F3 Knoxville

Play to Win

THE SCENE: Cool, clear, perfect workout weather

Cherry Pickers x 10 IC, SSH x 25 IC, Tempo SQT x 25 IC, ManMakers x 5 OYO, Bird Dog Hip Circles x 5 IC (B), ALL the next with BRIX & IC x 20 each (no rest b/w): Bicep Curls, seal claps, shoulder press, OH triceps, OH claps
Run to Norm Hill and pick up a rock at the tracks, partner up:

Bottom of hill partners do 300 BBS with rock while other partner runs to top of hill with their rock and do 10 jump thrust “rock”ets then run back and swap with partner until BBS complete.

  • all together now, run to top of hill and down the road to the next stop sign and do 30 Bonnie Blairs
  • run to old coffee house lot and perform 10 Burpees OYO
  • Run to mile marker 0.00 and perform 25 MKNS
  • Run to carwash and perform 50 SQTS
  • Run and RTN to AO

10 Supermans IC, 15 Gaspumps IC, 20 Flutter kicks IC, 20 Bruce Lees IC, 20 Hello Dollies IC, Captain Thors (led by Fast n Easy) x5
The return of Sparkles & Biohazard, Fast n Easy, Hamm, Simmons & Natty
Galatians 6:9 Let us not be weary in doing good for at the proper timewe will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  Stand tall my bruthas through these challenging times, lead and stay driven to turn others into leaders, stay the course!  Be confident because we have the ultimate leader by our sides
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Brickyard 4 Year Anniversary

THE SCENE: Overcast clouds, 49°F, Feels like 45°F, Humidity 79%, Wind 8mph from WNW

  • Baby arm circles x10 each direction IC
  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Tempo Squat x 10 IC
  • Tempo Merkin x 10 IC


Mosey to the front of the school
Brickyard Bear crawls – Ascending curb crawl (1 to 13 merkins with bear crawl)

Mosey to the back lot (with a locked fence at the shortcut)

  • 4 stations, 3 exercises at each station, start at a station, do exercise, run a lap and move to the next station. Continue until 12 laps are completed.
    • Station 1: 15x Squat, Jump Squat, Smurf Jack
    • Station 2: 15x BBS, LBC, Flutter (4ct)
    • Station 3: 15x Merkin, CDD, Shoulder taps
    • Station 4: 15x (4ct) Mountain Climber, Peter Parker, Hello Dolly

Mosey to the front. Stop at AOQs truck to drop off cones.
Burpee Dan back to AO. (1 burpee, 4 lunges)

Hurricane Hoedown

  • 20x Flutterkicks
  • 20x Inclined Flutterkicks
  • 20x Flutterkicks with a BBS every 5

Dealers Choice

  • Peter Parkers
  • Crab reachers
  • Man Makers
  • Suzanne Summers
  • Australian snow angels


We are not made to be alone. This group of men are your brothers, they will be there when you need them.

AOQ handoff this Saturday

SSHhhh – Faithfulness is Quiet

THE SCENE: Coldest day in awhile. But just right for a beatdown (it wasn’t raining!)
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Administered

Overhead clap x 10 IC
Seal clap x 10 IC
Tempo squat x 10 IC
Seal clap squat x 10 IC
Tempo Merkins x 10 IC
Rainbow drop x 5 IC
Mountain climber x 10 IC
Forward lunge x 5 each leg
Side lunges x 5 each leg
Burpees x 7
Tennessee Rocking Chair x 10 IC

Name an exercise not SSH- Curveball named Jump Squats (after SSH’s & variants were named several times)

Falling Indian Run to the CMU pile

At the CMU pile

Exercise (modification in parentheses)
10 Blockees (10 burpees or 10 squats & 10 merkins)
15 Kettle bell swings (15 seal clap squats)
20 Goblet squats (20 squat jumps)
Run down the slope & back

We modified the second time through to the following:
10 Burpees
15 Kettle bell swings
20 Squats

Sparkles finished first and led us in 20 Flutter Kicks x IC. Put our CMUs up.

Falling Indian Run 1x and then back to the #ShovelFlag

Inspired by @Baby Boomer’s use of my 11’s we’ll be doing a modified hill version of 11’s:
BBS at bottom
Bear Crawl or Lunge up
Flutter kicks (4-ct)
Crawl Bear or crab walk down

Dealer’s Choice (stopped after 4 PAX)
Big Finale: Pool Boy’s modification of Thunderstruck

Q plays “Thunderstruck” by ACDC. PAX complete 1 standard Merkin for every “thunder!” that is heard in the song. Plank during the rest of the song. Awesome way to end a workout and just make sure any juice that’s left is burned away. (modification listed below)
Thunder = 1 merkin, return to plank
Thunderstruck = 1 burpee and do core the Q calls
Core Exercises Flutter Kicks
Box Cutter and end with like 7 burpees

COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA6 faithful men.

Proverbs 20:6Many a man proclaims his own steadfast love, but a faithful man who can find?

Faithfulness is maybe the most underrated fruit of the Spirit. Staying your post when it seems all hell is breaking loose is hard, yet it also is commended in Ecclesiastes 10:4If the anger of the ruler rises against you, do not leave your place, for calmness[a] will lay great offenses to rest.

We live in what seem to be crazy times. Can we even count on having liberty, food, a house, a marriage, you name it tomorrow? This is why Proverbs 20:6 asks the question:

Many a man proclaims his own steadfast love, but a faithful man who can find?

