F3 Knoxville

What Judge Said

THE SCENE:  73 and clear.  Perfect.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered.


  • Reach for the sky!
  • Let it hang!
  • LBAC F/B – IC x 8
  • Hillbillies – IC x 8
  • Abe Vigoda – IC x 8
  • Tempo squats – IC x 8
  • Knee Slap Merkins – IC x 10
  • Pickle Pounders – IC x 20
  • X and O
  • LBCs – IC x 20
  • Sleeping Hillbilly L/R – IC x 10
  • Hello Dolly – IC x 20
  • Projectivator from 15


Mosey to the curb for

Jelly Legs:
Hold Al Gore 30 sec, 30 Squats, Run, Repeat.
Hold Al Gore 20 sec, 20 Squats, Run, Repeat.


Jelly Arms:
Hold Merkin at 6inches 30sec, 30 Merkins, Run, Repeat.
Hold Merkin at 6inches 20 sec, 20 Merkins, Run, Repeat.


Totem Pole:
Perform exercises in descending order at indicated numbered reps (12-1), Run. Upon return do the same but eliminate the top exercise on the list.



Sprints:  1st place leads ab exercise after each sprint.  In subsequent rounds, 1st place finishers do three burpees before running.

Finish with a nice long set of pickle pounders.



19 HIMs and 4 2.0s



Today’s workout was a repeat of one that Judge Judy led last year on August 11.  He was signed up to lead today – most of you know that Judge planned to hand the flag off this morning to Spotter.  But he had to back out due to illness.  So, I picked up his Q – and, because Judge Judy is not here, I chose to do something that he would never tolerate if he were…I boasted on Todd Celeste, aka Judge Judy.

Todd started posting at F3 almost two years ago.  Within about a month he was leading Qs.  I was here in August of last year when Booster handed the flag to him.  To a man, everyone standing here thought or said, “oh yeah, he’s going to be good”.  Over the past year, he has challenged all of us physically, relationally, and spiritually.  He inspires the exhausted to push farther and harder than they thought they could.  He provokes the unwilling to jump in and lead a Q.  He prompts us to lead, and serve, and give to the community.  He encourages us to reject indifference and lean into our roles as a friend, father, and husband.  That dude has led this group very well.

One thing that I appreciate about Judge is how he shares during the Word.  He is open with his heart and his weaknesses, so that we might prevail where he struggles.  He speaks God’s Word over us and brings it alive with applications which are relevant to all of us.

Hebrews 13:7 “Remember your leaders who have spoken God’s word to you. Think about the impact of their lives and imitate their faith.”

I read seven things that I’ve heard Judge say while standing right here on this parking lot.  Remember…think about their impact…and imitate the faith that you’ve seen lived out right here;

  1. “Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called children of God.”  Are you a Peacemaker? Or do you help stir dissent as I often find myself doing… Stirring dissent, whether it is engaging in gossip or complaining about someone, ruins your witness for Christ.”
  2. “Don’t give in to fear.  Be a slave to Grace instead, maintaining an eternal perspective on daily fears. Place everything with Christ and the hope we have in Him.”
  3. “Take the highroad when you receive harsh criticism undeservedly.  Follow what God says about these situations: rich in kindness, slow to anger. Then let Him work through you.”
  4. “What kind of leader are you? Do you go home after a long day and expect to be served? Or are you serving?”
  5. “Leadership sometimes can be a simple act – you don’t need words.”
  6. “The life not wasted is one focused on lovingly serving others in a way that magnifies God’s glory.  Let that be our daily, even hourly, focus.”
  7. “…consider your words wisely, use them to build others up”

That’s solid gold!  I am thankful for the man that Todd is and the leader that he has been for this group.


I closed with a thought about leadership that I think reflects Judge’s style.  As you lead in your own circumstances (as a father, husband, boss, mentor…) consider this; a leader leads, he doesn’t just point the way.  Actions speak louder than words.  If you want those in your sphere of influence to remember, think about your impact, and imitate youdo, don’t just say, and work to be worthy of imitation. 

