F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: 40’s and Clear

Atlas Stretch
Rocky Balboa
Jog Half / High Knees
Jog Half / Butt Kickers
Groin Stretch Half / Jog
Side Shuffle Half / Jog
Other Side Shuffle Half / Jog
5 Merkins / Jog / 2 Burpees / Jog / 5 Merkins

Mosey to Barricade area, picking up coupons along the way…


3 Reps at every light post around the greenway (aprox: 1/2 mile each lap)
*33 walking lunges along the grinder every lap*

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • CMU or Sand Bag Overhead Press
  • Big Boy Sit-ups
  • Plank Jacks
  • CMU or Sand Bag Burpees

We ran out of time with most pax members completing the 33 lunges of their 3rd lap (CMU/Sand Bag Overhead Press)

Several variations of Planks, including merkins and finished with LBC cash out!

16 pax became better today….3 reps at a time!

Three words that motivate and give reason to me.

Strength: I see this as the physical side of things. The strength to accomplish something you have always wanted to do or the ability to help someone in need. Used an example of a burning building and having the strength to help pull someone out or carry them from danger. or the physical strength to hike the Grand Canyon. Whatever the situation or surrounding you find yourself in, will you be ready for it physically?

Courage: Will you have to courage to do such things? It will take courage to help someone else in a fire if your in the same danger. It takes courage to sign up for and event like goruck or the barkley marathons, or whatever that great event or place might be for you.

Wisdom: None of the prior will matter if you do not have the wisdom needed to know and understand the situation your in. Being intelligent about your surroundings, like the burning building, or the weather conditions when hiking the grand canyon. We must be smart and seek the intelligence / wisdom to educate ourselves to make the right decisions.

Tabata Together

THE SCENE: Low 40s, drizzle


10 reps each exercise, cadence count

    • Horizontal Gators
    • 4 Corners jump around CMU
    • Hip Hop shoulders
    • Squat Jacks


Tabata (20 seconds on, 10 sec rest, repeat) 2 minute duration for each exercise

  • Toe taps on CMU
  • Plank Hand Walk over CMU
  • Jump Squat High Knees
  • Crab Hip Thrusts
  • Lizard Hops
  • Plank walk feet over CMU
  • Mosey (jog quarter mile)
  • Crab Kicks
  • Inch worm
  • Plank, elbow to hands
  • Down Dog, alternating hand to foot
  • Sit, shoulder press CMU
  • Mosey (jog quarter mile)
  • Frog Burpees
  • Plank Jacks
  • Supermans
  • V-sits left, middle, right, knee to chest
  • Run in Place, alternating hands to knees and toes
  • CMU Clean & Jerk
  • Could have done 2 to 3 more exercises


    • Face down, extend legs and arms hold core off ground
    • Supermans
    • Crab Hip Thrusts
    • Side plank Hip Thrusts
    • On back, ball up to extension
    • Hollow Rocks
    • Hello Dollys

    COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA: 12 PAX and Laettner, Doug Carswell, forgive me for not starting off correctly. Dont hold it against me and good to meet you.


The Falling Man, Esquire article:
The Falling Man, Documentary: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0810746/

The Falling Man is one of the several people who purposefully jumped from the WTC towers on 9/11.

The story of the jumpers vanished from the 9/11 coverage and narrative. There was an aggressive resistance to acknowledging people jumped. When a family was approached about identifying the falling man, a family member’s response was “That piece of shit is not my father.”

The thought that a person was in such despair, suffering, beyond hope that he would, in a sense, give up was buried, dismissed, and denied. Instead the 9/11 coverage and narrative focused on bravery, courage, generosity and bringing enemies to justice.

Understandably, the preferred flavors of Christianity tend to be that of courage, hope, bravery and will power. We gravitate to these flavors so much that we deny, bury, dismiss the reality of despair and hopelessness. When we do this, we unintentionally alienate those who are deeply hurting.

