Lord Jesus, I prayed, forgive me and help me to forgive him….”

(she then pauses) “Jesus, I cannot forgive him. “

“Give me YOUR forgiveness! ….

And so I discovered that it is not on our forgiveness that the world’s healing hinges, but on His. When He tells (or even commands) us to love our enemies, He gives the love “

How can I relate to this level of forgiveness? The day after I read this book I encountered a jerk out in public that really pissed me off. His words and actions burned me up inside for the next day. Not that I can compare my level of enemy with Corrie, but I thought about what she said. I couldn’t pull myself away from the anger I had. Duh…”I” is where I went wrong. I’m a sinful person who has wronged people and God many times. Of course I’m not capable of forgiving him on my own. It has to be from the power of God. I didn’t die on the cross for sins so what makes me think I can succeed in sucking up my pride to forgive? I even tried to rationalize for the guy. I had thoughts about what his life must be like to make him act like this. Again, not my job to make excuses for him or accuse him. God is the ultimate judge and he can breathe new life into anyone. That jerk hopefully will be touched by God. The only thing I can do is pray for God to empower me to forgive him and pray that God reaches out to heal him from brokenness.

So the big takeaway from me is this: The pressure is off of me! Heck yeah and praise God. I don’t have to get myself to a certain level of Christian status by checking off the forgiveness tab. I just have to fall on my knees and submit to God and let him be God.

Pom Pom’s wife’s great uncle (Michael?)  dealing with a cancer diagnosis. Venus’s sister (Gracie?) dealing with health issues.
X-mas party this Saturday night at Butterknife’s house.

Progress has to be measured


Perfectly chill with a touch of mist (mid 40s)


Some SSHs in honor of Pool Boy; Tie Fighters because they are the best; Squatting Grady Corns; a few Merkins; a jog to touch a light pole (any will do); and some Cherry Pickers


Fitness Test: recorded number of reps for each PAX doing 5 different exercises (will keep and check in again later to see progress); exercise 1 was 2 minutes of T-Merkins (AMRAP); exercise 2 was 2 minutes of bear crawling scoring 1 for each parking space passed through; exercise 3 was 2 minutes of Big Boy Situps (knuckles to pavement up and over to touch toes – AMRAP); exercise 4 was 2 minutes of Back-n-Forths (running from one spot to another and back like suicides – about 25 yards, scoring 1 for each length ran); exercise 5 was 2 minutes of Lunges (each leg counts as 1 – AMRAP).

Keeping anonymity the following scores were captured… showing first initial of name with scores in order in parenthesis… B (45,12,40,12,56); M (41,22,42,15,65); B (38,21,41,14,68); S (50,23,59,15,62); A (52,37,62,16,62); P (19,21,27,16,75); B (17,16,39,12,39); P (36,27,50,15,60); S (29,22,31,14,50); C (40,22,40,14,57); D (40,32,64,15,70); O (48,27,60,15,63); C (29,22,40,15,49)

Mosey to CMU pile for some 4th quarter closeouts… Rifle Holds; Curls; Bent Over Rows; Dead Lifts; Bench Presses; and Face Smashers


Mosey back to starting point and finished with some dealers choice core exercises!


13 HIMs with no FNGs


Reflecting on encouragement from Jesus in Matthew 7 to remove the log in our own eye to better serve our brothers who need help with a speck in theirs… encouraged the PAX to set goals, share them with others, and then measure their success or failure to achieve.  We all need to strive to progress in our fitness, fellowship, and faith and we all need accountability to help us along the way.


Christmas party and parades coming up