We all see and I especially see in my own heart where it has gone astray and yet we’re called back time and again by God. We are the bride of Christ, to be presented without spot or blemish

But what does real faithfulness look like? It starts with doing what you’re supposed to do. With showing up at work and working diligently. With doing what you told your wife / kids / friends you would do.

It goes from there and works its way out to ministry opportunities. As a Christian, to quote Mack Stiles (who will be at my church’s Men’s Conference “Act Like Men” this weekend), “my life is forfeit.” We have been bought by Christ, how could we not be faithful and serve others? Then as we live out the Gospel (also summed up in 1 Corinthians 15:3-5) it will overflow. We’ll make disciples of all nations, starting with our families, then churches, then communities, and go on and on!

But remember, it starts with being a faithful man.

Some ways we can be faithful men in F3:
1. Show up to workouts regularly and consistently (make the HC!).
2. Intentionally get to know other PAX while working out.
3. Intentionally get to know other PAX outside of F3 (that’s the 2nd F ICYMI).
4. Sign up to Q! This not only will humble you (the Q is not about you but about serving the men who show up and trust your leadership) but also it serves the AO-Q. The best problem to have is that the AO-Q cannot get a Q in. This happened last summer at Shamrock. Let’s make it happen again!
5. Post a backblast!
6. Ask an AO-Q or the Nantan and other men how you can serve them.
7. Pray for your F3 brothers.
And so much more.

So ask yourself the question that Proverbs 20:6 asks:
Many a man proclaims his own steadfast love, but a faithful man who can find?

Some people tried to troll me with SSH’s as suggested exercises. I hate to have to qualify it but we can be SO MUCH MORE CREATIVE than that overused exercise! Prayed for Amber and Megan (doctors are unsure for both of them what is causing the physical pain and suffering they’re experiencing), Curveball’s mom, Boomer’s travels, and Mermaid’s upcoming family business purchase.
Men’s Conference at my church tonight. EH the guys who haven’t been out in a while too.

Spooky Tabata Skeletons

THE SCENE: Wet but no rain; a perfect 50’s kind of fall morning; a few puddles to play in (at your own volition)
SSH (IC) x 20; Frankenstein-in-place (OYO) x 10; Werewolves (OYO) x 10; Shoulder Smash = 4ct Seal, Overhead, BAC-F, and BAC-R without rest x 10 each; Michael Phelps

Mosey to lot by CMU pile; 11’s warmup between two parking spots; Merkins – Lunge to other side – Squats – Bear Crawl back

Grab a CMU and head to lower lot corner by chains for some Tabata-inspired pain loops; Perform selected exercise for 45 seconds, Run a lap, rest for 15 seconds, rinse and repeat; Exercises by round = 1) CMU Curls, 2) Modified Creapees on CMU or curb, 3) Frankenstein-in-place hold CMU like a Zombie, 4) Monkey Humpers, 5) Kraken Burpees, and 6) Mother Earth Merkins

Stash those CMU’s and fellowship mosey back to AO – talk to a HIM you don’t know as well, ask their hospital name, where they are from originally, and how many years in F3.


Bloody Mary Circle of Fun: 10 of each – 4ct Box Cutters, Merkins, SSH (led by @pool boy), Howler Circle (Monkey Humpers for a bit), 4ct Hello Dollies

10 experienced HIMs

From Q Source:

“The Pursuit Of Proper Personal Alignment – A man must Get Right before he can do anything else

To understand the Get Right, picture a man vigorously rowing a boat across a fast moving stream. If it suddenly capsizes so that the keel is skyward, the man would have to right it–return it to its upright position–before he could continue rowing. Until he did that he could not make headway against the current and get his boat to the far bank. At best, he would be simply trying to survive, clinging to his capsized boat as it was pushed by the current to points unknown downstream.

Now apply this image to the life of a man. If he has become (or always was) un-Right, he cannot make headway in any aspect of his life. The fast moving current of his surrounding circumstances will sweep him yon while he clings desperately to the hull of his overturned boat. Worse, his Concentrica –the passengers that he is charged to bring safely to the far bank–will be right there in the water with him, helpless because their husband, father and boss can do little more than focus on his own survival. Before he can help them, or himself, he has to Right his boat.”

“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything. 1 Corinthians 6:12

  • A man must Get Right before he can do anything else
  • An unfit man is a slave to his lack of self-control
  • To be able to help others, a man must first help himself

2nd F Coffeteria after workout at Dunkin (every Friday)

CMU fun

THE SCENE: Mist, 57°F, Feels like 56°F, Humidity 88%, Wind 3mph from SE

  • LBAC forward and backwards
  • Little of this and that
  • Tempo squats
  • Leg stretches
  • SSH


20 min amrap
Bear crawl across parking lot
Farmer carry CMU back
44 CMU hammers
Farmer carry CMU back
Bear crawl across
44 burpees
Repeat till time
8 rounds
8 Shoulder press
20 Plank pulls
8 Swings
Run to gas station


  • Flutter kicks
  • Hello dollies (Fast-n-easy)
  • Box cutters (Simmons)
  • BBS (Repeat)
  • Peter parker’s (Geppetto)



In our jobs we sometimes do thing for the reason of “That’s the way we’ve always done it.” And sometimes that reasoning works it’s way into our home and spiritual lives. When we ask ourselves ‘Why’, what answer can you give? The why question has been put on front of me in multiple ways this week and honestly I couldn’t always give a reason. It made me realize how much of my life is on autopilot with the answer of because. It is time to change that. Ask yourself why throughout the day/week and see what answers you get.