When Jesus was on the cross, he didn’t hear “the Lord has a plan for you” or “this is God’s will.” As a matter of fact, he cried, “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” Ultimate despair, alienation, hopelessness, just like The Falling Man and all the others who jumped from the towers. Jesus didn’t bury or deny despair, he endured it.

During our times of real despair, hopelessness and alienation, the cross is God crying “I know how bad it hurts and you are not alone, together we will endure this, I AM with you.” We too are the falling man and at the same time living reminders to each other “you are never alone. We will endure the suffering together. I am here with you.”


The cross is the place where we find the freedom to accept ourselves without being proud and challenge ourselves without being crushed. Tim Keller



THE SCENE: Low 50’s


  • Tempo Merks x 10
  • Jog across PL, high knees back
  • Jog across PL, wide knees back
  • Jog across PL, butt kicks back


20-1 Circuit

  • 20 Decline Mt Climber 2 count
  • 20 Step ups each leg
  • 20 Derkins – Feet on top of table
  • 20 Close-grip Under table pulls
  • 20 Release Squat with Coupon

Do 1 round through, then suicide out for increasing burpees at the other end. Mosey back, dropping rep each round. Repeat until no reps left.


  • Cross leg sit up x 20 OYO
  • Side v-ups x 20 each OYO

13 including 2 FNGs Tin Man & Neighbor


Push hard to the end. This temporary discomfort will not last forever. When you want to stop, just keep moving. One foot in front of the other.


Sign up to participate or volunteer for Hardship Hill May 19!

Quarter pounder with cheese please

THE SCENE: 45 and possible chance of rain, 30% it won’t

1 burp

SSH X20 ic

smurf jacks z10 ic

plank jacks x10 ic

merkins x10 ic

Surfees x 5-6

squats x20 ic

imperial sq walkers x10 ic

oh, we threw in some burpees too

  • Rt 66 to the football field w merkins , big boys, and squats along the way
  • Quarter pounder on the football field
  • Sprint to 25 Yard line 25 merkins , rum backwards back to goal line
  • Add cheese, 10 burpees
  • Sprint to 50 yd line. 50 squats , run backwards to goal line
  • add cheese, 10 burps
  • sprint 75 Yard’s , do 75 mtn climbers
  • run backwards back to goal line
  • add cheese, 10 burps
  • sprint 100 yds, 100 SSH IC , run backwards to goal line
  • add cheese, 10 burps
  • we mixed in some abs too
  • Indian run back towards AO
  • rt 66 again w froggie hops and air presses

Flutter kicks 20 ic

slutter kicks x10 ic

box cutters x10 ic

SURFEES! Superman swim until the big wave came . Slugger was waiting for the big one!

cash out w ATMs
13 incl 1 FNG, welcome singlewide and guest from Memphis SLIK NUT!!!
Do the little things and the big things will take care of it’s self

Mole skin:

put the lid up when you piss!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The 300

THE SCENE: Upper 30’s

  • SSH x 15
  • Monkey Humpers x 20
  • Drydocks IC x 10


  • The 300 (with CMU)- 50 Merkins, 50 pull-ups, 50 OH Press, 50 squats, 50 dips, 50 rows
  • Do 10 of each exercise, then do lunges with CMU to cones and back. CMU press every time you come up from lunge. When down at other end of cones, 5 CMU burpees


  • CMU Dora – 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 BBS
  • Partner farmer carries while other exercises


  • Ring of Fire
  • 1 min plank
  • LBC’s until end

12 Total – 1 FNG (Cable Guy)
Defining Manhood

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” -Hebrews 10:24-25

“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” -1 Timothy 4:8

“Rejoice in your sufferings, because you know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” -Romans 5:3-4 (EMBRACE THE SUCK!)

Being a man isn’t about showing off or outdoing others, it’s about staying humble and uplifting to others. Being there for other people will get you much more gratitude than any object can.