F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Nice evening, temps in 50s.

Plank Stretches, 20 Plank Jacks, 10 Rockettes, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Windmills, 7 Full Body Twists, Little of This and That.

Mosey to the Caribbean parking lot.  We will run around the Caribbean stopping at cones to do the exercises listed.  Instructions on how to get to the next cone will also be listed.

  • Cone 1:  20 Squat Jumps then Bernie to Cone 2.
  • Cone 2:  20 Big Boys then Hop to Cone 3.
  • Cone 3:  20 Iron Mikes (2 count) then Lunge to Cone 4
  • Cone 4:  20 Diamond Merkins then Grapevine with right foot leading to Cone 5
  • Cone 5:  20 Star Jumps then Bernie to Cone 6
  • Cone 6:  20 Bicycle Kicks (2 count) then Hop to Cone 7
  • Cone 7:  20 Side Straddle Hops (2 count) then Lunge to Cone 8
  • Cone 8:  20 Shoulder Taps (2 count) then Grapevine with left foot leading to Cone 1.
  • Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to the street-side end of the Serpentine Sidewalk.  We will go on the Serpentine Sidewalk doing patterns of 1 and 4, where we will bear crawl to one light then run four more lights and repeat that pattern until we get to the perimeter trail.  We will then go back on the Serpentine Sidewalk but lunge for one light and run for four light, repeating that pattern until we hit the street.  The first brother to get to the street will sweep everyone back to the perimeter trail.

Mosey to Cardiac.   We will run up Cardiac stopping at the following spots to do the following exercises:

  • Turn 1:  20 American Hammers (four count)
  • Turn 2:  20 Hello Dollies
  • Turn 3:  20 Decline Merkins
  • Benches:  20 Bench Dips

Mosey to the bottom of mini-cardiac.  We will Bernie up mini-cardiac to the Park Sign then sprint the rest of the way up to the crosswalk. Then we will sprint back to the AO.

MARY:  Stretches .

15 men, no FNGs.
Shaun Slate, the preacher at my church, said something recently that really got me to thinking.  He said, “We can be absolutely right.  But, if we do not love we are absolutely wrong.”

Think about that the next time you are debating with someone about an issue you feel strongly about.  “We can be absolutely right but if we don’t love we are absolutely wrong.”  Think about that when your child doesn’t live up to your standards.  Think about that when someone doesn’t worship the way you do.  Think about that the next time you argue with your wife.

I might get angry with someone for a stance they take.  I might think, why won’t that person get vaccinated.  Or why can’t he see how electing that money-spending candidate will effect the economy.  I can question their stance.  But, I shouldn’t let my questioning stand in the way of loving that person.
Too often we got on our high horse and fail to see the viewpoint of the other, thinking they are ridiculous.  If we do that, we are not loving them. 

As a therapist, I see this issue come up many time in marriages.  In the therapy session, each spouse wants to make their own point.  By golly, their spouse is wrong and they need to set things straight with the spouse.  But, focusing on the wrong and trying to set things straight is damaging the marriage.  In marriage, we need to love our spouses even when they are wrong.  And in life, we need to love other people, even when they are wrong.  

Thank you Lord that you are that way.  You continue to love us humans no matter how often we are wrong.  Lord, forgive me for getting on my high horse and sometimes thinking I am better than someone else because “I have it right.”  Firstly, I probably don’t have it right.  And secondly, if I am not hearing and loving that person, than I am absolutely wrong.

Prayers for mother of Steam’s girlfriend as the mother is currently starting chemotherapy for cancer.  Prayers for Pusher as tomorrow is the anniversary of his widow’s death.  Prayers for religious mentoring for The King James.  Prayers for wife of Juke Box.  Prayers for Sparkler’s mother who lost her husband (Sparkler’s stepfather) about one year ago.  Prayers for Mr. Jinxy’s small grandchild who has a problem with her foot and for Hooker and his wife, Carli, who are the parents of the child.
Toy collection by F3 for charity.  Remember Judge Judy’s Christmas Party on Saturday, December 11.  You need to sign up for it on Slack.

