F3 Knoxville

Pickett’s Charge

THE SCENE:  Sunny and beautiful although humid.  Temps in 70’s.

20 Side-straddle-hops, 5 Burpees, 8 Windmills, 4 Burpees, 8 Cherry Pickers, 3 Burpees, Plank Lifts, 2 Burpees, 10 Little Baby to Big Baby Arm Circles, Forwards and Backwards, 1 Burpee
Mosey to beginning of Dragon Tail.  We will do Route 66 up Dragon Tail starting with one and ending with 11 of the following exercises at each light:

  • Jump Squats
  • Big Boys
  • John Travolta (four count or once with each hand)

Pickets Charge to Road to Admin Bldg.  20 Merkins and 40 Baby Crunches at top of steps.

Mosey to Roadway.

Rest and gander at the beautiful view of the river below.

Mosey to the alley way that goes to the northeast corner of the Admin Bldg.  Go to the pile of bricks that is by a big tree.  Each man pairs up with a partner to do Doras.  While one partner is running to the end of the alley, doing ten decline merkins at curb, and running back, the other partner is working on the exercises.  The exercises are done with a pair of bricks.  Each set of partners will do 100 of each exercise.  The following are the exercises:

  • Overhead presses
  • Curls
  • Behind the neck lifts.
  • 100 Rows with brick in each hand and hand at side
  • 100 Squats with bricks above head
  • 100 Wings Forward
  • 100 Wings Up
  • 100 Wings Down

Mosey to road in front of Admin Bldg.  There will be cones placed on both sides of the road.  Go to each cone and do the exercises listed.

  • Cone 1:  20 Hello Dollies (four count).  Lunge to Cone 2.
  • Cone 2:  20 Bicycle Kicks (four count).  Run to Cone 3.
  • Cone 3:  Bernie Sanders up right sidewalk to Flag Pole.  Run back on other sidewalk.  Run to Cone 4.
  • Cone 4:  20 Dive Bombers.  Hop to Cone 5 which will be across the street and a number of yards to the north.
  • Cone 5:  40 Baby Crunches.  Run to Cone 6.
  • Cone 6:  Run down stairs and up stairs three times, staying to right side.  Run to Cone 7.
  • Cone 7:  20 American Hammers.  Bear Crawl to Cone 8.
  • Cone 8:  20 Squats.

Mosey to AO

Stretching exercises.
16 men with one FNG.  He is Nathan Chesney whom we dubbed “Swimmies.”
We need to look at time differently when we think of God.

The Greek word “chronos” means time in a quantitative or chronological sense.  Thus, we are speaking of time in the chronos sense when we ask “What time is it?” or say “I don’t have much time left to finish this project.”  The Greek word “kairos” means time in the qualitative sense.  It is not time that can be measured but time that is identified but what happens in it.  We speak of “kairos” time when we say “the time is ripe” or ask “Did you have a good time?”  Jesus spoke in kairos time when he said, in John 2:4 “My hour has not yet come.”  As Frederick Buechner points out, it is in kairos time when the book of Deuteronomy says “there is a time weep and a time to laugh” or says “there is a time to reap and a time to sow.”  (these words were paraphrased in the famous song “Turn Turn Turn” by the Byrds).

When we are caught up (and often miserable) in the pace of the demands of our world (we have phrases for this such as “living by the clock”) we often are not truly enjoying God.  We can feel squeezed by time.  As Henri Nouwen says, time becomes a means to an end rather than moments in which to consider and enjoy God.  In chronos time we can end up believing that the real thing is always yet to come.

Chronos time is important.  We certainly must meet demands and consider the amount of time in which to complete projects.  But we must not forget kairos time.  Thomas Merton said “the Bible is concerned with time’s fullness” the time when the texture and richness of what we are involved in come to be felt and seen.  Time becomes more than what we have to get done.  Time is the experience of all of what life has to give us.

We must work at seeing time in the sense of kairos, not just chronos.  As Henri Nouwen puts it, time from the kairos standpoint “has to do with opportunity, with moments that seem ripe for their intended purpose.”  Nouwen goes on to explain that if we can consider God’s purpose in our experience of time, we can then say, even in difficult episodes, that “something good is happening amid all this.”

So in your days to come, ask yourself “what is God intending for me at this time?”  Whether your experience of a moment is good or bad, ask, “How might God be speaking to me at this moment.  What does God want me to get from this?  What is God wanting to teach me?  Could God be working to help me grow from this difficult experience?  Is God wanting me to share this moment with someone, to learn from another who may have experienced something similar?  Is God wanting me to slow down, to communicate with Him, to pray to Him, to trust Him more, to depend on Him.  Is God wanting to let me know that I am His and that I will be ok?