Hebrews 13:7 “Remember your leaders who have spoken God’s word to you. Think about the impact of their lives and imitate their faith.”


Prayers for MC Hammer and Sty’s friend, Jeff.

Spotter will get the flag and be our AOQ soon – that dude is going to be good!


THE SCENE: Beautiful morning to work out…
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: All the good stuff…

  • “Reach for the skies”/”Let it hang…” (from Survivor’s VQ yesterday!)
  • Projectivator (The Project Special Motivator) x7
  • LBAC (fwd/back) x10/Overhead clap x10
  • Tempo Merkins x7/Mtn Climbers x10
  • Tempo Squats X7
  • Cherry Pickers x7
  • Mosey to RC



  • 20 CMU Thrusters/CMU bearcrawl to next parking island
  • 20 CMU Squats/CMU lunge to next parking island
  • 20 CMU Curls/CMU lunge back to last parking island
  • 20 CMU Combo Overhead Press-Tricep Ext/CMU bearcrawl back to 1st parking island

PARTNER (groups of 2-3) PAIN STATIONS:

  • “Flippin’ Big Boys” Tire Flip (1 big/1 bigger): 10 flips/20 BBS (2 rounds)
  • “Squat/Carry” Telephone Pole or Big Wood Block: 20 squats/Mosey w/ pole/block to end of parking lot/20 squats/Mosey back w/pole/block
  • Pull-UP/Flutter Kick: 10 PU/20 FK (4-ct), 5 PU/10 FK, 3 PU/6 FK, 2 PU/4 FK, 1 PU/2 FK

Just enough time for some Freddie Mercury


Simple word – tough application: PAUSE AND LISTEN

It’s been my experience since the world went crazy with COVID that God has been trying to teach me to slow down to LISTEN TO HIM. All the world has been disrupted but there is more information and misinformation than ever before – the Twitterverse is all a-twitter, you could say twitterpated. But for all this disruption, for the information, news, constant changes – there is NO PEACE. We want peace, but won’t slow down and listen for the ONE WHO IS THE PRINCE OF PEACE. Our challenge today is to slow down for communion with God, quiet our busy hearts and minds (actually shut up and be quiet), and wait… for the still small voice of God’s Spirit.

“The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and his ears are open to their prayers. But the Lord turns his face against those who do evil.” (I Peter 3:12, NLT) God hears you. He is listening to you.

Will you PAUSE to hear Him?


Today was an especially beautiful morning to be out with the guys – working hard, getting better. Special prayers lifted up for Slappy’s father-in-law for cancer diagnosis/treatments/healing, and peace/strengthened faith for him and the family.

Erector’s friend is putting on a benefit 5K run (that he doesn’t have to train for!) He’ll put more info in the F3 Slack channels.

Another Miracle Lord

THE SCENE: 70degF, light pollution from parking lot prevented view of meteor showers

Static stretching, plank with hip and groin dynamic stretching, lunge and twists, elbow to instep, toy soldier
Speed training:

2x100yd striders

Dice game – plyometrics

Pro agility shuttle

American Hammers 15x

LBC 15x

Lower back stretching and hypers

3 years since diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia AML.  Shared my story where God intervened and now AML stands for Another Miracle Lord in my family!  Luke 22:32 if Jesus is praying for our faith, then it must be important!

Bipolar Dora Bears Oh My!

