F3 Knoxville

90 second AMRAPS x22

THE SCENE: slightly warm with heavy rain

10 x tempo squats

10 x moroccan night clubs


each PAX received an exercise card upon arrival. a quick count-off after name o-Rama With Q as #1. in order, each PAX called out their exercise case resulting in a random mix of exercises performed for as many reps as possible in 90 seconds with a 30-second breather in between. the deck of cards included a random mix of exercises from the Lexicon that included exercises such as Pickle Pounders, Squats, Mercans, Little Baby Arm Circles, Freddie Mercury’s, Alphabet on 6, Flutter kicks, Bear Crawls in a circle, Planks, Mountain Climbers, Big Boy Situps, etc.. (Note: Pax made a quick mosey to the adjacent covered carport to get some cover from the heavy rain thanks to Trolley)18 various exercises were performed in approximately 42 minutes.

None – Out of Time
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
on this Thanksgiving eve, we can all find many things to be thankful for, many of them simply because of the country were fortunate enough to be born in. From our health to the food we will be blessed with this Thanksgiving to the Men we surround ourselves with in F3 and so on. Ultimately, being thankful is about the mindset of being conscious of what we have and what surrounds us and giving thanks for that as opposed to comparing our lives to others (coveting thy neighbor) and striving to acquire more and more material objects.

“Ephesians 5:20 New International Version (NIV)
20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Apologies to those 3 prayer requests that were mentioned. My short term memory loss strikes again.
a 2nd order is being gathered for Brolympics shirts. Also, See Mayberry with donations for the TN Veterans Home.

The Bernie Bear

THE SCENE: 31 degrees and misty mountain madness all about.

Welcome to another episode of “Torture with Trolley”


  • Circle Burp – for about 25 burpees
  • 51 merkins
  • 51 guardrail dips
  • 25 Australian mtn climbers
  • 25 dancing crabs ( crab position with kicking legs )

Introducing The Clap Jack – a burpie, clap merkin, to star jack.

5 Clap Jacks

THA-THANG: The Bernie Bear

Up Jucomanjaro, switch every hundred feet

  • Bernie
  • Bear crawl

To corner

At corner do teams of four 100 foot sprints with mosey back. About 6 reps.

Then going down,  do mosey and crawl bears alternating every 100 feet to bottom

Through parking lot do 5 more Clap Jacks and 15 more Australian Mtn Climbers


  • 51 Side Crunches
  • 51 Bay City Scissors (4ct at 45 degs, 4ct at 1 degs)
  • 15 Break Dancer Merkins (from lexicon)
  • 51 Flutters
  • 25 Crunchy Frogs (from lexicon)
  • 51 Slutties – spread eagle flutters
  • 20 Bropees (from lexicon – groups of two burpees with High Ten finish)

As I pray, make me willing to speak up, lift up, show up, and stand up for the ones Jesus loves and died for.  Help me to forget myself and my needs so that I can enter their lives and their need to know their deliverer and experience new freedom”


Still having F3 on Black Friday!


THE SCENE: Low 50s and damp

Static Stretching, Descending Burpees (x10,  x9, x8, x7, x6, x5) – Co-Q Bartman
Mosey to strip center parking lot for 15 more Burpees.

Mosey on to the base of Jucomanjaro. 8 cones spaced out going up to the summit. Each cone marked with an exercise.   Battle Buddies complete 50 reps total as a team, one exercising while the other runs to next cone and performs 3 hand-clap Merkins before running back. Once reps complete, teams move to next cone and repeat, making our way slowly to the top. Exercises: Jump Squats, LBCs, Incline Merkins, Monkey Humpers, Freddy Mercury (4ct), Decline Merkins, Windmills, SSHs.

Once PAX reached the summit, we were greeted by Waxjob, levitating amongst four blazing torches of fire and the Golden CMU perched atop of a large log seemingly engulfed in flames. Bartman presented the Golden CMU to JUCO but required exercises called by Judge Judy (10 Burpees) Booster (100 calve raises) and Spotter (25 Harry Rockettes) before it was handed over.  Judge gave a short speech about Spotter’s awesomeness and announced Spotter would be keeper of the CMU – well deserved!