So, as you move forward, consider time in the sense of the kairos.

The eight workout challenge created by Abscess.

Terra Firma Triple Decker

THE SCENE: Warm & muggy



  • SSH x 15
  • Tempo Merkins x 10
  • Tempo Squats x 10
  • Burpees OYO x 10
  • This/that stretch


  1. Mosey to the grass hills that lead up to the Asylum building.  It’s a 3 level tiered hill….placed 6 cones in a line up the hill.   PAX ran suicides up the hills to the cones doing increasing burpees at each cone.  2,4,6,8,10,12
  2. Mosey down the hill to the flat bowl for Pyramids
    1. Round 1:  10 Merkins, run the hill
    2. Round 2:  10 Merkins, 20 Squats, run the hill
    3. Round 3:  10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs, run the hill
    4. Round 4:  10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs, 20 Shoulder Taps (was supposed to be 40 but the Q was smoked!), run the hill
  3. Mosey back to the AO
  4. Paula Abdul bear crawl the parking spaces and do 5 squats each time you back up one space
  5. Paula Abdul running the parking spaces and do 5 squats each time you back up one space


  • Box cutters x 30
  • Boat/canoe
  • Peter Parker
  • Run lap around parking lot
  • AMRAP squats


Walkabout, Ribbed, Pusher, Rusty, Slide Rule, Pringles, Cheatsheet, Dog Bite, Cosmo, Mogul, Hot Tub, Fabio, Capn Crunch, Bunny, Gibbler, Smalls, Woodshack, Umbro, Chaco, Pinkeye, Jenner, Strava (FNG), Waffle House, Carney, Bartman


Have the right perspective when things go wrong.  My A/C went out in my house and it’s going to be expensive to fix.  While I don’t like spending a ton of money unexpectedly, it’s not the end of the world.   My family still has a roof over their head, clothing on their body and food to eat.  As leaders in our home we need to remember that our wives and kids are looking at us to see how we handle adversity.  We need to show them that they are the priority, not material possessions.




Split 66 with a Chase on Top

26 Strong

  • Side Straddle Hop X 25
  • Speed Skaters x 20
  • Little baby arm circles Front x 15 and back x 15
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x 20
  • Burp and Merk ladder to 5

Route 66

  • Burpees
  • Merkins
  • Squat Jumps
  • Big Boy Sit-ups

The Chase -15 min

  • Bear Crawl half way, Run to end, Burpee x 2
  • Crawl Bear half way, Run to end, Burpee x 2
  • Frog Leap half way, Run to end, Burpee x 2
  • Lunges half way, Run to end, Burpee x 2

Aborama – 5 min

  • Flutter Kicks x 25
  • Hello Dolly x 15

Switch on your Brain – Mind Over Matter

2 Timothy 1:7 – God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind.   This islLinked to the concept that we are wired for love and natural optimism.

  • Our thought life actually changes our DNA. Thinking and feeling fear, anger, and frustration caused DNA to change shape.  Tightened up, became shorter, and switched off quality expression so individuals in turn felt shut down
  • We can control our reactions to anything
  • Stress level 1 is normal and brings focus. Level 2 and 3 become toxic
  • American Institute of Health Estimates that75-90% of visits to primary care are for stress related problems
  • We cannot control events or circumstances, but you can control your actions.
  • Good news is that this can be reversed by feelings of love, Joy appreciation and gratitude
    • HIV Positive patients that were positive had 300,000 time more resistance than negative patients

 When we operate in our normal love design in God’s image we are able to change the shape of our DNA forever.



Coupon Escalator

THE SCENE: 70 and Humid

Side stratal hop x20
Imperial squat walker x10
Cherry Pickers x10
Baby arm circles x10
Baby arm circles back x10


Grab Coupon and mosey to lower lot.
Stop 1- 5 Hand release burpees
mosey towards cardic
Stop 1.5 – 40 coupon squats while
Stop 2- add 10 rows & curls at the top of cardiac
mosey to upper lot
Stop 3 – add 15 hand release Merican’s
Mosey to bottom across from the playground
Stop 4 – add 20 on a 3 cnt or 40 lbc’s (with or without coupon)
Mosey to end of bottom
Stop 5- add 25 froggy squat(jump squat)
Reverse escalator removing an exercise each time back to AO


Ring of Fire Captain thor’s boat ride
Pax hold boat or canoe while waiting your your turn for captian Thor

18 Pax and 1 FNG

Words are important. Be mindful of the impact your words have in all situations.
Proverbs 13:3
Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life;
he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.