Mini Seabiscuit at Asylum

THE SCENE: Mostly sunny ,slight breeze, low 80’s


Cherry Pickers 20 IC

Michael Phelps  OYO

Baby Arm Circles – Up 10 IC

Baby Arm Circles – Down 10 IC

Merkins – 10 OYO


Partner Up, Grab your CMU

Mosey to south stop sign at “Y

Do 33 CMU curls

Mosey to Lower Gravel Loop

Each Team of 2 selects 1 or 2 exercises from following list:


Iron Mike


CMU Overhead Press

CMU Curl



Jump Squat


4 ct American Hammers

Hello Dolly

Grady Corn

Bobby Hurley

Squat Jack

The Combined count of reps between the one or two exercise must add up to 33

For example, each person on the team does 33 reps. of chosen 1 exercise, or they each do 16 of one and 17 of another. Or 30 of one and 3 of another, etc. Must add up to 33

Do set of exercise, then run as follows:

1 lap, exercise, 2 laps, exercise, 3 Laps, exercise, 4 laps, exercise, 3 laps, exercise, 2 laps, exercise, 2 laps (goal is to complete 18 laps)

Mosey Back to stop sign at “Y”, do whatever set of 33 exercises you were doing at seabiscuit

Mosy Back to AO

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
19 HIMs total

Life is tough and full of unexpected challenges. We can be better prepared to face life’s challenges if we take control (the best we can) and make a plan. Of course, situations change and we may not follow our plan, but we are certainly better prepared when we do have a plan. Tonight my plan seemed simple (I had planned 18 laps plus mosey distance for everyone at a reasonable pace) to end up at 3.3 miles. I chose 33 because my late son Grady’s (F3 Quikrete) 33rd birthday was 10/17. We didn’t quite hit 3.3 miles but we got close. Situations usually never go as planned, but plans are invaluable.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Rise Above

THE SCENE: True meaning of SYITG. 52 degrees and thick fog. Perfect!
F3 = Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith
F3 = Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith
F3 = Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith
or 10 burpees. You decide~

Cherry Pickers
Side Straddle Hops
Arm Rotations (forward/backward)
Lunges (forward, backward, side to side)
Tempo Merkins


  • 10 Merkins


  • 20 Squats


  • 30 Flutter Kicks

Arrive at JuConte

  • Start at the first mark run four marks
  • 10 Merkins. Run back a mark.
  • 20 Squats. Run back a mark.
  • 30 Flutter Kicks. Run back a mark.
  • Walking lunges to the next mark.
  • Rinse and Repeat
  • Audible. Run to the next mark with HIMs Calling what we did 10, 20, and 30 of… to the top.
  • 5 mins of KB’s Ab Class under the stars and full moon (some of us got to see a shooting star).
  • Mosey back down, stopping to admire God’s beauty before creeping back into the gloom and finding the flag.

No time.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Humility: is something that garners wisdom; it is a requirement for wisdom. You cannot be proud and wise. Humility brings wisdom.

On Monday I went for hike on my lunch break. Which I do pretty often. I was wearing a 20lb vest and had on brand new shoes. I lost my footing and in a very awkward and super slow motion fashion I ate it. When I hit it hurt. I made sure there were no visible injuries and finished my hike. I was about halfway through the hike so there was no short cut.

What do you do if you get knocked down? Or fall down in my case? You get back up! You find a way to modify as necessary and keep going. This can be metaphorically speaking about job loss, a failed marriage, letting someone down, etc… Get back up!

I’ve seen you do it. I won’t name names… but I will say it’s inspiring! It helps me to be a better person.

Bonus from the Bible Study: God involves us and our prayers in his process of redemption.
I thought this was really cool. The relationship between us and God, is just that. A relationship. It’s a two way street. Never be ashamed to ask God for help, you will be surprised.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Remember to bring coats for men, women, and children to the AO for KARM. There’s also the Mudder’s Day Madness Run tomorrow.

