F3 Knoxville

Route66 – The Dog Pound Style

The scene: 34 degrees, dark and cool!

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer


ISO arm stretches, swimmers stretch
Squats ICx15

Tha Thang:
PAX moseyed from the parking lot to the loop by the water.

Route 66

The PAX ran the parking lot loop performing the following exercises:

  • Burpees
  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • Star Jacks
  • LBC’s

Repetitions increased at cones placed along the route (1st cone, 1 burpee; 2nd cone, 2 burpees…etc.) to a total of 10 reps.

Mosey back to AO

Flutter Kick ICx20
Penguins ICx20
Mountain Climbers ICx20
American Hammers ICx15
V-ups ICx10

Count-Off and Name-O-Rama:

P-nut related how our run down Route 66 was an analogy to traveling life’s path. We have distractions along the way, but we need to remember the words of Jesus in Luke 9…and how we must be willing to sacrifice everything in order to truly follow Him.

P-nut then prayed us out- including a prayer request for Pfieffer’s grandfather and relief from holiday stress…especially that stress placed on our wives.


A group of brave souls with questionable judgment participated in a RUCK/run prior to the beat-down. All PAX were treated to 3 miles and a buffet of burpees, squats and merkins. Spirits were high and the mumblechatter was strong. Great morning at the Pound.

Respectfully submitted,


Thanksgiving Leftovers Burn-Off

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

THE SCENE: 56 degrees, rain off and on

Mosey around outhouse
20 SS hops
10 Frankenstein’s (ham burners)
10 ‘Merkins

Set up 3 cones 30 yards apart
Sprint to cone 1 do 10 burpees
sprint to cone 2 do 20 mericans
sprint to cone 3, do 30 squats.
Sprint back to start
Repeat but Side shuffle to cones on 2nd round.
Repeat but high knees to cones on 3rd round.

Mosey to bottom of Cory Hill:
Bear crawl to top, 10 squat jumps
Bear crawl down the hill, 10 smurf jacks
Repeat 3x

Mosey to bottom of Matterhorn
Run to top, doing burpees on “hit it” command. (Do 3 burpees when you reach top till 6 catches up)

Mosey to pavalon
On your own: three sets of (10 mexican jumping pull ups, 10 dips, 20 domo squats)

Mosey to Rock pile. Grab rock and Wagon Wheel till 6 catches up
20 wood choppers (10 each side)
25 overhead press
20 curls
20 tricep extensions
10 wood choppers

Mosey back to AO

20 imperial walkers

Count off and Name-o-Rama

3 ways to fail at everything in life:
1) Complain about everything
2) blame all your problems on others
3) never be grateful

3 ways to be successful in life
1) Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
2) Love your neighbor as your self
3) be like Christ

Very proud to be a part of the PAX this morning. Not ideal conditions, not a single complaint about the weather. Everyone pushed hard this morning. Prayers out for Bartman’s family and their new addition as well as the families dealing with the fires in Sevier County.

Start Together-Finish Together

The Scene: 50 and damp

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Imperial Walkers IC 4ct x 25
Burpees 10 OYO
Merkins IC 4ct x 25

Mosey Indian run style to first stop
Mtn climbers IC 4ct x25
Lunges up the hill 50
Mosey to the pavilion

At pavilion
5 rounds
5 pull ups
10 squats
5 toes to bar
10 good mornings

Mosey to the lower parking lot
5 rounds
10 LBCs
10 burpees
10 Freddie Mercury
10 dry docks

Mosey to CMU trailer
5 rounds
10 bicep curls
10 tri extensions
10 bent over rows
10 thrusters

Merkin relay countdown
Split into teams
Sprint 5 merkin sprint back
Rest of the PAX holds a plank
Sprint 4 merkin sprint back

Floor wipers IC 4ct x
American hammers IC 4ct x
V-ups IC 4ct x

Never Give Up!

We started off gettin’ the PAX movin’ right off the bat!  Good mumblechatter and an OTB trip to Starbucks brought the PAX closer together after the workout.  Good to see you guys and grab a little Second’F and a great start to Thanksgiving Day!


In the BOM I talked about Lt. Brian Murphy and how he never gave up, and how he never left anyone behind. At a conference I met Murphy and he added the guys on his shift had an agreement that what they  “Start together finish together.”
Who do you not want to leave behind? What makes you fight and make sure to never give up? Who else chose never to give up? The true constant is Jesus. He never gives up on us. He pursues us to be saved through him. When we live our life for Jesus we have eternal life. Jesus is our savior, and we can only be saved through him. He leads us and he encourages us to be leaders of others. He fights for us, and he doesn’t want to leave behind. He gives us strength, strength to never give up. He pursues us so that we can finish together and begin a new life in heaven. We are encouraged through each other, we fight for each other.

And he gave us F3. He gave us a group of brothers from another mother, and we come out each morning and push each other, we also never leave anyone behind. We always pick up the Six. And I am thankful for that, thankful for you guys, in so many ways that I just can’t say it.

I can think of no better verse to describe this than:

Prov 18-24

“One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother”

The Matterhorn Strikes Again

THE SCENE: 32 degrees and chilly

F3 Intro and Disclaimer 

Run in place for 1 min
SSH x 15 IC
Bobby Hurley x 10 IC
Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
BAC x 10 IC
Reverse BAC x 10 IC

Mosey to the Matterhorn

Bottom- Burpees
Top- Squats

Mosey to the Pavilion
As many sets of the following you can do for 5 minutes total

Pull Ups x 5
Forward Lunges x 10
Triceps dips x 15

After 5 minutes, switch to the following:

Merkins x 5
Reverse Lunges x10
Squats x15

After 5 minutes recover and mosey to the coupon pile
At the coupon pile, choose a medium size coupon and do the following:

Bicep curls x 10
Shoulder press x 10
Behind the head triceps extension x 10

Rinse repeat x 1 increasing the set to 20 reps

Mosey to the AO

Flutter Kicks x 20 IC
LBC x 20 IC
Pacman x 20 on each side
In the busyness of the holiday season be sure to take time to “Be still and know that I am God”. We should always take time out of our day to acknowledge who God is in our life and give Him the praise that He deserves. Psalms 46:10

Pre-Election Day at #TheDogPound

Manhattan’s VQ!!!
F3 Intro and Disclaimer

Baby Arm Circles / Reverse  10x IC
Imperial Walkers   15x IC
SSH  15x IC
Merkins 15x OYO
ISO Squats 15x IC

Mosey to Baby Everest for “Debate #1”

“Double Dog Pound National”
Declining Merkin Ladder
18 at first light pole
17 at next light pole
Repeat-o for second lap with Incrementing (from one) with Big-Boy Situps

Al-Gore until Six arrives

Mosey to big hill

Inform the PAX that next exercise is “Debate #2”
Bernie Sanders up the hill
10 Burpees
Plank until Six arrives

Mosey back to AO

Guantanamo is “Debate #3”

Writers inspired by God and separated by several centuries wrote these words of advice to encourage Christians:

Old Testament states the following: Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

New Testament letter stated the following: Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

We must be “on guard” against Satan at all times to protect our friends and families. Satan is ruthless and cunning and while we would never intentionally let down our guard and let him attack our family, we must always “guard our heart” to defeat him.

The PAX repeated the phrase “Guard your heart” twice for emphasis on what to remember from the session and we closed with a prayer to guard the PAX families, a prayer of wisdom for our political leaders during the election and after, and finally a prayer of thankfulness for Jesus paying the ultimate sacrifice for us.