F3 Knoxville

Carpe Diem

THE SCENE: Chilly 30’s; started to snow during COT


4ct SSH x 20 (IC); 5 Burpees (OYO); 4ct Tai Fighters x 10 Forward and Reverse (IC); 5 Burpees (OYO); Temp Squat Jumps x 5 (IC); 5 Burpees (OYO); 4ct Starfish Crunches x 10 (IC); 5 Burpees (OYO)

Mosey to CMU pile in alley; 4 corners with CMU; Start at 20 reps at all 4 corners for first lap… 19 for second lap… 18 for third lap… and so on until beat down ends; Corner 1 exercise is Rifle Hold Squats; Corner 2 is Alternating Merkins (one hand on block); Corner 3 is Rifle Hold 2ct Flutter Kicks; and Corner 4 is Kettle-Block Swings; Return CMU to pile; Mosey back to AO

Mentioned Dead Poet’s Society movie and the phrase Carpe Diem that took on importance to me as a young adult; Phrase literally means “Pluck the day” but more commonly known for “Sieze the Day”; While a great motto and good mindset to attack each day, I felt it a bit short or misguided unless married with God’s wisdom in James 4; Read James 4:13-16 and noted the important perspective that God is in control and it is wrong to assume on His will; Read Romans 12:2 speaking to how we can know God’s perfect will; so I encouraged the PAX to Sieze the Day – If the Lord wills!

See Shamrock prayer request channel on Slack to pray or drop new requests

Get to work

THE SCENE: Cold with some fog.

  • High knees
  • Projectivators
  • Tempo squats
  • Arm circles
  • Michael Felps
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Newton’s cradle
  • Rising Wave – Iron Mikes around the circle, add one each loop until everyone is going


On the Way

  • Pool Wall – 10 Murpees
  • Dash line – In turn, do a pushup, sprint to the east end

American Legends circuit – Picked enough stations for the group, rotate stations when the logs make a lap, switch up the stations once one full circuit is completed. We finished 2 circuits.

  • Paul bunyan – drag a couple logs around the islands, flipping flapjacks (tire)
  • John henry – sledge hammer on tire, clean and press (steel bar)
  • Pecos bill – riding (squat pulses) with cmu, Man-nor-king-nor-beast (Stand-lunge-bearcrawl-lunge-stand)
  • Johnny appleseed – bobby hurleys (picking apple’s), Tree (mountain) climbers
  • Casey junior – put your feet up (cmu heel taps), check your watch (curls)

Sometimes I can get too focused on ideas, like justification by faith, so that is distracts me from the mission. Johnny Appleseed was a great example of someone who lived and acted without being distracted. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” DO THAT.
Snaggletooth on the road this weekend. Biohack looking at a business venture.
Blood drive the 29th at Lakeshore Park. CSAUP the 30th at Asylum.

Incline Bear Burpee Shuffle

  • Scene:  28degrees of misty mountain madness – ie. Cold and dark
  • Intro: Welcome to the Jungle
  • Warmup:
    • high knees + burpees ( ~20 )
    • Side straddles parking lot lengths.
    • Freddy Go Rounds – (all in four count – High Knees, Mtn Climbers, Freddy Mercuries, Austrailian Freddy Murcuries,- and in reverse backup up to high knees )
  • Workout:
    • Single file line of HIMs facing the hills – arms width apart.
    • 1. Do a burpee
    • Bear crawl up the hill
    • Do a burpee
    • Reverse bear crawl down the hill.
    • Do a burpee (and back down to plank)
    • Hold plank waiting for 6.
    • 3 Plank Shuffles to left
    • Repeat until time runs out – progressing to all hills on campus.
    • In light of the monthly challenge we’ll attempt to keep track of the running burpee total.
    • We did four basic hills – 80 burpees on the bottom and 40 burpees on the tops of hills for a total of about 120 burpees.
  • Circle of Trust / Ball of Man
    • Sharing struggles, psalm 38 & 39 are brutal.  Raw, gritty. Such is life.  Sandy dirty muddy wet cold. Offer it up to God. Pleading for mercy. Pleading for grace. From Political crazyiness to at home marriage battles – what do we do?  Life and death on the line with Covid.  Are we but a vapor? A smoke? Dust in the wind? Each breath is a gift. Each moment a miracle.  It ain’t pretty. I’m not pretty.  Forgive me for my mess. Please forgive me for my anger.  Thank you for suffering with me today.  You are my brother!

