F3 Knoxville

Mountain Man Memorial March

THE SCENE: 75-80* nice and warm, clear for the most of the day, cloudy (thankfully toward the end of the day)

Insert 35 pounds in ruck (not including water), mosey for about 26.5 miles.

11 brave souls
Got a good 8 hours of remembering why we were there.  Marched to honor all of the men and women who have fallen for their country, and specifically for 2nd Lt. Justin Sisson and his family.


Circuit City

THE SCENE: 40s, the sky was dry but the ground was wet. But YOGWW

I integrated and demonstrated the less familiar exercises in our warm up for any guys who were unfamiliar / newer to F3. So that when they read the paper at each station they knew what to do…

  • Mountain Climbers x10 (4 ct.)
  • Squat Jumps x10
  • Merkins x10
  • Superman Swims x10
  • Burpees x5 (OYO)


Get a battle buddy. Set up 5 circuits with cones around the perimeter of the north half of WFP field. Each station had 2 exercises. You and battle buddy did 20 reps of each exercise together. Rinsed and repeat until time is called at 6:00 AM. We all did about 2.5 times through the 5 cicuit.

  • Circuit 1: Mountain Climbers (4 ct.) and Squat Jumps
  • Circuit 2: Dry Docks and Flutter Kicks (4 ct.)
  • Circuit 3: Merkins and Lunges
  • Circuit 4: Supermans and Hello Dollies (4 ct.)
  • Circuit 5: (benches by fountains): Dips and Derkins

Next excercise…

Line up at northern end of WFP field. Battle buddies lined up along the edge of grass. Then they perform the following sequence.


  1. Battle Buddy 1 performs 10 BBS while Battle Buddy 2 holds their feet in a plank position.
  2. Battle Buddy 2 switches to alternating between 10 Merkins and 10 Squats while Battle Buddy 1 sprints to the first cone and performs 2 Burpees, sprints back, sprints to second cone and does 4 Burpees, then sprints to where they started.
  3. Switch, Battle Buddy 2 then performs the progression.

Do as many repetitions as you can in 15 minutes.

Box Cutters x25


“Where is God at work in your life?” a mentor asked me one day. I didn’t know what to say. Oftentimes God is standing in the middle of ourfear, inviting us to run towards it.

Part of being a High Impact Man is rejecting passivity. Oftentimes as men we avoid conflict, shrink back when we are challenged or feel intimidated, or we just check out when we get stressed or feel discouraged. We must choose to reject that natural tendency of passivity and step towards that fear knowing that God will meet us in the middle of it!

Challenge: Where is God inviting you into your fear today?

An excerpt from the book, “Thoughts That Make Your Heart Sing”.

“What Is sin? Sin is trying to get away from God who loves us- it’s wanting to go our own way without him. But the Bible says it’s not like simply wandering off the path and getting lost by mistake. It’s like a horse charging at full speed away from him. We want to get away from God that badly! We are like horses galloping headlong after the things we want.

But God  can stop runaway horses. And lead them gently back.

Hiding in the Bushes

THE SCENE: High 40s, drippy and drizzly but not pouring

SSH x25 or something like that.  Q screwed up the cadence so reps uncertain
LBAC x20 each way IC
TN Rocking Chairs x15 IC
Al Gore Tuck Jumps x8
Hindurkins x15 IC

Mosey to the steps by the ball. Hop up first flight of stairs on right foot,
head south and down the steps, circle back around to hop up stairs on left foot.

Keep heading south and down the steps that some idiot decided should be painted with high-gloss paint. Successfully navigated without injury.
Pair up in groups of 3, each group picks up one large and two small coupons from the bank of the stream.

Cross the street to the safe, unpainted set of stairs.
One PAX at top, one PAX at bottom, one PAX in motion for each group
Small coupon exercises on the streetcorner at the bottom of the stairs until relieved:
-Side Raise
-Wax On/Wax Off
-Raise the Roof

Large coupon exercises at the top (hidden by the bushes to avoid indecency citation during Hip Thrust)
-Fwd Raise
-Hip Thrust

2 rounds through the circuit and it’s time to head back.

Squeaked in some Protractors and 3 rounds of Row your Boat
15 strong, no FNGs braved the drizzle. Good to see Acapella visiting the gloom from South GA
Jeremiah 2:13 – “For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, The fountain of living waters, To hew for themselves cisterns, Broken cisterns That can hold no water.”

Last week I had to replace my water heater. It was old, and had a good run, but it sprang a small leak. Fortunately I managed to get it out before a catastrophic failure. Pulling the old, leaking tank, partly full of sediment, out of the house made me think of Jeremiah 2:13. Be careful where you are looking for your water, your fulfillment. Anything but the source of Living Water is just a cracked and useless cistern.



Tower of Power/Keep the Faith


THE SCENE: 50 degrees, light to medium rainfall = CBB (Character Building Beatdown

“Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith. My name is Steam and I’ll serve as your QIC for the next 45 minutes. I am not a professional – you are here on your own volition. Which means I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have. That being said, if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning, feel free to do so but push yourselves and the men around you!”

  1. Side Straddle Hop (SSH): 25 x 4 (in cadence)
  2. Squat: 10 x 4 (in cadence)
  3. Imperial Walker: 10 x 4 (in cadence)
  4. Merkin: 10 x 4 (in cadence)

Pre-Mosey —> number off (14) = start with 14, end with 14…keep 100% accountability.