THE SCENE: It’s Tuesday, It’s The Project, It’s Raining (Backblast forgotten in the draft status….whoops)
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered: Welcome, F3, Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, not a professional, free, here on your own volition, don’t know your injuries, modify as necessary, have cell phone in case of emergency (remembered the last part as the fire truck passed by)


5 Cherry Pickers IC
20 Gradycorn IC
15 Imperial Squat Walkers – IC
High Knees with Burpee Breaks
10 – Projectovators – Nicely done gentlemen

Mosey to the Ring around Rosey that looked like nested Russian dolls on Google map.   Had no idea where we were or what area is called but looked nice on Google Maps so figured I would try it.   There were 8 monument markers around the 1/10 mi loop.   PAX spread out around the loop at each marker and started by doing 2 – 4x4s then lunge walking to next monument, 2 – 4x4s then bear crawling, 2 – 4x4s / lunge walk, rotating back and forth between lunges/bear crawls until we made it all the way around and completed getting wet for the morning.

Battle buddy up and started what I called a bipolar lazy dora by the creek head waters.  PAX1 did 25 (1 or 2ct) Shoulder Taps, while PAX2 held plank, alternating every 25 reps until 100 reps were completed together.   At 100 reps battle buddy together completed ~1/4mi lap around the creek.  Next did 200 LBC in 25 increments while partner held 6″ leg hold and again stopped at 100/200 reps for more lap.  Then up Squats/Al Gore up to 300 in increments of 25 with laps at 100/200/300 reps.

Mosey over to the square planter benches by the fountains between the buildings.   Each PAX took a square and completed 10 dips on one side, 10 incline merkins on next, 10 decline merkins on 3rd side and finally 10 step-ups on 4th side.   Then completed one bear crawl loop around the square and rinse and repeat until time was up.  Majority completing 3 or 4 circuits.

No Time
9 PAX including 1 FNG – Trough – WELCOME!

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.’” Isaiah 43:1-2
Especially in this current moment in time with the never ending talk of the coronavirus, it seems like it is easy to quickly get consumed by fear.   The more time we spend with the TV on or surfing the internet those fears can only grow in intensity.   But there are so many verses like above in God’s word that tells us to not be afraid and that God will never leave us in the roughest of waters.  In God’s word is where we will always find our truth and our hope in the unknown.   Today, fear can be present in all areas of our life, from health and well being, to finanicial worries, relationships, work, family, stress, etc.  There is no doubt that coronavirus is serious and it is good to take precautions but when we allow fear to cripple us we are really selling God short.  We are telling God that we don’t fully trust him with this part of our lives.  Fear can cause us to try to reserve control of certain areas of our lives and keep them away from God’s influence.  When we fully allow ourselves to not be in control, to give him all things, it is such a beautiful and relaxing feeling.      But we can take faith that for those who Christ blood has redeemed have been set free from bondage and fear.  We can always take our worries and leave them at his feet, knowing that we will never be successful trying to overcoming them alone.  We are created in his image called by name like sons of God. We are His.  We are protected like any father would do to his Children. Despite the roaring waters and burning flames around us we will not be overcome. He is with us in all things.

Prayers for Rocket’s mom who was back in the ER, Trolley’s wife’s ankle, wisdom for travel decisions for Snaggletooth’s wife.
Nothing new.


The Scene

73 Degrees and Sticky with a little rain at the end

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not a Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


10 Windmills

10 Imperial Walkers

10 4-count SSH

5 Froggers

10 Lateral lunges (L+R=1)

10 tempo merkins


Mosey to the CMU’s by the softball field

Pre-Grind (2 rounds)

10 Shoulder press

10 curls

5 swings

10 merkins


Mosey to back parking lot

Grind Session

Complete first exercise then take that one with you to the next station, complete that exercise again while adding another. 

10 burpees 


10 burpees

20 lateral lunges


10 burpees

20 lateral lunges 

40 BBS


10 burpees

20 lateral lunges 

40 BBS

60 American Hammers 


10 burpees

20 lateral lunges 

40 BBS

60 American Hammers 

80 Reverse Lunges 


Mosey to bus coupon pile

Post Grind (Partner Work)

1st guy holds a plank while 2nd farmer carries 2 cmus for 10 paces then switch (5 Minutes)


No time


20 HIM’s. Welcome FNG @Slip ‘N Slide


1 Samuel 12:24 

24 ”Only fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you.”