Focusing on Jesus

THE SCENE: 30 degrees

Squats – merkins – imperial squawker – arm circles (bigger…)
Moroccan nightclub x7 – IC
Tempo Merkins x5 – IC
Projectivator x5 – IC
Cherry picker x5 – IC
@Pool Wall – 5x Wall-up
@Playground – 5x pull-up
@Amphitheater – 5x boxjumps


HEAVY Stations – 2 ROUNDS
1. CMU Thrusters
2. CMU Lunges
3. CMU Overhead Press
4. Tire Flips
5. Burpee pull-ups
6. Bear Crawl – TIMER

Each pax has CMU in a circle:
1. Hold CMU Gore while 1 pax at a time does 5 squats – ladder down 4-3-2-1 – Recover.
2. Hold Rifle Carry while 1 pax at a time does 5 Tri Ext – 4-3-2-1-Recover.
3. Hold CMU 6” Leg Lift while 1 pax does 5 V-Ups – 4-3-2-1-Recover.

V-ups covered it.

6STRONG: Erector, Kickflip, Rocket, Slappy, Mathlete, and Snaggletooth

Hebrews 12:1-2 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. 2 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.
I Peter 1:13 So prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control. Put all your hope in the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world.

Another beautiful morning – crazy world, but God is working…

There is still good news and joy and peace to experience and be grateful for.
Sign up to Q! Asylum CSAUP coming up!

The Forgotten Q

This is a missing Q/Backblast from BEFORE Thanksgiving. Many apologies – the holidays came and turned over the applecart! But now these guys get the credit for showing up and getting better! Just in time to ring in the New Year!

THE SCENE: 34 and partly “cloudy with a chance of meatballs”

  • SSH x10
  • Imperial Squawkers x8
  • Tempo Merkins x8
  • Carolina Drydock x8
  • Burpees x8 OYO
  • Mosey to Playground


  • 50 Pull-ups (switch every 10)(plank until 6)
  • bear crawl to amphitheater
  • 100 boxjumps/squats (switch every 10)(Al Gore until 6)
  • Mosey to Memorial
  • 200 BBS (switch every 25)
  • Mosey to Recruiting Center

Recruiting Center: Concentration/Memory

  • flip 2 cards
  • if same, do exercise x1 – take a lap around parking lot
  • if different, do both exercises – take a lap around parking lot

Pax Choice

5 Knuckleheads: Poolboy, Mathlete, Biohack, Slappy, and Snaggletooth

Proverbs 24:3-6 (The Passion Translation)

Wise people are builders—
they build families, businesses, communities.
And through intelligence and insight
their enterprises are established and endure.
4 Because of their skilled leadership
the hearts of people are filled with the treasures of wisdom
and the pleasures of spiritual wealth.
5 Wisdom can make anyone into a mighty warrior,
and revelation-knowledge increases strength.
6 Wise strategy is necessary to wage war,
and with many astute advisers
you’ll see the path to victory more clearly.

During these turbulent and trying times, we are inundated and burdened with information. The craziness of these times will foment a greater pandemic of longer impact: it will be a crisis of mental health – depression, addiction, emotional codependency. What we need is not more information or knowledge, but wisdom. Wisdom that is from above that is first of all peaceable. God’s word provides wisdom and peace during these times.

Coming up for air between Christmas and New Year!