  • Mosey to Locust Street Garage
    • 2 lines
    • Halt by Big Ball
    • Prom King led PAX in 10 squats
    • Mosey across bridge across Henley St.
    • Halt in front of Locust St. Garage –> PAX executes 10 squats
  • Tower of Power
    • 6 Levels = L1 – L6
    • Before we begin, all I have is this: Do you have faith in me as your Q this morning? You have a choice, you always have a choice.”

    • L1 = 50 – 1 count Merkins
      • Bearcrawl to L2 –> upon arrival at L2 – hold merkin plank
    • L2 = 40 – 1 count merkins
      • Bearcrawl to L3 –> upon arrival at L3 – hold merkin plank
    • L3 = 30 squats
      • Battle buddy fireman carry to L4 –> upon arrival at L4 – hold squat
    • L4 = 20 squats
      • Battle buddy fireman carry to L5 –> upon arrival at L5 – hold squat
    • L5 = 10 squats
    • You’ve made it this far – I’ll ask you again: after all we’ve gone through to get up here, do you still have faith in me?

    • Line up shoulder to shoulder facing the ramp up to L6
    • L6 = dark, rainy, unknown…etc
    • You always have a choice. You chose to be here this morning and you chose to push yourselves to get up the tower of power. No one forced you to do that. Men, we always have a choice in life. When crap hits the fan and we’re faced with the unknown, not knowing what comes next, you have a choice. If you still have faith in me, follow me.

****Full sprint to top of L6 —> execute 10 incline merkins on wall*****

  • Mosey down the Tower of Power
  • QIC leads motivational F3 cadence call
  • Mosey back to AO –> sprints the straightaway by the Hilton Hotel at AO

Upon arrival at AO — get accountability. 14 started – 14 finished
PAX = 14: Abort – G-6 – Prom King – Guppy – Careless – Quarantine – Plunger – Cheatsheet – Petey – Preacher – Amazon – Soot – Stage hand – Steam

FNG = 0
Before we began the tower of power, I asked if you had faith me as your Q for today. Faith in me to lead all of us, keep us safe, and provide a way for you to get form point A to point B. I knew what the master plan was – I knew where we were going and how we were going to get there. It was tough right? But as we went up the Tower of Power and all of you continued to have faith in me, it got a little easier each level right?

Matthew 17:20 = “…truly I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move, because nothing is impossible for you.”

The point I’m trying to make is this: Sometimes I feel like I don’t even have the faith of a tiny mustard seed. Because I want to be in control. I want to control my life, my decisions, my outcomes, my future. And I am so scared of what would happen if I just….let go. But it’s not my life to control.

All God wants is to extend to you His hand and say: Do you have faith in me? That’s all he wants, just your faith the size of a mustard seed. A mustard seed of faith in your marriages, your relationships, your vocation, your life. I don’t know what’s going on in your life, but God does. Do you trust Him to be able to let go?
Keep the Faith & Fight the Good Fight!

Riding the escalator

THE SCENE: 65* perfect weather to get a sweat on

Baby arm circles forward 12x IC
Baby arm circles reverse 13x IC
Imperial walkers 10x IC
SSH 20x IC

Form two lines behind Gretzky and Swanson, headed toward amphitheater.  PAX mosey in and hop up on stage for directions.  Routine is escalator – start with first exercise, then take a lap around the pond.  Get back, do the first two exercises, take a lap.  Continue adding next exercise down until you’re completing 5 exercises at the end.  Exercises as follows:

  • Plank jacks 10x on a four count (PAX instructed to do half high and half six inches off the deck)
  • Jump squats 10x
  • Pull ups 10x (pull ups performed midway at the Big Ball before returning to stage)
  • Mountain climbers 10x on a four count
  • Lunges 10 each leg

Jack rabbits perform ab exercises on stage waiting for the 6 to complete the routine.  Ab exercises led by Singlet: flutter kicks, penguins, hello Dolly’s, WWII sit ups.  Once 6 is all in, PAX recover and 10 count.

PAX begin short mosey across first bridge and up first set of stairs near the Big Ball.  Next routine is the 4 cone escalator.  Focused on lower body for first routine, second focuses on upper body.  Routine:

  • Crawl bear between cones, at each cone you have a set of merkins.  First cone 5 merkins, second cone 10, third cone 15, fourth cone 20 merkins.  Jog back to start line.
  • Inch worm between cones (start in plank, walk feet to hands, then walk hands back out to plank.  Can’t move feet and hands at the same time), at each cone you have a set of burpees.  First cone 3 burpees, second cone 6, third cone 9, fourth cone 12 burpees.

Recover and 10 count.

Slow mosey back to start point for Mary.  No jailbreak across the park so I don’t lose my pride and my stomach.  MARY:
Flutter kicks 10x IC – quick transition to
Wide flutter kicks 10x IC
27 out in force, including 4 FNGs!! Preacher, Gretzky, Sheldon, Hillary, Guppy, Steam, Stage Hand, Soot, Popeye, Putt Putt, Pfeiffer, Cheatsheet, Prom King, Quarantine, Passport, Bessie, G6, Sprinkler (FNG), Swanson, Petey, Amazon, Singlet, Cheeks (FNG), Garfield (FNG), Petro (FNG), Careless, Abort.
Just spoke about the terms Dolphin and Daffodil, and encouraged anyone who hasn’t read Freed To Lead to blaze through it.  Make sure to know your direction, and have a hold on what you do the best and who you care about the most, intersecting that Dolphin and Daffodil for your highest impact.  Challenge to myself as much as to anyone else.

Big thanks to Swanson for getting the prayer today, I couldn’t get my thoughts in order to properly do it.  And he executed much better than I can anyhow.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.