Excerpt from Bible in one year by Nicky Gumbel

Your words are powerful. With kind and encouraging words, you can change a person’s day – or even their entire life.
Proverbs 10:11-20
Speak words of love
Your words have the power to bring great blessing: ‘The mouth of the good person is a deep, life giving well’ (v.11a, MSG). But words can also do a great deal of harm: ‘The mouth of the wicked is a dark cave of abuse’ (v.11b, MSG).
Words have the power to destroy relationships: ‘Hatred starts fights’ (v.12a, MSG). On the other hand, they have the power to heal relationships: ‘But love covers over all wrongs’ (v.12b). ‘Love pulls a quilt over the bickering’ (v.12b, MSG).
Control of the tongue is vital. ‘When words are many, sin is not absent, but the wise hold their tongues’ (v.19). Abraham Lincoln said, ‘It is better to be silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!’
Throughout this passage, the writer of Proverbs contrasts ‘the mouth of a fool’ (v.14b) with ‘the mouth of the righteous’ (v.11a). One speaks words of hatred (v.12a). The other speaks words of love (v.12b) and wisdom (v.13).
Words of hatred (v.12a) lead to violence (v.11b), dissension (v.12a), ruin (v.14b) and spreading slander (v.18b).
Words of love (v.12b) are a fountain of life (v.11a); they cover over ‘all wrongs’ (v.12b) and are ‘choice silver’ (v.20a). If someone has offended you, don’t return the offence. It is said that holding a grudge is like letting someone live rent free in your head. Instead, return hatred with love. Speak well of the other person even behind their back and you may find that your love puts an end to the bickering and heals the relationship.

Gunning it

THE SCENE: Sunny, 70’s

20 Side-straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Plank Reaches, Squats with increasing times of 10, 20, 30 and 60 seconds, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Baby Arm to Wide Arm Circles (front and back)

Mosey to Playground.  We will do the following at different stations:

20 Bench Jumps at Benches.  20 seconds of pull-ups at Dugouts.  20 Picnic Table Pull-ups at Pavilion.  20 Diamond Merkins at Flag.  Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey to parking lot that is just of the northern baseball fields.  We will be running to various cones where exercises will be posted.  The following are the exercises:

  • Cone 1:  20 Merkins
  • Cone 2:  Bear Crawl to Cone 3
  • Cone 3:  20 Big Boy Situps
  • Cone 4:  20 Dive Bombers
  • Cone 5:  Bernie Sanders to Cone 6
  • Cone 6:  20 Shoulder Taps (two count)

Rinse and repeat two more times.

Mosey to beginning of Serpentine Sidewalk.  We will lunge to first light, run through next four lights, lunge to sixth light, run through next four, etc. until we reach perimeter trail by river.

At perimeter trail we will do 20 Hello Dollies as a group in cadence.

Mosey halfway to cardiac hill.  Stop to do 20 Box Cutters in cadence.

Mosey to cardiac hill.  We will run up hill doing the following exercises:

  • At first turn:  40 Baby Crunches
  • At second turn:  20 American Hammers
  • At third turn:  20 Decline Merkins
  • At benches:  20 Bench Lifts

Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to AO. 

Table Saws, Boat Canoe.  ATM’s.
17 Men.  No FNG’s. Coxin was visiting us from South Carolina.

I recently led a group at a Day Treatment Program.  The program is for people with mental health problems.  Some have experienced depression, some extreme anxiety, some Bipolar Disorder, and some even have been diagnosed with Schizophrenia.  These people have faced hard times.  Most can no longer work because of their disorders.  Most were on disability and living what we may call “marginal lives.”

I have led the group many times and we have a topic for each group meeting (e.g., coping with depression, the importance of exercise. budgeting, substance disorders).  The topics are wide and varied.

Because music and lyrics to songs are important to so many of us, I thought it would be fun to have a group where each group member shared lyrics to one of their favorite songs.  I asked the members to have their songs ready in advance.  When the members shared their songs, I was surprised to find that almost every one of them shared a religious song.  When the members talked, they talked about why God is important to them.  I knew that some members might share religious songs but I did not think that such an overwhelming majority would.  Some of these group members attend church but certainly not all of those who shared the religious songs attend very regularly.  Yet, here they were, sharing why these songs were so meaningful and helped them in their lives.  In my work as a therapist I have had quite a few people tell me that, despite coping with incredible depression, they believe in and need God.  They have told me that God is what gives them hope.

The fact is that God is for ALL of US.  He is not just for the happy, the people who “have it together”, or the folks who attend church regularly.  Who did Jesus tend to associate with?  Everyone, not just the elite, the religious, but the poor, the hookers, the bums.  This is a messy world full of people who don’t have everything together.  But we need God.  And it is good to know that God is for us.

May 19 is Hardship Hill!!