* HIMs making it work in the torrential downpour at Asylum

THE SCENE: Chance of rain turns to light rain, then moderate, then torrential with wind


Cherry pickers- IC

Michael Phelps

Grady Corns -IC

Light Back Stretch

Baby Arm Circles_IC

Second round of SSH – IC

Under cover in the shelter at the bottom lot

11’s Merkins / Bench Pull ups with Bernie to opposite end of shelter

25 CMU – curls, then 25 CMU overhead press, then 25 Rows

11’s BBS / Pickle Pounders with bear crawl

25 CMU – curl, then 25 CMU overhead press, then 25 Rows

11’s Squats / Jump Squats with lunge between ends

25 CMU – curl, then 25 CMU overhead press, then 25 Rows



God makes the seasons change in our physical world and also in our lives. Most of the time we have little influence on when a season changes and what that season will be. We have to accept that fact that we are in a new season. Fighting to not change is futile. For example, personally, with aging, we transition slowly into a different season, but once you realize you have changed seasons, you have accept the fact you cannot do the things you used to. I can do my best to stay fit, but getting upset about not having the capabilities I used to is pointless. Sometimes you have to modify- but that’s ok. Other season changes are abrupt like the loss of a loved one or a sudden job change (like getting laid off). Raising children and the various transitions is another set of seasons that can be challenging. Losing control of the children is another tough one we have to accept or we will cause more harm. This is God’s plan and we cannot change it.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.

The Pumpkin Says…

THE SCENE: Sunny, a bit warm, low 80s.  Maybe the last 80 degree day of the year?…



-20 Side Straddle Hops (4-ct), in cadence

– Air Squared (Squat chair while forward extended arm claps) 10 Overhead, then 10 sideways (seal claps)

– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct, in cadence)

-LBCs, forward/backward

-Leg Stretches


Mosey to Big Tree next to circle drive, south of the Admin bldg.  What’s that?? A bag?? A bag with a PUMPKIN IN IT??!! Let’s get it.

Get Pumpkin.  Indian Run to oval parking lot down by Field of Dreams.  Pass the Pumpkin to the back of the line.  When it gets there, that person runs to front, carrying it over his head, then passes it backwards.

  • The Pumpkin Says What You’re Going to Be! This was my favorite Halloween song from grade school.  I can’t remember the exact lyrics, but it talks about how the pumpkin will select what your get-up is for Trick or Treating that year.  So… Pick a card from the Trick or Treat container.  This is the “disguise” we will have for Halloween, and an associated exercise..
    • A DRAGON!
      • Do a 5-count Welsh Dragon. RUN A LAP
    • AN INMATE!
      • Do 10 Prisoner Get Ups. RUN A LAP
      • Do 20 Bobby Hurleys, RUN A LAP
      • Do 20 Imperial Squat Walkers, RUN A LAP
      • Do 20 Smurf Jacks, RUN A LAP
      • Do 20 Hello Dollies (4-ct), RUN A LAP
    • A ZOMBIE!
      • 20 Walking ROCKETTES (feet straight out) (4-ct), RUN A LAP
    • A PIMP!
      • 20 Pickle Pounders, RUN A LAP
    • THOR!
      • Do a round of CAPTAIN THORS (up to 5 reps), RUN A LAP
      • 20 Peter Parkers (4-ct), RUN A LAP
    • A ZOMBIE!
      • 20 Zombie Crunches each side (LBC with both legs laid to the side like a dead zombie), RUN A LAP

REVERSE INDIAN RUN UP PICKET’S CHARGE.  Person in front runs with the Pumpkin over their head as long as they can, then hands it off and goes to back of line.

Mid-way up Pickett’s… Pumpkin Line Dance.  Get in a line.  Do the following exercises, doing a special Pumpkin exercise when it gets to you (in parentheses).

  • Big Boy Situps (5 American Hammers w/ pumpkin)
  • Hold Plank (5 Pumpkin Press Burpees)
  • Tempo Squats (5 Squat Thrusts with Pumpkin)

The PAX did some ab work while the 6 caught up.  Then some stretching to wrap it up.
Nine little ghouls! And a pumpkin.  Which we smashed at the end.  It was a good pumpkin.  It deserved better.
Scrapped my original Word, and talked about how grateful I am to have to of our Double-Respect HIMs, Lilydipper and Jinxy, back from their hip surgeries and working out with us again.  We are a better PAX for it, and their dedication and effort to recover and get back into our workout group is nothing short of inspiring.

Christmas Party!