Pax jogged back down the mountain with the inflamed torches ablaze. Once torches were extinguished in the duck cesspool, PAX performed Merkins – x40, x30 and x10 before circling up for MARY at the shovel flag.


Really slow Peter Parkers – Co-Q Bartman
32 strong

Judge Judy told a story of a hostage situation he encountered at work and the tremendous leadership and bravery displayed by law enforcement during the event.  What difficult Jester in your life is Christ asking you to clean up? Do you have the courage to obey his command, even when it feels like too much to ask?

Golden CMU handoff was absolutely epic. Thank you Bartman for co-Qing with me and Waxjob, La-Z-boy and Code Brown for making the ceremony so creepy, yet awesome.
Abscess traveling to Cleveland for 1 year anny.

Running with the Ducks

THE SCENE: 38 Degrees.

Cherry Pickers
Side Straddle Hops
Baby Arm Circles
Tempo Squats
Tempo Merkins

Jog to the pond

At the pond, break up into 3 groups.  Two groups will start at the same location and the 3rd group will start on the opposite side of the pond. The basis is a large Indian Run in groups.

Group 1 sprints towards Group 3.  Meanwhile, Groups 2 and 3 start at the cones set up along the pond trail and do exercises at each cone.  Once Group 1 catches Group 3, Group 3 then runs to catch Group 2… and so on.

  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Lunges
  • 10 Side Step Squats
  • 10 American Hammers
  • 10 Burpees
  • (Repeat above)

Jog back to the AO.  Along the way, stop in a parking lot and do the following:

  • 40 Calf Raises
  • Bernie midway
  • Jog back to curb
  • (Repeat above)

Leg Crossovers and Burpees till 6:15

Isaiah 54:10 – “For the mountains may depart and the hills may be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my convenient of peace shall not be removed”.

As we go through each day with distractions, sporting events, kids, work, trials and temptations, etc…. we can find ourselves at the end of the week exhausted and looking back we did not spend anytime growing in our faith with the Lord.  Things will fade away, but have the reminder that God is a constant steadfast love that will never go away.  Set time aside to build others up and grow your faith each week.

Pray for Booster’s daughter.

Staying Warm at Juco

THE SCENE: Cold, 20 degrees with a slight wind making the wind chill somewhere in the teens.


All of the exercises for the day were picking to work big muscle groups, in an effort to stay warm.  We tried a few new things, one of which was pretty challenging (Balls to the wall Indian Run means you hold plank for a really long time)!  3 rucked prior to the boot camp in an effort to be warm!  6 men did JUCO Rush.  Props to Guardrail for riding his bike every week, in the rain and in the cold!

2 laps around the small parking lot (.25 miles)
Speed Skaters (5 each Leg)
El Capitan 5 each leg (deep lunge with both hands to the ground)
20 Merkins OYO


Mosey to loading dock near CMU’s
Count into 3 groups
3 stations
at box (for lack of a better word), do calf raises 25L, 25R, 50 together 100
at loading dock do leg lifts while holding yourself off the ground 20
at designated area, Merkins/squats 30 each
rinse and repeat x3
mosey to wall
20 squats OYO
at wall perform wall squat indian run
15 incline Merkins feet on wall
BTW  (Balls to the wall or as close as you are comfortable) indian run back
El Capitan up hill behind wall to sophomore hill
Speed Skaters (10 each Leg) 20
Mosey down
Repeat x 3
Mosey Back to AO

It was too cold to lay on the ground for some Mary!  We took advantage of our time elsewhere today.
13 for boot camp and 6 for Juco Rush
How do you know the will of God?

Ephesians 4:25-32
Paul gives some guidelines on how we should act, ie things we should or should not do.  Scripture defines how we should act so that through prayer we can be more in tune with God.  If we don’t do the simple things listed in scripture., how can we expect big things from God?
2 prayer requests:
Pool Boy is meeting with the Attorney today, it could be to finalize the divorce.
Curve ball has a colonoscopy coming up this week, pray that the prep day is “smooth”, and the the test reveals noting of concern.
Convergence coming up in early December at the Truck Stop.